SilkTest – Introduction to Automation
SilkTest – Introduction to Automation
SilkTest – Introduction to Automation DS Hendler, Anna Medeiros , December 2000 What is SilkTest ? SilkTest is • A powerful tool for running automated test cases on the front end • A tool for testing Web based applications across different browsers • Very very stupid – you have to tell it everything in its own language (4test) • Inflexible when it comes to interpreting your commands It cannot guess at what you mean It requires a certain syntax with certain words • This can be quite maddening Confidential What can you do with it ? Mostly anything you can do in a Web browser, you can do with SilkTest. Confidential Enter text in text fields Click buttons Check boxes Get files Clear your cache etc. Using a browser Though SilkTest is its own product, you still have to use a browser to access your application You have to tell SilkTest what kind of browser you are going to use for your testing so that it knows what it is looking at. Our version of SilkTest supports Netscape 4, IE 4 and IE 5. Silk already knows what these browsers can do from a set of browser extensions, so you can run your automated cases in Netscape or IE However, you can only run SilkTest on one instance of a browser at a time -- One IE browser going at a time Confidential Browser extensions You choose your browser extensions in 2 places: once on the computers where you are going to run SilkTest, and then in the program itself. On the computer side, the extension chooser is called the Extension Enabler. On the program side, the chooser is called the Extensions Manager Confidential Extension Enabler The Extension Enabler tells SilkTest what browsers you are going to use on your computer. It is found under Start Menu / Programs/ SilkTest • Choose all the browsers you will use • This will not affect your performance IE has 2 extensions, but we are only using the Virtual Object extension Confidential Extensions Manager The Extensions Manager is part of SilkTest. Through it, you tell SilkTest what browser you are using. The Extensions Manager is located in the menu under Options / Extensions Confidential Extensions Manager You should only choose one browser at a time Choosing more than one browser here will decrease your performance! Confidential IE 5 is chosen here Extensions Manager When you choose a browser in the Manager, SilkTest tells itself what that browser can do. It has the browser’s abilities preprogrammed in. When you choose a browser, you make it your default browser. Confidential Runtime Options Runtime Options tell SilkTest where your files are and what browser you are using This window is located under the menu Options / Runtime Confidential Runtime Options “Use Path” – This is where your files are located “Use Files” – This is where your frame file and browser extensions are located • Use the “Add” button to locate your file Confidential • The browser extensions were added here automatically when we used the Extensions Manager Types of files – Include files SilkTest uses 3 kinds of files: • Include files (*.inc) • Test files (*.t) • Plan files (*.pln) (SilkTest creates a 4th type, the results file (*.res), to display the outcome of a test case, but you do not create this file directly) The include extension (*.inc) means that the file is included in running a SilkTest process, but is not involved directly in running the process. There are 3 types of include files: • Frames • Functions • Tags (Tags will be covered in a later class) Confidential File Types – Frame files • The frame file tells SilkTest what the Web application looks like • You will use the frame file already made for our application. • You point to a frame file through Runtime Options / Use Files Confidential File Types – Test Case files Test case files (*.t), or script files, tell SilkTest what you want it to do All your test case files should be in the same file folder • You pointed to this folder through your Runtime Options / Use Path Test case files Test case files reference frame files and make reading your case easier Confidential File Types – Function files Functions are a special kind of include file (*.inc) Functions act like a frame file, but look like a test case • They are single-purpose, often-used test case procedures that you store as an include file • They must exist in the same folder as your cases Saved as an include file (*.inc) like a frame Confidential Written like a test case • Functions reference the frame file, like the test case files do File Types – Coming Together Frame, function and test cases come together in the test case file • You call functions in the test case by referencing them by their name Function file Frame file Confidential Test case file More than one function can be called by a test case File Types – Plan files Can can combine multiple test case files in a plan file (*.pln) A plan file is a collection of test cases You can choose to run one, a few, or all of the cases in your plan Lists script(s) to be used Echoes Runtime Options information Lists the cases and what they do in plain language Confidential File Types – Recap SilkTest uses 3 types of files: include, test case and plan files • The frame file tells SilkTest what the application looks like • The test case file refers to the frame file and tells the browser what to do • A function is a procedure that is used in many different cases It is written like a test case, but saved like a frame file • A plan will help you organize many cases Confidential Window Identifiers Now that we have an idea what SilkTest needs to run a script, let’s get a view into how SilkTest views the application. In order to see how Silk views the application, we use the Window Identifiers tool It is found in the tool bar under the Record / Windows Identifiers… Confidential Window Identifiers Choosing the Window Identifiers launches the Record Window Identifiers tool: Notifies you how SilkTest views what you have your cursor pointed at • Here, the cursor is on a blank area of the Browse page To freeze your selection, click Ctrl + Alt at same time “Keep on top” is the default option The Paste to Editor and Copy to Clipboard buttons become active The Resume Tracking button also becomes active Confidential Window Identifiers -- Use How to use the Window Identifiers tool: Hover your pointer over the object you want to view: Here, we are looking at the HtmlPushButton called “Search” Confidential Window Identifiers -- Use With the information the Window Identifiers gives us, we know how the program views our application. An HtmlPushButton, like all Html objects, has certain properties and functions you can perform on it • To find out what SilkTest will allow you do with this object, we use the Library Browser Confidential Library Browser The Library Browser gives you a list of all the object classes SilkTest recognizes as well as all the actions (called Methods) you can perform on those objects It is found in the menu under Help / Library Browser: Methods Objects How to script a specific Method Confidential Library Browser / Help Topics While the Library Browser gives you the proper Syntax for a given Method, it is very abstract. An example, as well as a more detailed