MINUTES OF A MEETING OF BAWTRY TOWN COUNCIL HELD IN THE NEW HALL, BAWTRY ON TUESDAY 9 SEPTEMBER 2014 AT 7 PM PRESENT: Cllrs S Young (Town Mayor), T Ashurst, Mrs J A Cox, P Holland, G Spencer, M Summers, L Winter Mrs J Worthington Clerk to the Council IN ATTENDANCE: 21 members of the public Prior to commencement of business a period of 15 minutes was allowed for public participation. The residents expressed concerns regarding the planning application to demolish the Station Hotel public house and to provide residential properties. The Chairman advised that the town council could only make comments, and had already done so raising various concerns, but the final decision rests with the Planning Authority at DMBC. 1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES RESOLVED to accept apologies received from Cllrs A Calzini, A Cropley, W Phillips, Mrs V M Wilcox and A Wright for reason given. 2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF OTHER INTERESTS AND ANY AMENDMENTS TO CURRENT REGISTERS OF INTEREST Cllr Spencer declared interests in Items 7a, 7b, 8, 10, 12, 13 and 15. Cllr Winter declared an interest in item 8. Cllr Mrs Cox declared an interest in item 12. Cllr Summers declared an interest in item 12. 3. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD 15 JULY 2014 RESOLVED the minutes be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 4. MATTERS ARISING FROM ABOVE MEETING FOR NOTING Highway issues reported Tables/Chairs outside Cooper & Griffin DMBC taken photographs and is pursuing the matter. Displays of Banners DMBC Officer has arranged for owners to be contacted to remove the banners. Swan St/South Parade green planters outside David House, and trade waste bins permanently sited on the pavement side of railings to the David House car park Planters now removed. DMBC has matter in hand with trade waste bins Cracks in railway bridge, Station Road Network Rail aware and are taking action RESOLVED to note the above replies. 5. REPORT FROM WARD MEMBERS Kerbing provision, corner High Street/Tickhill Road junction No response from two ward members. RESOLVED to contact again asking for update on this request. 6. COMMUNITY POLICING ISSUES SNA Monthly Report to 31 August Bawtry – criminal damage to dwellings x 1; theft of motor vehicle x 1; burglary dwelling x 1; burglary other x 1. Anti-social behaviour – 3 x parking complaints, 1 x noisy neighbor, 1 x driving complaint. 7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – ANY ISSUES WHICH REQUIRE ACTION a) Request for Classic Car Show to be held on Market Hill on Bank Holiday Monday 2015 RESOLVED to discuss with Excel Parking Service Ltd at forthcoming Market Hill Committee meeting although, in principle, the town council had no objections. b) To receive Petition from residents demanding removal of evening charges 6-10pm and all charges at weekends and Bank Holidays, pay and display RESOLVED the petition be discussed at the Market Hill Committee meeting on 18.9.14. Letter also received from a businessman/resident and a further resident objecting to the charges as above – Clerk has acknowledged these letters. c) Information from a resident re a public meeting to be held in October in order to set up a Residents’ Group RESOLVED to note the information. 8. UPDATE FROM WAR MEMORIAL/BAWTRY HALL SITE Cllr Ashurst is endeavouring to meet with the owner of Bawtry Hall in the near future. RESOLVED in the meantime to contact English Heritage again to ascertain whether or not there has been feedback from the Secretary of State. Cllr Ashurst left the meeting at this point. 