Document 6583640


Document 6583640
Be! an Entrepreneur is a multi media project to inspire millions of young
people from low income groups to choose to become entrepreneur's to
create businesses that solve the social, economic and environmental
problems they face in their lives.
Be! is created by Going to School, a non profit media trust in
New Delhi.
To create Be! we are mapping the Entrepreneurial skills that children and
adult Entrepreneurs use in their everyday lives, as well searching for
sustainable business solutions that can be pioneered by young people from
low income groups.
Be! will be 50 books, 30 part radio series and 13 epic movies.
Be! an Entrepreneur
1. To find Be! Business models: economic
solutions to social problems
1. Research in two parts: a. India-wide social
enterprise/business model search; b. mapping of
entrepreneurial skills of children and entrepreneurs from
low-income groups.
2. To inspire millions of young people from
low-income groups to choose to become
entrepreneurs and to create businesses that
solve the social, economic and
environmental problems they face in their
3. To invest in young people’s business ideas
(submitted as a result of the media
2. Mass media: Be! is a large-scale multi-media
project: 50 - 100 books, 13 epic films and a 30 - part
radio series.
3. Entrepreneurial fund: Be! comes full circle with a
linked Fund* to invest in new business ideas for social
change submitted by young people as result of the
initiative) to make their ideas a reality.
Be! Businesses score high on
both social + economic returns
*Be! investments will be made in young people once they have
completed their education and are at least 18 years old.
Be! Progress to date…
1. Bringing together a strong, eclectic, multi-talented team of 15
individuals to work with GTS for Be!
2. Funding partners for Be! commit – Nike Foundation, ICICI, and very
soon, LGT Venture Philanthropy for the media research + first
investment in the Be! fund
3. Be! fund model defined, financial model confirmed, work begins to
set up the entity in India in partnership with Intellecap with a goal to
raise US$2 million to invest in 75 young entrepreneurs and their
businesses for social change
Be! Progress to date…
4. Research with 110 children through workshops and interviews in 5
sites across three states i.e. New Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan
5. Research for entrepreneurial models across 5 states, 9 models
6 Nike partners visited
6. Invitation from Ministry of Youth Affairs (Government of India), to see
if Be! books/movies/radio can be used with their youth groups that
directly work with 75,000 young people age 10-16 in rural + urban
7. Financial plan for Be! for three years including Be! fund investments
Key learnings…
a. Research agencies unable to match Be! goal of mapping
entrepreneurial traits that children use in their everyday lives.
“Entrepreneurial traits” too abstract for agencies to be able to comprehend
or create new tools of enquiry for. We learned:
the GTS team is best able to conduct the research with children through
interviews and workshops, as the GTS team understands entrepreneurship
and it’s application to media creation.
Key learnings…
b. Be! fund’s challenge was to show that young people from low income
groups and their businesses for social change are worth investing in.
We were told it was too high risk. That it had never been done before. That
it did not make economic sense. That these young people should only be
given grants. Be! fund’s innovation is to make ‘investments in young people’
that have demands of social and economic returns, and are treated on par
with other financial investments. We learned that while people talk about
investing in social ventures, the end goal is purely economic returns, and
social impact is never measured beyond ‘creating livelihoods, jobs and
income generation’. So Be! businesses therefore have to DIRECTLY solve a
social problem.
Key learnings…
c. We realized once again, that structural poverty (caste roles determined
through centuries) plays a crucial role in limiting the opportunities
of young people, so when we talk about ‘opportunities to become
an entrepreneur’ we have to look at every model through the prism
of caste.
Key learnings…
d. We learned that many of the models that we were exploring could not
be pioneered by young people from low-income groups for several
reasons. Perhaps they needed too high of an initial investment, or when
you think of replicating the model, starting from the beginning, the ONLY
option for someone from a low income group to be a part of this model was
as a salesperson i.e. selling a solar lamp. We learned that Be! business
models should be based on lower investments so that they can be
replicated, and taken to scale.
Key learnings…
e. Sometimes social investments/models are not 360 degree solutions –
they are not holistic in their social aim – for instance, in one case we of
water purification there was more waste water generated than water
purified, other businesses that are supposed to improve the lives of ‘ragpickers’ did not, they continued to work in hazardous conditions
at the mercy of contractors and low wages.
Key learnings…
f. Extended Project Timeline
As we have begun Be! we have realized that we do need an extended
timeline to make the project as wonderful and complete as it can be.
We know that our media will be seen for the next 5 years in India in many
ways – on TV networks, in Government Schools and heard on radio
channels, and it is for these reasons (reach and longevity) that we have
planned an additional 12 months to make the media perfect, and start the
Be! fund and how it will invest.
Key learnings…
g. New research, new spaces:
Simply the research on the entrepreneurial skills that children in India have,
and use in their everyday lives, is revolutionary, and we know that over 500
interviews with children will be it’s own invaluable resource, both for showing the
Government the skills that girls and boys already have, and building on what on
what we discover, what new investments should be made in young people.
The online database will be a vital resource for understanding children in India
(both girls and boys), their potential, values, restrictions and skills. And so
because a research agency could not do this, we find ourselves in a wonderful
space exploring what has never been explored before in India – but with an
extended time line for our team to be able to make this project come true.
What’s new: Be! Fund
50% of investments will be in young women entrepreneurs +
their businesses for social change
Please find enclosed a memo for the Be! fund, and how it will make
investments of US$5,000 – US$30,000 in young people from low-income
groups and their businesses for social change. 50% of these investments
would be made in young women.
