Saint Margaret Parish
Saint Margaret Parish
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 Saint Margaret Parish 374 Stevens Street ~ Lowell, MA 01851 Tel (978) 454-5143 Fax (978) 458-8472 P ARISH M S ISSION TATEMENT . The Roman Catholic Parish of St. Margaret of Scotland, founded in 1910, is an urban, archdiocesan parish located in the Highlands section of Lowell, Massachusetts. The parish is a multi-ethnic, socially, culturally, and educationally diverse faith community. . Deeply committed to Jesus Christ, we endeavor to become a unified community of faith, worship, and service. We strive to be a warm, welcoming and caring parish in which the gifts and talents of all, young and old, are recognized and graciously used to nourish others. Parish Office Hours Mass Schedule Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 2:30 pm ~ Main Church ~ Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:00 pm Sunday Masses - 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 am Rev. Raymond P. Benoit Administrator ~ Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel ~ Daily Mass: Monday - Saturday, 8:30 am Paul St.Cyr Facilities Manager Prayers & devotions Karen Miller Business Manager ~ Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel ~ The Rosary: Monday - Saturday, 8:00 am Eucharistic Adoration: September - April, Thursdays, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Barry Lloyd Permanent Deacon Debra McAndrews Administrative Coordinator Joanna Bazzinotti Director of Faith Formation & Religious Education Pamela Quinn Coordinator of Altar Server Ministry Kelly Paradise-Brothers Coordinator of Confirmation Program, Grade 11 Sacraments Reconciliation Saturdays, 3:15 to 3:45 pm, or by appointment. Baptism Second Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm. Marriage Please call at least six months in advance. Religious Education Ernest Houle Director of Music Grades 1-8 begins with the 9:00 am Sunday Mass. Confirmation students meet Sunday evenings. St. Margaret School St. Vincent de Paul Society "It is good for us to be here." “Helping Those in Need.” 486 Stevens Street ~ Lowell, MA 01851 Tel (978) 453-8491 Fax (978) 453-1358 Extended Day Program (978) 458-7870 The St. Vincent de Paul Conference of St. Margaret Parish witnesses to God’s love through works of charity and justice, making no distinction in those served. If you are in need of help, please call 978-459-0175. All calls and visits are strictly confidential. Sr. Lori Fleming, SND Principal 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Margaret Parish - Lowell, MA September 20, 20151 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 + Mass Intentions + Date Sep 19 Sep 20 Day Saturday Sunday Time 4:00pm 7:30am 9:00am Sep 21 Sep 22 Sep 23 Sep 24 Sep 25 Sep 26 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sep 27 Sunday 11:00am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 4:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheila M. Hogan 20th Anniversary People of St. Margaret Parish Special Intention Daniel Burbank, Margaret Dukeshire and The Ralls Family Memorial Daniel F. Sullivan 20th Anniversary Brendan Durkin, Sr. Memorial Mary A. Fitzgerald Memorial Peter Martin Memorial Butch Mercier Memorial Dick Lawrenson 31st Anniversary Robin Mullin & William J. Mullin Memorial Edmund and Carole Pender Memorial Michael and Susan Gill 24th Wedding Anniv. Patricia Danas 16th Anniversary George Kilmartin Sr., George Kilmartin Jr., and Tracy Kilmartin Memorial Celebrant Fr. Ray Fr. Ray Fr. Ray Fr. Raju Fr. Raju Fr. Raju Fr. Raju Fr. Ray Fr. Ray Fr. Ray Fr. Ray Fr. Raju Fr. Ray Fr. Ray + Steeple Bells + Our Steeple Bells will ring this week in loving memory of James F. “Jim” Molloy. + Sanctuary / Altar Lamps + Our Sanctuary & Altar Lamps will burn this week: . Sanctuary Lamp (Church): In loving memory of Mary M. Burke. . Sanctuary Lamp (Chapel): In loving memory of Dorothy E. Polak. . Sacred Heart Lamp (Church): In loving memory of Olivia R. Brophy-Forst. . Blessed Mother Lamp (Church): In loving memory of Sharon R. Brophy-Forst. For information about Steeple Bells or Sanctuary/Altar Lamps, please, call the rectory office. CAHAL DUNNE IN CONCERT The Ladies’ and Men’s Divisions of the Ancient Order of Hibernians of Lowell will present “Ireland’s Happy Man” singer, songwriter, and comedian, Cahal Dunne in concert Saturday, October 3rd, 2015 at 7:00PM at the Lowell Lodge of Elks Hall, Old Ferry Road, Lowell, MA. Proceeds from the concert will benefit the AOH/LOAH Scholarships. Tickets are $20.00 per person and can be obtained by calling Angus MacDonald at (978) 453-8580 or Carolyn MacDonald at (978) 866-6437. ST. MARGARET PARISH & SCHOOL FOOD DRIVE A reminder . . . The Fourth Annual St. Margaret Food Drive will be held on Sunday October 18th and Sunday October 25th. More information coming in the bulletins of the next few weeks! