Overview RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference Venue: RCOG, London


Overview RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference Venue: RCOG, London
RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference
Tuesday 18 – Thursday 20 November 2014
Venue: RCOG, London
The RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference is aimed at providing an
authoritative update on clinical problems relevant to the specialty of obstetrics and
gynaecology. Expert speakers are asked to give an overview accessible to colleagues in all
subspecialties, as well as generalists. The meeting also provides an opportunity to have
informal discussions with College officers. The focus of this year’s meeting is “clinical
dilemmas” and we hope that this meeting will help resolve most of them.
UK Specialist Societies will be hosting parallel breakout sessions, enabling you to tailor your
attendance according to your interests. It is an ideal opportunity to meet colleagues from all
specialities and catch up with developments in science, clinical practice and medical politics,
as they affect obstetrics and gynaecology.
Learning Objectives
 Hear the full spectrum of recent advances from experts in their field, deliberately
tailored for a diverse audience
 Provide an update on current medical politics
 Learn about college activities through informal discussion session with College
 Claim up to 18 CPD credits for full attendance at this meeting
Who Should Attend?
 All Consultants in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
 The meeting is aimed at practicing specialists, and is designed as an update rather
than as a basic introduction
 Some experience as a senior level obstetrician and gynaecologist is an advantage,
although post MRCOG Speciality Trainees (especially subspecialist trainees wanting
to keep up to date with other subspecialties) will also find the meeting useful
 Staff Doctors, Staff Grades, Trust Doctors and Associate Specialists
Course Organiser and Honorary Director of Conferences: Ms Ranee Thakar MD MRCOG,
Honorary Deputy Director of Conferences: Mr Nick Panay MRCOG, London
RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference
Tuesday 18 – Thursday 20 November 2014
Tuesday 18 November
Welcome and introduction
Ms Ranee Thakar, Consultant Obstetrician and Urogynaecologist, Croydon
University Hospital, London
Presidential address
Dr David Richmond, President, RCOG
Diagnosis of fetal growth restriction: the role of customised assessment
Professor Jason Gardosi, Director, Perinatal Institute, Birmingham
Session II: Human Rights in the NHS
Chair: Professor Lesley Regan, Vice President of Strategic Development, RCOG
Managing female genital mutilation in clinical practice
Dr Comfort Momoh (MBE), Female Genital Mutilation/ Public Health
Specialist, Guy’s and St Thomas Foundation Trust, London
Female Genital Mutilation and medicolegal considerations
Mr Bertie Leigh, Senior Partner, Hempsons; Chair, NCEPOD
Obstetric violence
Dr Amali Lokuganmage, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecology; Honorary
Senior Lecturer UCL, Whittington Hospital, London
LUNCH (2 course standing fork lunch)
Session III: Parallel Breakout Sessions – Session A
You may attend one stream in Session A, one stream in Session B (Wednesday 19
November, 2.00pm – 3.30pm). All streams in each session will run simultaneously.
Stream 1: British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS) –
Ultrasound in obstetrics – an update
Chair: Mr Richard Smith, Consultant Obstetrician and Fetal Medicine, Norfolk
and Norwich University Hospital
 First trimester anomaly scan
Dr Ranjit Akolekar, Consultant in Fetal Medicine, Fetal Medicine Units,
Medway Maritime Hospital and King’s College Hospital, London
RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference
Tuesday 18 – Thursday 20 November 2014
3D ultrasound – an update
Dr Paul Moran, Consultant in Fetal Medicine, Royal Victoria Infirmary,
Newcastle upon Tyne
Intrapartum ultrasound
Professor Deirdre Murphy, Professor of Obstetrics and Head of
Department, Trinity College Dublin and Coombe Women & Infants
University Hospital
Stream 2: British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (BSGE): Ambulatory
Chair: Mr Kevin Phillips, BSGE President; Consultant Gynaecologist, Hull and
East Yorkshire NHS Trust
 Ambulatory gynaecology: current status and the future
Mr Kevin Phillips
 Treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding in the outpatient setting
Mr Stephen Burrell, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Luton
and Dunstable Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
 See-and-treat outpatient hysteroscopy
Dr Natalie A. M Cooper, Academic Clinical Lecturer, Queen Mary
University and the Royal London Hospital
 Hysteroscopic sterilisation in the outpatients
Mr Justin Clark, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist,
Birmingham Women’s Hospital
 Surgical treatment of miscarriage in the outpatients
Miss Naaila Aslam, Consultant Gynaecologist, University College
Hospital, London
Stream 3: British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology
Chair: Professor Sarah Creighton, Consultant Gynaecologist and Honorary
Clinical Professor, University College London Hospitals
 FGM and FGCS in adolescents: a clinical perspective
Dr Brigid Hayden, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Bolton
Hospital; Committee Member of BritSPAG
 Adolescent menstrual dysfunction
Dr Pallavi Latthe, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist,
Subspecialist Urogynaecology, Birmingham Women’s NHS Foundation
 Management of mullerian anomalies in adolescents
Professor Sarah Creighton
Stream 4: British Fertility Society (BFS)
Chair: Mr Valentine Akande, Consultant Gynaecologist, Bristol Centre for
Reproductive Medicine, Southmead Hospital, Bristol
RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference
Tuesday 18 – Thursday 20 November 2014
Diagnosing and managing unexplained infertility
Professor Siladitya Bhattacharya, Professor of Reproductive Medicine,
Director Institute of Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen
Update on the causes and management of recurrent miscarriage
Miss Siobhan Quenby, Professor of Obstetrics; Director of the
Biomedical Research Unit in Reproductive Health, University Hospitals
Coventry and Warwickshire
Premature menopause, ovarian failure or insufficiency: what it is
and what to do about it?
