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Welcome to the family of
Offertories for last Sunday Whom to contact Amount needed each week for parish ministry in 2014: $6,760 Parish offertories: $6,685 Mission giving: $583 For giving offertories electronically, the details are: Parish: BSB 062-585, Account 10117813, All Saints Anglican Church Nowra ASCC: BSB 032-691, Account 246574, All Saints Community Care Inc – remember to include your name in order to receive a taxdeductible receipt. Missions: BSB 062-585, Account 10117821, All Saints Anglican Church Nowra - please indicate (or email the Treasurer) if your donation is intended for a specific mission. Graham Tillott, Treasurer Welcome to the family of Office 4421 2018 [email protected] 4421 6884 www.allsaintsnowra.org.au (fax) 4421 7122 Secretary: Jan Booth Mon-Fri 9-12noon Acting Rector Bp David Mulready [email protected] 4421 2018 0428 030 774 Associate Minister Rev Jai McMordie 0425 279 721 [email protected] 4421 2018 Student Minister Ministry for Youth & Children Josh Murphy [email protected] Ministry to Seniors Rev David Woodbridge [email protected] 0401 163 620 4421 2018 Mission Muscle: How I fit into world mission: 0429 442 302 4423 0274 8am: Proverbs 4:1-4 p989 Psalm 89:1-18 p417 AAPB Acts 1:1-11 p1690 John 2:12-25 p1648 10am & 5.00pm: Acts 1:1-11 p1690 Ephesians 3:14-21 p1820 Minister for Open House Fellowship Rev Ray Beckman [email protected] Church Wardens Bruce Wright Ron Hockey Kay Cutmore [email protected] 4446 0661 0428 428 940 4422 8459 Treasurer Graham Tillott [email protected] 0410 185 071 Verger & Maintenance Co-ordinator Allan Weatherby 0434 108 017 [email protected] All Saints Community Care Lyn Miles [email protected] (fax) Bus (mobile 0405 108 994) Sunday: 10am service Wednesday: for Open House 4423 1099 4423 1998 0405 108 994 0405 108 994 (leave message on Bus mobile) The Church of the Good Shepherd, Nerriga The Union Church, Greenwell Point as we meet together to meet with God 26th October 2014 What we do... Point to the Lord Jesus, with Bibles open, in the power of the Holy Spirit The results we look for... Loving fellowships of committed believers, worshipping God together, seeking to reconcile people to Christ, to mature them in Him, to involve them in service to one another and the world. ARE YOU USING YOUR MISSION MUSCLES? Over the last two Sundays we’ve thought about World Mission: God being the originator of World Mission and Jesus Christ being the message of World Mission To-day we think about how we fit into God’s World Mission. We all have muscles. God wants us to use our Mission Muscles in telling others about Jesus. In Acts 1:8 we read Jesus’ last words to His Disciples: You will be my witnesses, in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth. His followers were to make Him known and call people to repentance and to place their trust in Him as their Saviour and Lord where they lived, in their region, throughout the Middle East and to the ends of the earth. In our day, Jesus would have said to all of us at All Saints: You will be my witnesses, in Nowra, the Shoalhaven, outback Australia and to the ends of the earth. How are we doing that? How are you doing that? Sincerely, David Mulready Prayer This week at a glance: 27th Oct to 2nd Nov 2014 The Collect Lord God, without you we are not able to please you; Mon mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Diocesan Prayer Almighty God, we call upon you for such an outpouring of your Holy Spirit upon us, that we as your people may be assured of your love through your word, seek to please the Saviour in all things, manifest the godly life and be filled with prayerful and sacrificial compassion for the lost in the world. In the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen Thanks for our new Rector Lord God, we give thanks and praise for the provision of Geoff and Ann Thompson as our new leaders for our Parish. We thank you too for the hard work of the Nominators over the past year. Amen. Please Pray for... Those we know who are ill or facing long term illness: Roy Allman, Madira Arnold, Ray & Sue Beckman, Melvin Dagg (Elaine’s Uncle), Peggy Dowling, Joanna Gash, John Glennan, Shane Iredale & mum Beryl, Sally Jones, Frank Kercher, Rob Maher, Alys McNaughton, Adrian Oliver, Matthew Pickering, Yani Stawski, Beryl Stewart, Barbara Willis (Sue’s mum), David Woodbridge, Pauline Wright, Anthony Turner Continuing progress for: Barbara Walton Those who are housebound/Nursing Home residents: Warren Barrett, Alan & Yvonne Harvey, Jack McNaughton, Phyllis O’Keeffe, Reg Pope, Nancy Sharples, Violet Stockman Pray for SECET & SRE Teachers: Grant Abbott (Bomaderry), Keith Fellows (Vincentia), Andrew Perry & Mike Hoffman (Nowra), Michelle Beazley & Marty Richardson (Shoalhaven) SECET Board Representative: Elaine Langshaw Teacher Support Group: Elaine Langshaw, Beth Dodd SRE Teachers at Nowra, Greenwell Pt, Nowra Hill, Bay & Basin Public Schools: Catherine Apperley, Barbara Davey, Wendy Kettlewell, Shane Iredale, Josh Murphy, Elaine Langshaw, Leanne Beer, Catherine Bolton, Robert & Sheila Emery, Jai McMordie, Melanie Drury, Gloria Arnold. Prayer points for the Solomon Islands -For the national election in Solomon Islands this month. That Godly, competent and honest candidates will be elected. - Helen Hoto, as she teaches the Kindergarten children. 