Document 6573612


Document 6573612
Sun 26th Oct
Tues 4th Nov
Sat 8th Nov
Fri 14th Nov
27th-29th Nov
Sun 30th Nov
BUPA Nursing Home Service
Prevent Chronic Disease & Age Well- Seminar
SSS Aviation Museum visit - Pt Adelaide
TTG Concert Band—Modbury Uniting Church
Christmas Tree Festival
Congregational AGM
Tea Tree Gully Uniting Church
Sun 26th October, 2014
Reading: Matthew 22:34-46
8.30am: Raelene Watts
10am & EB 6pm: Rev Richard Banham
Tea Tree Gully Uniting Church
592-600 Milne Road, Banksia Park, 5091. PO Box 30, St. Agnes SA 5097
Office hours: Mon-Thurs: 10.00 am–3.00 pm Fri: 10.00 am–2.00 pm
Ph. 8396 3252 Fax: (08) 8395 2932
Internet Tithing: Bank details BSB 105:117 Acct. 040804740
Godly Play: Books of the Bible
7EV+ (God’s Everlasting Vision): Giving to God
[email protected]
0403 972 395 Mon-Thurs. Off Friday
[email protected]
Mon PM, Tues, Thurs, Sun
[email protected]
Mon, Thurs & Fri 0419 822 548
[email protected]
Mon, Tues
[email protected]
Contact 0417 606 255
[email protected]
Info Sheet [email protected] Submit articles by 9am Thurs
Prayer requests [email protected] Alida & Richard will process requests
[email protected]
Roster availability & queries
web-site at
Staff email & office times
Serving Jesus Christ, Serving The Community
A Sneak Peek at Next Week’s Message
Sunday 2nd Nov: “I am Willing!”
Reading: Luke 5:12-16
8.30am: Alida Kramer
10.00am: P & P Wilcox
EB 6.00pm: Darren Lohmeyer
On NEXT SUNDAY 2 Nov, Penny & Paul Wilcox will
be visi ng us. They will arrive between the morning
services, so they can mingle with the 8:30am service congrega on, prior to
a(ending the 10:00am service. Penny will be sharing in the work of the
Hospice and Paul will be preaching. A re ring offering will be taken up to
support them in their work. Come along and hear the exci ng news of what
is happening at the home.
Our Congregational AGM is being held Sunday 30th Nov.
Nomina ons are being sought for members of Church Council.
If you wish to nominate someone, forward their name to the Office. Please
do not contact the person yourself, as this will be done by Church Council
following due-process. Thank you.
It might seem a li(le early to be thinking about next year already,
but the roster for the first quarter needs to be completed before
Christmas, so it is me to let the office know any dates that you will
not be available in the first 3 months (Jan – March). You can inform
the office by emailing rosters@( or by comple ng one of the forms on
the office window ledge. Either way we need the informa$on by 9 November.
Thank you for assis ng us with this and for all the different ways you contribute to
the church on one or more rosters.
Our God is a Prayer Answering God!
God has blessed our Your Time Creche with growth in numbers which
we have been praying for for some me.
Some of our new a(endees are children under the usual age of 2 years
old. Some of the new mums are expec ng child number 3 or 4 so are very thankful
for Your Time. We currently have 8 awesome ladies from our church helping once a
term, some have faithfully done this for many years. (Your Time started as Time
Out over 17 years ago.) We NOW are praying God will supply more awesome
people to help out once a term or more oGen if you would like. Friday mornings
during school terms for about 2hours. WE are trying to roster 2 people
each week with Chris and myself. Age does not need to preclude you if
you feel God could use you to Bless the mothers and the children they
bring. Please Prayfully consider being involved in this awesome
ministry to young mums and speak to Chris Schumann or myself.
Yours in His Service, Vicki Folland
Prayers for Year 12 Students at Pedare Chris$an College
Once again the churches in our region are being invited to pray for the year 12 students
at Pedare Chris an College during their upcoming exams. In par cular there will be a
one hour prayer mee ng each day of the exam weeks from 12:30 - 1:30pm at Pedare.
