2013 calendar of italian events
2013 calendar of italian events
2013 CALENDAR OF ITALIAN EVENTS Major events include: special celebrations, festivals and events, art exhibitions, sport events, historical reenactments, folklore events, Carnivals, new museums and art spaces and more…. ART EXIBITIONS EMPEROR CONSTANTINE – 313 d.c. Milan – Palazzo Reale Until 17 March 2013 www.mostracostantino.it This exhibition celebrates the Edict of Constantine in 313 d.c. where he declares the legality of the profession of the Christian faith in the Roman Empire which took place in Milan (then called Mediolanum). Figurative art, armoury, imperial portraits, object of cult, with particular attention reserved for Constantine’s mother, St Helen. THE DAYS OF ROME. THE AGE OF BALANCE Rome - Musei Capitolini Until 31 March 2013 http://english.romaexhibit.it/mostre/i-giorni-di-roma-let-dellequilibrio Third event of the "The Days of Rome" series, the exhibition will explore the artistic production of the "golden age" of Roman art coinciding with the principalities of Trajan (98-117 AD) and Hadrian (117-138 AD), offering a representative overview of the works produced during those forty years, a period of artistic and political ferment, with a balance in the relationship among the Emperors, the Senate and the Army. GIAMBATTISTA TIEPOLO, LIGHT, FORM, COLOUR, EMOTION Codroipo (Friuli V.G.) – Villa Manin Until 7 April 2013 www.villamanin-eventi.it Several outstanding paintings by one of the most celebrated painter in Europe during the eighteenth century will adorn the sumptuous rooms of Villa Manin in Passariano, the spectacular residence of the last Doge of Venice, lavishly set in the vast Friulian plain and widely acknowledged as one of the most important Venetian villas for beauty and historic significance. The carefully selected paintings of religious and secular subjects illustrate the entire artistic career of Giambattista Tiepolo (Venice 1696 - Madrid 1770), from his early productions as a young artist to the late mature works that firmly established him as a first-class painter. MIRO’ POETRY AND LIGHT Genoa – Palazzo Ducale Until 17 April 2013 www.mostramiro.it This exhibition dedicated to the Catalan painter is one of the biggest ever held in Italy, there are more than 80 works of art on display: paintings, bronzes, watercolours. Also on display are brushes, objects and original tools belonging to the master. GIUSEPPE DE NITTIS Padua – Palazzo Zabarella 19 Jan – 26 May 2013 www.zabarella.it 120 masterpieces on loan from the most prestigious museums and public collections in Italy and France will be on view in the most important exhibition ever organized about one of the undisputed maestros of nineteenth-century European painting. The international stature enjoyed by De Nittis – together with Boldini the greatest of the Italiens de Paris – is due to the fact that he succeeded in bearing comparison with Manet, Degas and the Impressionists, with whom he shared not a language of painting, but the aspiration to revolutionize the very idea of painting itself. He also tackled the same issues as his French peers: landscape, portraiture and modern life, captured in De Nittis’ case in the streets of the two great cities that were the world capitals of art and cosmopolitanism in his day: Paris and London. BRUEGHEL, THE FASCINATING WORLD OF FLEMISH ART Rome - Chiostro del Bramante Until 2 June 2013 www.chiostrodelbramante.it This exhibition celebrates the Brueghel dynasty, a family of Flemish painters who made an indelible mark on the history of European art in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. More than 100 selected paintings and drawings provide a wonderful opportunity to admire unique masterpieces: the beautiful snowy Northern European landscapes, rural scenes, village fetes and still lives, all of which strike us for their meticulous attention to detail. The works are reflections on human existence, bringing together the sacred and the profane, faith and superstition, the cult of beauty and the seductive qualities of the grotesque. PIETRO BEMBO AND THE INVENTION OF THE RENAISSANCE Padua – Palazzo del Monte 2 Feb – 19 May 2013 www.mostrabembo.it Heralded as one of the most important art exhibitions in Padua in 2013, “Pietro Bembo e l’invenzione del Rinascimento” brings back to life, for a few months, the refined cultural atmosphere of the Italian Renaissance. After five centuries the great works of Pietro Bembo return to Padua within an Italian Renaissance exhibition: bronzes, coins, antique sculptures, gems, but also major works by Tiziano, Mantegna, Raffaello… masterpieces which the great patron of the arts gathered at his home during his stay in Padua in early 1500. BORDERLINE: ARTISTS BETWEEN NORMALITY AND MADNESS Ravenna – MAR Museum 17 Feb – 16 Jun 2013 www.museocitta.ra.it This exhibition examines the link between psychological abnormalities and art, a subject which has often fascinated art critics and psychologists alike. In particular, together