OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CHURCH LATHAM, NEW YORK NOVEMBER 9, 2014 EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS Dear Parishioners, This week is National Vocation Awareness Week. We ask you to join us by praying for vocations to the Priesthood, Diaconate, Religious and Consecrated Life. You can be a promoter of vocations by simply asking a young person whom you admire to consider whether he/she may have a vocation. Frequently our young people do not feel worthy of such a life choice but an encouraging word prompts them to take the first step in the process. You are invited to a Holy Hour of Adoration and Benediction this Sunday, November 9th at 4:00 p.m. at Holy Trinity Parish, 122 Vliet Blvd., Cohoes, NY to pray for vocations. Anointing of the Sick The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will take place on Sunday, November 23rd following the 11:00 AM Mass. The sacrament is offered to those who desire the healing graces of the Lord because of illness, age, or health concerns. It is written in the letter of St. James, “let those who are sick be anointed with oil to receive strength and forgiveness of sin”. Let us keep in prayer all who are sick or infirm. Blessings, Father Burke PARISH EVENTS PARISH MASS OF REMEMBRANCE The Parish Mass of Remembrance will be held on Wednesday, November 19th at 7:00 p.m. We invite you to join us as we remember family, friends and parishioners who have died in the past year. The Parish Council and Rosary Society co-sponsor this Mass. A lite reception will follow in LaSalle Hall. OUR ANNUAL COAT DRIVE ENDS NEXT WEEKEND NOVEMBER 16th. Boxes are located at the side entrance of the Gathering Space. Please bring your gently used coats and jackets. The need is great. We will be assisting our usual organizations, Mary’s Corner, Blessed Sacrament & St. Mary’s in Albany also Joseph’s House in Troy. Any children’s coats will be donated to Mary’s Corner through the Ladies of Charity. OLA ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY CHRISTMAS PARTY The Rosary Altar Society will host the annual Christmas Party on Friday, December 5th after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. We will recite the Rosary after Mass. A Christmas brunch will be served immediately following the Rosary. There is no charge. Please bring an unwrapped infant gift (CLOTHING) for Community Maternity Services and a Grab Bag gift ($5.00 min.) All women of the parish are invited. Please RSVP to Millie Smith 785-5428 or Rose Weaver 785-3194. REMINDER for the families of children making First Communion. There is a Parent Meeting in the Chapel during your child’s regularly scheduled Faith Formation Session at either 9am or 10:15am on Saturday, November 15th. ALTAR SERVERS Interested in becoming an altar server? If you are in 3rd Grade and up, please contact Mrs. Pegarella at 785-1605. Once we know how many children we have, we will be scheduling training this month. St. Nick's Workshop Sat. December 6th from 1-4pm in LaSalle Hall. OLA Teens provide children the opportunity to have an afternoon of Christmas fun, while offering parents a few hours to get their own 'things' done. This is a free event planned by Youth Ministry just for kids. Registration forms may be found in the gathering space. Space is limited, so please get your forms in soon. All forms must be returned no later than December 1, 2014. First-come, first-served…Teens should block out 12noon – 4:30pm if you plan to assist. Contact the Faith Formation Office to sign-up or with questions at 7851605. YOUTH MINISTRY Lock-In and Service days High School youth ar e invited to a Lock-In on Monday and Tuesday November 10/11. We will spend the over night at OLA and go out for service work on Tuesday during the day. Look for sign-up sheets and release forms outside the Faith Formation Office. You can have 24 hours of fun and still be home in time for homework :-) Think Christmas! Wreaths will be available for sale after masses the weekend of December 6th and 7th. Fresh balsam wreaths from Maine will be sold plain or with a hand-made bow. The