Document 6572890


Document 6572890
Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Holbeach Newsletter - 19 October 2014
Mass & Confession Details for the Week
Parish Priest: Fr. Paul Lloyd , The Priest’s House, Foxes Low Rd, Holbeach, PE12 7PA
Tel: 01406 423034
Sat 18
Fr Paul Lloyd - [email protected]
Sun 19
ALL ITEMS FOR THE NEWSLETTER - Please send to John Petters e-mail:
[email protected]
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - week 1
Please pray for our sick. At this time we
remember especially Pat McCarthy, Brian
McCarthy, Tina Taylor, Peter Avrelli, Eileen
Bradley, John and Ady Blom, Mollie Coaten,
Irene Larner & Br Jerome Leo OSB.
Rest in Peace
Please pray for the eternal repose of those
who have died recently especially Reg Hart,
James Regan, Margaret Mary Bryan, Jean
Gavaghan and Roy Coaten. We also
remember those whose anniversaries
occur at this time: John Grieve, Teresa
Anne Travers and Vicki Growska.
Eternal rest give unto them O Lord and let
perpetual light shine upon them. And may
they rest in peace. Amen.
Misso is the Pope's official charity for
overseas missions, sharing faith and
bringing hope to those in need in 157
countries. A collection will be taken at
Masses over the weekend of 18th and 19th
Heavenly Father, on World Mission Sunday
may we rejoice in the opportunity to be
missionaries of your love to our brothers
and sisters across the world in our prayers
and kind offerings to mission; forever
mindful of the words of your beloved Son,
Jesus, who desires us to share His message
with the world.
On Thursday 23rd October, a service
marking the week of prayer for WORLD
PEACE will be held at St. Luke’s Holbeach
Hurn starting at 7.30pm.
This will be held at Holy Trinity on Saturday
6th December starting at 9.30am. Further
details nearer the day.
........and we have started planning. On
Friday 19th December 7:30pm we shall be
holding a Christmas Concert with traditional
carols and seasonal songs. If you enjoyed
the band Retrospect at the Family Fun Fest
come along as they return as part of our
celebration for Christmas. Further details
nearer the day.
Around the Diocese
Feast Day of St. Luke, Evangelist
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Vigil Mass for 29th Sunday
Mass for 29th Sunday
Protection of the unborn
People of the Parish
Ivy Wright, in
Mon 20
Adoration, Evening Prayer,
St. Irene
Legion of Mary First Meeting
Tue 21
St Ursula
Prayer Group
1st Holy Communion Programme
Post-First Aid Course Meeting
St. John Paul II
Cathy & Kieran Linane
Norma Yaxley intention
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Fri 24
Sat 25
Adoration and Divine Mercry
St Anthony Claret (Bishop)
The Six Welsh Martyrs
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Vigil Mass of 3oth Sunday
The Sick of the Parish
Mass of 30th Sunday
Adoration, Evening Prayer,
People of the Parish
Wed 22
Thurs 23
Sun 26
Jack Murnane
John Corrigan RIP
World Peace Day Service, St.
Luke’s (C.of E.) Holbeach Hurn
Priest’s Intention
Protection of the
with just a wedding feast! But that is the
way of the world, making excuses and
warring among ourselves. Pope Francis
again, let this never be! “We are all in
the same boat and headed to the same
the joy of spreading his gospel, along with
Mary, Mother of Evangelisation, who is
present and praying with us in our midst.
And may God bless us all.
Pope Francis has a question for you:
“I have a question for you, but don’t
The Church, by contrast, he asks “to offer answer out loud, only in your heart. How
many of you pray for Christians who are
a radiant and attractive witness of
persecuted? How many? Everyone
fraternal communion.” This is the
answer in your heart. Do I pray for my
wedding garment of the feast, which
shows that we belong, that we have put brother, for my sister who is in difficulty
because they confess and defend their
away conflict and divisions. We are all
called to holiness. Few are chosen to
It is important to look beyond our own
receive special privileges, heavenly
visions of the wedding banquet and the boundaries, to feel we are one Church,
one family in God.”
like, but we have all, good and bad,
received our invitation to the feast. Will Pope Francis: General Audience 25th
we come? Are we prepared to put aside September 2013 Rome
our attachment to sin, and to lead a life
of holiness in the presence of God, our
Prayer for Persecuted Christians
Father? Can we entertain the possibility Father in Heaven, you make your sun shine
that we might, one day, be saints? That on good and bad alike. Your Son Jesus
is actually the main object of the Legion Christ died for us all and in his glorious
of Mary, which presents Mary as a model Resurrection he still retains the five
of all the virtues, of perfection, and
wounds of his Passion.
invites us to be more like her.