You are invited to par cipate along with the ministers and congrega ons of other
churches in our region if you have a free hour on the weekdays of 3-19 November. You
can choose to a(end any day in that period and for as many days as you wish (even one
day would be great). If you are interested then all you need do is register that interest
with Rev David Hoffman (Golden Grove Uni ng) who is coordina ng the prayer mes.
You can contact David as follows…Home/Mobile: 8251 5822/0401 138 259,
Email: [email protected]
GOOD NEWS RE: CPSW’s: The State Govt has signed-off to accept the funding.
Now to work out which schools will receive the money. Keep in your prayers.
(whence comes bay leaves) in a pot. Contact Sherrin 8288 8209.
Ordination will be on the 30th November (same day as the AGM) at 1.30 pm at
Adelaide West Uniting Church. Everyone is welcome.
Sherrin Jackman’s Ordination
House Si)er needed from the 20th Nov, please see Sue Anderson
St Lukes Cra/ Fair, Sat 29th Nov, 9am-3pm—50+ cra/ tables
Hope Valley Uni$ng Church– Rediscover Kingdom Healing, Special Guest
Rev Mike Endico). Oct 31-Nov 1
SSS Aviation Museum Visit
Sat 8th Nov. Meet at church at 10:00am
Adults $10, Concession $8, Children (< 16) $5
See sign-up sheet in foyer
As part of the musical programme of Christmas Tree Festival our choir is
planning to sing some excerpts from the "COLOURS OF CHRISTMAS"
musical we sang a few years ago.
There were numerous people involved in presenting this
musical and we are hoping to retrieve some books that may
still be outstanding. So, if you have a copy of the book that
we could use, please get it back to Sandra Olafsen or drop it
into the church office. It would be much appreciated. We will
also be singing some other music. P.S.
If you would like to join us for the Christmas Tree Festival
choir please speak to Sandra.
Positions Vacant :
Home of the Open Heart
Home of the Open Heart in Northern Thailand is
seeking two committed Christian couples to be full
-time house parents for both a boy’s house and a girl’s house. Long term (5
year minimum) commitment required. Ability to live in community setting is
a must. Teachers and nurses are also needed. For more information contact
[email protected] or visit
For general information contact Richard Philps from TTGUC on 0413606339.
Tea Tree Gully Concert Band
(including our own Barry Oakley)
Friday 14th November, 7.30pm
at Modbury Uniting Church. Performance in aid of Uniting Church
Adult Fellowships project for Overseas Missions.
$10 (Inc. light supper)
Enq. Marg Paech: 8264 2545
Christmas Tree Festival
It is not long until 27 November, and many of our
Church Families have been/are busy making things for the
craft, Produce, Garden and Cake Stalls. However, if you have not been able
to make things there is an opportunity to help, by donating money so that
cakes and biscuits can be made.
Valerie Healey is going to make some small Christmas cakes, assemble
gingerbread houses, bake biscuits etc. She is approaching a small group of
helpers to do the cooking, but they will need ingredients. To enable all
items to be of equal quality and standard, a donation of
money would be most gratefully received.
During the festival quite a large number of volunteers
will be required. If you have not been approached, and have
an hour or three that you could help, please see Mostyn.
Thank you. Helen Sheppard, committee member
Christmas Tree Festival FITNESS PROGRAM !!
No Charge or contracts, Nothing to store under the bed
Just collect some flyers from the foyer, mark your area
off on the map and deliver flyers to local letterboxes.
Christmas Tree Festival
27th—29th Nov
An opportunity for us all to show our hidden talents.
Create a tree on the theme
“Christ For All Nations” with your study group.
or make some craft items for sale.
Pray for the festival, that it will have the desired effect
of presenting Christ to the community & muchneeded fund-raising for our CPSW’s.
An event of combined-churches in the TTG area.
A Life-Directions Seminar
Prevent Chronic Disease & Age Well
Tues 4th Nov 7:30-9:00pm
Presented by Kelli Kieselbach