cost is $17 plain, or $20 with a bow. Wreaths will also be available for purchase during office hours (M-W, and F 9am-4pm) beginning on Monday, December 1st. Youth Ministry thanks you for your continued support. Student Government Cinderella Closet The Shaker High School Student Government operates a Cinderella Closet. We are currently seeking donations of gently used or new formal attire. If you have any gowns, shoes, suits, or any accessories that could be worn to a formal event, please bring them to the Shaker High School main office. The closet will be available to any student in need of formal attire for Shaker functions. If you have any questions, email [email protected]. Thank you for your support. THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA PASTORAL CARE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING is held Tuesdays fr om 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. and Wednesdays, by appointment, in the Varden Room. We would like to keep in touch with our parishioners who are in the hospital, nursing home or are homebound. Because of the HIPAA Privacy Regulations we may not be aware of these transitions. Please call the Parish Nurse, Marge Jones, in the Pastoral Care Office at 785-0234 ext. 104. NURSES NOTES ORGAN DONATION What does the Catholic Church say about organ donation? That was my first thought after reading about National Donor Sabath which takes place the weekend of November 14-16. Saint John Paul II sums up the position of the Church in these words: The Gospel of life is to be celebrated above all in daily living, which should be filled with self-giving for others….over and above such outstanding moments, there is an everyday heroism, made up of gestures of sharing, big and small, which build up an authentic culture of life. A particularly praiseworthy example of such gestures is the donation of organs, performed in an ethically acceptable manner, with a view to offering a chance of health and even life itself to the sick who sometimes have no other hope. (Evangelium Vitae, no.86, original emphasis) There are many kinds of organ transplants. The types relevant to this question are Inter vivos, which means taking place among the living (donating blood or bone marrow) and Postmortem (Cadaver) donations of vital organs like heart, lung and kidney. “The Souls of the Just are in the Hands of God” Please remember in prayer parishioners who have died: Francis Gilboy Cathryn Blair Ruth M. Johnson William J. Luby We pray for OLA families who have lost a family member Brian C. Viele, brother of Bridget Pardo Marjorie Crozzoli, sister of Paula (Joseph) Picchi Philip Rosney, brother of Peg (Jack) Bateman Louis Foro, father of Louis T. (Kim) Foro Francis LaBelle, grandmother of Ruth LaBelle (Jack) Marro & Edward (Enid) Labelle Please call the parish office if you wish to have a family member remembered in prayer FINANCE & STEWARDSHIP Weekly Budget $9,500 Offertory Collection for 11/02/14 $9,607 4:30 PM $2,651 7:30 AM $2,285 9:00 AM $3,096 11:00 AM $1,745 All Saints Collection $1,735 Confirmation Collection $1,464 Thank you CONGRATULATIONS & THANKS THANKS To ADIRONDACK Fence Company 783-3623 for sponsoring an ad in our bulletin WE PRAY FOR OUR VETERANS AND ALL OUR FAITHFUL DEPARTED National Donor Sabath is an annual observance for all denominations to raise awareness for the need of organ and tissue donation to save lives. If you would like to know more about the Church’s teaching on organ donation go to www.catholicnews.com If you would like more information about donating go online to nys donate life registry at www.health.ny.gov VETERANS DAY, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CHURCH LATHAM, NEW YORK NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Masses for the Week Week of November 10-16, 2014 MONDAY– St. Leo the Great, Pope & Doctor of the Church 6:30 Communion Service at St. Ambrose 9:00 Evelyn Charette by Charlyn Pettit Linda Triplett by Agostina Maroli Evelyn Charette by Theresa Cioffi Lawrence O’Keefe by his wife Elaine & family TUESDAY– St. Martin of Tours, Bishop – VETERANS DAY