9. PLANNING MATTERS a) Applications 14/01778/FUL retrospective application to retain front boundary wall and access, curved wall to east of drive and porch/erection of wall to west of drive, 6 Town Gate, Comments put forward in order to comply with timescale, supporting the concerns of a resident, but who is not against the application per se 14/01852/FUL Erection of 4 shops and 9 apartments with car parking to rear without compliance with conditions 2 and 19 of application 13/00977/FUL granted 2.8.13. condition 2 – change to ‘as built’ and condition 19 – change to opening hours, Car Park to Cooper and Griffin, 52 High Street Comments put forward to comply with timescale stating 9 apartments and 4 retail outlets will provide insufficient car parking spaces for occupants, staff and customers at the rear, especially as parts of the Cooper & Griffin building are already being used by commercial businesses. Also with hours of 0700 to 2300 it is possible some form of licensing activity is expected, other retail outlets in Bawtry close at the latest 2200 so it is felt 2300 hrs to be unjustified. 14/01933/FUL Erection of 2 storey pitched roof ext to side of detached house 10 High Meadow RESOLVED to raise no objections as long as is in keeping. 14/01968/COU Change of use of Bawtry Hall from D1 Religous Missionary HQ/offices/residential training/conference centre to form A3 Restaurant and Café, B1 Business Offices, C1 Hotel and D2 Assembly and Leisure RESOLVED comment that if change of use were to be granted, then correct Planning procedures should be strictly adhered to. 14/02066/PDE Erection of single storey pitched roof ext to r/o semi-detached house, 22 Grange Avenue RESOLVED to raise no objections but should be in keeping. Decision Notices 14/01438/COU change of use from Class A1 Deli to A1/A3 - off licence/deli GRANTED. b) Notts County Council Minerals Plan – Additional Consultation on Sand and Gravel Provision, Barnby Moor proposed quarrying Information from NCC that comments may be viewed on line www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/minerals c) iGas Information received on recent meeting. Cllr Young is to attend the next meeting on Thursday 11 September. RESOLVED that the Cllr Young is the official town council representative on this group and Clerk to advise accordingly. d) Tunneltech Committee meeting Cllr Young advised he was unable to attend the meeting in August. 10. MINUTES OF MEETING OF RECREATION COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY 29 JULY 2014 AT 6PM IN THE NEW HALL, BAWTRY Present Cllrs S Young (Chairman), A Calzini, W Phillips Mrs J Worthington – Clerk to the Council IN ATTENDANCE Matthew Brearley (BARS), Richard Haslam (Cricket) Peter Burton (Football) Apologies received from Brian Swift - Bowling 1. Apologies for absence RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr T Ashurst for reasons given. 2. Declarations of Other Interests None declared 3. User group participation Condition of pavilion when used by Premier Coaching Concerns raised of grass on the floor, smelly toilet etc. Richard Haslam advised that an accident had occurred to a player who had to be taken to hospital and fortunately it was not a serious injury. 4. Issues relating to Memorial Sports Field BARS project update Matthew Brearley thanked the council for its support on Sports day. He outlined information re funding for £290k from various third parties. Veolia has turned down the application without any explanation and responses from other bodies are awaited. He further advised that the total of all funding bids is £480k including other small funding grants and BARS’ own contribution of £5k. Update from Ward Members re s106 monies for above project The Clerk has written to the 3 ward members and a response is awaited. Cllr Mrs Hoyle advised a meeting is taking place with ward members/Area Manager w.c. 4 August and feedback will be given. Information re defibrillator Peter Burton kindly offered to pursue costs via Weldrick’s chemist in Bawtry. Annual asbestos check in pavilion - Cllr Young to carry out the annual check in August. Information from Plumber that nothing can be done with the pump RESOLVED to raise the issue at the September council meeting as a figure for a new unit has already been received in the sum of £913.84p Npower – invoice for additional sum owing of £787.38 daytime tariff incorrectly charged retrospective to 2012 The Clerk advised she had written to user groups asking for any information as to additional use during daytime. The Jnr football advised there wasn’t any additional usage. RESOLVED to contact Npower challenging the readings which have been supplied, as not taken by the official meter reader. 