La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Our Lady Of Guadalupe Catholic Church La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 8400 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor, CA 95492 Rev. Michaelraj Philominsamy, Pastor - ext. 207 October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26 octubre, 2014 30º Domingo del tiempo Ordinario Mass Schedule Monday 9:00 a.m. Communion service Tuesday –Friday 9:00 a.m. Bilingual Saturday 5:00 p.m. English 7:00 p.m. Spanish Sunday 9:00 a. m. English 12:30 p.m Spanish Confession 9:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 12 noon Tues - Fri. Saturday Sunday Horario de Misas Lunes 9:00a.m. Servicio de Oración Martes a Viernes 9:00 a.m. Bilingüe Sábados 5:00 p.m. Inglés 7:00 p.m. Español Domingos 9:00 a.m.. Inglés 12:30 p.m. Español Confesiones 9:30 a.m. Martes a Viernes 4:30 p.m. Sábado 12:00p.m. Domingo Love the Lord with all your heart And your neighbor as yourself Amar al Señor con todo tu corazón Y a tu prójimo como a ti mismo 2 Baptisms Arrangements must be made 6 weeks in advance of the intended date of Baptism. One preparation session on the meaning of Baptism is required. More information on our website: Marriages Arrangements must be made 6 months in advance of the Intended date of marriage, according to Diocesan Policy. Need A Bulletin announcement? Send your information and date of publication required to: [email protected] and we will contact you. Bautismos Arreglos deben hacerse con 6 semanas de anticipación de la fecha deseada para el bautismo. Una sesión de preparación sobre el significado del bautismo es necesario. Más información en nuestra página web: Matrimonios Arreglos deben hacerse con 6 meses de anticipación de la fecha prevista de matrimonio. De acuerdo con la Política Diocesana. ¿Necesita Un Anuncio De Boletín? Envíe su información y fecha de la publicación deseada a: [email protected] y nos pondremos en contacto con usted. Report Financiero Semanal Weekly Financial Report Saturday/Sábados October 25 de octubre 7:00 p.m. Oremos por la alma de Jose Antonio Ambriz Luquin Sunday/Domingo October 26 de octubre 9:00 a.m. Pray for the soul of Sharon Senichka and Chuck Caputo 18/19 October / de octubre Weekly Goal / Meta Semanal: $ 7,000.00 1st collection/ 1er colecta: $ 6,364.50 2nd collection/ 2 colecta: $ 2,582.00 (World Mission Sunday) Total: $ 8,946.50 Scripture Reading Las lecturas bíblicas Nov. 2 de noviembre 31th Sunday/31º Domingo Ordinary Time/Tiempo ordinario MUSICIAN NEEDED 1st Reading/ Primera Lectura: Exodus 22:20-26 There is an opening at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church for a keyboard player fam iliar with contemporary and gospel styles of music. This individual must be able to read music and accompany a cantor/choir. Beginning schedule will be every second and third Sunday at the 9 am liturgy with rehearsal during the week. 2nd Reading/ Segunda Lectura: 1 Thess. 1:5c-10 If you are interested, please contact Father Michaelraj at : 707. 837.8962 Gospel/Evangelio: Matthew 22:34-40 SAVE THE DATE: Madonna Sodality Country Village Sunday, November 2nd. 10-4 p.m. Shopping, Rummage Sale and Bake Sale, Jewelry, Books, Raffle, Food and Drinks, Christmas Gifts, Entertainment. Lots of fun. Bring the whole family! RCIA For Adults Classes will be starting this Fall. If you would like to be Baptized in our Catholic faith, or you have been baptized but want to enter fully into the Catholic Faith, please call, Pamela Faure at (707) 396-0530 or contact the Church office at (707) 837-8962 The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the official ritual text of the Church which directs, supports and sustains the way of faith and conversion by which adults (and children who have reached the age of reason) are initiated into the Catholic Church. Although many Catholics are not familiar with it, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults was restored to the Church in 1972 at the request of the Second Vatican Council. Full Communion with the Church Coming into full communion with the Catholic Church describes the process for entrance into the Catholic Church for men and women who are baptized Christians but not Roman Catholics. These individuals make a profession of faith but are not baptized