Document 6576516
Document 6576516
" I -------..7i?' No matter how hemmed in, any wide.awake town may become notably bigger The Citizens make The Town NARBERTH, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1914 VOLUME I. NUMBER 2 'MORE LIGHT FLASHED ON THE SCHOOL' BOARD :.'Irany persons arc in'Iuiring- \\'11<'t her in the event of the ddeat -'~,f the school loan the State aut!lorit}es or the board of directors woul<1 have the power to provide proper school facilities at the expense of tax payers. 1n last week's issue of "Our Town" it was poinlt'd out that the schaul cude pro\'ided that the State superintendent w"ultl have power to declare our an" nual State appropriation forft~ited, but neither he nor any other State official is gin'n exprcss power tn take any aflirmati\'c action to providc that which we ha\"e failed tu pro\'idc, \\'hik other sectiuns of the code which were '1uote,1 last weck ghes uur school directors full pu\','er to raise all necessary funds fer such purpOSe, and te any extent su long as the indebtedness is not increasecl heyond sen'n per centum of the asst'ssed valuation of propertr iu the schllo! district, yet this pruvisit'n must necessarily he read in cunnection \\'ith the li'::itation in Article !l, Sect ion s of the Cunstit ntion 01 l'ennsyh'ania, which pro\'ides that no l11unicipality ur school district shall in, crease Its. indebtedness to an amount exceeding two per centum 01 the asst'ssed v;I!uation of property, and insofar as the sl'hool cocle attempts to bestow larger Jlowers on the school board it wuuh! Seel11 to he unconstitutional. The only alternative of the sc!lolll hoanl woitld he to devise S<lnH' method of prodding Ill'cessary facilities by paying for thelll out oj currcnt taxes or incomt', thus a\'oiding an incn'ase of indebtedness, ()f course, to r.~rrv ollt such a plan would 111ean an eno;molls incn'ase 01 taXt'S for a few \'"ars. and also that we would be ~hligecl to p;:y withintilat p":ricid of time the full coSI. \\"hil"h wou!ct, under a bond issue, he disl rihut('d O\'er a pl'riod oj thirt~, years, Later 1 met 13 and put the same to him. This was his reply: "1 t's a splendid idea; practically all the aU\'ancetl educators endorse the playgrounu; it is an integral part of the best of the newest educational systelliS," Doth l11en were eCjual1y sincere, but both can't be right. ,Meanwhile, election is drawing nearer. Last year the school loan was defeated, but 1 don't believe twcnty-live per cenl. of the citizens who voted ag-ainst tl:e loan were really opposed to additional and improved school facilities, There was a time-not 1110re than a hundred years ago, tuo-when the people of IJhiladc1phia had to light for public schools, but it is reasonable to suppose that practically everyone in Narberth is in favor of everything- that will make for the better education ot the children-if they arc Ihuruughly aClluainted with conditiuns I Heretofure there has been no reguhr and dependable means uf COIllIlInnication between the Doard uf Euucation and the citizens, but nuw that we have a weekly paper I should like tu sec the board usc publication whene\'er it contemplates any new project. A playground is either right or wrong; it is needed or it isn't needed. Those who arc advocating it surel)' ha \'e their reasons; they have studied the subject and must certainly knuw now and why it is going to benelit the children. A statement from the Board of Educatiun on this subject is due the vot('rs of Narberth, and, 1 believe, wi 11 be \\'e lwli('n' that ('n'ry l'ltlZl'n who ~eneral1)· appreciated. E. A. ),1 USC 11,\:-'11'. g'jn's this question serions thought mnst I'l'alizl' tht, imp"rtanl"l' of good schools to our ('onlmt1l1ity,_ In fact. A Correction \\"e canuot cOIK('in' "I any I"gical arAt a meC'ling of voters held at the !,~Ul11c'nt whil'h cali he mack againsl hlltlse of ,Mr. Verna it was nut iced t his vie\\", and \\"l' a rl' glad to say that Iha t the resolution of the ::ichuul as far as '.n· know nllnl" has heen at- Board as outlined on the se('lInd page tel11pt('d. There has. hOl\"t'\"'r, hl','n IIf the Jirst issue of "Onr '1'o\\"n" umitl'onsi.lerah!l' IIhject ion rais<',1 til t h,' ted to state that if the new sehoul er('eti"n of a nl'\\" hnilding on Ihe pres- Illan was passed that the new school ent site Ill' the 1I1d, the conlL'ntion he- building would be erected un the ing that a huilding lor the pri'lJary grounds now owned by the present gr;llles shl,ulll he more c('ntrally ]0'1 school. ca tcd. The editor replies that the resolntion as printed was furnished by tite School Board. Board of Education Conccrning the llllard of Educalion, Our Voters' Predica~ent thc propllsed loan and the projected playgrllun,l: ,\ is onc oi our citizens It seems unfortunate for all con;\11'\ 1\ is anolhcr (I USt· klters hecaus(' cerned that the form in which the new il;dividuals arc nllt in\"IlIYl·<1. as 1 view school loan is presented will necessitht, matler, t'XCl'pt incidently). l1ere's~tate many citizens voting against it, what actually happcnecl here in Nar-! even though opposed to neither the herth withIn the last ten clays. 1 met i loan or the School Board, but serious_\ aud said: "How ahout this school: Iy questioning the wisdom of new loan and the playgrol1ncl ?" This was i build.ings, at tl~e present seemil)g-Iy his repl~': ''It's the height of folly; lunslutable location. H. C. GAIA. there is ahsoll1tl'1y no need for itl" Councils Appoint Efficiency Committee :\t :1 recent meetil~g of COll.ncils ,a conlmlttee was app('l1lted to IIlvest!gate and dC'lerminl' whcther the departmcnt of local go\'ernment rccjtliriug the grt'att'r expenditure of public funcls, as, for instauce, the Highway Department, can he operated lI10re emcit'ntly and cconoll1ically. This action is in Iinc wilh up-Io-date business !I1ethoc!s and sho\\"s that our Cuuncilmen arc carnestly endcavorinl-( to give ns full value for our money. 