explanation, of the Method is given under the Help topics Although you often have to do some digging to find the proper help topic. It usually contains the word “Method” in the Help topic Confidential Help Topics The Help Topics give a more extensive explanation of the syntax of a Method, what it does, and important usage notes. One of the more useful aspects of the Help Topics is the Example, which shows how you can use the Method in a script • (This example clicks an item [labeled ‘3’] in a list) Confidential SilkTest Tools -- Recap • Use the Window Identifiers to see how SilkTest views a given object • Use the Library Browser to see what Methods you can perform on an object • Use the Help Topics to find Real Life examples, important notes on Methods, and detailed explanations of Syntax Confidential Writing a Test Case Remember that Test case files (*.t), or script files, tell SilkTest what you want it to do SilkTest requires the syntax you find in the Library Browser and Help Topic files in order to perform the tasks you want it to do. Confidential Creating a Test Case • Choose File/ New to create a new test case • This window will open: • Choose 4Test Script as the File Type and click the OK button Confidential Writing the Test Case • • Test cases are referenced by name To create a test case called “Search”, type “testcase Search ()” on the first line. Confidential Fonts and Colors • As you type, you will notice that the color of your text changes, according to its function in the 4test language • The default colors for the 4test language are • • • • • Confidential Black – code Purple – numbers (i = 5) Brown – strings (“This is a string”) Blue – keywords (testcase Login) Green – Comments ( // this is a comment ) Viewing the Frame Remember: • The frame file tells SilkTest what the Web application looks like • You will use the frame file already made for our application. • You point to your frame file through Options /Runtime/ Use Files selection from the menu Confidential Using the Frame The frame tells you what items you have to work with in our application You will be using a frame that has already been defined It is broken up into styles of pages such as “Home”, “Expert” and “Admin” This is the declaration for “Home” style pages Confidential Defined objects you can use in your scripts Using the frame • When you write your test cases, refer to the frame file to determine what window identifiers to use. • Remember: Methods such as ‘Click’ and ‘SetText’ can be found through the Library Browser. Confidential Running the Test Case • To run the Test Case, click on the Green arrow or select Run/Testcase from the menu. A results file will appear once the test is complete. Confidential Creating a Test Plan • Choose File/New to create a test plan. • Choose Testplan as the File Type and click the OK button Confidential Adding a Test Case to a Test Plan • Right click on the plan and choose ‘Test Detail…’ from the menu. Confidential Adding to a Plan (con’t) • You may choose a script to add to the testplan. In this case I’ve added the script created earlier. • To add a test case, click on the Testcases button and a list of test cases available in that script displays. Confidential Adding to a Plan (con’t) Once you have your test cases set in the plan, you will need to separate them Doing this process allows you to call only certain test cases you wish to run, as well as allowing yourself a more human description of your case • To do this, type your descriptive name above your case name & press the Enter key • Put your cursor on your test case line • Click the Right Arrow button in the toolbar to indent your case Confidential Adding to a Plan (con’t) • Now that you have the Script and case information in your plan, you will have to add Header information. • This is the text that echoes what is written in the Runtime Options window. Confidential Running Test Cases from the Test Plans • You can select certain cases to run by “Marking” them in the yellow bar in the Plan • To Mark the entire test plan, go to Testplan/Mark All from the menu • To Mark an individual test case, put your cursor by the test case you want to mark and go to Testplan/Mark from the menu. Or click on the Mark icon (the yellow square with the + beside it) • The yellow box icons shown below (circled in red) allow you to mark and unmark test cases as well as find marked sections in your plan. • The green arrow icons shown below (circled in blue) allow you to run the entire test plan, test script or just a test case. Confidential Verification • There are a variety of methods that can be used to get information on objects you are trying to verify. • To determine what these methods are, go to the Library Browser and choose the object’s class you are trying to verify. In this example I chose to find the methods available for an HtmlLink Confidential The Verify Function • The Verify Function is a simple way to check the information returned by a method. • Syntax: Verify (Actual Value, Expected Value, Error Message [optional]) • Example: Verify (Home.Browse.GetText (), “Browse”, “Incorrect Text”) (*Browse is an HtmlLink in our application. GetText () is one method available for HtmlLinks, as shown on the previous slide.) • The text returned by the GetText method is our actual value. I’m expecting the word “Browse” to be returned. If it is not returned, the error “Incorrect Text” will be displayed in my results file. Confidential The Verify Function This is the Help Topics entry for the Verify function Confidential Walkthrough – Add a new user 1. Create a new test script. 2. Name the test case: Type ‘testcase AddUser ()’ on first line. Confidential Walkthrough – Add a new user (con’t) 3. Using the frame in your handout we will write a test case to signup a new user. For example: [ ] // Test case to Add a new user [-] testcase AddUser () [ ] Home.Login.Click () [ ] Home.SignUp.Click () [ ] Home.YourName.SetText ("Bob10") … (To write comments, use the “//” to comment your code. You can also go to Outline/(Un)comment Block from the menu to comment or uncomment sections of code.) 4. Add a verify function to confirm the user is logged in once it is created. (I’ve also included the example Browse Verify function from our previous slide) Confidential Completed Test Case Complete sample test case. Confidential Walkthrough – Add test case to a plan 1. Create a new test plan. 2. Add the test script and test case using the Test Detail option. Confidential Walkthrough – Add test case a plan (con’t) 3. 4. Edit the test plan. • Add the heading information. • Separate the testcases so they can be marked separately. Mark your test case and run it. Confidential Completed Test Plan with results file Confidential Exercise • Write a test case to login a user using this frame & verify that the user is logged in. • You will find a more complete frame in your handout Confidential Exercise • • Write a test case to login a user using the previously given frame & verify that the user is logged in Results: Confidential SilkTest Automation Recap We have learned: Confidential What SilkTest is and what its basic component parts are How to get SilkTest to view a Web application How to use a Frame How to write a Test Case