Document 6572839
Document 6572839
Women & Children’s Services Maternity Services Guideline; Code Blue Procedure for Massive Obstetric Haemorrhage 1. Introduction Code Blue is initiated in cases of Major Haemorrhage associated with Clinical shock / Collapse Rapid Ongoing blood loss at/after delivery ≥1500mls as estimated total Initiated by Delivery Suite Co-ordinator, Obstetric or Anaesthetic Registrar Dial 3333 State clearly: “CODE BLUE – OBSTETRIC HAEMORRHAGE” State site clearly: “Delivery Suite room number or Theatre or Main Theatre or other Site e.g. Lexden, Emergency Department” 2. SWITCHBOARD Will Automatically Call out ALL the following in RAPID SUCCESSION Bleep Cascade Bleep Holder with Voiceover No Obstetric Registrar Obstetric SHO Anaesthetic Registrar Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) ODP Main theatre Haematology Biomedical Scientist Help Desk (Dispatch) Porter Biochemistry Biomedical Scientist Security Maternity Bleep Holder Main Theatre Bleep Holder Outreach Team Duty Hospital Matron 244 248 400 411 202 854 207 204 557 949 722 932 247 333 Message sent out CODE BLUE – MAJOR OBSTETRIC HAEMORRHAGE “Delivery Suite Room No. or Delivery Suite Theatre or other site” Consultant Callout Switchboard will also call:Consultant Obstetrician Consultant Anaesthetist On call for Del Suite (Out of hours this is General Consultant Anaesthetist for theatre) Date of Original document; September 2003 Date Amended: October 2012 Version 5 Review date; October 2015 Page 1 of 12 Via Mobile, landline or pager Information given as in bold above Code Blue Guideline No: 1.6A 3. Clinical Management & Resuscitation Action Information to give Responsibility / Role Patient Name DOB Hosp No Site If O Neg Blood required Gives contact extension 2057 IDENTIFIES CLINICAL TEAM LEADER o Initially obstetric or anaesthetic registrar o Until anaesthetic consultant arrives. Holds Tel Ext 2057 (in Delivery Suite only) Other sites: o Identifies suitable Ext o Informs haematology & biochemistry of Ext. Ensures all correct bloods despatched (Page 3) Facilitates communication between labs and clinicians Maintains list of samples sent Keeps record of blood results Maintains awareness of on-going blood loss recorded on white boards and Ensures team are aware Other specialty call-out If extra Anaesth SHO required Bleep 203 (ITU) If site of code blue moves calls 3333 for switchboard to inform entire team Contacts recovery nurse in usual manner Ensures completion of ; Completion of WHO checklist Code Blue Summary sheet (Appendix Three) Issue stand down via switchboard Datix & Debrief Nominates Scribe to record the following (Appendix Two ) All arrivals All key clinical measures All telephone calls All Key operative events All Medication / Fluids administered / Blood / Blood products (Concurrently on summary sheet Appendix 3) Phone blood results to Ext 2057 If engaged try Ext 2738 / 2739. Ongoing discussion with Consult Haematologist via 2057 regarding the woman Phone blood results to Ext 2057 If engaged try Ext 2738 / 2739. Portering Service Code Blue Procedure (Appendix One) Attend Delivery Suite Disarm Delivery Suite entry alarm system for duration and unlock and/or man the Constable Wing doors (if out-of-hours). Attend Delivery Suite only if requested by outreach Contact Haematology BMS Ext 2088 – all times Contact Biochemistry BMS Ext 4800 or Via Switchboard CODE BLUE ORGANISER Dedicated to CODE BLUE (Remains throughout) The Code Blue Organiser is: Designated by the Delivery Suite Co-ordinator Critical Care Outreach Team Member (will attend if available) Haematology Biomedical Scientist (BMS Consultant Anaesthetist / Obstetrician Biochemistry Biomedical Scientist (BMS) Porters Maternity Bleep Holder Security Department Duty Hospital Matron Date of Original document; September 2003 Date Amended: October 2012 Version 5 Review date; October 2015 Page 2 of 12 Code Blue Guideline No: 1.6A Responsibility / Role *Clinical Team Leader Consultant Anaesthetist (On-going collaboration with Cons Obstetrician) Anaesthetic Registrar & ODP Obstetric SHO Obstetric Registrar Outreach Team Midwife NB: *Obstetric /Anaesthetic Reg assumes Clinical Lead role till arrival of Consultant Anaesthetist Actions Further details Oversee the whole process, ensures appropriate and timely interventions Initial