with established artists, the exhibition will also show works of several artists belonging to the Art Brut. On show works by: Bosch, Dali’, Goya, Basquiat, Ligabue among others. TITIAN Rome - Scuderie del Quirinale 1 Feb – 30 Jun 3013 www.scuderiequirinale.it Indifferent to artistic fashions and trends, wrapped up in conveying the emotive truth of his portrayals, Titian was fated to go down in history as the greatest painter of his time and as the portrait painter of the rich and powerful throughout the known world. Saturated colours suggested depth and distances reconstructed like a mosaic, with small patches or touches and strokes of the brush, imperceptible marks that manage to vibrantly convey his figures' emotions. FROM BOTTICELLI TO MATISSE Verona – Palazzo della Gran Guardia 2 Feb – 13 Apr 2013 www.veronissima.com The exhibition will open in Verona, in a prestigious location such as the Palazzo della Gran Guardia, right in front of the Arena. The heart of the exhibition is represented by a hundred works and examines the importance of portrait painting throughout the ages. Paintings by: Beato Angelico, Caravaggio, Botticelli, El Greco, Mantegna, Van Dyck, Rubens, Velasquez, Monet, Gaugin, Modigliani, Picasso, Bacon among others. ITALIAN SUCCESS IN PARIS DURING THE IMPRESSIONISM TIME – MAISON GOUPIL Rovigo – Palazzo Roverella 22 Feb – 23 Jun 2013 www.palazzoroverella.com This exhibition borrows from the Musee Goupil in Bordeaux works of art, seldom seen outside France, of Italian artists operating during the Impressionism period in Paris and working under the patronage of the Maison Goupil. Works by Boldini, Capriani, Corcos, Mancini among others. SPRINGTIME OF THE RENAISSANCE, SCULPTURE AND ARTS IN FLORENCE, 1400-1460 Palazzo Strozzi 21 March – 18 August 2013 www.palazzostrozzi.org This exhibition sets out to illustrate the origin of what is still known today as the “miracle” of the Renaissance in Florence predominantly through masterpieces of sculpture, the form of figurative art in which it was first embodied. Visitors to the exhibition will be able to admire many Renaissance masterpieces, including works by Ghiberti, Donatello, Dello Delli, Filippo Lippi, Nanni di Bartolo, Agostino di Duccio, Michelozzo, Francesco di Valdambrino and Mino da Fiesole, in their newly-conserved splendour. FIRE AND ICE, THE RUSSIAN AVANT-GARDE, SIBERIA AND THE EAST Florence - Palazzo Strozzi 21 September 2012 – 19 January 2014 www.palazzostrozzi.org This is the first international exhibition to examine the fundamental importance of the Oriental and Eurasian connection to Russian Modernism, following the destinies of Russia’s self-proclaimed “Barbarians” in their search for new sources of artistic inspiration. Emphasising the key role which radical Russian artists played in the development of Modern art over a century ago, the exhibition underlines their complex relationship with the Orient (both the Russian East and the Far East). Featuring artists are: Léon Bakst, Alexandre Benois, Pavel Filonov, Natalia Goncharova, Wassily Kandinsky, Mikhail Larionov, Kazimir Malevich among others. “TOWARDS MONET”, LANDSCAPE PAINTING IN EUROPE AND AMERICA FROM THE 17TH TO THE 2OTH CENTURY Verona – Palazzo della Gran Guardia 26 Oct 2013 – 9 Nov 2014 www.lineadombra.it Landscape painting is at the heart of this exhibition at the prestigious location of Palazzo della Gran Guardia, right in front of the Arena. 90 paintings will be on show following a chronological order from the 17th to the 20th century, paintings where the landscape, nature in all its forms take centre stage rather than being only a mere background. Works by: Poussain, Van Ruisdael, Canaletto, Bellotto, Turner, Constable, Sisley, Pissarro, Manet, Cezanne, Gaugin and finally Monet among others. NEW MUSEUMS AND ART SPACES/CITY CARDS L’OFFICINA DELLE ZATTERE - NEW ART VENUE IN VENICE www.officinadellezattere.it L’Officina delle Zattere was inaugurated at the end of 2012 in the Fondamenta Nani, in front of the Squero di San Trovaso. It is the result of a careful restoration of a ‘50s building and covers an area of 600sqm, has 8 exhibition rooms, two rest areas and an open air space of 100sqm that can host sculpture exhibitions. THE UFFIZI OPENS TWO NEW ROOMS Florence www.uffizi.org The Uffizi Galleries have re-opened the Sala Niobe after a period of closure due to urgent restoration work together with two new rooms, one dedicated to works of Vasari and Allori and one be dedicated to painters of the 16th century. THE “LANTERNA” (LIGHTHOUSE) RE-OPENS IN GENOA www.liguri.org/lantern a/lighthouse.asp A well known symbol of Genoa, La Lanterna (Lighthouse) was re-opened to the public. Anyone who wishes to get the best views of the city and the port can now climb the 172 steps to the first terrace. The Lanterna which stands 177 metres tall is clearly visible form 50km away and was built in 1543 has its own museum exhibiting objects relating to its function such as lamps and lenses as well as old films on