Miss Lisa Webber, Consultant Gynaecologist, Specialist in
Reproductive Medicine, Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health
Stream 5: British Menopause Society (BMS)
Chair: Mr Edward Morris, Chair, British Menopause Society, Norfolk and
Norwich University Hospital
 Tissue specific approaches to management of the menopause
Mr Edward Morris
 Prescribable alternatives to HRT: the evidence
Miss Joan Pitkin, Consultant Gynaecologist, Northwick Park and St
Marks Hospital Trust, Harrow
 Managing genital tract symptomatology: new approaches
Dr Heather Currie, Associate Specialist Gynaecologist, (Honorary
Secretary and Chair Elect BMS), Dumfries and Galloway Royal
Stream 6: Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) – Sexual
and Reproductive Health – more than just the Pill
 Which IUD? Not all IUDs are equal – the evidence?
 A day in the life of a SRH consultant
 Contraception post-partum – a must?
 Abortion and a missed opportunity for starting contraception
Stream 7: British Society for the Study of Vulval Disease (BSSVD)
 Assessment of the vulva, principles of treatment and vulval skin care
Dr Elizabeth Venner, Associate Specialist Dermatology, Royal Cornwall
 Managing specific conditions
Ms Karen Gibbon, Consultant Dermatologist, Barts Health NHS Trust
 Vulval pain from the patients perspective
Mrs Kay Thomas, Trustee and Patient, Vulval Pain Society
Stream 8: British Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics, Gynaecology and
Andrology (BSPOGA) - Chronic pelvic pain: the gynaecologist’s blind spot?
Chair: Dr Leroy Edozien, Chair, BSPOGA
 Introduction: “a pain that can’t be seen”
RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference
Tuesday 18 – Thursday 20 November 2014
Dr Leroy Edozien
The patient’s perspective
Ms Trudi Brackstone, Trustee, Pelvic Pain Support Network UK
Diagnostic and therapeutic approaches
Miss Parveen Abedin, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist,
Birmingham Women’s Hospital
Biopsychosocial intervention: facilitated self-management
Professor Linda McGowan, Professor of Applied Health Research,
University of Leeds
Session IV: Debate
Chair: Ms Ranee Thakar
DEBATE: When induction of labour is indicated in low risk pregnancies it
should be done in an outpatient setting
FOR: Dr Devi Subramanian, Consultant Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine, Labour
Ward Lead, King’s College Hospital, London
AGAINST: Mr Edwin Chandraharan, Lead Consultant Labour Ward; Consultant
Acute Gynaecology and Lead Clinical Governance Obstetrician and
Gynaecologists and Clinical Director for Women’s Services, St George’s
Hospital, London
Hormone replacement therapy - clarity at last
Mr Nicholas Panay, Consultant Gynaecologist, Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea
and Chelsea & Westminster Hospitals, London
Wednesday 19 November
Session V: Clinical Dilemmas
Chair: Professor Alan Cameron, Vice President, Clinical Quality, RCOG
Can the caesarean section rate be safely reduced?
Mr Michael Robson, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, National
Maternity Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Should we stop augmenting labour with syntocinon
Mr Karl Olah, Consultant and Honorary Associate Professor in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, Warwick Hospital
RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference
Tuesday 18 – Thursday 20 November 2014
Reducing the stillbirth rate – emerging strategies
Professor Gordon Smith, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; Head of
Department, University of Cambridge, The Rosie Hospital
Session VI: Clinical Dilemmas (continue)....