1 luI\' diffncnt this is from the method adopled by public otlieials in certain other parts of this commonwealth. NEW KIND OF A NARBERTH CHRISTMAS COMING 'iue~tilln I don't believe Narberth folks arc so arbitrary that they will refuse to liste!: to reason, or that th~y will cut off their noses to spite their faces when the weHare of their children is at slake. I Park Committee Appointed 'I'he vote of the subscribers to lo~s '. In the park development resulted 111 the election of Messrs. James Art, man, Augustus J. Laos and John B. \Vil1iams, as members of the Park Developlllent Committee. The com, mittee chosen by the !lu,ard of Direc, tors of the Civic Association arc: \Vil, liam E. Smedley, Fletcher \V. Stite' and George M. Henry, Bud these six members a.t a receut meeling, chose J, Berg Ese-'lwein as the se\'enth mell1 bel' necessary to make up the fllll cum, mittee. , This committee, it will be relllell1 The cUll1mittee is cOll1pm;ed of the bered, is to have general charge of all following persons: Charles HUll1ph- park improvements "subject to the reys, Geo. M, Henry and Robert C. approval of the dirc<:tors" of the Civic Assocmtion. Sl}vill. PRICE TWO CENTS THE FIRESIDE By Lady Narberth A new kind of' Christmas is coming to many Narberth hOlll('S this yearto the homes of thuse of our lolks whu do what they can tu bring joy, yes, and comfort, tu the little children ol' war-turn Europe. \Vhen the big ship sails frum "\merica, alung about the first of November, there will be many Narberth packages stowed aW;lY in the hold. Already a number of our cilizens have sent contributions; many uthers arc planning to fol1ow suit. \Vhy shouldn't every Narberth home be represented? Address your package to The Child Federatiun, Christmas Ship H.ecciviug Station, Cily Hall Cuurtyard, IJhilaue.phi,a, and give it to sume member ul your jamily with inslructiuns tu "leave it" un the way irom Druad Street Statiun. .i\lulll;y euutrihutlUns in checks ~huuld he made payahle to J. Earnest H.ichards, treasurer uf The Christmas ::ihip Fuud vf The Chilu Federatiun, Care The \Vest Eud Trust Cumpany. ,All gifts should be in the hands ul l'he Child Feueratlun by Uctubcr 2ti, If the "made in America" idea appeals tu you why nut make it a "l\lerry Christmas-l\lade in :\merica" jor the little boys and girls uf Belgium, Gel'" many, I-rance, Austria and Englan<!! Sant;l Claus is just as dear to the hearts vf those children as it is to our own little lulks. It is right that the Ichilclt'('n of Narberth should be made happy on Christmas morning; it is right that we should help the children of Philadelphia and other localities in uur o\\'n cuuntry whose parents cannut afTord to buy them gifts, but it i,n't going tu "break us" if we send SUllie little things along to those children uver the seilS. They are nut to blame lor the follies of the fathers and big brllthns or the lusts of their rul~rs, aud they shouldn't lJ~ punIshed. It will Ile a better anu brighter Christmas for each of us if we do what \\"e can fur the children of Europe. If you duubt this make an experiment. ::;end vne inexpensive gift-a garment or a tvy-tu Ths: Christmas Ship, and un Chnstmas murning, ilS the shout3 and laughter uf yonI' own little folks I'Ings th rough the house, listen! Not with your cars, hut with your heart. tiaintly tht're will cume to yuu from sume hUlll1Jle, perhaps bomb-shattercd uWt'lling in vnl: 01 thuse lar-away cuuntries, the music uf another child's laughter. The words uf joy and exclamation will not be in English, probahly, but you will underst;lIld; you WIll knuw that the expenment has been worth yuur whilej you'll enjoy such a Christmas as you have never had bcfure; yuu'll glimpse the re,al spirit of Christmas-yel-to-come-the kind uf Christmas that will some day girdle thl' globe. I }Irs. Edgar Taylor, 'of Chestnnt a\'enue, has jl;st'rettll'ned:from Indianapolis, where she spent 'two weeks with her parents. The Evangel Circle uf King's Daughters will hold ,a bazaar in the ,\reade, October 31, at 2 o'clock. :\lrs. Ezra S. Bartiett, of Chestnut avenue, is in the Jefferson Hospital, where she has undergone an operation. She is on thc way to recovery aud expects to returu to her home shortly, Ou Satl1l'day evening, No\'el1l!Jer 7, I'rofessur :\rthur Deering, of the De' partmeut ui Dramatics and Public Speaking of Pennsylvania State College, will ent~rtain the alumni and friellds of the Lo\\'er .\Ierion High School with some selected reaclillgs, The Li~t~rtainment will he given in the audituriulll of the Lower l\lerion High School. :\liss Cora l'.cggs, of Price avenue, has just returned frol11 \Vilmington, Delaware, where she was spenuing the sUlllmer. The Farlher Lil,,"hts Society of the Baptist Church wil! gi\'e a series of A COMMUNITY NEED AND ONE WAY OUT tableaux callecl "J erusha Dow's Family Album" in the Young 1\Ien's ChrisThere is no greater need awaiting to be supplied in Narberth than th.: tian Association Building on the e\'en' establishment of a reliable medium of communication between its citizenf ing of Novel1lber 6. and the organized activities which represent them. .i\liss .i\lildred SI1\:'h, of Elm TerThere have been two reC('111 al tempts nn the part of individuals to perrace, will spend the wCt'k-end with form this public service on a commercial basis. The field proving too small relatives in Tioga. in which to publish a well-conducted paper, other than at a loss, both these Dr. 1Iarold R. Edwards, oi Phila, enterprising individuals felt it wise to discontinue their efforts. delphia, is visiting his sister, .\1 rs. E, The Karberth Civic Association begins with this issue of OUR TOWN L. Swilt, of ?\ 0, 10!! Chestnut avenue. 1 I e has just retnrned from Porto Rico, an experiment in co-opcrative journalism-and believes that this effort pointr where he has been engaged in spccial the one way out-ior a community situated as is Narberth to enjoying tl' medical work. \frs, ,Elise 1,oronski, of ~o. 10i benefits of a good local nCWSI=aper, The Association proposes to give Narberth a weekly 'newspaper of merit. Chestllllt a\"enue, has gone to Califor nia ;or the \\"inter ane! will stop en The editorial, reportorial and business staffs as wel1 as the special contributors rOllte al Colorado ~prings for a few arc all volunteer workers, many of them uf wide experience in the publish' day!' to ds!t somc friends. ,\1 r. ancl :\I !'s. Frank M uilany art ing field. 'I'he services of all thcse workers could not be paid for hy Narberth-on now sett!ecl in thcir new home on ('rice a\'enue. a salary basis. And Narberth cannot hope to command their time and talenl Roh('rt H, Durbin. :\arbl.:rth avcllIe. for long unless it pays their price-which is, in this instance, LOYAL SUPadn,rtising manager 01 Strawbridge & Clothier, has bl'ell c1l'cted presi- PORT. These vo!unteer workers (re:tlly commandeered workers) promise a real dent 01 the Poor Richard Club, an uni'j1tt~ assuciation of prominent Phila- newspaper, fitted to the needs of the cOlllmunity. In return for this the c!eJphia acJ\'ertising men. business houses serving the community should pledge their co-operation by 11 erbert Scymour, of \Voodside using the columns of OUR TOW N in which to adver.tise their wares and .lvenUe, is spendillg a wet·k in Atlanservice. It will be profitable for them to do so. The citizens who compose tic City. .