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Eucharistic Adoration is celebrated on most Thursdays from 9:00am to 3:00pm in Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel (lower church), beginning September 24, 2015 and continues until April 28, 2016. If you are able to devote time with Jesus, please, complete a Registration Form located in the wall racks at the main entrance of the church. Return your completed form to the rectory office. Today’s Scripture Readings - Catholic Community Hymnal # 651 ♫ Hymns ♫ 2 Entrance Offertory Communion Recessional 404 381 448 267 This Day God Gives Me We Have Been Told Now in this Banquet Lord You Give the Great Commission St. Margaret Parish - Lowell, MA Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 PARISH WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT September 12-13, 2015 st . 1 Collection: Weekly Offertory . 2nd Collection: Parish Renewal & Renovation # of Envelopes: 211 # of Envelopes: 177 Envelopes: $4,035.00 Envelopes: $1,660.00 Non-Envelope: $ 826.00 Non-Envelope: $ 584.00 Total: $4,861.00 Total: $2,244.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ————————————– ———————————— 2nd Collection this weekend: Clergy Benefit Trust With heartfelt gratitude for the very generous sharing of your treasure ..and thank you for accepting the financial responsibility for St. Margaret Parish. SUPPORT FOR THE CLERGY HEALTH AND RETIREMENT TRUST FUND The diocese-wide collection this weekend for the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Fund is for our 614 priests in the Archdiocese of Boston, men who have devoted their lives to serving Christ and His family. Your gift to this second collection helps to provide our priests with an appropriate level of care and quality of life so they can continue their work serving others. Consider remembering the priests who have been there in your time of need with a generous donation to this collection. You can make your gift using the envelopes provided in the wall racks at the church entrances, or donate online at On behalf of myself and the many priests who have served the people of St. Margaret Parish, I thank you for helping to ensure the highest level of care and quality of life for all the priests of the Archdiocese of Boston. ~ ~ Gratefully, Fr. Ray ACTUAL VS. BUDGET PARISH INCOME REPORT Fiscal Year-to-Date: July 1, 2015 Through August 31, 2015 ACTUAL BUDGET % OF BUDGET OFFERTORY (First) COLLECTION . In-Church Stewardship Collection 37,773.00 40,500.00 93.3% . E-Giving Stewardship Collection 2,792.00 2,750.00 101.5% . Holy Day Offertory Collection 44.00 00.00 100.0% >>> Total Offertory (First) Collection MONTHLY (Second) COLLECTIONS . In-Church Renewal & Renovation . E-Giving Renewal & Renovation . In-Church Monthly Church Maintenance . E-Giving Monthly Church Maintenance . In-Church Energy & Fuel Assistance . E-Giving Utilities & Fuel Assistance >>> Total Monthly (Second) Collections OFFERTORY + MONTHLY TOTALS: 40,609.00 ———————— 43,250.00 ———————— ——————- 4,555.00 576.00 5,000.00 286.00 2,522.00 20.00 3600.00 205.00 5,500.00 220.00 2,500.00 20.00 126.5% 281.0% 90.9% 130.0% 100.9% 100.0% ———————— 12,959.00 ———————-- 12,045.00 ————————— ————————— 53,568.00 55,295.00 93.9% ——————- 107.6% ——————- 96.9% ST. PATRICK CEMETERY ANNUAL WALKING TOUR Please, come and join us to hear the stories of the first Irish pioneers who came to the Lowell area. The cemetery tour will take place on Saturday, October 3rd beginning at 10:00am. The cemetery is located at 1251 Gorham Street, Lowell, MA. Please, plan to meet at the cemetery office and be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes. The tour will last approximately one hour. St. Margaret Parish - Lowell, MA 3 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 James 3:16-4:3 Mark 9:30-37 The Son of Man Will Be Handed Over to Suffer and Die But He Will Rise Again on The Third Day As we survey the Gospels, we find that many times the disciples failed to understand much of what Jesus said and did. When he spoke in parables, they needed further explanation in private. When he sent them out to preach and heal, they often failed to see that they were simply acting in his name and with his authority. In today’s Gospel, Jesus wants his disciples to be fully aware of all that their discipleship will entail. Jesus knows that in coming to follow him, the disciples have come with their own expectations and understandings. From the Gospels, we see that the disciples tended to understand the messiahship of