Chair: Mr Ian Currie, Vice President, UK Affairs, RCOG
Out-of hour cover by consultants who do not perform major gynaecological
Mr Tim Hillard, Chairman of the NHS England Women’s Health Patient Safety
Expert Group; Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Poole NHS
Foundation Trust
Tackling sepsis in obstetrics and gynaecology
Professor James Walker, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St James
University Hospital, Leeds
Treating fibroids- uterine artery embolization or myomectomy
Professor Isaac Manyonda, Professor and Consultant, St George’s Hospital
NHS Trust and St George’s University of London
The great mesh debate
Professor Robert Freeman, Consultant Urognaecology, Derriford Hospital,
LUNCH (2 course standing fork lunch)
Session VII: Parallel Breakout Sessions – Session B
You may attend one stream in Session A (Tuesday 18 November, 2.00pm – 3.30pm), one
stream in Session B. All streams in each session will run simultaneously.
Stream 1: British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS) –
Chair: Dr Maggie Matthews, Consultant Obstetricians and Gynaecologist,
The Tunbridge Wells Hospital
 Predicting pre-eclampsia – how close are we?
Dr Lucy Chappell, Reader in Obstetrics, Kings College London
 Pre-eclampsia – reducing morbidity and mortality
Dr Jenny Myers, Clinical Senior Lecturer, St Mary’s Hospital,
 Management of complications of preeclampsia – level 2/3 care
Professor Fionnuala McAuliffe, Professor Obstetrics and Gynaecology;
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Maternal and Fetal
RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference
Tuesday 18 – Thursday 20 November 2014
Medicine Specialist, University College Dublin and National Maternity
Stream 2: Association of Early Pregnancy Unit (AEPU)
Chair: Dr Roy Farquharson, Consultant Gynaecologist, Liverpool Women’s
 Update on ectopic
Dr Emma Kirk, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, North
Middlesex University Hospital, London
 UKEPSS update
Dr Hoda Harb, Research Fellow, University of Birmingham/
Birmingham Women’s Hospital
 How good is your unit?
Dr Meenakshi Choudhary, Consultant Gynaecologist and Sub
Specialist in Reproductive Medicine, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals
NHS Trust
Stream 3: British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH)
Chair: Dr Sarah Edwards, Consultant in Sexual health and HIV,
Cambridgeshire Community Services
 Vaginal candidiasis
Dr David White, Consultant in Sexual Health and HIV, Birmingham
Heartlands Hospital
 Vaginal trichomoniasis
Dr Sarah Edwards
 Bacterial vaginosis
Dr Philip Hay, Reader and Honorary; Consultant in Sexual Health and
HIV, St George's Hospital, London
Stream 4: British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP)
Chair: Professor Maggie Cruickshank, Professor of Gynaecology, Aberdeen
Royal Infirmary
 Primary HPV screening – update from pilot sites
Dr Pierre Martin-Hirsch, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist,
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals
 Impact of the UK HPV immunisation programme
Professor Maggie Cruickshank
 Training in colposcopy (new ATSM QA of trainers)
Ms Deirdre Lyons, Consultant Colposcopy and Gynaecology, Imperial
St Mary’s Hospital, London
Stream 5: British Society of Urogynaecology (BSUG)
Chair: Mr Jason Cooper, Consultant Gynaecologist, University Hospital of
North Staffordshire Maternity Centre, Stoke on Trent
RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference
Tuesday 18 – Thursday 20 November 2014
The current role of retropubic and other artificial tapes in stress
urinary incontinence: has it changed?
Dr Mohamed Abdel-Fattah, Chairman of Scottish Pelvic Floor
Network; Senior Lecturer, Subspecialist Urogynaecologist, University
of Aberdeen
How to do a 'standard' vaginal prolapsed repair
Mr Ash Monga, Consultant Gynaecologist, University Hospitals
The treatment of vaginal vault prolapsed: what, when and how?