OFFICE CLOSED 6:30 Eleanor Flatley In Memoriam 9:00 Liturgy at St. Ambrose WEDNESDAY- St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr 6:30 Liturgy at St. Ambrose 9:00 Cecile Gregoire by Marie & Vic Gilbert George Marthy by his wife Robert Neaton by Josie & Dick Larkin Pat McLoughlin by Charlyn & Mel Pettit THURSDAY– St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin 6:30 COMMUNION SERVICE 9:00 Liturgy at St. Ambrose FRIDAY 6:30 Liturgy at St. Ambrose 9:00 Albert E. Rossi by his daughter Charlyn Peter Falco (11th.anniv.) by his loving family Nella McMillan by the family Intentions of Anthony K. Odierno by Tina & Gino Maceli SATURDAY– St. Albert the Great, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 8:00 (St. Joseph’s Provincial House) 4:30 Mary Ridley & Vincent Donato by the family Lewis Colley by Esther Roche Genevieve & Albert Lesko by Kathleen & Sue Margaret O’Brien by Nancy Toolan SUNDAY– Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 Terry Schlessinger by Margaret Curtin Anna Guenther by the Purello family Gloria DuBois by Joseph Grassette 9:00 Horace La Bier by daughter Beverly-Jean Lucille Loncsak by Annette Roberts Intentions of the Kolak Family Nella McMillan by the family 11:00 Etoll, Genest, Wyrshyhora Families by Kay Etoll & family Jean Springborn by Jerry & Joanna Andrulonis Nicholas P. Pucci by his sister Rose Robert Neaton by Barbara & Joe Butler CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD is held for children in grades 1 and up during the 9:00 a.m. Mass each Sunday. RAINBOWS & CHURCH MICE PROGRAMS for children in grade 1 and under takes place during the 9:00 a.m. Mass each Sunday. PLEASE NOTE: All children and visitors are always welcome to join us for prayers, a song, a story and coloring. MINISTERS SCHEDULES November 15-16, 2014 4:30 PM Lector 1 Lector 2 Host 1 Host 2/T Host 3 Cup 1 Cup 2 Cup 3 Cup 4 Altar Server 1 Altar Server 2 Altar Server 3 7:30 AM Lector 1 Lector 2 Host 1 Host 2/T Host 3 Cup 1 Cup 2 Cup 3 Cup 4 Altar Server 1 Altar Server 2 Altar Server 3 9:00 AM Lector 1 Lector 2 Host 1 Host 2/T Host 3 Cup 1 Cup 2 Cup 3 Cup 4 Altar Server 1 Altar Server 2 Altar Server 3 11:00 AM Lector 1 Lector 2 Host 1 Host 2/T Host 3 Cup 1 Cup 2 Cup 3 Cup 4 Altar Server 1 Altar Server 2 Altar Server 3 Karen Gardiner Harvey Andrew Sponable Bernice Dupuis Caroline Condon Janice Garzia Joseph Thouin Margaret Griffin Sharon Thouin Ronald Condon Ethan Fowler Joshua Matz Pamela Leisenfelder Marcella Fushs Harry Howansky Jack Reilly Christine O’Reilly Edna Mae Reilly Joyce Bellinghausen Rick Pratt Arlene Howansky Francis Cardullo Kyle Donnelly Patricia Farrell Bill Edwards Beverly-Jean Silvernail Eileen Anderson Nancy Lansing Christine Kelly Rebecca Farrell Judith Wilson Kristen Lansing Joseph Ferris Michael Ferris Ainsley Kelly Ann Bonacci Mark Austin Victor Gilbert Peggy Turnbull Joanne FitzGibbon Patricia O’Malley William Hammarstrom Helen Aguilar Marie Gilbert James Cook THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA SCRIPTURE & LITURGY Introduction to the Liturgy of the Word Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12 Water flows through the temple. Psalm 46 “The waters of the city gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High!” 1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17 We are God’s building. John 2:13-22 Jesus will raise the temple in three days. Up until Jesus’ time, worship of God was associated with a place, the temple in Jerusalem. In today’s Gospel, Jesus identifies himself as the temple, thus shifting the focus of our worship from a place to a person. It is well to remember this in a time of shifting demographics and reconfiguring parishes. As precious as our church buildings are to us, the Church is more than bricks and mortar. Music for the Weekend of November 8-9, 4:30 & 11:00 Entrance The Church’s One Foundation 418 Psalm Psalm 47 Offertory Come to the Water 612 Communion Spirit & Grace 339 Recessional God, We Praise You 191 LATERAN BASILICA Paul Turner Whenever the ninth of November falls on a Sunday, many churchgoers are surprised to learn that