5. Issues relating to Wharf Street Play Area Request from another resident with double buggy for key to be provided in order to gain access. The Clerk advised DMBC had not responded advising that a key could be provided. RESOLVED to advise the resident that the same situation applies as for an earlier request, ie that it is not practicable for residents to have keys and also insurance issues apply. 11. ISSUES RELATING TO MEMORIAL SPORTS FIELD Informal meeting to discuss s106 monies – BARS Project held 8 September Present: Cllrs A Calzini, Mrs J A Cox, G Spencer. Area Manager, Steve Thomas, Mrs J Worthington, Clerk to the Council Ward Councillor Bob Ford and Matthew Brearley – BARS. Mr Brearley advised the current situation with regard to Funders. Concerns were expressed regarding the general situation for s106 monies in Bawtry and the Area Manager advised he would speak with the s106 Team to seek approval to use s106 monies for the BARS Project. A funding agreement would be necessary and DMBC Legal Section would need information regarding third party funding, architect’s drawings etc. The Area Manager will give feedback to the town council when further information is to hand. RESOLVED in the interim that the Clerk contacts the Head of the s106 team advising BARS and the town council wish the remaining sum of £35k from Pemberton Ings to be used for the enhancement of public open space at the Memorial Sports Field, in the construction of new sports and community pavilion. This was previously agreed in principle by a former Area Manager and Ward Members in February 2013. Request from resident who is competing for title of Miss Galaxy England, to organize Five a Side Football Tournament to raise money for Charity RESOLVED to approve the request subject to necessary insurance in place, of which the town council must have sight, and that there are no objections from other sports group users. Pump in pavilion – plumber advises this cannot be repaired RESOLVED as hot water is a necessity that A M Plumbing be asked to purchase and install a new unit at a cost previously mentioned of £913.84 Update on annual asbestos check in pavilion Cllr Young will undertake the inspection in the near future. 12. MINUTES OF F& GP COMMITTEE MEETING HELD 29.7.14 PRESENT: Cllrs P Holland (Chair) S Young, Mrs J A Cox, M Summers, G Spencer, Mrs V M Wilcox, L Winter, A Wright Mrs J Worthington, Clerk to the Council 1. TO AGREE WHICH ITEMS ARE TO BE DISCUSSED UNDER THE PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSIONS TO MEETINGS) ACT 1960, IE TO EXCLUDE PRESS PUBLIC IN VIEW OF COMMERCIAL NATURE OF BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTED RESOLVED that item 7 be discussed in camera. 2. TO RECEIVE/APPROVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - All present. 3. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OTHER INTERESTS Cllr Spencer declared interests in items 4,6,7. Cllr Wright declared an interest in item 4. 4. PLANNING ISSUES: Applications 14/01558/LBC Retrospective application for LBC installation of new window and entrance doors together with associated work, Cooper & Griffin RESOLVED to comment yet another retrospective application. 14/01559/ADV Retrospective application for display of 7 non-illuminated fascia signs and 1 projecting sign, Cooper & Griffin RESOLVED to comment yet another retrospective application. 14/01071/FUL Erection of pitched roof study/utility/wc ext to rear, bricking up of doorway and erection of new glazed canopy supported on cast iron columns to side of semi following demolition of existing outbuilding, The Elms, Martin Lane 14/01644/TPO Consent to fell one beech (TPO No 52, Bawtry Hall), 8 Blenheim Rise 14/01691/FUL Erection of single storey pitched roof ext to side of detached dwelling 1 Wellington Grove RESOLVED to raise no objections to above 3 applications. 