Genoa and its port. NEW ROMAN ARCHEOLOGICAL SITES NOW OPEN Thanks to the efforts of the Touring Club Italia and its volunteers, visitors can now visit 3 archaeological sites previously closed to the public. The Villa di Massenzio is located on the Appian Way, it comprises a mausoleum dedicated to the Emperor’s son Romolo, the Casale Torlonia and the roman circus, one of the best preserved in Roman history. The Museo delle Mura is a new museum built within Porta San Sebastiano, one of the ancient Roman access ways into the city from the Aurelian Walls, from its terraces one can admire a breathtaking view over Rome. Finally, after 20 years of closure, the Sepolcro degli Scipioni (Scipio’s tomb) can now be visited, the monument was built in the 3rd century b.c. and contains the tombs of several members of the Scipio’s Consular family. NEW! OPENING MUSEUM OF SCIENCE Trento, July 2013 www.muse2012.eu Countdown is now under way to the opening of MuSe, the new Trentino Science Museum designed by Renzo Piano, scheduled for July 2013. The great architect has integrated into his design the Trentino philosophy of glocal: act locally, think globally. The building being constructed incorporates a horizontal dimension, which refers to globalisation, in harmonious coexistence with the vertical dimension, a clear reference to the mountains. The highest part of MuSe will, in fact, be dedicated to the mountains: visitors will be pitched into the icy atmosphere of a three thousand metre peak and will experience the feeling of hurling down snowy slopes like an extreme skier or of leaping from the rock face on a paraglider. NEW SPORT MUSEUM IN TURIN www.olympicstadiumturin.org The new Sport Museum is the first of its kind in Italy and is located in the Olympic Stadium in Turin which hosted the Winter Olympics in 2006. On display are more than 50 Olympic medals, 100 World Titles and thousands of Italian Championship trophies. The museum comprises 5 rooms on 2 floors offering as well as exhibits also films, multimedia tools etc. NEW TREVISO CARD www.trevisocard.it Treviso, in the Veneto Region has launched his “Treviso card” to offer a comprehensive array of services in Treviso and its surroundings. The card has the validity of 24 (€12(, 48 (€17) or 72 (€22) hours and allows free access to The Municipality Museums, the Palladian Villas (Maser and Emo), the Canova museum, bike sharing service in Treviso, transport and discounts in restaurants, shops, wine shops, hotels, B&Bs etc. FESTIVALS AND OTHER CULTURAL EVENTS VERONA IN LOVE Verona – 14-17 February 2013 www.veronainlove.it Verona is the town where the romance of Romeo and Juliet unfolded. Verona in Love, held around Valentine's Day, sees red, heart-shaped lanterns illuminating the streets. Free concerts with a romantic theme take place on Piazza dei Signori Square. 63ª EDITION OF THE “FESTIVAL DELLA CANZONE ITALIANA” Sanremo, Liguria From 12th to 16th February2013 www.sanremo.rai.it The Festival of the Italian song, also known as Festival di Sanremo, was born in 1951. Nowadays it is held in the Ariston Theatre of Sanremo. During the years, its formula has experienced various changes; however, it is essentially a contest in which different singers propose original songs (they must remain unreleased until the festival, otherwise they are disqualified), composed by Italian authors, which are voted by a jury or by the public, according to the editions. In over fifty years of history, the majority of famous Italian singers has taken part in this festival. The first editions of the Festival, from 1951 to 1954, were exclusively broadcasted by radio from the Sanremo Casino; subsequently the contest became mainly a television event. Currently the event is broadcasted live and in Eurovision by Raiuno. Rai Radiotelevisione Italiana - Tel. +39 06.3613719 www.sanremo.rai.it 16° DOLOMITI SKI JAZZ Val di Fiemme, Trentino March 9th – 16th www.dolomitiskijazz.com Under the Spring sun, the most seductive landscapes of Val di Fiemme become the setting of one of the most important music festival in the Alps: it’s the “Dolomiti Ski Jazz”, a peculiar event combining the passions of music and skiing. The most beloved European and world-famous American jazz musicians will be pouring on Val di Fiemme’s slopes, pubs and theatres the notes of the 16th Dolomiti Ski Jazz festival. Its formula proposes eight days of concerts and jam sessions, performed along the skiing slopes and in the main towns of the valley. The magic notes of jazz invade mountain malgas and huts, schools, pubs and night clubs. Black music from New Orleans marries the whitest of environments, sealing a suggestive and fascinating union. MAGGIO MUSICALE FIORENTINO FESTIVAL Teatro Comunale – Florence – May 2 / June 24 2013 www.maggiofiorentino.com This is one of the oldest traditional cultural events in Florence. The Stabile Orchestrale Fiorentina was born in 1928 and in 1933 it organized the first edition of the Festival, which, over the years grew to international