Your 2015 Wellness Plan Complete these 3 steps by


Your 2015 Wellness Plan Complete these 3 steps by
Your 2015
Wellness Plan
Annual Physical, Biometric Testing and
PHP (all required for medical coverage)
must be completed by 10/31/14.
Schedule your appointment with your
doctor today!
We will have 3 Medical tiers for 2015:
Wellness 1, Wellness 2, and
Wellness 3
No change in Wellness rates for the 8th
straight year!
Tobacco users are eligible for Wellness
3 rates when they complete the Annual
Physical, Biometric Testing, and PHP
Your doctor will fax the Wellness form
directly to Health Advocate (not the
Benefits Department)
The Personal Health Profile
(PHP) is required to have medical
coverage. This is completed online at
Telemedicine, through Teladoc, will
be available to ALL employees with
DriveTime medical coverage starting
Jan 1, 2015. Physician assistance and
prescriptions at your fingertips and
no copay for your visit! For AZ & TX,
WhiteGlove will be discontinued.
Complete these 3 steps by 10/31/14
for your 2015 Medical Coverage!
Step 1: Annual Physical *
Don’t wait! Schedule your annual physical with your doctor ASAP!
You will complete the top and the rest of the form needs to be completed by
your doctor and faxed from your doctor’s office directly to Health Advocate.
Step 2: Biometric Testing *
Your doctor will need to send you to a lab for a fasting cholesterol and HbA1C
blood test. Your doctor will get the results, let you know what those results are,
and fax a copy of the labs to Health Advocate along with your Wellness Form.
Step 3: Complete your PHP online *
Completion of your PHP is required for medical coverage in 2015.
* Spouses/Domestic Partners covered on DriveTime’s medical plan must
complete all of these steps by the deadline 10/31/14 as well.
* If you have completed your biometric testing, physical, and personal health
profile (PHP) since 4/1/2014, you do not need to complete these steps for 2015.
2015 Highlights
What is Teladoc?
Save time, hassle and money when
you are sick
Board certified physicians
available 24/7/365 for routine
medical issues such as:
-Urinary Tract Infection
Phone or Video consultation
Average physician response time
10 to 15 minutes
Diagnose, treat, and prescribe
medication, when appropriate
No copay for a consult
Prescriptions, if necessary, may be
sent to a pharmacy of your choice
Wellness Recap for 2015
• Biometric Testing, Physical, and your PHP
are required for medical coverage
• Set up your appointment now to avoid
scheduling issues
• Get it done by 10/31!
• Invest in your health, we are, with 8 straight
years of no Wellness rate increases
Steps Completed
Biometric Testing,
Annual Physical, PHP
Biometric Testing,
Wellness 2
Annual Physical, PHP
Wellness 1
Wellness 3
Biometric Testing,
Annual Physical, PHP
Biometric Requirements
(Blood Pressure, BMI,
Cholesterol and HbA1c)
Meets or is exempt from all 4
biometric measures
Meets or is exempt from 2-3
biometric measures
Meets or is exempt from 0-1
biometric measures, or is a
tobacco user
Biometric Requirements
Biometric Category
DT Requirement
Blood Pressure (BP)
139/89 mm/Hg, or less
201 mm/dL or less, or Total/HDL 4.0 or less
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Less than 29.9 kg/m 2
Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
6.2% or less