\Iany changes an' taking place in the community should guarantee their support by subscribing to OUR TOWN the neighborhood of lower \Vindsor and by reading the really worth-while contributions that will appear in the annUe. Fred \Valzcr has purchased editorial and news columns and the business news that \Viii be in the ad. alld wiil occu]>y the property formerly occupil'c1 by Dr. SaJ\'as, at No. 1U vertising columns. It will be time profitably employed. \ Villdsor a \·eI1l1e. Dr. Salvas will take The conpon below gives each citizen an opportunity to pledge his support a lenlporary residence on lana ave- to OUR TOWN-the wise merchant will seck his opportunity. nue. Charles Chain has purchased and will occupy the house at No. 9!J \ \'jndsor a n'n ue, formerly occupied by \\7aller L;mlpkin and family, who will move to Philadelphia in NovcmGUARANTEE PLEDGE COUPON her. 1\11', and JIll'S. Edgar, of Philadelphia, have pl1l'chased the homc for, Illcrly occupied by :\1 r. Chain, at No. 9:1 \Vindsor avenuc. and will move in about November 1, All of these Business Manager OUR TOWN, Box 34, Narhcrth: honses arc being repainted and the hrightening up has made a commend, Here's my $1.00 "Guarantee Pledge" for OUR 'fO\VN. Send the able improvement to an already atpaper to me for one year at address given below: tractive group of homes. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wayne Arny have leased a home on Chestnut avenue Bud have U1anifesterl a strong interest in Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• local affairs. ~Ir, H. S. Hopper is in Arizona on a two ,wceks' business trip. Address A barn uance will be held in Elm Hal1, Friday evenin!,!", October 30. The cOlllmittee in charge is: T, B. Dul\larias, Edwin P. Dold, \OViJliam J, First Edition Exhausted-Several Two.Year Subscriptions Henderson, Andrew Green and Edward C. Stokes. This dance is not inThe first edition of Our Town (700 copies) was entirely exhausted early cluded in the assembly. The dates of Saturday, and many persons had to go without the extra copies, which they the assembly will be given later. tried to obtain to send away to friends. \Ve suggest that hereafter, when extra 1\1 iss 1-1 elen Stokes will give a party copies are desired, they be ordcred ill lIdnll/cc of one of these two news dealto her little friends Monday afternnon, October 26. The little guests ers-Mr. Davis or "Charlie." Subscriptfons were received im1llediately after distribution of our initial wil1 be Bctty Bland, Mary Dold, DonaId Lairu, L~ura Henderson, Billy number (without solicitation, se\'cral citizens expressing their faith in the Henderson, l\ltchael McManus, C a t h - . ' . . . erine Morgan Jean Staples Sadie longeVity of Our Town by subscrtbmg for twu years 111 advance. Have you I r · · · -- ,." ! ! I I. I I f •••••••••••• L SillW~OIl, lililet lind Betty HI:VIl;f., " "...-.. I I ...J . , . ., subscribed for one year? If not. fill ot tbe aQOV~ C:OUpOIl, BII4 Ulail - It tODlgbt, NARBERTH, PA•.:....OUR TOWN OCTOBER 22, 1914 2 THE 8 14 one in Bryn Mawr, two in Jenkin-ION tion can utilize the waste in these tin Harvard, Captain Downes, Wipf, town, one in Ogontz, one in Glenside, • c:ms an(1 make a little profit out of the Graff, Breatty, Q. Yowell, L. Smith, one in Colmar, one iN Bridgeport, two And Elsewhere in Our Town. job, and at the same time abate a Bolich, C. I-bll1]1hreys. S. Lukens, D. Owned and l'uLllshel1 e\'ery '£hursl1ny in Pottstown, and two in N~rberth. If it is true that you can teU a sub- very decided nuisance? Didn't "wc" Odell, \Vithero and S. Sheridan. morning hy the Nnrllertl1 Civic .\ssocln· 'fhis. year for the work we received urban town by its trees, then T sin- read in the newspapers. during the As a Jitting c1os~ to the contest a lion. $10liO.:H and have spent $102Ul7', Ica\'- cerely hope that anyone contemplat- st:ike among the ,,~orkers in the silk hanCluet \~·as. arranged for the boys in Illg a valance in the Treasury of ing passing judgment on Narberth will mIlls of Paterson. N. J., that much of the assocIatIon hall on Tuesday evenl\IUH. C. n. llLACKAI.I" Bl1ttor. $:18.:17. sec "somc" of our trees-but not a1l 1 the silk in ,milady's sUPJlol\ed silk· ing, Octoher :!O. W. AH'rUUlt COLI';, The Evangel Circle of Narberth, of thelll! For we have, at once, the dress was the result of a process of I , -.-Bnslnes!I :llnnnger. irom the Circle and through solicita· best and worst in the tree line that washing some coarser and cheapcr GymnlUlum Clallel II. C. GAHA. tion, have been able to raise $,I:l1.05 lIlay be found anywhere along the Iwaterial in a H(luid solution that was Monday-:I.:lO to 4.30,. girls. Advertising Munnger. of the cntire amount, and we want Main Line. "distilled" or "refined" from old tins? 'fucsday-:J.:lO to 4.30, bo~s. . TI . • b II 1 \Vednesday-10 to 11, la(1Ies. :;end nil I"Ul'rs un.l lIews It em" to P. O. to take this opportunity to publicly Take the 111aSSI\'e oak at the Gorner lIS mOl} e an 0 ( one, )lIt per!lox ():iG, l\llrherth, I'a. 110 not Hl'n.1 I hem 'II D \. r' s i t 't Thursdav-S.30 to 0.:10 P. 1£., busi11al)s as BI I thank all w I10 have so generous Y of Narherth and Chestnut avenue "" , e e} n. e( 0 say. I tu the printer. , \\' . . on an • ness 'e Ilave for instance. By the way, did youI Ila s tl Ie' qua II 'yt " a f t ouc I1111 .' . men. . . . :;end nil nd"ertlslng eorr to 1'. O. Bux hcfiled us in this work. . . ~r. I .. I II ro bl elll. .I ndaV-3,,10 8:10. lIInke nil remittances to 1'. O. BoX :14. ma'ly contf/butors :111 "lar JcrlJ1, C\'cr see that giant? If "we" were a-'lll • e'rtainin' to" our Ioca " . to .1.30, boys, and !l t" '., th ey !J.JO" 1 . l\f., selltors._ Our '1'O\\"11 I::; OIl :-;alc at the tlcpllt neWS· \Vvnncwood, Mcrion and Cynwyd. one of these "betting IJartics" which "Out'In f" ac.,,' dng,t own. CI HeabO, J ' b ' fl' b 8atlll day-4 to " leadcrs stant!, IUlIl lit the Hlure or It. Jo:. ]lal'iH, '1'111' ~ CUIIIIII"r 1-,' guects wcre enter- wc hasten to assurc you we are not ,use every It 0 t Ie pIg lit the () I I' '.. ----_._--_ ..... - -'. w ~ ~ u ~ " I" ur c asses lave started off 111 hne AppIll'HUon fol' ('1l11'Y uS St'I'Cllltl·t'1u:-;:-; taincd, and we rcceivcd many words we:d lay a neat littlc wager that squea . ... ... ... shape. If the attendance in indicativc J1Hlttpl' nt tile )lost otlh'e at ~i1l'lIl·l·th, I'll., of appreciation ami notes of thanks you've prohabl~' seen the famo.lis RedAnd So 'of the ,vearly success it will he a wonJJClhllIlg'. _______ fro1ll othcrs, for the splcndid rcst woods uf Cahfornia. Qr posslhly the . . derful vear. --------'--afforded thell!. historic Cedars of Lebanon and yet IJcar ?t.Jr. 1\ICCllltcl1ddy: I "'r . "" . . . . . THURSDA Y, OCTOBER :!::J, 101·t. . ' . I We kno .. I t I · f.1 I _ I ~ast -nday "Ir. hel(!Jng, our physl_________ The thrce young women \~'ho took ne\'er so nlUl'!1 as given a passlllg, \\ Jl S 1~\\ you ~l ~IJ( \\ e cal dire.ctor. had forty-two· hays on the charge of the work for us thiS season glance at the hne old fellow, there at. extend our heartfelt symp.lth}. Tn- gymnasium floor. If you want 110 see 1 I',apll,t . I nstl ··t· I corner - a f ""ar "T, I ' d CI· . • . OUR TO\vX gTatcflllly :\I:kllll\\'l- wcrc students a f tIe ute ,tIC Jert I an lestnu tl closed. find one . small wreath .of crush- some fun drop in edgcs the many kind wonls uf al'" , \\' 1 . . .... 