fame. The Festival has its own Ballet Company called Maggio Dance. Programme this year includes: Don Carlo, Macbeth, The Rape of Lucretia, various concerts directed by Claudo Abbado and Daniel Baremboim ARENA DI VERONA Verona – June 14 / September 2013 www.arena.it This year the Arena celebrates 100 years and the International Opera Festival presents a rich calendar of events. The operas to be performed are: Aida, Romeo et Juliet, Nabucco, Traviata, Trovatore, Rigoletto, plus Requiem Mass , a Verdi Gala and Placido Domingo’s Gala. Arena di Verona welcomes once again artists and public in its magnificent setting. RAVELLO CONCERTS, in Ravello, Amalfi Coast Villa Rufolo, Ravello – April 3 / October 30 2013 www.ravelloarts.org In Spring and Autumn, far from the Summer’s crowds, Ravello becomes the favourite destination for those who love the silence of its Villas and its medieval churches. In that time, an audience of music lovers meet every year to listen to the concerts held in the gardens and the rooms of Villa Rufolo, famous for having inspired Wagner for the setting of his Parsifal. CLASSICAL GREEK THEATRE FESTIVAL IN SIRACUSA Siracusa, Sicily 11 May – 23 June 2013 www.indafondazione.org Classical Greek theatrical representation in the magical atmosphere of the Greek Theatre in Siracusa, this year’s programme includes: Oedipus Rex and Antigone by Sophocles and Women in Parliament by Aristophanes. SAN GALGANO OPERA FESTIVAL Chiusdino, Siena June-August 2013 (dated tba) www.festivalopera.it This festival stands out for its programme, which focuses on the most significant opera and symphony productions, and for its intent to enhance historical sites through high level shows. A fascinating combination attracting thousands of spectators year after year. BOLZANO DANZA Bolzano – 15-27 July 2013 www.tanzbozen.it The charming setting of Castel Firmiano hosts the Festival Bolzano Danza. The calendar includes opening shows and side events alike. 59th PUCCINI FESTIVAL Torre del Lago – July 12 / August 24 2013 www.puccinifestival.it Torre del Lago hosts the Festival Puccini, created by Puccini himself, since 1930. The outdoor theatre, close to Villa Mausoleo where the Master’s remains lie, is an amazing setting to enjoy the music of one of the most outstanding and esteemed Italian artists worldwide. Operas on show in 2012 are: Cavalleria Rusticana, Il Tabarro, Tosca, Turandot and Rigoletto. ESTATE MUSICALE CHIGIANA Siena, Montalcino, Asciano July-August 2013 www.chigiana.it The churches, abbeys and theatres of the province and city of Siena are the enchanting settings for the Chigiana Summer, featuring maestros of international music. The yearly rich concert programme is bolstered by students from the “Alto Perfezionamento” courses that are held in the historic seat of the Accademia during the months of July and August, frequented each year by around 600 talented young musicians from more than 50 countries. ROSSINI OPERA FESTIVAL Pesaro, 10th August / 23rd August 2013 www.rossinioperafestival.it This festival is entirely dedicated to the music and operas of Goacchino Rossini, who was born in the Le Marche city of Pesaro. This year will be the 34th edition of the festival and the programme includes: new productions of “William Tell” and “ L’Italiana in Algeri”, “L’occasione fa il ladro”, “Viaggio a Reims” and “ La Donna del Lago”. SFERISTERIO OPERA FESTIVAL Macerata, August 2013 (programme tbc) www.sferisterio.it The Opera Festival is hosted almost entirely in the magnificent theatre-shaped Sferisterio, unique in its architectural genre. Designed in 1823 by architect Ireneo Aleandri, it derives its name and its halfcircumference shaped plan from the name of the game played inside: the “armband ball” or Pallone col bracciale. 52th STRESA FESTIVAL Stresa – 24 August - 7 September 2013 www.stresafestival.eu Stresa Festival opens its doors to the public one more time with three themed events, held in a number of venues ( Lake Maggiore, Lake Orta, Val d’Ossola) on various dates. MUSICA RIVA FESTIVAL Riva del Garda (TN) –20 July – 3 August 2013 (programme tbc) www.musicarivafestival.com This is a music festival of the highest level entertaining the audience with performances and events and which represent a fundamental meeting point for young musicians from around the world. The event puts in the spotlight artists of diverse origins from classical music to dance and includes a competition dedicated to the musician Riccardo Zandonai. 14° EDITION OF SUMMER JAMBOREE Senigallia, Marche 3-11 August 2013 www.summerjamboree.com This music Festival is dedicated to the music and culture in America in the ’40s and ’50s with live concerts of dj set swing, rock’n’roll, jive, doo-wop, rhythm’n’blues, hill-billy e western swing .Stands will sell: juke box, hats, gadgets, guitars, vynils, CDs and other objects of that era. There will also be a ‘40s and ‘50s classic cars show. VENICE FILM FESTIVAL Venice, 28 August – 7 Sept 2013 (programme tbc) www.labiennale.org Venice will host the 70th Edition of this film festival, one of the oldest and most famous. Thousands of visitors, dozens of stars and hundreds of projections are crammed into ten days of fabulous festivities and parties. The Festival is hosted at the Lido Island in the Venice Lagoon. FESTIVAL OF THE MIND Sarzana. 