7.30pm 7.30pm Ladies Craft Group in Hall (Crafting Forever Friendships) Missionary Prayer Meeting in the Cottage 10.00am 2.30pm 7.30pm Parish Ladies Bible Study in Hall & Church Tuesday Ladies Bible Study Leader’s meeting in the Cottage SECET Board & Teacher’s Meeting in Hall 8.00am 10.00am 6.15pm Praying for the Parish & Beyond in the Cottage Nowra Public School Scripture Open House Fellowship (& Meal) in Hall 9.00am 9.30am 1.30pm Greenwell Point Public School Scripture EPIC (Every Parent in Christ) in Hall – Crèche provided Senior Ladies Bible Study in Hall (NOW FORTNIGHTLY) 8.00am 10.00am 3.00pm 7.00pm Retired Men’s Bible Study in Hall English for Life Classes in Hall Kid’s Club (yrs 4-6) in Hall GtoC Youth Group in hall 8.00am 8.00am 10.00am 2.00pm 5.00pm Holy Communion Service at Union Church, Greenwell Point Holy Communion, followed by Morning Tea in the Hall Service of the Lord’s Supper, followed by Morning Tea Nursing Home Ministry Team Meeting in the Cottage Evening Service (starts with a cuppa and chat in the Hall, Children’s Dinner at 5pm, Service commences at 5.30pm in the Church (followed by Pot Luck dinner in Hall) Tue Wed Thur Fri Sun All Saints Community Care’s requested pantry item: “Dishwashing liquid” SECET News (Shoalhaven Employers of Christian Education Teachers Inc) Global Partnership th Saturday 15 November “A Taste of Christmas” at Terara in the grounds of "Does God want us to go back to India?" Sue Weissel’s home. Today I'm sending in our visa application for the next few years in India. Can you please pray for us this week? If God wants us to go back, and be part of what he is doing in India ... we ask him to grant the visa. Then we will start to pack up, and leave in January. But it is all in his hands. Here are some of the needs which are on our heart, and are some of the reasons we want to go back: More than 100 language communities are still without any books of the Bible in their mother tongue. We, in partnership with other Indian organisations, are trying to meet this need within 10 years. Minority language communities in India often live in poverty. We are linked to networks of hundreds of churches, which want to bless their communities in Jesus name. Translation work is part of that. Exciting new ministries are emerging! You may know that women in South Asia often suffer violence and abuse. So, you can imagine how important it is for the churches to be God’s agents of love and healing in these situations. There is increasing interest in ministries by village women to village women, using stories of key women from the Bible, to encourage and empower them, and to show them that they are valued by God and by his people. So ... we have so many things to do in India, we are ready to go and be a part of what God is doing. But we need a visa, so please pray! The Toulmins Second hand Book Stall Books will be collected from the Office on Monday 2nd November. The Baptist Church will be holding a Second hand book stall at “A Taste of Christmas” (among lots of other stalls on the day) to help with raising funds for SECET. Donations of 2nd hand books on gardening, craft, biographies etc…. (must be in good condition) for the stall can be left at the back of church (in a suitable container marked “SECET”) or bought directly to the Church Office between 9am12midday. Thank you. SRE Teachers recognition: advance notice On Sunday November 1st at all Services, our Scripture Teachers will be giving a report on their ministry this year and we will pray for them. All Saints Stall Saturday 15th November To show our support of SECET we are organising a table at the up-coming Taste of Christmas SECET fundraiser. We are seeking donations from you such as handmade craft items to sell, or people to help man the stall on the day. If you can help in any way, please contact Jan Tillott on 0407 727 950 You are invited! Please join us as we celebrate 60 years of Wycliffe in Australia. It's at college SMBC this Saturday night, 7:30pm. Donna will be Two bookcases FOR SALE speaking (I know, there's no photo in the brochure - privacy