Jesus in earthly and political terms. For them the Messiah would be a divinely appointed national leader with the military strength and prowess of King David and with the wisdom and prosperity of King Solomon. If Jesus was the Messiah then they expected to benefit from following him. Hence, the question: Who was the greatest? In their way of thinking of Jesus, it was obvious that the greatest among them would benefit the most in the new earthly kingdom that they thought Jesus would restore. But the real Messiah was something very different. Instead of military power, Jesus witnessed to the power of love and forgiveness in the world. Where others pursued the lure of material wealth and prestige, Jesus revealed that God has a special place in his heart for the poor, the afflicted and the outsider. Jesus’ life and ministry bore witness to the truth that he had come to serve and not be served. Clearly, the disciples would have to be dissuaded of their false expectations. To do this Jesus speaks explicitly of his own expectations. He will be handed over and will suffer and die and as his disciples they, too, can expect nothing less. Perhaps it is no surprise at this stage that the disciples remain in their ignorance. We too often need to hear discomforting news several times before it finally sinks in. So it is with the disciples. Today they hear, but they do not understand. That will come later! But for us, we know the final chapter of this great book that is the mystery of Christ. It does not end in defeat. Jesus, in his victory over death, witnesses to the enduring care and unconditional love of God even in the face of a shameful death. Jesus is handed over, but in the resurrection his triumph is complete and we are given the promise and hope of eternal life. ..Shalom! ..Peace be with you! ..Father Ray By James Gaffney Years ago, people who came from humble homes would say, “It’s not much, but it is home.” When some of their sons became priests and would be assigned to parishes with large rectories and churches, the priests would joke, “It’s not home, but it’s much!” The Apostles fell into the same trap, but their superlative was “the greatest.” They were debating among themselves who was the most important--the first struggle for power in the Church! Jesus changes the focus. Being the greatest is about service, not power. When one can serve the needs of all, even a small, powerless child, then greatness is achieved. That greatness is measured by the standard of love and selflessness, not strength and domination. Practicing our faith gives us a vision to see others as God sees them and act accordingly. We have the power to change the world, one life at a time. Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and consoling the sorrowful are not far off works of mercy. They are the stuff of everyday life, the practical ways in which we serve, heal, and pray. It is not played out on a world stage, nor will it make the news. It does, however, make a difference. It’s not just something; it’s much! 4 St. Margaret Parish - Lowell, MA Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 WORKSHOP: PASTORAL CARE TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND The Office of Health Care Ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston is sponsoring a two-day workshop on Pastoral Care to the Sick and Homebound at Saint John the Evangelist Parish in Chelmsford. The workshop will be held on Saturday, October 10th and Saturday October 17th from 9:00am to 3:00pm. The instructor will be Timothy Duff, a certified Chaplain. This workshop serves as a wonderful introduction for volunteers new to ministry to the sick, as well as a way to deepen the skills and spiritual formation of more experienced Pastoral Visitors and Eucharistic Ministers engaged in visiting the sick at home or in nursing home facilities. The workshop will include a review of communication skills, the basics of pastoral visitation, key illness issues, spiritual needs and concerns, grief, loss and dying, and caregiving issues. If you serve our parish community as a Pastoral Visitor or Eucharistic Minister to the homebound or those in nursing homes, or would like to volunteer for this ministry, please, contact Fr. Ray at the rectory about this workshop. He will discuss it with you and assist you in registering, if you wish to attend. The fee is $40 and it will be paid for by the parish. The registration deadline is October 1st. ST. MARGARET SCHOOL & PARISH SUPPORT CHILDHOOD CANCER AWARENESS September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Gold was chosen as the color to represent Childhood Cancer Awareness because our children are the most precious of our gifts, yet all