30 August – 1 September 2013 www.festivaldellamente.it The first European festival that explores the theme of creativity and dynamic processes created by it in the tireless research for understanding and growth, and takes place in the beautiful Medieval village of Sarzana in Liguria. During the event there are meetings with artists, scientists and intellectuals to explain how the processes of creative research can influence and change paths of life and thought. MITO SETTEMBRE MUSICA Turin and Milan 3 – 22 September 2013 – various locations (programme tbc) www.mitosettembremusica.it This is a major festival developed from the thirty years experience of Settembre Musica which connects Turin and Milan, in a programme of refined and stirring concerts: the world’s best orchestras, baroque opera, medieval music, the great maestros of contemporary music and the music from the most distant places; jazz, open-air shows, night-time concerts... FESTIVALETTERATURA Mantova –4-8 September 2013 www.festivaletteratura.it This will be the 17th edition of the Festival of Literature and offers cultural events, readings, shows, concerts, all full of fun and originality. SCIENCE FESTIVAL Genova – 23 October – 3 November 2013 www.festivalscienza.it The Festival of Science is an important appointment for the diffusion of science. The exhibition aims to make accessible to a wider public the many scientific subjects it deals with. The variety of events offered encompasses scientific and artistic exhibitions, workshops, conferences and shows and enables the public to interact with this material in an enjoyable way. The theme this year will be :Beauty. SPORT RBS SIX NATIONS RUGBY TOURNAMENT Rome – Stadio Olimpico www.rbs6nations.com The most important European Rugby Tournament returns to Italy (Stadio Olimpico in Rome) this year with the following matches: Italy - Wales on 23 February 2013 Italy - Ireland on 16 March 2013 ROME MARATHON Rome – March 17 March 2013 www.maratonadiroma.it Since the early years of the twentieth century the roads and squares of the Eternal City have seen some of the really mythical moments of the whole history of racing on foot. It is an event that unites spirit and passion with alternative routes for nonprofessionals. AMERICA’S CUP WORLD SERIES IN NAPLES Naples 16-21 April 2013 The prestigious America’s Cup World Series returns to Naples in April this year. The Neapolitan coastline is undergoing extensive regeneration and the races just one of the projects currently undertaken by the authorities to help this process. The AC World Series features tight, short race courses designed to deliver close racing for the fans on shore as well as TV audiences. The innovative regatta format includes a mix of speed trials, head-to-head match racing and all-out fleet racing. www.americascup.com. GIRO D’ITALIA Starts on 4 May 2013 in Naples, ends in Brescia on 26 May 2013 www.gazzetta.it The most important bicycle race in Italy, the Giro d'Italia, dates back to May 1909. This year the Giro will start in Naples and will terminate in Brescia on 26 May. MILLE MIGLIA 16-19 May 2013 www.1000miglia.eu The most beautiful vintage cars in the world chosen to participate in the race each year are selected under rigorous guidelines. The 2013 edition plans a departure from Brescia, journeying through Lake Garda, Padua, Ferrara, Terni, Rome and then back to Brescia via Siena, Florence, Modena and Cremona. SYMPATEX BIKE FESTIVAL GARDA TRENTINO Riva del Garda, Trentino 3 – 5 May 2013 www.bikefestival.it This now classic appointment with the Bike Festival Garda Trentino is back in spring: a season opening for bikers, who will find themselves next to stars of the mountain bike international scene. The program includes exhibitions, shows, competitions, performances and stunts, testing of the industry novelties and lots of fun. Approx. 20.000 visitors will arrive at Riva, to celebrate the beginning of the moutainbike season with the European SYMPATEX BIKE Festival Garda Trentino powered by NISSAN . Centre of all activities is the great Expoarea at the Palazzo Congressi, this one directly on the shore Lake Garda lies and is from the picturesque port of Riva only few steps away. 88th EDITION OF THE PALIO DEL GOLFO 1-4 August 2013 La Spezia www.paliodelgolfo.it The thirteen hamlets of the Gulf compete to win the Palio aboard handmade boats built by local craftsmen, with special characteristics that make them agile and fast. The sport competition is preceded by parades, events, shows and meetings, which liven up the entire town for days; it finishes late in the evening on the first Sunday of August, with fireworks displays. BARCOLANA – SAIL RACE Trieste – October 2013 (dates