1 .j'. , X. 't t' . t f .' cd Violets. \~hth all your faIlures we " '. . I luI' Chnsllan ur ,ers, ,It ,\0. .I.,> a\ enUes. • ex nne you re au or a J he bUSiness men arc getting warm. 0 nr wa I,km.l,e ' I- I't a pam . t t 0 ...~ee.N ar- love yon stIll. IJrO\'al and a!l!)rcciation cxprc.sscI 1 JY, Syndcr a\'cnUC, 1'1n'I a d c Ip l' lIa. ,. . cd up to the great vahlc of gvmnasium .' I 'as ,our b'er tl" ' an d 'Ille , l Ud'e til'IS II \ ours.III. , kllow feelmg. .would ' also he th o: townslJeO!lle 011 thc tirst Issnc 01 work , IS .mter d CllonllnatlOna, I, all deb .sure . ." work. Thursday IIIght Cm"I' WJ:',G~nONE an "experiment in co-operative jour- Circles arc of different d enoml~a- WOII d er f u I tree 111 your program. . •. . )U!'oiIOR '. . an interesting evening to drop in and nalism," and rcpeats the assurallcc th,~t tions, and in taking guests we tncd \Ve have it, on the word of Mr. \V. sec somc of our noted husiness men evcry effort will be made to keep It to lind the most needy regardless of C. Casner, of Narberth avenue, that Y. M. C. A. NOTES. taking their weekly recreation. nil to a high standard. church relation. \Ye had ) ew and a measurement tive feet above the Ladil's' class on \Vednesday mornAll contributions will be given C:IITI ful consideration an(1 use(l at a tilll\: Gentilc, Catholic and Pr~tcs~ant, an( ground shows the tree to have a cirBOYI' Memberlhip Campaign ing is unusual. It opened with good the work was done In HIS Xame, for cl1mference of over thirteen feet. Its 0 f tl t . t t f t attendanccand is increasing in memo. 'I . . ne 0 le mos lIupor an ea nres . ti lat scems bcst with duc regal'll tJesus has saId, "Inasmuch as ye dll branches form a perfect seml-Clrclc f 1 I' I J I bershlll as wcll as interest II i, timeliness. ~Iannscrillt shou I 10 our wor, was accomp IS 1('( ast . I it unto one of the Icast of these, my and mcasure !J2 feet from "tip to tip:' we ek \\T I" I I tl . I . t· tl' --::,H~h the editor hy lirst lIlaii :\Ionday , . " . . I ·. e 11\'1( el H' 10YS 111 a lIce Bowling hrethren, ye dId It unto Me. I,)rofessor U.lnch, o~ the C.cntral Ibgh Iteams of ele\'cn \1o,'s each. reprcsent1,lOrning. "I100,I •PIHIa d e Ipia, h Under the direction of Mr. R. J. This ycar our lirst group 0,f guests ..,c es t nHa t es tl.Ia t I ing the followin" -'colle"es: Harvard, II I I I . . . " Savill we arc anticipating one of the 0 I k 1 d eamc June 15th, Monday mornIng, an tIe oa' IS a. lout ~9 ye.ars o. (, W lIC 11 Cornell and Penn. The contest lIaturLetterl tI I I busiest howlil1g seasons we have ever left two wceks later. Thcse. were fa,ct. un.qesllona J. y e,.l1tlt es ~t to It. ~e., lallv causc(l much enthusiasm and ex" 1'O\V'" " citement among the boys. :\ sllecial had. Narberth will he represented in Sincerest felicitations, <lear .\Iadallle convalcscent women ami c I11 II(ren d Istmct,lon o.f IJC1llg OU '" . •,.., the Association Howling Leagl\e. and hlitor upon your succcssful launchI IJltant. from the city hospitals. 0 II(cst 1I11a IIlcmhl'rship ratc of .iOl' for any boy or 'I' d we hope to ha\'e considerable compc•.~~ of 'the Narberth Civic Associa~ion's The sccund group arrivc d UeS ay But, hold on, 1'111 waxing so cnthu- girl of Karherth het Wel'l! the ages of . titian between local teams. It is planj,ig idea. A vital young ncws-bnn;;cr morning, and instead oi Icavmg on siastic that I'm forge~ting my text. 11 and II; made the race \'cr.v exciting. ned to have a church league as well i;; the most intcresting" before brcakthe .\Ionday morning two wecks later, Briefly thcn, this is the point: while After sen'ral sensational dashes. the as a flourishing two-man leaguc. \Ve I"st tonic known, as well as the longthc)' left on Saturday aftcrnoon, which I Narbcrth has many tinc trees, of linal ,;taluling on Satllrda". October 17. -' will he only too glad to place you on e~t forward stcp pussible to any COIllga\'c them a twelve-day vacation. This which the old oak refcrred to ahove, whcn the cam! closed, was as folone of the competitive teams. Our munity. I have had thc honor of asr,ule wc carried out during, the scason, is the 1lI0st notable, we also have quite Ilo,.ws: II a eys present one of the finest places sisting, in a slllall way, at many sillltor the reason that thIS gave our a numbcr of other trees that, as a re-, hrst. Cornell. ;i(j memhers, li·1 points. in town for sociability. ilar coming out parties• .hnt neVl'r have \\'orkers cvery other Sunday for a suit of neglcct of property owners, Second. Penn, :lh members, ,I(j points. _ I seen so vigorous, whoscsoll1c-Iuokday of rest. Then tltc .\londay was arc as scragly, unkempt and distigur- Thinl. llan·ard. 2:! ll1em1Jers. 2:1 points. Religioul Work ing or promising a youngster as-"Our 'spcnt in preparing for thc ncw group ing as trees possibly could bc. AI- 'f,)tal. 1l:l mcmOers; 1:13 points. On Tnesday evening we held a very Town." l\lallY, Illany years and 1I10re to arn\'c Tuesday. 1II0st within thc shadow of thc big oak The teams were madc up as follows: successful Bible class rally banquet in power to it. Mrs. Clifford Jones, of W) nlle- arc "thc rcmains" of what were once Cornell, Captain \Vinne, ) efferies, conjunction with our membership banVery cordially yours. wood, donated icc crcam for every finc :lloung buttonwoods, etc. If they Jones, Kreibc1. Swift. Eo Jones, George quel. This was well attended. and l\hl\l\'A 'I'IlO)L\S :\l\'TRDt. Sunday during the SUlllmer, and this had been given a little care and atleu- Ruse. idlan Rose. \\Tinters. J. Art- with the interest so strong we win Oct. 17, 1\)1.1. was gi\'cn to cach group on one s.un- tion they would now be good, uP_,l man , O. Ii umphreys, Frank Kromer. have several boys' Bible classes meetday and, thc second time, on the Sat- standing trees. Penn, Caplain H owes. II awenstein, ing weekly. Rev. C. G. Koppell has A public official Ih-ing in Xcw ~~~; urday. the day of, as they \\That's the usc of teaching the, Hamilton, H. Sheldon. S. Trotter, K. taken the chairmanship of our resey who received a copy of our w~~t1~, nut, be ~t the Hous~ ,~n. Sund~~. yonngsters "woodman-spa~e-that-tree"l\\'alton. \V. \V,a It Jenkins, Braden. Iigiou~ work comlllit~ee. Un(ler such issue, sent the following. 