With his divine power he now sustains all
those who suffer persecution and
I said at the start that I was born anew 12 martyrdom for the sake of their fidelity to
years ago, but in fact we need to be born the faith of the Church.
anew continually. Every day we must die Many persecuted Christians around the
to self to live for God. This is not easy for world remain, like Mary, their Mother,
any of us, but think of the joy that would together at the foot of the cross of Christ
come of knowing God, from personal
the Martyr. Comfort those menaced by
experience. We cannot spread the
violence and those oppressed by
gospel if we are living like it was Lent
without Easter! Today is the Day of
May your Holy Spirit of Love make fruitful
Resurrection, and later in the Mass we
the witness and the blood of those who die
will have the chance of a renewed
forgiving their enemies. Amen.
personal encounter with the Lord. He
stands at the door and knocks! Let us
open our hearts to him, and be filled with
You are invited to a resource day hosted by
the Diocese of Nottingham on 22nd
November at Christ the King Voluntary
Academy, Darlton Drive Ar-nold,
Nottingham. NG5 7JZ. The day will start at
10am and finish at 4pm. The cost is £12 per
head and includes lunch.. The guest speaker
is Bishop John Sherrington, Auxiliary Bishop
of Westminster. For details of day see notice
board in Foyer. To book contact Adult
Formation. Tel: 0115 9539841 or email:
[email protected] or visit the
diocesan website:
Collections 4th / 5th October
Plate: £208.90
Sick and retired Priests: £129.96
Thank you for your generosity.
11th & 12th October: SICK & RETIRED
18th & 19th October WORLD MISSION
25th & 26th October BUILDING FUND
For health and safety reasons it has been
necessary to close the Balcony area. If you
require access please refer to Fr. Paul.
The next meeting of the Parish Finance
Committee will be held on Monday 27th
October at 7.30pm.
We have in stock a selection of Christmas
cards at the very reasonable
price of £1.25 per pack of 10. We also have
Christmas and Advent candles as well as new
stock of the popular "Holy Family" and
"Divine Mercy" Candles. We had been asked
to obtain some "Prayer of St. Anthony" prayer
cards, these are now in stock.
Please remember to put the money in the
box marked "Repository" and not the basket
for donations.
There will be a meeting of all certified first
aiders on Tuesday 21st October at 7.30pm.
Legion of Mary
We had a very good response to David
Bibby’s talk at both Masses last weekend.
See the transcript below).
Fr Paul is keen to see the Legion established
in the parish. It can be the leaven for a lot of
good works in our area, reaching out to both
those Catholics who have fallen away as well
as non-Catholics, indeed non-Christians in
our community.
Pope Francis is making evangelisation a very
important part of his mission. It is not only
his mission, but indeed the duty of every
Christian to spread the word. We have the
full truth of Our Lord’s revelation, yet all too
often we keep it to ourselves. I was recently
visited by a pair of Jehovah Witnesses and
although I profoundly disagree with their
message, I had to congratulate them on their
efforts to evangelise.
Most Catholic parishes have a very poor
record of doing what Pope Francis is calling
for. The Legion of Mary is a structured,
organised way which ordinary parishioners,
i.e. you and I, can reap Our Lord’s harvest.
One of the first tasks Fr Paul is eager to get
started is a Parish Census so a census form
will be given to you at Mass next weekend.
We also have a number of senior citizens
homes in our area, where some people are
lonely and would welcome a visit from a
friendly face. Other works could include
Catechesis, visiting the sick and housebound
or even street contact.
You never work alone. Just like the disciples,
who went out in pairs, the Legionaries
operate the same way under the watchful
eyes of Mary Immaculate.
Please consider joining. The first meeting is
on this Monday 20th @ 7pm in the hall. You
do not have to commit yourself - there is a
three month probationary period. - John
Holbeach Team Meeting
The team met last Monday evening and a lot
of business was discussed. One point raised
was that some folk felt that communication
from the parish organisations was somewhat
lacking. It is Fr Paul’s intention to operate
the parish in an open and transparent
manner and the team is happy to share with
you what has been discussed. Obviously we
have to respect confidences where there are
items of a sensitive nature or if someone
donates and wishes to remain anonymous,
but other than that we wish you to know
what is being done and more importantly to
involve you in the decisions and projects
which the parish undertakes.