resuscitation; Airway Breathing Circulation Monitoring Urinary Catheter (Hourly bag) Bimanual Uterine Compression IV fluid replacement O Neg blood IF required Clinical Assessment Oxygen 10-15 litres/min Get resuscitation trolley 2-3 large 14-16 gauge IV Cannulae Anaesthetist to consider Haemoccue® and need for arterial blood gases NB see Appendix 4 Keep patient warm Obstetric SHO NB: *Blood Samples as for all cases of major haemorrhage Ensure communication with entire multidisciplinary team IV Crystalloids / Colloid Blood/ blood products (see summary next page) CVP line as required Fluid Warmer (Hotline®) Bair Hugger® Consider Rapid infuser Level 1® from Main Theatre Take *Correct Blood Samples and label bottles at bedside FBC and Full Clotting Studies (including Fibrinogen) Group & Crossmatch request x 6 units Electrolytes, Creatinine and LFT’s Baseline blood gases, Label Samples and complete forms using the Information on Patient ID Band – (if ID labels used, ensure correct patient details to match with Patient ID band) Obstetric Registrar & Obstetric Consultant Theatre scrub Practitioner Patient’s Name DOB & Hosp No Date & Time Personally hands blood samples to Porter Organise repeat blood samples as instructed Manage according to Ongoing resuscitation guideline for major Identify & control cause of obstetric haemorrhage bleeding (No 1.6). Oxytocic therapy Consider EUA, Assess & move to theatre Uterine balloon or Discuss with multidisciplinary packing, suturing, team using WHO checklist laparotomy Maintain regular update of patient’s clinical status If not already in attendance scrub practitioner will attend to scrub for the appropriate procedure Date of Original document; September 2003 Date Amended: October 2012 Version 5 Review date; October 2015 Page 3 of 12 Code Blue Guideline No: 1.6A 4. Flowchart - Provision of Blood & Blood Products in Massive Obstetric Haemorrhage First Wave - 6 units of pre-cross matched blood if available Or 2 units of O Rh Neg blood IF immediately needed (from main blood bank) And/or 6 units of group compatible (type specific) blood released by Haematology BMS on receipt of blood sample for cross match Commence thawing 4 units (1000mls) FFP as soon as blood group known Consultant Obstetrician & Anaesthetist - To discuss clinical status & blood results involving Cons Haematologist if coagulopathy Decision for Surgery / Laparotomy Request second wave response from Haematology Second Wave - 6 units of group compatible blood - 4 Units (1000mls) FFP as soon as available - Send full blood count (FBC), and clotting samples Consultant Obstetrician, Anaesthetist, Haematologist IF still bleeding - request third wave response from haematology lab; repeat blood samples Third Wave - 6 units of group compatible blood and 1 unit of platelets. - (Only 1 unit of Platelets stored in Transfusion - further units obtained from Brentwood) - Send FBC and clotting sample (and U&Es, Creatinine and LFTs to Biochemistry) - FFP if not already issued with second wave Consultants – Obstetrician, Anaesthetist, Haematologist Discuss clinical status & all blood results - IF still bleeding request fourth wave response from Haematology Lab Fourth Wave - Further blood will be issued in batches of 6 units - Further Transfusion of FFP / platelets and cryoprecipitate beyond this stage should be guided by lab results, aiming for: - PT and APTT <1.5 control with FFP (PT/APTT <14sec /44sec) - Platelet count up to 100 with platelet transfusion/s - Fibrinogen >1.0 g/l with cryoprecipitate - Once haemorrhage controlled and patient clinically stable Acknowledge total estimated blood loss & record in healthcare records & anaesthetic record Sign out WHO checklist, team debrief & discuss need for transfer to CCU and on-going care Code blue Organiser issues stand-down call via switchboard Switchboard will ensure all personnel are informed of stand-down via bleep cascade Date of Original document; September 2003 Date Amended: October 2012 Version 5 Review date; October 2015 Page 4 of 12 Code Blue Guideline No: 1.6A 5. Monitoring Compliance The Maternity Services will prospectively audit all cases of CODE BLUE to monitor compliance with this guideline. Tools will include: 6. Use of DATIX electronic incident reporting forms and subsequent review. Review of healthcare records and