types of childhood cancers combined receive only 4% of U.S. Federal Funding for cancer research. That means out of 100 pennies only 4 of them goes to funding for ways to treat childhood cancer. You can help those children affected by cancer when you say a prayer for them and their families, donate to research, or spread awareness. Find out more information at , sign up to help save a life at to register as an organ donor or donate blood in loving memory of a local child at the Red Cross Alexandra Ullom Birthday Blood Drive on Sunday, September 27th from 9 am -2 pm at the Chelmsford Elks Lodge. Thank you for joining us as we support the fighters, admire the survivors and honor those taken.. RCIA: RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS RCIA is a process whereby the Catholic Church welcomes new or returning members to the Catholic. It is a very special period of time to: learn more about the beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church; explore the process for becoming a Catholic through reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation; grow in one’s appreciation of the richness of the Catholic faith. St. Margaret Parish will offer the RCIA Program consisting of twenty-two sessions that begin on Tuesday, October 6, 2015 to Palm Sunday, March 20, 2016. This leads into Holy Week and culminates in the reception of the needed sacraments at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, March 26, 2016. If you or someone you know has any questions about RCIA, please, complete the form below, and return it to the Parish Rectory Office. Father Ray or Deacon Barry will contact you as soon as possible. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2015-09-20 PLEASE, CONTACT ME ABOUT THE RCIA PROGRAM NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________ BEST TELEPHONE #: ________________________________________________________________ St. Margaret Parish - Lowell, MA 5 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 INVITATION TO A SOCIAL CELEBRATION ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2015 In Appreciation of Pam Quinn & Kelly Paradise-Brothers All parishioners are invited to a social celebration in Sacred Heart Hall (lower church) on Sunday, October 4th after the 11:00am Mass in appreciation of Pam Quinn and Kelly Paradise-Brothers and in recognition of their many years of exemplary service given to the children and youth in our parish Religious Education programs. Both Pam and Kelly are to be commended for sharing their time and giftedness and giving their very best to these programs even though they both have full-time responsibilities to their positions and careers in the field of education. Pam will continue to serve the parish as Coordinator of Altar Server Ministry. Kelly will continue to serve the parish through the middle of November as she journeys with our Grade 11 students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in November. Let us pray: Gracious God, thank you for the blessings you have bestowed on our parish community through the pastoral service that Pam Quinn & Kelly Paradise-Brothers have shared with the children and youth of our parish. They have provided our young people with many kind words and loving actions that have enabled our youth to know of your unconditional love. We pray that you will now and always support Pam & Kelly in their careers and on their journey through life. Lift them up in ways that keep their eyes focused on you and make their spirits soar. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen. 2016 CORI FORM & CODE OF MINISTERIAL CONDUCT AGREEMENT After all Masses this weekend, parish staff and pastoral council members will be in Sacred Heart Hall (lower church) to accept and verify completed CORI forms of our parish volunteers. A photo identification document and the last six digits of your Social Security Number are needed. Attached to the CORI form will be the Archdiocesan Code of Ministerial Conduct Agreement Form that you are being asked to sign. This is a “one-time only” signing. The Code of Ministerial Conduct document is available on our parish and school websites in the wall racks at entrances of the church. These requirements must be completed by the end of September. We are grateful for your support! STUDENTS IN GRADES 3-8: A CALL TO SERVICE IN THE CHURCH The ministry of Altar Server is open to students from Grades 3-8. The main requirement is that your child has made his/her First Communion. Your child will be scheduled only at the Masses you choose and only on those weekends in any given month that you indicate their availability. Retraining for all current Altar Servers is scheduled for the Tuesdays of