1111~ ye,lr \\ e had to ma~e .1 spect,ll if we grown-ups turn rIght around, C,. Yocum, Glorg, She·ldon anel J. expenenced learicrslllp we arc alltici, "Ha"e just linished rcading the new appcal ..f~r hclp, as onr funds \\'ere and "out-woodman the WOOdman'" \Vmne. Ipatillg a big year. paper, and if the initial numhcr IS a not sulhclcnt to carryon the work to right hcrc in our own home town? fair sample of thc future issues therc the end of the season. \ Ve thank all ... ... ... is no reason why 'Our Town' should who so gcnerously responded to our Some of Illy fcllow commuters in! not become a permancnt institution cal1; and we wcre able to keep the thc "rear smoker" object to the mer-l and yery helpful to The Civic AssoS~Pte,n~bcr iith. , . ,cst mcntion of ~C\~ Englan~-'cau:e ci;>,tion, which means a better '!tOIllC HOI~se,o.!~en u,l.lti~ :\ e .IIC ha\I,n g repolls of the \\ork, you sec Boston IS III the saIII N. E., town' in e"ery way." prllltcd and \\'111 send one to all con-I but for al1 that, some very excel1ent tributors, and win be glad to send one ideas have come out of that iection "Ridley Park News" Greetinga to "Our to anyone intcrcsted in our work. of the countrv, and one of the best is AND THE CHURCHES Town" ELlzAll~'rlI L. .o~((BY, President. the sign whi:h one frequently sees in Today a ncw youngster IS bornjourneying through Pilgrimland, I Crowd.! Crowd.!! Crowd.1II It Remember. pie.... Ihat it lak.. a "Our 'I'own"-the oflicial house-organ Narberth Allembly which realls: JCelJll . , if half the men in Philadelphia world', Jeri.. to brinll outth... crowds. of the Narberth Civic Associat ion. have been thronaina to the Ball Park, That it wil1 be a success we fcel asThe wintcr schcdule for the .\sscm- "This Is a School Children's CroS&ing. But eyery Sunday more than Even the mOIl bookith reclUJe could nol twice this number of person. atsured, for it has the hacking and co- hly danccs is as fol1ows: First dance STOP I" doubt Ihe .bsorbinll Interest in '-ehall tend church in Philadelphia, operation of those who made the Nar- will he an cxtra. "Barn Dance" (cos\Von(1L'r if there aren't some crossth..e day,. The two cornpahie. are not in oPPDli.. berth Pageant the signal succcss it llllne fanncrs), at Elm Hall, October ings in Narberth where similar signs A lillie 611urinll it in order. tion; multitud.. 01 the lOme men who 110 proved to be. \Ve know that our :W. 1!lB. H.egular d;ulces will be on could be put up, to advantage? to Shibe Park are found in church on Multiply the capacity of Shibe Park by youthful contemporary wil1 be lilled thc following datc~, Novembcr 20, A good many lives have been saved. Sunday. two. (Never mind lh•• th.lwo Kama are with the sort of malleI' its titlc dc- Deccmher Iii. January 22, Fcbruary 10, and a good many donus saved We merel, take necuion to remind the auended by practically the Nme men.) scribes, and we fcel sure it will be .\pril Hi. the railroa<ls, hy the familiar "Stop! public Ihat. in ,i.. and PoPularity, .. well Add 6fty thoUNnd more. forJlood meas. al in far more important respectl. the "on the job" of lJoostiug from thc On l\Llreh 17, St. Patrick's Day, Look! And Listen!" ure, to cover the crowds in rront 01 the church is the lZI'eatcst inJtitution of our word go. 'vVe welcome our brothcr to another ~pecial danee will bc given ... * . . ocore board.. da,. a field where there is alw.ays room for (fanl'\' costumcs). Committee in As most of thc residents of our The r.. ult it about 110.000 P<'nons; Follow Ihe largest of all prne_ioRl.and one more aud trust that the pcople of eharge: Mr. T. B. du Marai., Mr. town have out-grown these one-time let W NY 125.000 lor 1l00d measure. 110 to church ne"t Sunday. Narberth will actively co-operatc in Andrew Green, Mr. Wm. J. Hcnder- popular past times, familarily known the boosting by gencrously supporting son, Mr. Geo, Suplee. Mr. Edwin P. as "can-can" and "duck-on-davie," the work of "Our Town" in its cffort Dohl. treasurcr. and, so far as I know, we have only (COPYRIGHTED) for a "bigger, brighter ami beller" one regular can-eating goat in the future for Narberth. The Woman Suffrage of Narberth horough propcr, the local production In cale of iIIne.., death or other trouble, any minilter will be glad to help. will hold It meeting Friday, October of empty tin cans is fast surpassing "Ridlev Park News" \Va. such a good :!:l, at .I 1'. :\1.. at the !tome of IIfrs. the demand for that erst-while imNOTE-Iuued and.upervised by the pulors of the, Pr..byterian, Methodist. Roman Calholic and BOPiitt Church.. of Narberth. Po. Pnnted by courteay of "Our Town:' example that we thought wcn to copy Jamcs Rowhotham, ~:!2 \\layne ave- portant article. Several of Illy neighnue. Plans for more thorough organ· hors ha\'e confidentially'informed me it. ization wiJl be discusscd. Evcryone that they have quite a considerahlc The King'l Daughterl' Holiday HOUle intt'rested is urged to be present. number of the choicest variety of Arrangclllent!t will be madc to at-I cans. stored carefully away in their A third season l\Iiss l\Iary K. GibThe Merion Title & Trult Co., son, of \Vynnewood, Pa., has loaned tcnd the IIlontgomery County confer-I :llfld Ithat arc to of Ardmore, Pa l the King's Daughtcrs, the House Icnce. which will bc held under the get rId 0 t lem. ley won t ump The oldest, largest and best depository o Sab'ne avenue East of \Vynne-, aus'picese of the Pl'nnsylva.nia woman./them on vacant lots and disligure the in this vicinity on • I 'e ue Narberth ' . I . that vaca- Suffrage ,\ssociation. ( )ctober 27. at <lndscape ( w I' llC I 1 'IS qUIte t IIe proper woo d a\ 11 , t . I.) . . . .. 1 T '. .. • d) d 1 " 1 . 1 Capital, $150,000 Surplus, $125000 li n of two weeks each Illlght be I . ~r., 111 the 11Istoncal Hal. Norns- atttlu e au t ley can t get t lem co Home Dressed Poultry, Butter Undivide4 P,06lJ, $40,000 ' T~ S t n edy wOlllcn and children in town. at which meeting I1liss Haunah Ilectcd with the ashes (which doesn't Eggs and Game: glyen a I . ' 1 1 . I . I f ff' ) Philadelphia. J. Pattersou, .• tatc c lalrman. WI seem qUIte t le rIg It state 0 a aIrs. Most of the money for the running, speak. Of course, an old Indian chief, or a Fancy Fruit and Vegetables expenses of the House has come from I young one for that matter, is uot supMontgomery County, but assistance: Sunday School Convention IH)sed to know anyt'hing about soII has been received from Chester, Lan-, The 'I'ri-Collnty Sunday-school Con. called modern efficiency or the elimincaster and Philadelphia Counties. \'l'ntion wtll meet at Newtown Squarc, ation of waste, but "we" have been NARBERTH, PA. 'I'here are twelve Circles of King's in the Baptist Churcb, Thursdlly, wondering if there isn't some way that Daughters in Montgomery County, October 29. the Borough or The Civic AssociaTelephone OUR TOWN I ~---_.