concerns), as well All funds go to SECET. Bookcases made from chipboard and laminate. If interested, call John Lindsay 4421 8835 as some other members. We'll see what has changed in the 60 years we have All Saints Book of the Month “A FRESH START” hilarious videos of Oscar "teaching" translators in India when he was about 3 This book by John Chapman is a classic evangelistic resource with an excellent easy to read explanation of the Gospel. Good for everyone to read and great to give to a friend open to considering the Christian faith. David Mulready has copies @ $10 each. years old. Seriously, it'll be worth it for just that). FYI, there will also be a been working, and what has stayed the same. (There will also be some yummy dessert afterwards. Feel free to come and meet the Toulmin’s before the meeting. It would be great to see you! (No RSVP needed). Notices Notices th Last CMS meeting held on the 6 November "Tears and Hope” A Service of healing for survivors of abuse. 7 p.m. on This is the last meeting of the CMS Illawarra Mission Connection for the year. The year has gone very quickly, but it has given us good opportunities for meeting with missionaries who are about to go on the mission field, or who are already serving God cross culturally in various parts of the world. Thank you for your support in encouraging churches to look outside of their ministries to the wider mission field. CMS missionaries are thankful for, and depend on the support and encouragement from people at home. 3rd November in St. John's Anglican Church, Darlinghurst (120 Darlinghurst Road). This is an opportunity for those wishing to show support and share in prayer with others at this time. 5pm Congregation’s ‘Pot Luck Dinner’ Sunday 2nd November (1st Sunday of next month) The 5pm service will be having their monthly ‘Pot Luck Dinner’, after service. Please bring a plate of food to share for tea. It's a great time to catch up and chat over a meal. Looking forward to you joining us at 6.30pm! CONFIRMATION Bishop Hayward will be conducting a Confirmation Service at All Saints on Tuesday night February 24th at 7pm. Anyone wishing to be Confirmed should advise one of the ministry team ASAP so that they might be prepared before Christmas. Operation Christmas Child Today is the final day to bring in your filled boxes. We will give you the total given next Sunday. It looks to be a wonderful response as we do every year!! John Watts GREAT FOOD DRIVE RESULT The team at All Saints' Community Care are delighted to see the pantry shelves once again well-stocked as a result of last week's food drive. The value of donations has been estimated at something over $1,000. Thank you very much to all who contributed. And once again, thanks to the team of men who did all the hard work on the day. Extra Prayer Point: Pray for Beth Dodd and family for the recent death of Beth’s mother Rita. Give thanks for the life of Bishop Ken Short and pray for his widow Gloria and her family. SHACC Family Lawnmower racing! SHACC are having their monthly family fun day next Saturday (1st November) from 10 am to 3 pm at Illaroo Farm and you are invited. Drivers will need closed shoes and long trousers; bring a bicycle or motor cycle helmet if you have one (mowers provided). Bring your own chair or picnic rug. Sausage sizzle provided for lunch. Let Peter Ellis know you are going or for more information and directions to the Farm, contact him on 4421 7024. BCA NEWS 35 members contributed $1724.35 to ‘Australia For Christ’ as a result of our recent box openings. This is a magnificent effort and a wonderful example of Godly stewardship. Many thanks! John Watts and Ken Dagger Wild Honey & Friends 'Sing Christmas 2014' It's not too late! If you'd like to join Wild Honey for a 8-week stint learning to sing a number of carols in beautiful jazz harmonies, weekly rehearsals start on Tuesday 21st October for Sopranos and Altos, Thursday 23rd October for Tenors and Basses (for the next 2 weeks only, then they join with the Tuesday group the 11th November). The rehearsals are from 7-9 pm in Nowra Church of Christ hall, 1 Yurunga Pde North Nowra. Sheet music, folders and practice CDs are provided. A voluntary donation of $5 would be appreciated, but is not a requirement to join. Wild Honey has been booked to sing at 2 services this year: Cambewarra Church at 10am on Sunday14th December and All Saints' 8am Communion Service on Sunday 21st December. 'Singing Christmas' at local church services has become part of their annual tradition. You can make further inquiries or register to be part of this delightful vocal adventure by phoning Pauline on 4421 6620, or leaving a message. David Woodbridge
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