ENT Express: Improving the Patient Journey through the Royal Newcastle
ENT Express: Improving the Patient Journey through the Royal Newcastle
ENT Express: Improving the Patient Journey through the Royal Newcastle Centre Ear, Nose and Throat Clinics Anthony Larkins & Judith Swan, Hunter New England Local Health Network Introduction The Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Clinics at the Royal Newcastle Centre (RNC) deliver a significant ambulatory care service to around 4,500 patients annually. The service was experiencing complex problems including: • long waiting lists to get an appointment for new non urgent patients; • long wait times upon arrival in the clinic; • overbooking of clinics; • staff frustration; & • patients complaints. Aim The purpose of the project was to make recommendations that will ensure a patient centred ENT ambulatory care service that meets the needs of the community. The Patient Experience: Jo’s Story Key Issues “I went to my GP because I had a discharge from my ear. I waited for 3 months for an appointment [at the ENT Clinic]. On the day of my appointment I waited for 2 hours to be seen. I returned 6 weeks later for another appointment and went through the same procedure. I had a total of 5-6 appointments each about six weeks apart. I was very frustrated in that I saw a different doctor each time. I arrived for an appointment and had to repeat my story from the start every time. I only saw the specialist twice in 12 months. I felt…rushed after waiting for 2 hours to be seen. When I complained I was told that 3 patients can be booked into one appointment time.” • There is variation in internal processes for bookings and internal flows. • There is minimal capacity for non urgent new patients to be seen in the ENT service leading to long waiting lists. • There are no clear pathways and criteria articulated to transfer patient care both into the ENT Ambulatory Care service and back to their GP. Objectives • • • • Method The NSW Health Clinical Redesign methodology was used to conduct the project as shown below. Project Timeline 1 2 August 3 4 5 i. Project Initiation & Start-up The solutions fall into six clear categories: Specialists GPs Emergency Department Referral pathways & management guidelines available to GP’s Define the ENT service aligned with HNE Health Ambulatory Care Guiding Principles. September 6 7 8 9 ii. Diagnostic Phase 10 October 11 12 13 14 November 15 iii. Solution Design Phase 20/9/2010 – 25/10/2010 16 17 18 December 19 20 iv. Implementation, Planning Leave planned and centrally coordinated Results from the 2009 NSW Health Patient Survey for Outpatients in the RNC found that patients: • ranked the courtesy of the staff very highly. • felt the health workers worked well together and felt they had enough time with the person. • felt they waited too long in the waiting room and the reason for the delay was not explained. • were not able to get an appointment when wanted. As of 31 August 2010 there were 1,867 patients waiting for an appointment at the ENT Clinic. The majority of these patients (75%) were triaged as non urgent to be seen within 365 days. Number of Occasions • Staff interviews 6 • Attendance at Visiting Medical Officer Meeting 2 • Process Mapping Sessions 2 • Patient Interviews 10 • Staff Surveyed 8 • Patients Surveyed (Patient Experience Trackers) 54 • Tagalongs 3 • Internal Reports Reviewed 3 • External Reports Reviewed 4 • Data Analysis – iPMs, IIMS Clinics booked to 75% capacity 21 A variety of activities were utilised to diagnose key issues and identify solutions. Stakeholders were consulted and patient experience was central to the approach. A literature search was undertaken and leanings were shared with staff from The Alfred Hospital Ambulatory Care service in Melbourne. Activities Performed Findings 1/7/2010 – 31/8/2010 The following guiding principles (written by HNE Health clinicians) for the development of non-inpatient services in HNE Health underpinned the solution design phase: • Services are delivered as close to home as possible in a caring, efficient and timely way; • Care is evidence-based and continuously improving; • The elements of care are integrated and coordinated; • Care is supported by appropriate technology; • There is a focus on preventative healthcare; • Resources are used wisely; • There is strong leadership; • There is support for staff and their ongoing education and training. Processes are complex. There are 14 major steps (first 5 shown here), just to go from referral to patient arrival in the waiting room. Each step has numerous associated detailed processes and tasks (shown as “+”). Source: University of Western Sydney, Visual Analytics Project Acknowledgements Tracey McCosker, Director Clinical Operations (Executive Sponsor) Dr Kelvin Kong, VMO, Ear Nose & Throat Professor Nikolai Bogduk, Director Clinical Research, RNC Todd McEwan, General Manager, Greater Newcastle Acute Network Sue Waters, Service Manager/DON Royal Newcastle Centre Wendy Pudney, Operations Manager, Ambulatory Care Centre, Royal Newcastle Centre Julie Tait, Service Manager, Division of Surgery John Hunter Hospital Jane Gray, Director Innovation Support A/Professor Terry Sloane, University Western Sydney Cathy Grahame, Nurse Unit Manager Paediatric Ambulatory Care John Hunter Children’s Hospital Staff from the RNC Ambulatory Care Service & the Referral Management Centre A/Professor Anneke Fitzgerald, University of Western Sydney (Visual Analytics Project) Dr Joanne Curry & research team, University of Western Sydney (Visual Analytics Project) Management of Referral Referral template with specific key information Triaging Agreed standardised approach to triage. Referral quality checked prior to triaging Waiting List Review Clinic templates based clinic utilisation data i.e. measure time taken to see different patients ENT Clinic Pathways Patient Arrives in Clinic Patients information available to clinicians e.g. history, investigations, results Patient Seen in Clinic Equipment available e.g. microscopes and endoscopes Clinics set up cards Dual computer screens in clinic rooms for better access to patient information Coding system to know what patients are arriving for. Reorganise clinics to meet patient needs e.g. Audiology, Head & Neck clinics, Registrar Clinics & Nurse led clinics for identified patient groups. Improved Internal Flows Clinic Structure Waitlist regularly reviewed, measured, monitored and process in place for action and accountability. RACGP Extended Skills Training Program. Diploma in ENT for GP’s Scheduling Improve patient satisfaction. Reduce the number of patient complaints. Reduce the number of patients on the waitlist. Improve staff satisfaction July Key Opportunities for Improvement Improving the Patient Journey and Staff Experiences Scheduling / Waitlist Follow up or Transfer Out Criteria for transfer of care back to GP Training and Education Electronic discharge summaries Measure and Monitor Outcomes The key solutions are: 1. Patient Centred Services • Referral pathways for high volume patient groups with pre defined management and investigations where appropriate. Standardised referral template for GPs. • Criteria for transfer of care back to GPs. • Electronic discharge summaries. • Information about ENT services are available on website. 2. Clinic Structure • Equipment and resources available • Reorganise clinics to meet patient demand • Nurse led clinics 3. Scheduling / Waitlist • Implement clinic template booking to 75% capacity to allow for urgent reviews and post operative appointments. Monitor compliance of bookings to template. • Waitlist to be regularly reviewed, measured, monitored and processes for action and accountability to be put into place. • Minimise number of cancelled clinics. The associated UWS visual analytics project will develop a range of recommendations for improved processes. To implement these solutions a range of enablers will need to be considered including training & education and the development of ambulatory care performance indicators and an associated coding system. Conclusion This ENT project has been important to RNC Ambulatory Care services as it provides a key set of leanings that may be applicable for other ambulatory services. The guiding principles have been integral to the project and were well accepted by the clinicians, managers and staff involved. Contact Details Anthony Larkins. Email: [email protected] Judith Swan. Email: [email protected]