~ I --~ I I I' I _ I I at:. I I I I The World Series I I cellar~, t111~IY Boyle's Market House ul~abdle PRIME MEATS ,3 c i S I AStore for Particular People" .. , ) NARBERTH, PA.-OUR TOWN-OCTOBER 22, :1914 Booming Narberth 3 A· E·V.fOHLERoT Savill's Swan Neck Londsco,pe Architect FAUCET Tile hllusswlfs's d•• light. So bandy til opsrll.te-jUlt & tlluoh of hand or wrl.t. No sink Is oomplete without t his faucet. Sold by And Making Money THE GARDEN NURSERIES A Complete Line of ~~~~wtl~~ber. HARDY NURSERY STOCK Right at your door. HERE IS A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU CHURCH NEWS T HE WAY TO BOOM A TOWN is to bring people to it. You may not have the time or opportunity to go after. them but by few minutes' thought, you may be able to think of a half dozen "out-of-town" friends who, if they were solicited, might be induced to become fellow residents. Pat. J,me /8. Baptist Church A s!H.:cial meeting of thc Farther Thos. Savill's Sons Lights was held Monday afternoot1, at Bath Room I"lstures and SuppUea. 1310-12-14 Wallace S'treet. the hOtlle uf Miss Mazie Sitllpson, in preparation for a eoming event of cI'lbid"rable intcrest. Thc Usher~' Association met with a large attendance ;It the home of Mr. \V. P. Wemmer, Grovc Place, ~lolJ(la)' MEATS AND PROVISIONS (,\'l~ning. The s!lcaker was :'1/ r. C. O~car Beasley, ESl!., Philadelphia, on HIGH GRADE BUTTER thc Histurical :\spccts of the Present Telephone-Narberth 664 A \Var. 'I'he U shns' .\ssuciation is an active organizatiun of men of the Baptist congregation who meet for mutual social hetterment. and who seek to pro\'idc for the comfort of the congregation, It issllc~ a weekly calenSpecial Nuraery Milk in Paper Carton dar uf church scn'kcs and notices. The tIlt'ding~ arc hcl(I on the third ThlonFilled at Pen.hurlt Farm day of each month ilt the home of Slilne memuer. Ci vic as wcll as monl Bell Phone-Narberth 669 D and religious matters are considered at the hl1..;ines~ ~cs~iot1, a speaker on 100 Narberth Avenue ~ome lin topic of the day is h~ard, NARBERTH. PA. and a ~ocia I hour follows. :\ young pel}ple's meeting of genuine worth was held Sunday e\'ening. Thc sulo was excellent and the talk by Professor \\'. T. ~lelehior was well AISTEI~ recei\'etl. The youug people will hold 210 Elmwood Ave. a unioll service next Sunday evenNarberth, Pa. ing. All the }'uung pcople of Narberth Telephone-Narberth 675 W arc il1\·ited. \Ve expect a speaker fr(lm Scranton to he prcsen:, The tIlunthly nnion mceting will he. hcld at ;.4;; P. Wc will havc four ~peakers, cunverts of the 13i1ly Sunday n'\'ival at Scranton. Thcre is every OF QUALITY indicatiun that thi~ will be a ~crvil'C. Everyone is indtetl. Are you a Customer? Snhject uf the pa~tor's ~erm()n next Sunday morning is "Christ the \Yord." You will be eventually :\It'n awl \\'OnlCn are e~pecially urg"Why not now?" c(I til at tend the Bible-~chool classes for thelll !lext Sunday at 10 A. M. TRY US THIS WEEK lUI. FRANK CRIST If you want to help Narberth and incidentally receive from me my certified cheque for $25.00 or $100.00 try this: Geo.& W.J.Markle Write me a Letter Three Month'. Work of Rev. Cnris G. Koppel During the present pastoraJ{e of three months we have made exceptional proGive me the names and addresses of some of your out-ofKress. Thirty-oue have been added to town friends who might be interested in Narberth as a home. the church blembership. Of these, I I were receh'ed by profession of faith, alll1 20 by letter. vYith the exception In each instance where we rent a property, of 4 boys and gir1~ the new members arc adults. Thc congregations arc we will pay you $25.00. growing steadily, and the members say they arc the largest in the history of the church. During the summer In each instance where we sell a property, the parsonage and church were renowe will pay you $100.00. "ated and repaired, the lawns regraded, new electric lamps installed, etc., at a cost of $2;3,00. Some of the features of our services a~e the large number of young lIlen and young women in the congregation, and the singing of the newly THIS OFFER IS GOOD FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY. organized chorus choir, of 24 voices, under the efficient leadership of Mrs. J);;\'id D. Stickney. A popular song service preceeds the Sunday evening services. The growth of the Sunday school has 1 e~n remarkable, having reeeil'ed 51 npw 6clo"lllrs in the primar}' and intermelllatl" lI .. partment.. The attellllanee has reached lOa, double that of any prvious period in the school's history. This has nece~sitated the election of four U~\Y tcaehcr~, l" u priulary as ,iat8nt8, 8 librarian, a cradle roll deFor Good Service and Moderate partmcnt, and a chorister. Also the Narberth, Pa. Prices in providing of ncw cqnipmen' such as ncw chairs and literature, al~o the purchasing of a supply of the new GA:; P. M., Epworth League, esMcthodist Sunday school hymnals. pecially conducted for young people. Olle of thc encouraging and promis7.45 P. M., public worship; congreing c1as~cs is that callcll the Young gational song service preceding the is a means towards an end-nothing :\Ien's Bihle Clas~ which has been sermon; singing by a large chorus more· In selling printing we study the startc(! and organized. The class now results-find out what you wish to acchoir, morning and evening. Call on has 11' young men enrollcd. who are complish and than meet that need wilh Wednesday, 8 P. M., prayer services, making themselvcs useful in thc exactly the right kind of plinting. We sell Young People's Society and doing conducted by the pastor. you something more than paper, type and NARBERTH, PA. The el'entng service Sunday will ink. the ushering in the church. be a Union Service held in the Baptist Telephone-Narberth 368 Church. Addresses by Billy Sunday ARDMORE PRINTING CO. M. E. 'Church converts. CHRONICLE BUILDING !lA;; A. :'IL. Sunday-school asscmbly; The young men's Bible class is Ardmore, Pa. Bihle study classes for adults. taught by Mr. Fletcher W. Stites, Plaster and Cement Work 10.45 :\. :\1., public worship. greatly to the boys' delight. tACHSAH M. WENTZ Estimates Furnished JOBBING SELECT DAIRIES W. G. CUMMER PAPEU IIANGEU AND P Send your Letter To-day Howard F. Cotter ,,1. CITY DRESSED DIElTS Harris -Real Estate Opposite Station Y. M. C. A. Building Plumbing, Heating Roofing, Spouting and Range Work Printing N. E. SMEDLEY EDWARD HAWS ~------------------1 ------------, Advertising Fundamentals 111 STUDIO: 6 ARCADE BUII.DING Tdepllollc-Narberlh 604 By America's Best Advertisers Godfrey-the No. 2 to a••i.t you in gettin. a home. Telephone-Narberth 685 A 1. 2. 3. 