Professor Robert Freeman
Stream 6: British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS)
Chair: Mr Raj Naik, Clinical Director, Northern Gynaecological Oncology
Centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead
 Debate: Place of prophylactic salpingectomy during routine
hysterectomy for benign indications
FOR: Dr Ian Harley, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist, Northern
Ireland Regional Oncology Centre, Belfast
AGAINST: Professor Usha Menon, Consultant Gynaecologist, Head,
Gynaecological Cancer Research Centre, Women’s Cancer, Institute
for Women’s Health
 Contentious aspects of scientific research in gynaecological cancers
Professor Hani Gabra, Professor and Head of Medical Oncology;
Deputy Head of the Division of Cancer Director, Ovarian Cancer Action
Research Centre, Lead for Cancer Clinical Research, Imperial College
Healthcare NHS Trust, Cancer Lead (Division 1) NIHR Clinical Research
Network North West London, Hammersmith Hospital, Gary Weston
Centre, London
 Para-aortic node dissection in endometrial cancer
Mr Tim Mould, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist, University
College London Hospital
Stream 7: British Society for Gynaecological Imaging (BSGI)
Chair: Professor Nazar N Amso, Professor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
 Imaging in O&G practice: Opportunities and challenges
Professor Nazar N Amso
 Caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy: Aetiology, ultrasound diagnoses
and management
Miss Ghada Salman, Consultant Gynaecologist, University College
London Hospital
 Pathologies of the placenta on MRI
Dr Elspeth Whitby, Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant, Jessop
Wing, Sheffield
 ABC of office Gynaecology ultrasound
RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference
Tuesday 18 – Thursday 20 November 2014
Mr Jonathan Chamberlain, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist,
Royal Sunderland Hospital
Stream 8: Institute of Psychosexual Medicine (IPM)
Chair: Dr Leila Frodsham, Psychosexual Medicine Lead Consultant, GSTT,
Chair, Institute of Psychosexual Medicine
 Welcome and introduction to Psychosexual Medicine
Dr Leila Frodsham
 Sex and vulval pain disorders
Dr Sheila Radhakrishnan, Consultant in Community Gynaecology,
Royal Free Hospital, London
 The silent patient – men
Dr Catherine Hood, Associate Specialist in Psychosexual Medicine,
Central and North West London NHS Trust, Uxbridge
 Sex and the menopause
Dr Claudine Domoney, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist,
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
 Sex, drugs and normal childbirth
Dr Leila Frodsham, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, MTW
Session VIII: Service Improvement
Chair: Mr Paul Fogarty, Senior Vice President for Global Health, RCOG
How safe is your operating theatre - it’s up to you?
Dr Colin Prendergast, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Altnagelvin
Hospital, Londonderry
Setting up enhanced recovery
Mr Nigel Acheson, Regional Medical Director (South), NHS England
Session IX: RCOG Officers
Chair: Dr David Richmond
All the Officers
Drinks reception
Thursday 20 November
Session X: Clinical Dilemmas (continue)
RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference
Tuesday 18 – Thursday 20 November 2014
Chair: Professor Alan Cameron
Rising rates obstetrics anal sphincter injuries rates - is this a problem?
Mr Abdul Sultan, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Croydon
University Hospital
Management of multiple pregnancies – have we got it right?
Dr Asma Khalil, Consultant in Fetal and Maternal Medicine, St George’s
Hospital, London
Session XI: Commissioning in the NHS – what every clinician needs to know
Chair: Dr Clare McKenzie, Vice President of Education, RCOG
Specialist commissioning in gynaecology
Professor Sarah Creighton, Consultant Gynaecologist and Honorary Clinical
Professor, University College London Hospitals
Specialist commissioning in maternity services
Professor Derek Tuffnell, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist,
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Commissioning in education
Mr Gregory Ward, Consultant Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Croydon
University Hospital; Head of the London Specialty School of Obstetrics and
Session XII: Innovations in Pregnancy Care
Chair: Professor Alan Cameron
Innovative use of telehealth technology and home monitoring in PIH and
Mr Kim Hinshaw, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist; Director of
Research and Innovation, City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Rahul Nayar, Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology, City Hospitals
Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
Innovations in delivery suite practice
Miss Gubby Ayida, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Chelsea and
Westminster NHS Foundation Trust, London
RCOG Annual Professional Development Conference
Tuesday 18 – Thursday 20 November 2014
LUNCH (2 course standing fork lunch)
Session XIII: Debate
Chair: Dr Clare McKenzie
DEBATE: Hysterectomy at the time of prolapse surgery is unnecessary
FOR: Mr Alfred Cutner, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, University
College London Hospital
AGAINST: Mr Simon Hill, Consultant Urogynaecologist; Associate Medical
Director, The Lancashire Women and Newborn Centre, East Lancashire
Hospitals NHS Trust, Burnley
Session XIV: Enter the courtroom
Chair: Ms Ranee Thakar
Courtroom Skills for Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: Bond Solon Training
Mr Rob Gray, Barrister
Rob was called to the Bar in 1993 and has over 10 years’ training experience
with Bond Solon. As a training consultant, Rob has particular expertise is
delivering Courtroom Skills training to a wide variety of clients.
Rob has received consistently excellent feedback and is one of Bond
Solon’s lead Courtroom Skills trainers

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