tbc) www.barcolana.it Every year more than two thousand sails meet in the Gulf of Trieste. The 16 mile nautical route, Europe’s biggest sailing event and the only regatta in the world to set a single start line for so many yachts. TURIN MARATHON Turin, 17 November 2013 www.turinmarathon.it The Turin Marathon is a IAAF Golden Label Road Race. One of the most important 42km runs in the world and destination for runners from all over the world, the marathon is a route full of history and tradition showing all the atmosphere of a past which laid the foundations for constructing a united Italia. There will concurrently be held the Stratorino, open to all, and the Junior Marathon, for children aged 0 to 16. HISTORICAL RE-ENACTMENTS/FOLKLORE CARNIVAL OF VENICE Venice – 26 Jan – 12 Feb 2013 www.carnevale.venezia.it During the world’s most famous masked “open city “ party, every corner of Venice flourishes with chances to have fun and becomes a multicoloured series of shows, parades, masks and much more. St Mark’s Square, the true centre of the party, is transformed into a continuous workshop of colours, masks, music and shows hosting Carnival’s traditional events such as “Flight of the Angel” , “Festa delle Marie” and “La Colombina”. Palaces throughout the city host grand masked balls for those who want to immerse themselves in the Serenissima’s festive history. CARNIVAL OF VIAREGGIO Viareggio –3,10,12,17 and 24 February 2013 www.viareggio.ilcarnevale.com The most flamboyant of all the Italian Carnivals, famous for its political satire will hosts the traditional shows of gigantic paper-mache figures on colourful floats. See above dates. Other events include: big parties, sports events, slang theatre show, food stalls etc. HISTORIC CARNIVAL OF IVREA Ivrea - Piedmont 3,7,9,12 Feb 2013 www.storicocarnevaleivrea.it/English/ Traditional sounds of pipe and drum bands open the festival that sees the most spectacular event of the famous Battle of the Oranges(12 Feb) Undoubtedly, this is the most spectacular event of the festivities representing the fight for liberty, the symbol of the Ivrea Carnival. The orange battle is an incredible cultural and goliardic heritage putting the festival on a national and international level. FESTA DELLA SENSA Venice – 12 May 2013 www.veneziamarketingeventi.it In previous centuries La Sensa (Ascension Day) held an important role in the social and political life of Venice. If, historically speaking, the Sensa is the result of the overlapping of civil and religious rites and events through the ages, today it is read as an event to celebrate the intricate relationship that the city has always had with the sea, both in commercial and architectural terms. THE EXPLOSION OF THE CART Florence - Easter Sunday – March 31 2013 Tradition says that during the first Crusade of 1096 the Florentine knight Pazzo de 'Pazzi was the first man who planted the banner of the Cross on battlements of Jerusalem and as a gift he received some fragments of the Holy Sepulchre. Upon his return to Florence the stones were used to start the Sacred Fire of Holy Saturday, and were paraded through the city as homage to it in a richly decorated chariot. Nowadays, on Easter Sunday a large wagon is pulled by white oxen in a procession in the streets of the centre of Florence to the front of the cathedral. THE PALIO OF FERRARA Ferrara – May 4. 5, 11, 12, 18, 24, 25, 26 May 2013 www.paliodiferrara.it The Palio of Ferrara is the most ancient event of its kind is the world dating back to 1279. It is peculiar for its kind of ride that is joyful and so different from other warlike palii. This is a very important moment for the city: all the Contrade participate wearing dress of different colours to gain the “palio”, but also and overall it is a festivity to remember the Renaissance, a period during which Ferrara was really a capital. FESTA DEI CERI (RACE OF THE CANDLES) Gubbio – 15th May 2013 www.ceri.it The Festa Dei Ceri is one of the oldest, if not the oldest Italian folklore display. The festival has always played a fundamental role in the heart of the local community. Its origins are obscure, it is enough to know that there are two basic hypotheses: one religious and one pagan. However, a well-documented version sees the festival as a solemn act of devotion on the part of the Eugubini towards their Bishop Ubaldo Baldassini which started in 1160, the year of his death. Since then, every 15 May, the eve of the day of mourning, the devotional offering to the patron Saint is a fixed appointment for the people of Gubbio who take part in a great mystical procession, carrying candles all around the town and up Mount Ingino (where since 11 September 1194 the body of Saint Ubaldo lies, in the church which bears his name). FESTA DEL BARBAROSSA San Quirico d’Orcia, Siena June 2013 (dates tba) www.festadelbarbarossa.it The four districts of Borgo, Canneti, Castello and Prato take on a medieval atmosphere in memory of the meeting between Emperor Frederick I, known as Il