4. Get Seen. Get Read. Get Believed. Make the r.eader do the thing you wish him to do. JOHN O~ POWERS When you use space in OUR TOWN, you are lure of accomplishing the first three essentials named by Mr. Powers-and, if you are not sure how to write copy to do Ihe fourth thing, maybe we can help you to do tbi,. too. ASK. US, if you want h~lp.-B. M. J. A. MILLER (Succeuor to E. I J. HOOD) HEATER AND RANGE WORK SLATE AND TIN ROOFER 104 Forre.t Avenue· Jobbing a Specialty Narberth. Po.. III D II y Dun das WATCH FOR 0 .-SHE IS COMING' ; \ FOR SALE t At Haverford Avenue and Shirley Road, Narberth, Pa., eight minutes' walk from station. real eltate man I Four modern 2 I -2-story stone and stucco . homes, with southern exposure and old , at 114 Wood.ide Ave., will be pleased shade. Lots average 60 by 125 feet. To be successful, an advertisement must accomplish FOUR THINGS- II bzstruclor ill Pia1zo, Organ a1ld Theory of Music Nine rooms and two bath-rooms; laundry in basement, hot water heating, guaranteed temperature, 70 degrees. Electric lights and gas; combination gas and coal range. Exceptional plumbing fixtures; sewer connection. Easy terms Builders, Loos & Dothard HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUILDING PHILADELPHIA All Saints' Church Sunday sen'ices at j\1I Saints' Church, corner :'Ilontgomery and \Vynnewood a\·enues. are as follows: 8 :\. l\L, thc Huly Cuml1lunion; 9.45 A. l\I.. the Sunday-school; 11 A. M., morning prayer anrl sermon; .j P. 1\1., e\'cning prayer. Therc ",iii he a second celchration of the Iioly COlllmunion on the first Sunday of next month, at 11 o'clock. St. Margaret's Church Early "fass, l\fay to Septembcr, inclusi\'c. li.::O A. l\L; early 1\1 ass. October to April, inclusive, 7.00 A, :\1.; late :'Ilass, fl.:lll A. :'IL l\Iasses on holydays: (i.:10 and 8.:10 A. l\L; l\fasses on weekdays. 8.00 A. l\L Lenten and other c\'Cning devotions, R o·clock. Sunday~: Presbyterian Church Next Sunday. ]() A. :\1. 13ible-school, all departl1ll~nt~. Two Bihle Classes. 11 A. ]\f. Public worship. Sermon h)' the pastor. 7 P. M. Union Youn~ Pcople's l\Iceting in the Baptist Church, to he addressed by visitors from Scranton. 7.·15 P. l\r. Union mCding in the Baptist Church. Next Tucsday thc monthly all day lIleeting or the women of the church. ,\ t 11 o'clock, thc Latlie~' :\id Society, will meet. At noon, luncheon will he served, and at two P. M., Missionary Sucicty. The following ~re the ncwly l'1ccted oftlcer~ of the Ladies' Aid .soLicty: President, 1\1 rs. L. W. Nickerson; first vice president, 1\lrs. A. H. \\'ilson; second vice president, Mrs. John Van Ne~~; secretary, Mrs. W. F. S. Hackett; a~~i~tant secrctary, Mrs. .-\. E. Brown; treasurer, Mrs. William Owens. m..·. PIANO TUNING AND PLAYER ADJUSTING Geo. B. Abele 118 ChellUlut Ave. Narberth Pho•• 677.X ... ~'tl'..d '.toZ.·o..f' ......O..O~~""':~..b....~..')..~...O..~...."':.dr.......o(..."..',~f·4~ ~~ ·.~,"¥.°o ....0... o""~· (}iiIO~o 0-"°.. 0'1'0 0"&''1 • .,·t~: j. .. great deal of :~ Spouting-but don·t ~ talk· much about it! We do a ~~ ~~ :',' t~ (ii;~d ~ ~ .~ .... ~::':i:\' . ~:~:::~~=~t~:,,,9:~~ . ':~--:~'~ .~ ..~••__.~• NARBERTH, PA.-=-OUR TOWN-OCTOBER 22, _1914 4 HARRYB. WALL Packing, Shipping, Hauling PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING FURNITURE AND PIANOS NARBERTH, PA. AUTOMOBILES TO HIRE WHY NOT BANK Phone Narberth 672 I Where it is Most Convenient to You? WALTOl\1 BROTHERS Many lolks living in the suburbs. and being in town during the usual business hours, find it roosl agreeable to have their bank account in Philadelphia. We enjoy a large suburban patronalle on Rccount 01 our convenient. central location. progressiveness, and courleou. and efficient attention to all details. A special room is maintained for the exclusive u.e 01 the ladies. Sale deposit vault located on the first floor. Boxes 01 liberal si7.e may be rented as low as $2.S0 per annum. You are cordially invited to in.pect our ollices and to open an account with us. Narberth, Pa. F. H. WALZER i Wm. F. J. Fiedler J?ainting in all its Branches DRUGGIST Estimates Cheerfully Given Telephone- Narberth 31l-D Treasurer's Report of Narberth Day Fete and Historical Pageant RECEIPTS. 25c admission tags , $302.50 Advertisements in Pageant Book , . 210.00 lOc admission tags . 153.50 G-rar.dstand . 122.30 Rental of ten booths . 100.00 Sale of pageant book . D8.45 Candy table ....•..........•... 68.42 Historical art . 63.45 Vaudeville ....•............... 56.G8 56.56 GaInes •....... ·············· . 51.60 Buttons · .. ···· .. · .. Fancy Table . 3D.5D Home Bake , . 36.22 Baby Parade . 35.35 Sale of lumber . 20.80 Fortune tellers . 1D.25 Flower booth . ·10A5 Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage mIlr ilttttrnI,oltlir wrusl Q!.OUtpttt1!J Witherspoon Building W. A. Willie Co., Pub. postcards American Bap. l'uh. Society ~~;;l~P~l~n~:~~~ IpJ EXPENDITURES 0asStte~gC 6.:lO 3.44 Bell Phone. Spruce 5469 WIlt (6rrl'tl1ttl111~ ~rt1tti1t!.' .75 .40 10416 Forrest Avenue -------Local Time Table 1.!iO ~:~~ :~~ It cost us Ten Dollars to tell you our little story last week, and we got Twenty Dollar's worth of satisfaction. We believe everybody read every word and absorbed every fact, and a goodly number came around and told us so. Save this advertisement and bring it to us on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, Oct. 26, 27 & 28. It's good for Ten Cents, with a purchase of groceries amounting to One Dollar or more. Gather up all the "Our Towns" you can and sell them to ~ HOWARD C. FRITSCH :!:~ Announces Ihat he has opened a .;. ~ REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE \:~:* 1+:l: NARBERTH'S TAILOR . Prming. Scouring and AItenng Ladies' and Men's Clothing I,;; 4 Fancy and Staple Groceries Fruit and Vegetables Fish and Oysters Watch our Circulars for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Prices. ~ Ch'arles Schwartz \:i: at Narberth, YOUR I':!:l' r I\.TRONAGE Formerly with the L.te SAMUEL S. RICHARDS :~: :i:••• Pa. 'i' IS SOLICITED Ollice in WALL BLDG. Narberth Stalion ::: Telephone Narberth 3S2 W .l:~:. :!: :~: :!:.:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:.:!: . 1. E . \ \' EX.\ R n, E R TIT I Le;l\'C ,\rri,·'·c Arri\"L' :\arBroad Narnroat\ t..-··_··············_···························_·.......-_·........ - - - -••• - - -••..-..- ........ herth St.Sta. hnt h, St.Sta. F (j.:~Dall) ~:::(j.;)H " , 7.:!H .. :':;: •. -14" * :I';"i~) (, ·I.·Lj rl.t;; " :L·l;j H .I.\.; ,. n.l;'" " x....)~) " !Ll.J •• D.-I,') .1 (i.:!fI " 0.-1;") " 11 ..)~1 " 12.~!lp1l1 1:! ..i!) .. 1.~\1 n.;IH " 7.:!H it 10.1.-, .. ::: 7.5D II H.20 " l1.1.i" !l.~n " 11.-1.i ., 1~. l.ip111 "'10.:!D" 1O.t.!1" 1~!.~;; .. I. \.; .. 11.:!~1" 1.-1.-, .. *11.."10 U * .. * I 1 ;;,4;"i 11,:!H ., H 1 7.1;; " 1 7..1;) " S.l;"') " S,.l;j DAr; H , I( 10.45" 11.1;;" 11 A!i " 1 :!.1;j " :!.1:") .. 