We will be publishing details on the parish
website and we hope to set up an e-mail
group to which you may subscribe. This
means that the Newsletter, for example, can
be mailed directly to you.
We will soon be publishing a parish
directory. A discussion took place about
improving the sound system to allow folk at
the back of the church to hear more clearly.
We are also looking at improving the
Confessional and the lighting.
Transcript of David Bibby’s Address on the
Legion of Mary from Last Week
Thank you Fr Paul for this opportunity to
speak - it fills me with great joy to be with
you this weekend. In his recent apostolic
exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, Pope
Francis encourages the Christian faithful to
embark on a new chapter of evangelisation,
marked by the joy of being born anew in
Christ. I was born anew 12½ years ago,
when I was baptised in the Catholic Oratory
Church of St Aloysius Gonzaga, in Oxford. It
was a happy occasion, and in a blind
moment of ecstasy, I joined an organisation
which I knew nothing about, called the
Legion of Mary. It was a step in the dark,
but looking back I can see how that decision
has helped to sustain and nourish me, and
to develop me spiritually on the road to
Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life
(Jn 14:6).
The principle is so simple it can often go
unnoticed, although since its founding in
1921, the Legion of Mary has spread to over
150 countries, and consists of nearly 3
million active members worldwide. There is
a weekly meeting. The members gather
around a statue of our Lady and pray the
Rosary. During the course of the week,
members work together in pairs, visiting the
sick, the elderly, the housebound, and
perform other spiritual works of mercy and
evangelisation. The work is reported back to There is another point. Although I have
spoken about our Lady in the Legion of
the meeting each week.
Mary, you may have noticed I have not
What I have found to be the greatest benefit spoken so much about Jesus. Is that
because Jesus is overshadowed by Mary?
of the Legion is working in harmony with
Never! The only thing that Mary wants is
other Christians, praying and labouring
us to know her Son better, and draw
together in the vineyard of the Lord, sharing
closer to him. It is called the True Devotion
our experiences and learning from each
to Mary of St Louis Marie de Montfort,
other. It is a model of what the Church
which means that the safest, the quickest
should be. Pope Francis says, “How many
and the easiest way to Jesus is through his
wars take place within the people of God
Mother. Without Mary, there is no Jesus,
and in our different communities! In our
neighbourhoods and in the workplace, how not because it could not be otherwise, but
many wars are caused by envy and jealousy, because God willed it so. Mary brings
even among Christians!” Yet we show that souls closer to God, and our purpose in the
Legion of Mary is to assist her in any way
we are the Lord’s disciples by the love we
have for each other. (cf. Jn 13:35). Harmony we can.
is a keynote of the Legion of Mary, because
The first reading today from Isaiah speaks
we are engaged with our Lady’s business,
and everything we say and do must savour of a banquet of rich food and fine wines,
with the sweetness of her who is our Queen. for all peoples. It is a place that knows no
Death, when the Lord will wipe away every
from every cheek. No eye has seen,
Pope Francis also reminds us that “spirit
filled evangelisers are evangelisers who pray no ear has heard, no mind has conceived
and work.” Ora et labora, prayer and work what God has prepared for those who love
him (cf 1 Co 2:9). It is the call to holiness,
are the Legion’s building blocks, with the
and we are all invited to enter into that
weekly prayer in common suffusing all our
relationship of love, to taste and see that
works and our actions that week. “The
the Lord is good (Ps 34:8), to accept Jesus
Church urgently needs the deep breath of
prayer,” says the Pope, but those moments as our Saviour and so enter into the joy of
eternal happiness.
of prayer must not “become an excuse for
not offering one’s life in mission.” The
I was always a little puzzled by this gospel.
prayer transforms what is an ordinary
Jesus is the king’s son, and he is marrying
human activity into a holy offering to God,
because when we are completely united to his Church. The king sends his servants out
our Lady, who was filled with the Holy Spirit, with the wedding invitations, but they all
make excuses, and some even maltreat his
it is she who is doing the work through us.
We are her hands to care, her feet to visit, servants and kill them. In his rage, the king
sends his troops to destroy and burn their
and her lips with which she consoles her
Everything seems totally out of
proportion and out of hand, it all began