College Planning
College Planning
HAPPENINGS UPCOMING E VENTS IN THE D AVID DOUGL AS SCHOOL DISTRIC T NOVEMBER 2014 College Planning David Douglas High School is participating in the National College Application Week, November 3rd-7th. The college and career center will be offering college application workshops and fun events, including prizes and trivia questions, all to encourage high school seniors to complete at least one college application that week. This event follows immediately after the National College Fair held at the Oregon Convention Center Sunday, November 2nd and Monday, November 3rd. For more information please contact the College & Career Center at 503 261-8343 Our College Information Night will be from 6:30-8pm on November 6th in Room 168 of the DDHS north building. We will have guest speakers from state schools, private schools, and community colleges as well as a financial aid presentation and an opportunity for parents of seniors to apply for their FAFSA (Free Application For Federal Student Aid) pin number. For more information, please contact the College & Career Center at 503-261-8343 Scots Jr. Cheer Clinic: K-8 David Douglas cheerleaders will be holding their annual cheer clinic from 10am-2pm on Saturday, November 22nd at DDHS. The clinic is $20 per student and includes a t-shirt. Participants will learn basketball chants, a sideline dance and stunts! We would love all junior cheerleaders to perform at the annual “Night with the Scots” event on November 25th! Registration MUST be received by November 14th to guarantee the correct t-shirt size. For more information or to obtain a registration form, contact Amber Cowgill at [email protected] Wonderful Town The David Douglas High School performing arts department’s fall production is Wonderful Town. The musical is sunny, spirited and bursting with good humor. Leonard Bernstein’s score is happily melodic in the ballads, and brilliantly illustrates this story about two sisters who have just moved from Ohio to New York City. The show runs November 14th, 15th, 20th, 21st, and 22nd at 7:30pm. A matinee performance will be given on November 16th at 2:30pm. Tickets are on sale now (students and seniors $7, adults $10). Reserve tickets online at or visit the box office 3-5:30pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (school days). Contact the Box Office for more information at 503-261-8270. The David Douglas Performing Art Center is located at 1400 SE 130th. Little Dribblers Does your 3rd-6th grade student want to show off his or her dribbling skills at the “Night with the SCOTS” basketball kick-off celebration? If so, your child will need to attend a practice at 6pm on Monday, November 24th in the east balcony of the DDHS north gym. Coach Tim Hurley will conduct a short practice to prepare students for their performance. Mark the time and date on your calendar. Students must attend the Monday night rehearsal to participate in the Tuesday, November 25th performance. Any questions contact Tim Hurley at DDHS at 503-261-8328. A Night With the Scots Come meet the David Douglas boys and girls varsity basketball teams from 7-8:30pm on Tuesday, November 25th in the DDHS north gym. The FREE evening will include a dunk contest, cheerleaders, shooting contests, scrimmages, prizes, t-shirts, autographs, little dribblers, and much more. Fun for all ages. Go Scots! Doors open at 6:30pm. November Conferences Schedule Please contact your child’s school for more details. FRC Wednesday, November 19th: School day. Conferences 3-8pm Thursday, November 20th: No school. Conferences 8am-8pm Friday, November 21st: No school. Conferences 8am-12pm Fir Ridge will be offering Studentvue and Parentvue support during conferences. For more information please call Fir Ridge at 503-256-6530. Elementary Schools Monday, November 24th: Early Dismissal at 2pm. Conferences 4-8pm Tuesday, November 25th: No school. Conferences 8am-8pm Wednesday, November 26th: No school AOMS Monday, November 24th: Early dismissal at 1pm. Conferences 1-8pm Tuesday, November 25th: No school. Conferences 8am-8pm Wednesday, November 26th: No school. Conferences 8am-12pm FLMS Monday, November 24th: Early dismissal at 1pm. Conferences 1:30-8pm Tuesday, November 25th: No school. Conferences 8am-8pm Wednesday, November 26th: No school. Conferences 8am-12pm RRMS Monday, November 24th: Early dismissal at 1pm. Conferences 2-4pm and 5-8pm Tuesday, November 25th: No school. Conferences 11am-4pm and 5-8pm Wednesday, November 26th: No school DDHS Monday, November 24th: Early dismissal at 1pm. Conferences 2-4pm and 5-8pm Tuesday, November 25th: No school. Conferences 8-11am, 124pm and 5-8pm Wednesday, November 26th: No school 2014 Holiday Bazaar It’s time for the 18th annual DDHS PTSA Holiday Bazaar. The PTSA’s largest fundraiser is put on by parent and student volunteers. All profits go to college scholarships. The bazaar will be held at DDHS (1001 SE 135th) on Saturday, December 6th. Doors open at 9am and close promptly at 4pm. Send questions to [email protected] (for vender information). The email address is used exclusively for bazaar questions and the fastest way to reach the PTSA. For general information, call Dawn Waddington at 503-683-3479. SUN Services David Douglas High School SUN programming is underway. Students can still sign up for a variety of after-school activities, including break dancing, sewing, tutoring, music, and more. Dinner and a ride home are provided. Contact the SUN office at 503-262-4431 for more information. Thanks to a partnership with Oregon Food Bank, the Food Pantry is open every Thursday from 5-6pm at DDHS South Cafeteria (1500 SE 130th Avenue). For more information or to volunteer, call the SUN Office at 503-262-4431. Adult English literacy classes are held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5-6:30pm in Room 122 at the HS north building (1001 SE 135th Avenue). Call the SUN office for details at 503-262-4431. Family Calendars The David Douglas Educational Foundation hopes you are enjoying the new District Family Calendar that went home with all elementary children the first week of school. If you received more than one calendar because of multiple children in school, please consider returning the extras so they can be shared with families that move into our District during the year or allow more middle school and high school parents the opportunity to receive this useful calendar. DDEF tries very hard to use their funds wisely and allowing one calendar per household will cut the cost considerably. To have your upcoming District event or fundraiser published in Happenings, email your submission to: Holly Effenberger ([email protected])