14/01733/FULM erection of 12 apartments on c0.14ha of land following demolition of existing public house and associated outbuilding ( resubmission of application 13/02242/FULM, withdrawn 3.1.14), Station Hotel, 93 Station Road RESOLVED to reiterate the comments sent for first application and also to comment 3 storey buildings not in keeping with the area, plus insufficient car parking spaces. Alcohol licences, Classic & Contemporary and The Town House Pantry It was pointed out that the above establishments have erected notices re intention to apply for Licences until 11.30pm and 11 pm respectively. Cllr Mrs Wilcox is to ascertain details of a similar application in respect of China Rose. RESOLVED to contact DMBC advising, as with other applications, that saturation point has been reached.* *The response to the town council is that the application by the Town House Pantry has been granted. Re commenting on any applications for licensing the town council needs to put forward an individual representation for each application. The number of licensed premises is not an issue which can be considered. RESOLVED to seek information as to ‘Early Morning Restriction Orders’ Displays of Banners Although some have been removed after DMBC spoke with businesses some remain. RESOLVED to advise DMBC of events Banner at China Rose and Banner on railings at Bawtry Motor Auctions. Pavement Obstructions Cooper & Griffin RESOLVED to contact DMBC again re tables/chairs extending onto pavement. Swan Street RESOLVED to advise DMBC of large green planters outside David House and that trade waste bins are permanently sited on the pavement. TunnelTech Complaints Committee Information received that the next meeting is to be held on Friday 29 August Cllr Young agreed to attend and report back at the next town council meeting. CPRE – Nottinghamshire, Information re NCC Minerals Plan The Clerk has circulated the documents to all members. Concerns were raised with regard to the high number of vehicle movements through Bawtry. RESOLVED to contact Notts County Council, Bassetlaw District Council, DMBC and Caroline Flint MP with necessary information and Cllrs Young and Holland will draft a suitable letter. iGas presentation in Austerfield RESOLVED to contact the company for update on proposed activities in Bawtry area. 5. FINANCIAL MATTERS Authorisation of BIB Payments £82.36 Npower (supply on Market Hill) BIB.553 £423.45 HMRC (tax/insurance to 30 June) BIB.554 £942.00 North Notts Landscapes (maintenance June) BIB.558 £315.00 L Tomlinson Ltd (garage rental) BIB.559 £220.00 J Goodall Gardening Services (work in Cemetery/Allot) BIB.560 £40.00 A M Plumbing (issues re pump, pavilion) ` BIB.561 £16.15 Yorkshire Water (Cemetery) BIB.563 £21.17 Yorkshire Water (Allotments) BIB.564 Information from External Auditor, re completion of audit for y.e. 31.3.14. The Clerk reported that the external auditor (BDO Stoy Hayward) had signed off the accounts as a true record and there were no issues arising. Quarterly audit ending 30 June Quarterly audit was presented for authorisation/signature by one of the council auditors. 6. RESPECT BAWTRY DRIVERS EVENT – 24TH AUGUST 2014 For information:- EPS Ltd have no objections and is co-ordinating with the organisers with regard to cordoning off spaces etc. Letter of thanks received from Mr G Tulley and insurance documentation will be forwarded 21 days prior to the event. CAMERA ITEM 7. 13. FINANCIAL MATTERS Verification of BIB payments £480.00 BDO (External Audit y.e.31.3.14). £260.00 Tailor Maid Cleaning (Toilets July) £114.00 Today Publication (August newsletter) £25.00 Need A Hand (release of jammed toilet door) £35.00 J Worthington (reimbursement ICO renewal) £1396.80 North Notts Landscapes (maintenance July) £250.00 Bawtry Bowling Club (contribution towards Shed) £423.65 HMRC (tax/insurance July) £27.00 Bawtry News (annual town council advert) £39.12 Timber Joint (gloves, brushes, handymen) £552.00 Keith Ashton Memorials (plaque in Pinfold) £11.00 New Hall (meetings July) £114.00 Today Publications (September newsletter) £25.00 Mat & Mouse (updating employees details on website) £22.00 New Hall, Bawtry (meetings September) £180.00 