Document 6573727
Document 6573727
TH † PSRP ! THE FUTURE OF SHOULDER REHAB SO FAR ¢ PSRP (Pune shoulder rehabilita3on programme) was developed 10years ago at our centre in Pune. We have successfully completed 10 years of PSRP this year. In the last 10years, 16 Courses have been held all over India including Mumbai, Surat, Delhi etc. !Physiotherapy department at ab health care ! Ab health care at present has 10 Physiotherapists working at 4 different centres in Pune. Our department func3ons from 7am to 9 pm wherein pa3ents are administered physiotherapy strictly on a one to one basis. Over the past 10years, more than 10,000 pa3ents have benefited from our programme. We have been con3nuously training & upgrading Physiotherapists in shoulder rehab at our centre. † CONTACT ¢ YOGESH -‐ +919823383355 3, Anant, Income Tax Lane Off Karve Road, Pune 411 004 Course Director -‐ Dr Joban Babhulkar [email protected] 5 A-Z OF SHOULDER REHAB ! † FUTURE ¢ In view of the huge demand by the Physiotherapists and the dearth in advanced training in musculoskeletal physiotherapy, we have planned to embark upon a comprehensive training programme in shoulder physiotherapy. The purpose is to educate the candidates about all aspects of shoulder rehabilita3on , right from the basic anatomical facts upto the postopera3ve care. We will aZempt to eliminate all jargon and include informa3on which is per3nent to pa3ent care. ! NEXT DATES -31 JAN-1 FEB REGULAR FEE `10,000/- For Interns `7500/- ! LAST DATE TO APPLY 30 DEC 2014 ! EARLY BIRD FEE `8500/- TILL 10 NOV 2014 Managed by AB Healthcare † C O U R S E ¢ Comprehensive shoulder rehabilita3on programme This will encompass 2 days of theory course followed by one week of hands on training at our centres in Pune. ! Please note: In case of cancella3on of registra3on NO Refund 5th A-Z of Shoulder Rehab ! † COURSE ¢ The following is a list of topics which will be covered : 1. Func3onal anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulder Take home packs 2. Clinical evalua3on of the shoulder The candidates will be given detailed course material covering all the lectures . 3. Impingement and s3ff shoulder They will also be given the unique opportunity of being part of pa3ent care with a workload of about 40 -‐45 pa3ents per day. 6. Acromio-‐clavicular joint ! Cheque/DD in name of ! “Research Rehabilitation & Radiology” Payable in Pune NEXT DATES - 31 JAN - 1 FEB ! FEE `10,000/- For Interns `7500/- REGULAR ! LAST DATE TO APPLY 30 DEC 2014 ! EARLY BIRD FEE `8500/- TILL 10 Nov 2014 4. Instability 5. Imaging of Shoulder 7. Rotator cuff pathology 8. The essence of PSRP 9. Postopera3ve PSRP 10. Compression Neuropathy Lectures by ! Ashish Babhulkar Dnyaneshwar Himani Snehal Amruta Vivek Prajakta Vaidehi Renu Mitali Nikita Apurva & Benjamin ! ! Thoroughbred experienced team Didac3c & comprehensive Lectures Case scenarios Clinical applica3ons Emphasis on Cufng edge core rehab Theraband Lab Hands on PSRP 11. Osteoarthri3s of the shoulder joint 12. Shoulder Replacement 13. Unusual shoulder condi3ons 14. Sports Injuries 15. Core Biomechanics 16. Shoulder Fractures ! ! ! ! ! Contact YOGESH -‐ +919823383355 3, Anant, Income Tax Lane Off Karve Road, Pune 411 004 Course Director -‐ Dr Joban Babhulkar [email protected] 5th A-Z Shoulder Rehab Course 31st Jan - 1st Feb 2015 ! ! Name:_______________________________________________ Age:________ M/F Institute:_____________________________________________ Residence Address:_____________________________________________________ City:________________ State:_______________________Pin Code:_____________ Phone no(with STD code) Clinic:________________ Mobile:________________ Residence:_____________________ Email:__________________________________ ! Course fee `10,000/- Early Bird fee `8500/- last date - 10 Nov 2014 Amount _____________ Cheque / DD no______________ Dated___________ Bank_________________________ ! Pl Send DD/Cheques in Name of “Research Rehabilitation & Radiology” payable at Pune Write your name & Cell no behind the cheque / DD ! ! For Interns only `7500/- Letter & Proof required LAST DATE of Submission - 30 Dec 2014 ! Courier Registration form to PSRP - 3, Anant, Income Tax Lane, Off Karve Road, Pune 411 004 T-020 64015806