Barbarossa, and Pope Adrian IV’s papal legates, in 1155. San Quirico has celebrated this historic event for fifty years with shows, period costume parades, and archery and flag throwing contests. THE “BATTAGLIA DEI FIORI” Ventimiglia, Liguria – 15 – 16 June 2013 www.festadifiori.it Parade of floats covered with flowers, accompanied by bands and folkloristic groups. Floats of considerable dimensions (up to 8mt x 4mt), with three-dimensional subjects pertaining the year’s theme, are decorated with flowers petals, fixed one by one to the structure, with the technique of the mosaic. In a surface of one square metre, up to 1000 flowers find a place, and for an entire float one needs about 120.000 petals! During the festival, a proper battle takes place between the public and the walk-ons on the floats, by the mutual launch of uncountable flowers. This is a bloodless and colourful fight, which is made even more festive by the folkloristic bands, which will accompany the floats. LUMINARA AND RACE OF SAN RANIERI Lungarno – Pisa - June 16th/17th 2013 http://www.comune.pisa.it/manifestazioni-storiche/ On the occasion of the Feast of San Ranieri, Patron Saint of Pisa, celebrated annually on 17 June, the enchantment of the illuminations of Saint Ranieri is renewed on the streets running along the river Arno (the so-called Lungarni). In fact, following the ancient tradition the Pisans celebrate their Patron Saint on the following day with the historical Regatta of San Ranieri (Palio). There are more than a hundred thousand wax candles which at every edition are meticulously set in smooth and white glasses and fixed then onto wooden white-painted frames, modelled in such a way as to highlight the outline of the palaces, of the bridges, of the churches and of the towers reflecting the river. MEDIEVAL FESTIVAL IN MONTERIGGIONI Monteriggioni, Siena 5,6,7, 12. 13, 14 July 2013 www.monteriggionimedievale.com The theme of the festival, is “On the path of the pilgrims: men of honour, arms and faith”. The two weekends of the festival feature a variety of events. As usual, the festival is distinguished by events which bring the past to life: re-enactments of ancient military techniques, medieval everyday life, crafts and trades, along with jesters, acrobats, itinerant theatre performances and jugglers. The festival takes place in the wonderful Monteriggioni castle, completing the medieval atmosphere. Open every day from the afternoon to late evening. FESTIVAL OF THE REDENTORE Venice – 20-21 July 2013 www.veneziamarketingeventi.it One of the most popular events in Venice is celebrated each year on the third Sunday of July. The festival itself dates back to the year 1576, and is named after the church Redentore that was designed by Palladio and resides on the island of Guidecca. Venice was suffering from a terrible plague, and the Republic's senate voted to build a temple on the Guidecca Island in honour of Christ the Redeemer, and the Venetians promised to go there every year on the third Sunday of July, if the plague stopped. Traditionally, the Venetians celebrate this day by having dinner on the Saturday night while watching an incredible display of fireworks that light up the skies over Venice for an hour or more. HISTORICAL REGATTA Venice – 1 September 2013 www.veneziamarketingeventi.it The Grand Canal every year during the first Sunday of September becomes a theatre for one of the greatest of Venetian events, the Historical Regatta, dating back to 1315 under the rule of doge Giovanni Soranzo. The Historical Regatta starts out with the colourful procession on water, formed by the Bissone, the Bucintoro and the boats of the Venetian rowing clubs, but also the women’s race on Mascarete and that of the youngsters Pupperini. QUINTANA OF FOLIGNO Foligno – June and September 2013 www.quintana.it Foligno, in the heart of Umbria and Italy, is famous worldwide for the Quintana, the jousting tournament which in June and September renews the challenge among the knights of its ten “sestieri”. An exciting challenge where each knight, riding his own galloping horse, has to catch a series of rings (which gradually become smaller and smaller) hanging from a wooden statue called "Quintana". It is a great feast of people, colours and passions, but also an accurate historical, scenic, iconographic and gastronomic reconstruction of the Italian Baroque. QUINTANA OF ASCOLI PICENO Ascoli Piceno – 27 July and 4 August 2013 www.quintanadiascoli.it Ascoli Piceno in the Marche region, hosts each year the historical Quintana, a re-enactment of Medieval customs and practices. The participants are dressed in Medieval costumes and walk in procession along the streets of the city in each “sestiere” (city quarter), followed by flag bearers and archers. In the restaurants of the city one can taste typical food and wine and the festivities culminate with the blessing of the knights participanting to the Palio by the city’s Bishop and the Palio itself. THE PALIO OF SIENA Siena – July 2nd/ August 16th 