Be! fund is a very important part of the Be! project – as the mass media would
drive millions of young people to the potential of the fund. And, the Be! fund
makes the messages of the media, real, and possible. It fills
a giant gap in India, of making investments of small amounts in young people
from low-income groups for businesses for social change.
What’s new: Be! Fund continued
To date, young people would only ever have been able to receive micro-finance
loans – and the restrictions of caste and class mean that young people from
low-income groups would never receive such investments due to
discrimination, and a perception of high risk.
Be! fund provides a new opportunity to 75 young people across India, as well
as positively investing in young women. And perhaps what is most exciting, is
that after the investments are made, we would make small videos about each
investment, so young people across India know that they too, can become
entrepreneurs and change their lives.
Content Highlights 01a
Interviews with Adult Entrepreneurs from low income groups.
Quotes that exemplify entrepreneurial skills.
On Failure...
Failure simply means you
have to try again. Someone has to win,
but that doesn’t mean it can’t be you next time.
Jigar, Young Innovator, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Adult entrepreneurs
Maintaining relationships & foresight...
One has to learn how to deal with people. That’s a key thing. Especially in a business
like mine there is a lot of value that is placed on relationships. So one has to learn how
to talk people. One has to learn how to read people. Apart from that one has to learn
to be aware of all that’s happening that can affect the business. For instance I have to
keep a close eye on the stock market in order to know what the prices of various things
are on the market. One has to be constantly alert and try and get information from
wherever one can.
Santosh Kumar, Waste Segregating and recycling unit, Delhi
Adult entrepreneurs
Intention of a social entrepreneur...
It is the intention that is important. It is important to remember that the intention is to
make social change and not make profits. Once it is clear that the priority is to make
social change it is acceptable to make a nominal profit; a remuneration for your
Deepinder Mohan, Reverse Osmosis water purification business,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Adult entrepreneurs
Challenges & perseverance...
In the beginning it was difficult. The bills for rent, electricity and salaries kept piling up.
I had only four students. My confidence levels were low. But I decided to take it step
by step and not give up this time.
Anita Sharma, Computer Kiosk, Shipachar, Assam
Adult entrepreneurs
Earning respect from the community...
It wasn’t so easy in the beginning. I was laughed at for the contraption I was building.
To avoid all the teasing
I carried the prototype in to the field in the middle of the night. Me and my family even
lied to all the villagers – this is just our new scarecrow, nothing else fearing more
ridicule from the village if it didn’t work. But fortunately it did and then there was no
stopping the constant praise and appreciation from the villagers.
Mehtar Hussain, Wind mill innovator and entrepreneur, Darrang District, Assam
Adult entrepreneurs
Perseverance to overcome lack of finances...
I tried many times but was not granted a loan. I had requested a loan for rupees
100,000 but was constantly turned down by the bank. They asked me to provide
documents that I didn’t have and asked me to deposit rupees 50,000 against the loan.
If I could have put together that much money why would I have asked the bank for a
loan. Eventually I just gave up on the bank loan and decided to work and save in little
increments. It took me a long to save but I was persistent and eventually I reached the
goal amount.”
Milan Jyoti Das, Egg incubator innovator and entrepreneur,
Kamrup District, Assam
Adult entrepreneurs
Seeing humanity in others...
It’s inhuman that the drivers and helpers
don’t have a place to sleep and wash.
I have rented a room at the
first pick up point where they can rest.
Ramesh Kumar, Milk Truck Business, Chitradurga, Karnataka
Adult entrepreneurs
Business models
Content Highlights 01b
Three examples of business models for social change.
Content Highlights 03
Interviews with children from low income groups.
Quotes that exemplify entrepreneurial skills.
On receiving an opportunity...
I feel sad when I get an opportunity to work because I will
have to go
out for work/training and
I don’t know if I will get permission.
NSGG, Tuglakabad
On security & savings...
“I do dihaadi work all the time, meaning daily wage labour outside a temple one
day, sometimes I sell flowers, or vessels, I buy clothes in bulk and sell those, and
sometimes I sell shoes and slippers.
I can earn more money per day – but what’s the use, there is much of it getting
stolen at night.
So I earn only what I can spend each day.
Rakesh, Salam Balak, New Delhi
Barriers for girls ...
We can’t go anywhere. We just stay at home and work in the field. We
don’t know anything about what is happening outside. How will we
talk to anyone if we don’t know anything.
Shahista, Non-School Going Girl, Mirzapur
Problems - infrastructure...
We have to get water from far away. Papa gets late for work because he has to go
far to get water and the road is not good. At times we are not able to go to school
because there is no water. In some houses there are only women, it is difficult for
them to do house work and also go out and get water.
Rajni, School going girl, Tughlakabad, New Delhi
Problems - New forms of discrimination...
We would make friends only with those who
go to school and those who are clean.
Those who don’t go to school are not clean.
Aashiq, School Going Boy, Mirzapur, Rajasthan
Supporters in children’s lives...
We live in a village and we get the
support of the community,
when we need anything people help us.
Neha, School going girl, Goyla, Haryana
English - enabling equality...
If I can speak English then I can talk to everyone. I can listen and share
ideas with the ‘big’ people; we will be on the same plain.
Tamanna, School Going Girl, Gole Kuan, New Delhi