J Rawlings (Tailor Maid Cleaning, AugustToilets) £423.45 HMRC (Tax/insurance to 31 August) ` £40.00 A M Plumbing (pump unit MSF)*See BIB 596 Monthly financial statement The Clerk circulated the month statement. BIB.565 BIB.566 BIB.567 BIB.568 BIB.569 BIB.570 BIB.571 BIB.575 BIB.576 BIB.577 BIB.578 BIB.579 BIB.581 BIB.585 BIB.586 BIB.587 BIB.588 BIB.589 Contribution requested towards cost of Insurance for New Hall This issue could not be discussed due to the number of members able to consider being inquorate. RESOLVED to consider at next F&GP Committee meeting. Wrought Iron Gate, Pinfold has been taken away by Need A Hand following concerns that it had been tampered with and quote is awaited to make safe. Also the stone to which is was connected requires repair using longer bolts. Need A Hand is quoting for this also as Arke Ltd, has not provided a quotation promised in June. YLCA Seminar due to be attended by Cllr Summers on 10 October As Cllr Summers had a prior appointment the clerk requested reimbursement of the fee paid. YLCA has refunded the cost of the training cost vi8a cheque in the sum of £95. Final demand from NPower, electricity, MSF Following discussions with the Clerk and an officer at Npower the final demand and subsequent letter threatening to terminate supply have been put on hold and one of the handyman is to meet with the meter reader on 18 September for an uptodate reading. Allotments RESOLVED that Messrs J Goodall Garden Services be requested to cut the hedge which borders Station Road as per current contract. 14. TO CONSIDER ADOPTING A POLICY TO DEAL WITH PETITIONS The Clerk previously circulated a document for consideration in order to adopt a Policy RESOLVED the document be approved and, in due course, to be uploaded onto the town council’s website with other policy documents. 15. RESPONSE FROM SOLICITORS RE ANY DOCUMENTATION HELD RESOLVED TO DISCUSS UNDER THE PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSIONS TO MEETINGS) ACT 1960 IN VIEW OF THE COMMERCIAL NATURE OF THE BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTED – SEE ITEM 22. 16. YLCA/NALC DOCUMENTS RECENTLY RECEIVED & EMAILED TO MEMBERS a) To discuss Legal Topic Note 9E Handling Complaints RESOLVED to adopt the procedure contained within LTN 9E. b)Plain English guide to openness of Local Govt Bodies Regulations 2014 RESOLVED to note the Regulations. c)Openness of Local Govt Regs 2014 – recording of meetings/decisions by officers under delegation: 2 of 4, 3 of 4, 4 of 4 RESOLVED to note the publications. 17. REPORTS ON YLCA SEMINARS ATTENDED Cllr Young – Planning 5 July at Hellaby Hall Hotel Cllrs Young and Walsh – Chairmanship Skills course on 25 July at Royal York Hotel Cllr Young reported on the above two seminars. 18. OCTOBER NEWSLETTER ARTICLE a) To discuss content for next edition RESOLVED: the article relating to Pay and Display charges prepared by Cllr Mrs Cox, will be included in the publication and on the website. a request from the Jnr Football Team seeking publicity to recruit players for an all girls’ team Under 13 age group is also included in the Newsletter. b) To consider suggestion of having Meet the Town Council session RESOLVED to consider in at the February meeting in 2015. In the meantime Cllrs Young and Spencer will look at Powers & Duties on other parish council websites with the possibility of inclusion on the town council website. 19. HIGHWAY ISSUES TO BE REPORTED TO DMBC RESOLVED to advise that part of the footpath has been damaged adjacent to the car park at Cooper & Griffin due to machinery being used. 20. TO RECEIVE AND NOTE CORRESPONDENCE DMBC notify a 40 mph temporary speed limit on A631 Tickhill Road, Bawtry commencing from 5 September for a period of up to 5 separate occasions each for a single day during the period between 0700 to 1900 hours Bulletins and leaflets passed to the Chairman and Cllr Summers. 21. DATE OF NEXT TOWN COUNCIL MEETING: 22. CAMERA ITEM TUESDAY 14TH OCTOBER 2014 AT 7 PM IN THE NEW HALL Chairman: …………………………………………….
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