the regular Mass has been replaced by one for the feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran. Christmas, Easter, even All Souls Day we understand. But John Lateran? The feast most nearly resembles Independence Day on the national calendar. It celebrates the freedom to worship and the dedication of a place to gather for it. Early in the fourth century the persecution of Christians came to a close with the conversion of the emperor Constantine, who granted to the followers of Jesus the right to public worship. Constantine offered Pope Sylvester I some property owned by the Lateran family, which became the site of the first Christian basilica, dedicated on November 9, 324. In time, the church was placed under the patronage of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. The popes lived in a palace adjoining the church, which underwent several renovations over the centuries. Several councils were held in the building, including the ones legislating celibacy for priests and communion once a year for the faithful. Even though the popes moved to Avignon, France, for a century and eventually to a residence in the Vatican palace, the Lateran basilica remains the cathedral church of Rome. When we speak of the pope as bishop of Rome, this is his cathedral, not St. Peter’s. Since the pope is the shepherd of the universal church, the Lateran basilica of St. John is the cathedral church of the world. Each year the dedication of this building is celebrated in every Catholic parish in the world on November 9. It proclaims the original freedom of Christians to worship, the dedication of our ancestors to worship, the perseverance of our faith, and the universal nature of our community. By commemorating the dedication of the basilica of St. John Lateran, we pass on that faith to new generations. BEYOND THE PARISH CHARISMATIC MASS & HEALING SERVICE Presented by The Diocesan Service Committee for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.—Church of the Holy Trinity 122, Vliet Blvd. Cohoes, NY. Wednesday, November 12 7:00 pm Prayer & Praise 7:30 pm Mass & Healing Service Music by Joyful Heart. For information call Ruth 785-0905. Father Peter Young Foundation IT’S COMING...OUR 10TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR! Saturday, November 15th, 10am to 3pm The Holiday Inn Express, 400 Old Loudon Rd. Latham Free Admission. Be sure to plan on attending our Live Auction which will be held at 3pm. Crafters may reserve a table by speaking with Margie Reilly at 463-8109 or email:[email protected] All proceeds will benefit The Father Peter G. Young Foundation. COLONIE ELKS ANNUAL TURKEY RAFFLE will be held on Saturday, November 15, 2014 at the Colonie Elks Lodge #2192 at 11 Elk Lane (off Rt. 155) Latham. Doors open at 5:00 pm. Raffle starts at 6:00 pm. We will raffle Turkeys, Pies and Wine. 50/50 Door Prizes Table Raffle. Come join the fun—Open to all. Hot dogs and refreshments to all players. All proceeds will benefit local charities including United Cerebral Palsy Home Care Program in the Capital District area. ST. MARY’S GIFT SHOP You may have heard that Seton Health/St. Mary’s in Troy, NY has joined the new St. Peters Health Partners Group. Our Gift Gallery has new merchandise arriving daily. PLEASE MAKE THIS YOUR RELGIOUS STORE destination as we have many religious items, Holy Communion and Confirmation gifts etc.. If we do not have what you want, we can order. Mention this ad and receive 10% off your next purchase. MARRIAGE MOMENTS by Susan Vogt What does your spouse do that makes you laugh? Often its the silly idiosyncrasies or foibles that can be special precious moments between you. PARENTING POINTERS by Susan Vogt As the season changes, so do people. Children grow. People die. We drop old habits and learn new ones. Discuss in your family one bad habit each of you would like to get rid of. A Family Perspective by Bud Ozar The bridesmaids in today’s gospel were considered ‘foolish’ because they let their lamps go out. Don’t be foolish. Pay attention to the small acts necessary to keep the flame alive in all your relationships.