again. They are prepared to receive Confirmation and Eucharist during the Easter Vigil. Mission Statement We, the congregation of Our Lady of Guadalupe catholic church, rooted in a caring community, are guided by the holy spirit to live and grow in love and compassion. by extending the heart and hands of our lady in our daily lives, we joyfully commit ourselves to proclaim the Gospel, celebrate our faith and acknowledge our diversity as God’s precious gift. We pledge to serve the needs and concerns of everyone and will strive to build God’s kingdom of love, justice and peace through worship, evangelization and service. Scripture Insights The First Reading makes clear God’s concern for the most vulnerable . The alien, or immigrant, the widow, the orphan and the poor are those most at risk and ignoring them is the same as ignoring God. The world must place greater value in listening to the heart of God. In the Second Reading, Paul is writing to the fledgling church he had founded in Thessalonica a short time before. News of their persecution reached him and he writes to encourage them and praises their steadfast faith in difficult times. They are living as imitators of Christ, who brought salvation to the world through his death on the cross. In the Gospel, Jesus is subjected to another test. What is the greatest commandment? Where will Jesus’ highest priority lie? His answer is unassailable: that we must first love God completely with heart, soul, and mind, and second, love our neighbor as ourselves. In the Gospel according to Matthew, the scene continues with Jesus questioning the Pharisees, but in the Gospel according to Luke the conversation shifts to who the “neighbor” might be. There the parable of the Good Samaritan answers the question. Today’s first reading supplies details about our neighbors - the immigrant, the widow, the orphan, the poor - all those in need. Nuestra Misión Nosotros, la congregación de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, con raíces en una comunidad al servicio del prójimo somos guiados por el Espíritu Santo a vivr y crecer en amor y compasión. Al extender el corazón y las manos de Nuestra Señora en nuestras vidas diarias, nos comprometemos con regocijo a proclamar el evangelio, a celebrar nuestra fe y aceptar nuestra diversidad como un regalo precioso de Dios. Prometemos servir las necesidades y preocupaciones de toda persona y nos esforzaremos en construir el reino de Dios de amor, justicia y paz por medio de la oración, evangelización y servicio. Perspectivas de las Escrituras La Primera Lectura Dios pone de manifiesto la preocupación por los más vulnerables . El extranjero o inmigrante, la viuda, el huérfano y los pobres son los más vulnerables y hacen caso omiso de esas medidas es la misma que ignorando a Dios. El mundo debe poner un mayor valor en la escucha del corazón de Dios. En la segunda lectura, san Pablo escribe a la iglesia naciente había fundado en Tesalónica un poco tiempo antes. Noticias de la persecución llegó a él, y él le escribe a alentarlos y alaba su firme fe en tiempos difíciles. Ellos viven como imitadores de Cristo, que trajo la salvación al mundo a través de su muerte en la cruz. En el evangelio, Jesús se somete a otra prueba. ¿Cuál es el mayor mandamiento? ¿Dónde más alta prioridad de Jesús? Su respuesta es incuestionable: que primero tenemos que amar a Dios con corazón, alma y mente, y en segundo lugar, amar a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros mismos. En el Evangelio según San Mateo, la escena sigue con Jesús cuestiona los Fariseos, pero en el Evangelio según San Lucas la conversación cambia para que el "vecino" podría ser. En la parábola del Buen Samaritano responde a la pregunta. La primera lectura de hoy nos proporciona los detalles acerca de nuestros vecinos, el inmigrante, la viuda, el huérfano, los pobres, los necesitados. Daily Readings/ Lecturas Diarias Monday/Lunes October 27 de octubre Ephesians 4:32-5:8 Psalms 1:1-6 Luke 13:10-17 Tuesday/ Martes October 28 de octubre Ephesians 2:19-22 Psalms 19:2-5 Luke 6:12-16 Wednesday/Miercoles October 29 de octubre Ephesians 6:1-9 Psalms 145:10-14 Luke 13:22-30 Thursday/Jueves October 30 de octubre Ephesians 6:10-20 Psalms 144:1,2,9,10 Luke 13:31-35 Friday/Viernes October 31 de octubre Philippians 1:1-11 Psalms 111:1-6 Luke 14:1-6 Saturday/Sabados November 1 de noviembre ALL SAINTS DAY Revelation s 7:2-4, 9-14 1 John 3:1-3 Matthew 5:1-12a Our Lady of Guadalupe VISION STATEMENT That Our Lady of Guadalupe Church grows into an open fellowship of people united in faith and caring for each other; where we actively participate in worship and passionately serve both Church and community. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe LA VISIÓN Que la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe crezca en una sociedad abierta de personas unidas en una sola fe y al cuidado de cada uno; donde todos participan activamente en la adoración y sirven apasionadamente a la Iglesia y a la comunidad. St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Requests and/or Furniture Requests, and Furniture Pick-up: please call (707) 584-1579 Feed the Hungry (In Honor of Mother Teresa) Saturdays, 8:00–9:00 a.m. Barbara Stevens Child’s Portion – 3rd Saturday (if requirements met) Sr. Portion – 4th Saturday (if requirements met) Mary Agatha Furth Center Gini Christani , Director (707) 837-7620 FAX: (707) 837-7622; email: [email protected] Sociedad de san Vicente de Paúl Solicitudes de alimentos y/o solicitudes de muebles y Recogida de Muebles : por favor llame al (707) 584-1579 Programa de Feed the Hungry (en honor a madre Teresa) Sábados, 8:00-9:00a.m. Bárbara Stevens Por de niños-Tercer sábado (si cumplen con requisitos) Por Mayores-Cuarto Sábado (si cumplen con requisitos) Centro Mary Agatha Furth Gini Christani, Director (707) 837-7620 FAX: (707) 837-7622 email: [email protected] CONTACT US Tel: 707 837-8962 Fax: 707 837-9157 Email: officeolg@gm Parish Office Hours: Mon - Fri. 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Closed Sat., Sun. and holidays CONTACTO CON NOSOTROS Teléfono: 707 837-8962 OLG Fax: 707 837-9157 HOME Correro Electrónico: [email protected] Horario de la Oficina Parroquial : Lunes a Viernes 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Cerrado el Sábado, Domingo y días festivos Adult Volunteers Needed! Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a ministry geared toward our younger parishioners. During the school year after the opening prayer at the 9:00 am mass, children ages 4 to 6 who are not enrolled in religious education, are invited to go to one of the classrooms with a team of teachers and helpers to learn about the gospel reading at their own level. Music, art, and simple crafts are used. The children return to the assembly after the homily. Adults are needed to act as teachers and helpers. It is not necessary to help with this ministry every week. If you would like to volunteer to help with this ministry at least once a month, please contact Carole Pforsich at 837-8962. Requirements for volunteers are: 1) Compliance with the Safe Environment policies of the parish including fingerprinting and background check. 2) A desire to share the gospel message along with a team of adults and teens. 3) Team training with the Director of Religious Education. CATHOLIC CHARITITES JOB ANNOUNCEMENT JOB TITLE: Citizenship Class Coordinator/Instructor REPORTS TO: Immigration Program Manager EMPLOYMENT STATUS: Non-exempt TIME COMMITMENT: Part-time, 12-20 hours/week during instruction period STARTING SALARY: Commensurate with experience Position Summary The Citizenship Class Coordinator/Instructor (CCCI) teaches English literacy and U.S. history and government to adult ESL students to prepare them for the naturalization interview and test to become a U.S. citizen. The CCCI has to oversee the agency’s Citizenship classes by supervising the instructors, coordinating outreach and services, overseeing quality assurance, and preparing pertinent data and narrative reports. The CCCI works with program leadership to oversee and track project expenditures; maintain the project's financial records; and monitor grants, donations and in-kind goods and services received. Contact Jensyn Hallett at (707) 284-3850 x170 or email [email protected] for more information. 