2013 www.comune.siena.it Everyday life grinds to a halt as Siena celebrates its most ancient and sacred ritual: horses and riders representing ten of Siena’s seventeen contrade, or districts, race around the ring of tufo rock that covers the Piazza del Campo. On 2 July and 16 August the long afternoon begins in the heart of each contrada with the blessing of the horses, followed by the historical parade to the piazza. Finally, there is the race itself: the victorious contrada bears the banner triumphantly to the Provenzano Basilica for the “te deum” thanksgiving to the Madonna ( 2 June) or to the Madonna Assunta (16 August). CAVALCATA DELL’ASSUNTA in FERMO (Marche) Fermo – Le Marche - August 15th 2013 www.cavalcatadellassunta.it The ten “Contrade” (quarters) of the medieval town of Fermo participate with 650 men and women in historical costumes to a horse race every year on 15 August (Ferragosto) in the centre of town. Flag bearers, side shows and food and wine will entertain the visitors. MEDIEVALIS, MEDIEVAL FESTIVAL Pontremoli, Tuscany 22-25 August 2013 www.medievalis.org “Medievalis” is the a Medieval festival that occurs every year in Pontremoli in northern Tuscany. It re-enacts the concession of the status of free Municipality to Pontremoli in 1226 by Emperor Frederick II. For 4 days Pontremoli re-lives this event with groups of actors dressed and Medieval knights and dames, horse-drawn carriages, merchants all dressed in traditional costumes. There will be duels, falcon games, dinners with typical dishes of the 13th century and jousting tournaments and more. PALIO DEI NORMANNI DI PIAZZA ARMERINA Piazza Armerina, Sicily – 12,13, 14 August 2013 www.feditgiochistorici.it Plutia (the old Piazza Armerina) is home to the most ancient medieval event in Southern Italy which takes place every year from August 12-14 in honour of Madonna Maria SS. Delle Vittorie. The event is a reenactment of Sicily being conquered in 1060 by the Normans, led by Ruggero of Altavilla. At the end of the event, the whole procession parades through the main streets, triumphantly displaying the city flag along with its winners. BRAVIO DELLE BOTTI Montepulciano, Siena Last Sunday of August , 25 August 2013 www.braviodellebotti.com The eight contrade, or districts, of Montepulciano compete to win a painted banner by rolling 80 kg barrels uphill along a 1,800 metre route. The route is chosen in advance, and there are eight starting points, set out in two rows. Each contrada’s barrel is placed in the position assigned to it by the lot that is drawn on the morning of the race. As the bell tolls in the Town Hall bell tower the umpire gives the signal for the race to start. Two men, the “pushers”, roll the barrels along the competition route, winding up through the evocative streets of the old town centre of Montepulciano to the Cathedral churchyard in the Piazza Grande. In the days leading up to the race Montepulciano celebrates the traditional Candle Procession, with a parade though the beautiful city streets in period costume, illuminated only by torchlight. THE MACCHINA DI SANTA ROSA PROCESSION Viterbo - September 3rd 2013 www.facchinidisantarosa.it Each year the Medieval town of Viterbo in Lazio renews the festivities in honour of its Holy Patron. The Trasporto della Macchina di Santa Rosa, a procession which takes place in the evening of September 3rd to commemorate the relocation of the body of Saint Rosa from the Church of Santa Maria del Poggio to the church of San Damiano (the Sanctuary of Santa Rosa). The Macchina di Santa Rosa is a gigantic structure, nearly 30 metres high, which is carried through the streets by a large team of strong local men. Contests are held to select designs for the Macchina, which is replaced every five years. PALIO DI ASTI in Asti, Piedmont Asti, 15 September 2013 www.palio.asti.it One of the oldest Palio’s in Italy this colourful event sees 21 contestants relive the ancient tradition of the Palio in the historic centre of this charming Piedmont town, famous for its sparkling wine, the Asti spumante. In the days preceding the race, visitors can enjoy many collateral and preparatory events: the Palio of the Flag-wavers, the colourful flea market, the trials of the jockeys on the field. The Palio itself is a difficult challenge requiring all the participants’ strength and skill, passion and courage as only one of them will win possession of the crimson banner with the coat of arms of the city and the image of its Patron Saint. THE FESTIVAL OF “MADONNA DELLA SALUTE” Venice – November 21st 2013 www.comune.venezia.it Events and Festivals Section The Festival of Health is perhaps the less spectacular of Venice festivities. In a religious context it is an event dedicated to the Madonna in thanksgiving for her intercession which put an end to the plague which struck Venice between the years 1630-1631. Stefania Gatta Press and communications office Italian State Tourist Board – London NB: Information correct at time of publication, Jan 2013