documentation. Monthly statistics collated using the RCOG Maternity Dashboard, o Information is gathered and reported to the Delivery Suite Forum References – Further reading Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries (CMACE) 2011 Saving Mothers Lives: Reviewing maternal deaths to make motherhood safer: 2006-2008 Wiley-Blackwell Royal College of obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Setting Standards to improve women’s health, Green -Top Guideline No 52 Royal College of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Midwives, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (2007). Safer Childbirth: Minimum Standards for the Organisation and Delivery of Care in Labour, London: RCOG ………………………….. Dr Gavin Campbell Consultant Haematologist ………………………….. Dr Liam McLoughlin Lead Consultant Anaesthetist ………………………….. Dymphna Sexton-Bradshaw Associate Director of Women, Children's & Sexual Health Division / Head of Midwifery ………………………………. Aban Kadva Consultant Obstetrician Lead Delivery Suite --------------------------------------Anne Regan Lead Pharmacist Date of Original document; September 2003 Date Amended: October 2012 Version 5 Review date; October 2015 Page 5 of 12 Code Blue Guideline No: 1.6A Version Author (s) Date Circulation One Jo Osborne 2003 Multidisciplinary forum Two Jo Osborne Consultant Obstetrician Comments 2004 Reviewed and revised 2009 Reviewed and revised Consultant Obstetrician Aban Kadva Consultant Obstetrician Three Jo Osborne Consultant Obstetrician Julie Hinchcliffe Senior Midwife / Risk Management Four Aban Kadva 2011 Gaynor Clayson Consultant Obstetrician Constable Theatre Sister Julie Hinchcliffe David Cottrell Senior Midwife / Risk Management Acknowledgement to V Aston Midwife for her contribution to Appendix 4 Logistics & Safety Manager Reviewed and revised Susan Turner Blood Transfusion Practitioner Five Aban Kadva 2012 Gaynor Clayson Consultant Obstetrician Constable Theatre Sister Julie Hinchcliffe David Cottrell Senior Midwife / Risk Management Logistics & Safety Manager Reviewed and revised Susan Turner Blood Transfusion Practitioner Jo Osborne Clinical Lead for obstetrics Obstetric Anaesthetists Date of Original document; September 2003 Date Amended: October 2012 Version 5 Review date; October 2015 Page 6 of 12 Code Blue Guideline No: 1.6A Appendix One Operating Procedures For Portering for Code Blue Introduction Dispatcher Facilities Coordinator Second Porter This procedure is to ensure that the Portering team respond to the CODE BLUE To enable medical staff to make sure that there is no break down in communication in getting units of blood or specimens to their destination. The location would be DS (Delivery Suite) On receiving the CODE BLUE Call over the emergency bleep, the dispatcher is to contact the Facilities Coordinator via radio giving him/her the location to report to, On doing this the dispatcher must then call one of the porters to report to the Haematology lab awaiting further instructions. Once the Facilities Coordinator has been given the location he/she is to proceed directly to that location and report to the Doctor/Nurse in charge awaiting further instructions. If he/she are required to take/collect anything to the laboratory he/she must be in contact with the porter located at the laboratory via radio and agree to meet half way between the laboratory and the location of the CODE BLUE If the second porter needs to deliver blood or blood products to the department, the Facilities co-ordinator should make their way to the Haematology laboratory in readiness for the next delivery. When being instructed by the Dispatcher, Proceed directly to the laboratory and await instructions, the laboratory will receive instructions and will know if any blood products are required at the location of the CODE BLUE - If the porter is required to deliver blood or blood products, he must alert the Facilities Coordinator via radio that he/she is on his way to the location of the CODE BLUE and inform him/her what he/she is bringing. The porter taking the blood or blood products must deliver them directly to the clinical staff dealing with the CODE BLUE Stand Down Once being told to stand down (this can only come from the Doctor/Nurse in charge) then the Facilities Coordinator will confirm with the Doctor/Nurse