5 Our lady of Guadalupe community and ministry activities Website: pagina web: Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Comunidad y las actividades del Ministerio Parishioners of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church are givers. The Hospitality Ministry needs two more volunteers. W e m eet every Sunday morning at 7:30 am to setup for the community gathering after 9 am mass. We desperately need two volunteers to help us. Five of our seven volunteers are in their middle to late eighties. (Really! and we are slowing down) If you are a giver, please call Peter or Mary Menth at 620-0228. YOUTH GROUP INFORMATION The Youth Groups meet every Friday from 5:30 to 6:30 pm forSpanish speaking and on Sunday from 6:30 to 8:00 pm for anyone interested in participating. Adult Spirituality Opportunities My Life with the Saints, Wednesdays 9:45-11 am, Contact: George Seeber at 3950519 [email protected]. Joy of the Gospel, Sundays 4pm Contact :Sr. Dianne at 527-9805 [email protected]. Bible Study of Our Faith, Wednesdays (Nov. 26-Jan. 7) 9:30-10:30 am OR 6-7pm, Contact Chona at 623-7235. Don’t forget to set your clocks BACK one hour Saturday night (Nov. 1) before going to bed or you’re going to be one hour early for mass on Nov. 2nd! No te olvides de atrasar su reloj una hora el sábado por la noche (nov 1) antes de ir a la cama o vas a estar una hora antes de misa de 2 noviembre! Faith Sharing Opportunity Joe and Judy Tembrock are facilitating a Faith Sharing Group on Wednesdays from 10:30am to 12:30pm. The sessions are held at 105 Elsbree Circle, Windsor and w ill run for 6 to 8 weeks. They will be using Pope Francis’ “Joy of the Gospels”. If you are interested, contact Joe Tembrock 707-568-6061 [email protected]. Grupo de oración carismática Este grupo de oración carismática de quienes hablan Español reunir una vez al mes para rezar en comunidad; adorar a Dios a través de la música y el canto; adoración, bendición y glorificarle; pedir sus peticiones y necesidades, así como de las comunidades y de todo el mundo, dando gracias a Dios y escuchar a través de la meditación de la palabra, pero sobre todo en el silencio y en la contemplación. Se reúnen el Martes de 7pm a 9pm en la iglesia. Todos son bienvenidos a compartir y disfrutar de un momento de intimidad con nuestro Padre y de Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con: Enrique Sánchez al: 707-591-1830 O Alma Flores al: 707-477-0525 6 ● POR FAVOR AYUDE A NUESTROS PATROCINADORES ● *PLEASE SUPPORT THE BUSINESSES THAT MAKE OUR BULLETIN POSSIBLE.* REAL ESTATE * TRUSTS * WILLS * PROBATE * ELDER LAW ANN THOMAS Attorney at Law 433-4266 HEALDSBURG * WINDSOR * CLOVERDALE LAKEWOOD DENTAL “Like a good neighbor STATE FARM is there” ® ROBIN AITKEN-BULLARD State Farm Insurance Agent Lic.#0E71616 8465 Old Redwood Hwy#500, Windsor, CA 95492 707-838-0500; Fax 707-838-9898; Res. 707-838-0300 Call Frances @ 837-8962 x 208 to place your ad HERE for only $572.00/year. OLG website Regina Pronstroller Serafica D.D.S.. F AMILY DENTISTRY 9046 Brooks Road South, Windsor, CA 95492 Se Habla Español 707-836-8685 WINDSOR-HEALDSBURG MORTUARY Lic# FD 1925 For Information, call Bob Nickel @ 481-2267 Serving Windsor Area Families Since 1875 Daniels Chapel of The Roses FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY Fun. Lic. FD 209 Cre. Lic. 92 HONORING ALL CATHOLIC PRACTICES Personalized Services *Se Habla Español 707-525-3730 1225 Sonoma Ave. – Santa Rosa, CA95405 FLAMEZ GRILL 8499 Old Redwood Hwy. Windsor in the Palm Plaza Shopping Ctr Present this flyer for 20% off (some exclusions apply) Lic# CR 288 premises - $975 Includes death certificate and permit. 9660 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor Now offering * CREMATION on Available 24 hrs. Se Habla Español 707-838-6000 707-433-9999 CRAIG CURRERI PACIFIC UNION INTERNATIONAL Your Trusted Real Estate Broker Serving the Real Estate needs of our Community! 707-477-5120 THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, COUNCIL 11446 WELCOMES ALL CATHOLIC MEN TO JOIN US FUND RAISING, SOCIAL DINNERS SPIRITUALITY Fax 707-836-8631 Your business ad could be HERE for only $286.00 / year AVAILABLE $286/year NOW HIRING!!!! Apply online at Or in person at: 5550 Skyland Blvd Suite N Santa Rosa, CA 95403 707-575-5005 ph. or 707-894-4404 (Cloverdale) Advertisements are purchased by the advertiser and are not endorsements by Our Lady Guadalupe Church. Todos los anuncios son pagados por sus patrocinadores de ninguna manera la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es responsable de estos.