Document 6589589
Document 6589589
November 2, 2014 A gift to Home Missions, in memor y of Ear l Bailey, given by Don and Peg Bailey and family. Kindly silence all cell phones during service Thank you! Prelude *Call to Worship Blessed Be Your Name Announcements Bob Kerecman Rock of Ages *Hymn sert In- Welcome Bob Kerecman Scripture & Prayer James 2:14-26 Sunny Sunseri My Faith has Found a Resting Place *Hymn sert Offering Offertory Message Insert In- The Holy Heart "Label or Lifestyle" Series: When the Rubber Meets the Road Sunny Sunseri The Solid Rock *Hymn #283 Communion *Hymn # 366 “Blest Be the Tie” Benediction Postlude * Congregation Stands Thank you to those Serving Today! Organist: Jared Bradway Nursery Next Week: Pam Gavin Today’s Activities 11:15 AM Sunday School Announcements Welcome guests! We are happy you chose to join us today! Please make yourself at home and visit the Starting Point Room for some light refreshments and get connected with us and the activities going on at Jackson Street. Wednesday night Choir practice 7:30 p.m. in the church sanctuary. Come lend your voice to our Sunday worship services! New members are most welcome! Christmas is almost here and November 30th marks the beginning of Advent. At Jackson Street we celebrate the season with the lighting of the candles on the Advent Wreath. If you or your family would like to light the candle on one of those Sundays please circle “Advent Wreath” on the back of the Connection Card and place it in the offering plate. Pizza Painting Party! Our childrens area, also known as The Annex, will be going through a rennovation. If you like to paint, have amazing cleaning skills or great assisting skills (and like pizza) - then join us Saturday, November 15th at 12:00pm as we transform our childrens area. The soup pick-up for the Meals On Wheels fundraiser is scheduled for Thursday, November 6th from 2:00 PM—3:00 PM. The new “Our Daily Bread” devotional booklets are available in the Starting Point room. The flowers in the vases today are in memory of the November 4th birthday of Edna Harris, given by her daughter Jean Collins and family. Our Greeters: Our Nursery Team: Linda West 7:00 PM Bible Study Happy Birthday! Kim Granza—November 4th Victor Cognetti—November 5th Daniel Murphy—November 8th Eric Tighelaar—November 8th Brianna Hendricks—November 8th Lou Saar—November 9th Joseph Hendricks—November 9th Happy Anniversary! Jack and Susan Williams—November 7th November 2, 2014 Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Verna Parini. Verna was called home to the Lord October 26th, she had been a member of our church family since 1929. Jackson Street Baptist Church Sunday Please place this card in the offering when it is received or in the Communication Box on the table as you leave _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments, Prayer Requests: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Serving opportunities at JSBC (please circle) children's ministry music ministry hospitality Advent Wreath Information on church membership Information on baptism Beginning a relationship with Jesus I $ %&! %: M N S T !: Happenings this week at Jackson Street November 2, 2014 10:00 AM Morning Worship Service 10:00 AM Nursery—Junior Church 11:15 AM Sunday School 7:00 PM Bible Study Wednesday 9:30 AM Women’s Union 6:30 PM Prayer Connection Thursday 11:30 AM Young At Heart Guest Speaker, Diana Harris—Ghana 2:00 PM Soup Fundraiser Pick up Last Week’s Attendance: 64 Last Week’s Receipts: $ 751.00 Required Receipts: $4,450.38 Church Staff Pastor Organist Secretary Sextons Rev. Michael Sunseri Jared Bradway Mrs. Patty Murphy Mr. Jack Williams, Jr. Mr. Jim Harris Jackson Street Baptist Church 1206 Jackson Street Scranton, PA 18504 (570) 346-1674 Email: [email protected] Web: Jackson Street Baptist Church 1206 Jackson Street Scranton, PA 18504 (570) 346-1674
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