in charge that the second porter is clear to stand down. Then the Facilities Coordinator is to contact the dispatcher and to inform him/her that the CODE BLUE is completed. Emergency Numbers Portering Facilities Co-ordinator: 07500 826210 Porters Emergency Bleep: 207 Helpdesk: 7676 Porters Dispatch: 2983 Date of Original document; September 2003 Date Amended: October 2012 Version 5 Review date; October 2015 Page 7 of 12 Code Blue Guideline No: 1.6A OBSTETRIC SCRIBE SHEET Appendix Two OBSTETRIC INCIDENT: DATE: LOCATION: PATIENT NAME HOSPITAL NUMBER SCRIBE/S Time Name Signature Initial Name Signature Initial Event (including arrival of personnel) Date of Original document; September 2003 Date Amended: October 2012 Version 5 Review date; October 2015 Page 8 of 12 Initial Code Blue Guideline No: 1.6A Time Event (including arrival of personnel) Date of Original document; September 2003 Date Amended: October 2012 Version 5 Review date; October 2015 Page 9 of 12 Initial Code Blue Guideline No: 1.6A SUMMARY SHEET Appendix Three (To be completed by Code Blue Organiser & Scribe) CODE BLUE at Site: Time:_ _Date: ___ Woman’s Name:............................................ D.O.B:............................ Unit No:.............................................. Staff Called Obstetric Registrar Obstetric SHO Anaesthetic Registrar ODP (Operating Department Practitioner) Porter Theatre Scrub Nurse Outreach Team Maternity Bleep Holder Consultant Obstetrician * Consultant Anaesthetist CLINICAL TEAM LEADER Time of Arrival Name Additional Staff (Designation, Name) Time Called Time of Arrival Record of Therapy given during Code Blue Procedure Transfusion Red Blood Cells Fresh Frozen Plasma Platelets Cryoprecipitate Tranexamic Acid Other Fluid Therapy Hartmann’s -1000mls Volplex (500mls) Other Fluids (Insert Time for each unit given) Vol / time Continued over………. Date of Original document; September 2003 Date Amended: October 2012 Version 5 Review date; October 2015 Page 10 of 12 Code Blue Guideline No: 1.6A Medication Time Ergometrine IV 500mcg (2 doses max) Misoprostol PR Syntocinon /Normal saline IV Carboprost IM 8 doses max Dose Time Dose Time Dose Time Dose …. mcg 40iu/500ml 250mcgs Antibiotics: Other; Blood Loss Before transfer to theatre Swabs Incontinence sheets Bed sheets Drapes Floor Trough Other Total Measured Blood Loss Total Estimated blood loss Amount FINALTOTAL Blood Loss: (1. 2. and 3. i.e. Before, In and After theatre) = = = 1. Total EBL before transfer to theatre = Blood Loss in Theatre Suction Swabs Incontinence sheets Bed sheets Drapes Floor Trough Other Total Measured Blood Loss Total Estimated blood loss Team Debrief & Learning Points Discussed: = = 2. Total EBL in Theatre = Blood Loss After Theatre Swabs Incontinence sheets Bed sheets Other Total Measured Blood Loss Total Estimated blood loss 3. TOTAL BLOOD after Theatre = Code Blue Stand Down Date: = = Time: Signature of Code Blue Organiser ……………………….Name ……..…………….. Signature of Scribe……………………………………….Name……………………….. Date of Original document; September 2003 Date Amended: October 2012 Version 5 Review date; October 2015 Page 11 of 12 Code Blue Guideline No: 1.6A Appendix Four ANAESTHETIC CODE BLUE LAMINATE Haematology Direct Line ext 2088 2 x 16G Cannulae Ensure Initial Bloods Sent FBC, Clotting (incl fibrinogen), X match, U+Es, LFT +/- ABG Consider: Arterial line/arm board Fluid warmers/Bair Hugger Antacids/Antibiotics/Haemoccue 1st Wave 6 units blood (or if required immediately, request 2 units O Neg blood and/or 6 units group compatible blood) Chase initial blood results FFP will be Thawed 2nd Wave On request 4 units blood 4 units FFP Send FBC and Clotting once FFP given +/- ABG Discuss clinical status and results with consultant haematologist 3rd Wave On request 4 units blood 1 unit platelets 4 units FFP Send FBC and Clotting once FFP and platelets given +/-ABG Discuss clinical status and results with consultant haematologist 4th Wave onwards On request 6 units blood Clotting products guided by results, aim for: PT & APTT < 1.5 x control (FFP) Platelets > 100 (platelets) Fibrinogen >1.5 g/l (cryoprecipitate Date of Original document; September 2003 Date Amended: October 2012 Version 5 Review date; October 2015 Page 12 of 12 Code Blue Guideline No: 1.6A
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