September 22 & 29 at 4:00pm in the main church. The first training session for new Altar Servers is scheduled for Tuesday, October 6 at 4:00pm in the main church. Please, encourage your children or grandchildren to be Altar Servers. For more information, please, complete an Altar Server form located in the wall racks at all entrances of the church and return it to the rectory. Should you have any questions about this ministry, please, contact Pam Quinn by email at [email protected] or contact Fr. Ray or Debbie McAndrews at the rectory. ST. MARGARET SCHOOL 2015 FALL MUM FUNDRAISER St. Margaret School has again partnered with Ogonowski Farm for our first fundraiser of the 2015-2016 school year! Buy a Fundraiser Coupon and bring it to Ogonowski Farm in Dracut, MA to receive a beautiful 8-inch Potted Mum in your choice of color. Coupons are $7.00 and they can be redeemed at Ogonowski Farm from September 1st through October 10th! Order forms are available in the wall racks at the main entrance of the Church. Thank you for your enthusiastic support! COOK WANTED: FRANCO-AMERICAN SCHOOL The Franco-American School in Lowell will be in need of a Cook by the last week of October during school hours. If interested, please call Sister Jane at (978) 458-1251. 6 St. Margaret Parish - Lowell, MA Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Classified • Help Wanted • For Sale • For Rent Support your priests at the September collection 617-779-3788 [email protected] Space Classified Available • Help Wanted • For Sale • For 617-779-3788 Advertising@pilotcatholicnew For all your Classified Advertising needs For all your Classified Advertising Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests To support our priests, text the word PRIEST to 56512 Msg. & data rates may apply. America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Advertise: 617-779-3788 I WANTSubscribe: YOU 617-779TO ADVERTISE HERE Subscribe to 617-779Or One of the Advertise: Many Available Spaces in this Bulletin We also serve more than 120 parishes and have available space in those bulletins Subscribe toto serve you better. Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully info ADvertising sAles PArt time. full time. flexible. Call 617-779-3770 for More Information ECHOES Words of wisdom from Pope Francis Full local coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese ■ National and International Church-related news Sell Ads for this Bulletin and more. ■ Analysis relating the teachings of the Church to current events Call Ken Romano 617-779-3787 ■ Faith related articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors ■ Stories about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese Words of wisdom from Pope Francis Full local coverageAofForum news and throughout the archdiocese oFevents CAtholiC thought ■ National and International Church-related news ■ Analysis relating the teachings of the Church to current events Dialogue shaped by revelation and reason ■ Faith related articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors ■ Stories about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese ■ ■ ■ ■ Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Subscribe to Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. 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MAC T N E New Englan d May 28 th to Open June 1 st June 28th A E Francisco Montoya Academy Director to July 1 st What’s Inside New Englan d Jr. Clay Court July 10th Championsh to July 13 th ips New Englan d August 14th Jr. Hard Court Cham pionships to August th 17 Celeste Frey Academy Mana ger Alex Howa rd Head Coach SUMMER Dave Colby Junior Progra m Director Saturday, June 26 th, 2 –4 Daniel Quice no Tennis Profes sional pm Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious from the Jazz desserts and music Chris Trio “String Swing.” Clayton Enjoy our lovely area, and tour outdoor garden Tennis our beautiful commun Professional ity. 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Is Jesus Calling You To The Priesthood? 617-779-3777 [email protected] For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Pilot Bulletins • Saint Margaret Parish of Lowell, MA Morse-Bayliss Funeral Home 122 Princeton Boulevard, Lowell Frederick W. Healy, C.P.C. 4th Generation Funeral Director Certified Pre-planning Consultant Walter F. Bayliss Jr. 978-458-6841 James F. 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Saint Margaret Parish
culturally, and educationally diverse faith community. . Deeply committed to Jesus Christ, we endeavor to become a unified community of faith, worship, and service. We strive to be a warm, welcomin...
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