1.,") ~I .' '.. 7.:?B:llll .;.2\)pm 7.-l;")anl .").;"iH .. 7'.;"')0 .. H.....) !) ,. ~. 1.") •• !I.l'-, .. . n.:!U .. \1.4.-, .. ;;.~;iJlm n.lo) U L 0....) 0 •• (-lO.:!!) * iA."'i " 10.·17 " ~ 1'1 n.,;!1 ., 11.1.; " I. 11.;"}0 11 ., 1~ .··>!)P1l1 1.t,\1 " :Ie :.!.;')fl U :L:!!) '" * * l:!.1.;pm 1. 1.; .. ~!. Lj .. .1. 1.; " ·1.4;; .. ·1.50 " ;i,l,", :1: .j n.!')!} II 1 n.:!!'1 " 10..W " ., 11 ..;n " ::'1,"", " :L-L"i .1 :;',")H •• -l.:~B H * * 7.;;H S.:!O " H.,in It 0.29 u ~. Lj II ".-I.,,} It O.l;j " n.-I!) II 1 n.l' " 10.45 " 11.1.;" l:!.lHiam . .. " 7.1.; " ·1' 7.-1;' " S. J;; " *:1: S.4;; " !l.1,; " " !l.45 " 10. J;; " 11.1.; " 11.·15 " 1:!.1 51'111 " !lA.; " lO.1.; * * ", In.::~ " " l:!.::~ 2.;J-! :L{'o R,:tfi n.::-. 10.0~ .. ;).:~8 " H " " H '" IU;; H 7.1;; " 7.-1;; ~.1;' * SA5 !'I.•I.; <I< "'10.::n *11.0.; *1 1.::1 " " " " ., " H ." 11.0' 1:!.Olip111 1:!.::~ <I< " •.01 " 7.:14 H S.O+ " H.:H; !I.O~ 10.<H 10.4!l 11.:!4 11 ..;2 " " i i j If you wish to know why "THE QUALITY i i <I< f~~..~~.~~~ .. " H 2.0·! " " ~ ••••••••••••: . . . _• •_ . : . . ••••••••••: ••• _ I Contented "Meet me at the Cabin" 7.::~ " " !l.:\ll " 10.0~ . H 10,.l!1 11.24 " 1:!.O·!am a.04 " 3.:14 " 4.04 H THERE WILL BE 2 Girls &aFool IN NARBERTH SOON ,\ { II I ! ••••••• :~:_j Consumers CommAnd Cook's Coal C. P. COOK -to consider the purchase of Home, Build. Alterations or Repairs S.:lti \l.·I!i *10.:10 " <I< 11.n,; " *11.·1;; " <I< popu- i Located in the Chronicle Building " S.H; " " !l.l ,; " . IS ! j 1 i COAL, WOOD AND BUILDING SUPPLIES H 7.1:) " " ~HOP" 1 THE QUALITY SHOP " n.1!i " 1i,4;; " !>.I :; ..1 lar, pay a visit there on your next visit to Ardmore. ing P'ot, or having any kind of Building . I ''The QUALlTX SHOP"·is .known as a gathering place of goods of quality at reasonable prices. No SOIled, shop-worn /lrticles appear in the stock; no so-called "bargains" are displayed. H " _ :~~.:~:=~.~.:~_ ._ " 4.:14 p.l,l1 5.0·' !i.::4 " Ii,Oo{ " n.::·, " ".0·' " ;'..t;j .. "" 1.:I~ 2.:1~ I made. " " H 1.0~ Ii.on fi.:lli " H .. 10.::~ :!. J;; " :!.·I!i ::.1,; " :1.45 " " t,.·I;; " n.15 " ;',1;') SUXDAYS l:!.::~am ~ ·1.15pm 7.14 * 4.~;; " " .. I..!;; .. " l:!.O~1'm " 10. Iii " 11.·1.; " 1:J. 1;;P11l :I ~! .4,", 1. I.; " ;-,.(J~ * " " * " * * 1 1.::4 " :!.n~ S.I;' !l. J;; " ~I.n~ 1.~;; Ii 1:!.l.;am n.;j,) " ·D~ 4.~;; " S.::-l " !I.a·! 1O.(J~ . * .1.1 ;; .." S.O~ 1.1 ;; " " 2.1 :; " :!.45 " " " 1.0·' 1.:\.1 1~.4,; " li.~.; J. M. CRANSTON + ••••••••• H LF:\ Vl~ m{OAD STREET Arri\'c Lea\'e A rri"e LeaH' i\arBroad 2'\arBroad hcrth St.Sta. herth St.Sta. :1.:1IiP111 :\.1 ;;1'111 *tl:!.1;jal11 't:!,::·lanl , ·1.01i fL~j ILOS * :1.45 n.:!:} i I . 1n.];; .. 7.2~) " to place their orders promptly with r.. --THE-·_·STORE.. -OF····QUAiiTy.. . . .· ·} n.-" " i 7.1;; H I desiring the best COAL, WOOD, Lumber, Building Materials :;: f.. ~~n H :;: (i.:')!) ., i: We would suggest to all householders LEHIGH COAL \ • ;",i.:>D " i i Important Announcement oj ;"l.:!!l " j:10.:!!) " 1O..;~I .. ~~ * :L:!~) " ::,,',!I ., -l.:!t1 .1 .. 1 n.].; .. I :;'1;) .. ~..t.; o. i :~.·.;,pnl R.7!S " n.;)!) , * :!.:!Hl.lh * :!.;)f1 .. S.:!D .. D.:!!) ., Ie: 7.1;")" 7.·1.-) •• '; .;"')H ,( it ti ...1.ja1l1 '.,;h .. H. L"J" 1'~!:S.1.1 •• Narberth's Leading Grocery MAKE MONEY. ~ :;: .25 THE IMPERIAL TO t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(~~~~(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q!.O. 34 S. 16th St.. PHILADELPHIA t Posters. Programs. Tickets. Circulars, General Job' Printing. 2.50 y~ 1..1:; RIGHT PRICES RIGHT WORK 'l' 1.-10 2.50 " AN EASY WAY Howard LonllSlreth Burrow. 51o.,n Wm. C. Kealor W. C. Filzgerald . Thea. Pre...,r NARBERTH, PA. 6.80 ........... ,,_.___ $ 24.11' Pageant Book: Printing 2500 copies.$374.75 $-181.71 Pageallt Committee: Dancing instructor .. $ 15.SD Advo>rtising Solicitor. 52.50 Burlap for tcnts 3.30 Half tones ...•..... 24.D2 Clc,th for wall 2.75 2-color zinc engrav$ 21.D4 ings 13.19 Vaudeville Committec: Official photographer 10.00 Rent for tent $ 8.00 CardS and contracts 3.54 Freight of tcnt . for solicitor ..... 2.75 Hauliug piano . 3.50 Portraits •.......... 2.00 2.50 Hauling chairs . Zinc engravings .... 1.60 $ 17.54 $481.71 Admission Committee: Music Committee: .jOOO admission tags.$ G.!iO Third Regt. Band $1 :l4.0-1 3.65 Stamped envelopes .. Saturday's hand 75.0-1 ~l ultigraphing 250 Supper for Saturday's 2.05 letters . band............. 7.20 2.00 4000 hooks for tags. Supper for Third 1.20 zinc engravings .... Regiment Band .. 6.30 .50 $222.58 Grandstand tickets .. $ 16,Ff Booths and Grounds Committee: Buttons Committee: Lumber $144.48 1000 buttons $ 111.00 Carpe,iters and laExprcss charges .30 borers 123.71 $ 1li.:lC: $268.19 St:pper COl11mit tee: Decoration and Lights Committee: Supper deficit $ 10.15 Electric lights ...... $ 81.41 Hauling tables 1.50 Bunting for booths. . 62.!iD l'\apkins .80 $14-1.00 $ 12.4:, Publicity Committee: Grape Juice Committee: Mailing Main Line Grape juice $ 11.00 News $ ~o.oo Labels for bottles... 1.35 Combination plate $ 12.35 for poster •....... 15.75 Ad"anced from Treasury to 400 posters 15.50 5.00 Games Committee $ 2000 ad vertising 4.00 Candy C0111mittee. peanuts . cards ...•...•.... 7.00 3,48 Half of Suffragist loss . Sign cards for booths 5.40 1.00 Secretary's book . 12 sign cards for baby show 3.50 $13G!l.67 Dup. 150 letters for Total rcceipts $1470.Dl general meeting .. 1.00 $ 68.1!:. Total expenllitl1rcs 136·D.67 $ 50.00 I Manuscript of pageant . Profit .. , , $ 101.24 Historical Art Committee: ?lIATZIE J. SIl\TPSON. Duplicating contcst Treasurer. slips ••.....••••.. $ 6.86 us for Ten Cents on the above condition. DIRECTORS V. Gilpin Rohinwn A. C. Shand C. R. Simon. Wm. R. Dougherty J. L~wi. Twaddell Edward C. Dixon A. K. HOUSEKEEPER 2.58 $H70.n Envelopes ... ,...... 2!i yards of lawn.... .: :: Frank P. Off S. 5. P~nno<"k A. R. Perkin. ECONOMICAL, EFFECTIVE Hauling two loads.. 2.50 Patch . Package auction . Refund from 'Wilde Co., Pub . Refund to Treasury by Game Committee . Refunded by Mr. Kern (vaudeville expenses) . Sale of extra burlap for tents .. Bunting for electric hooth ... Sale or' railroad tickets returned by band ········· Sandwiche!' . Telephonc calls , .. Philadelphia Howard Longstreth. President S. W. Waterman. Sec. and Trust Ollicer A. C. Shand. Vice Pre.ident W. C. Fitzgerald. Vice Pres. and Treas. Thomas Ridgway. Solicitor DRUGS 3.-14 2.59 1323 Walnut Sueet M. D. Smedley Howard E. Davis NARBERTH, PENNA. Prompt Deliveries Assured 'MEISEN'S Famous Ice Cream and Cake A FULL LINE OF Whitman's Candy We do all our own Baking and Make our own Ice Cream George B. Suplee Steam and Hot Water Heating Plumbing Bell Telephone ,I ("
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