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View PDF - Jess Huckins
PB 683 / Spring 2010 Book Proposal 15 Guitars that Rocked the World and the Artists who Made Them Famous Authors: David Fricke & Greil Marcus (Preface by Jack White) Publisher: Random House, Knopf-Doubleday 9 x 12; 256 pages; $29.95 Acquisitions Editors: Mike Dunphy, Jess Huckins, Jason Rabin Proposal Contents Summary, Description of Intended Audience, and Author/Contributor Biographies (3 pages) Content and Rationale (3 pages) Annotated Table of Contents (7 pages) Cover and Interior Spread Design (8 pages) Comparative Book Analysis (3 pages) Sales Rep Tip Sheet (2 pages) Sales Channels (2 pages) Design Specifications (2 pages) Request for Quote (2 pages) Publishing Timeline (2 pages) Marketing Activities (1 page) Budget Summary (1 page) Profit and Loss Statement (2 pages) Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Summary, Audience, Authors / 04-26-10 1 Summary 15 Guitars that Rocked the World and the Artists who Made Them Famous is a glossy, hardcover, large format, adult trade coffee table book that profiles fifteen significant guitars from the 20th century and their most famous players. Although the book features predominantly rock guitars, it also includes examples from other genres, including jazz, blues, country, and folk. The guitars were chosen based on various criteria including design, technological significance, sound, historical importance, and iconic status. Each guitar is given at least a four-page spread which is divided into side-bar like portions dedicated to various aspects of the guitar. Each chapter also includes information about the manufacturer, designer (if known), technical aspects, and measurements. The lion’s share of the text focuses on the guitar via commentary, essay, or interview. Old interviews are used for guitarists who have passed away. The overall flow of the book follows the guitars chronologically to emphasize the instrument’s development in conjunction with both technological innovation and historical context. Ultimately, however, this is an entertainment book and all other aspects are subservient to that. That is why it is so image-heavy, containing over 160 full-color photos throughout its 100 pages. 15 Guitars is written by David Fricke with a preface by Jack White. The forward, written by co-author Greil Marcus, chronicles the prehistory of the modern guitar from the 12th century through the 1920s, where 15 Guitars begins. It is to be published in Fall 2012 and marketed in various English-speaking markets. Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Summary, Audience, Authors / 04-26-10 2 Description of Intended Audience Americans call baseball their national pastime, the eagle their national symbol, and arguably the guitar their national instrument. The success of rock’n’roll has popularized the instrument to nearly every possible demographic, nationally and beyond. Rocking out continues to be aspiration of the young, old, and everyone in between. Guitars (and guitarists) also have a danger and sex appeal that excites and attracts people who see them. According to one magazine article, an estimated 10-12% of Americans play guitar, or at least attempt to. If we add in the millions more who have enthusiastically embraced virtual playing in games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero, 15 Guitars that Rocked the World has huge potential audiences in experienced, budding, and wannabe guitarists from ages 12 to 60-plus. Experienced musicians are interested in reading information about the guitars from the heroes who play them and can also enjoy the technical information that other readers may not be familiar with. Nostalgia attracts older players to the personalities included in the pages. Novice guitarists, most likely younger, are attracted by the glitzy, dynamic design of the pages as well as the opportunity to learn about guitar playing. 15 Guitars that Rocked the World should appeal to non-guitarists as well. Its design and inclusion of posters and “free” downloadable music appeal to music aficionados of all genres. Fans of games like Guitar Hero also represent a potentially significant market as they already love colorful, flashy guitars and will recognize the names of many of 15 Guitars' guitarists. Furthermore, including the book in Knopf Doubleday’s Fall 2012 catalog will add gift-givers to the potential buyer market. Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Summary, Audience, Authors / 04-26-10 3 Authors and Contributor The majority of 15 Guitars is written by a senior writer of Rolling Stone, David Fricke. A contributor to the magazine since 1979, he has also collaborated on and authored numerous music-related books such as Music Game Book: A World History of 20th Century Music and Def Leppard: Animal Instinct as well as writing the liner notes on albums for such legendary acts as Led Zeppelin, Velvet Underground, Simon and Garfunkel, and Frank Zappa. He has also appeared and offered commentary in several documentaries on other famous bands, making his face well-known. The introduction is written by musicologist Greil Marcus, who has written, coauthored, and edited over fifteen books on music, most notably Mystery Train in 1975. Finally, the preface is written by White Stripes front man, Jack White, who during his short, yet extremely successful career, has become known for his technical innovations on the guitar. Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Content & Rationale / 4-26-10 1 Content and Rationale 15 Guitars that Rocked the World and the Artists who Made Them Famous is a perfect addition to Knopf Doubleday’s growing catalog of heavily-illustrated music titles. This is a 250-page, 9 x 12 hardcover, nonfiction book, featuring over 100 glossy, fullcolor photographs of the most innovative and influential rock guitar models of the last century. Each chapter includes technical specifications and historical context alongside photographs, interviews, and histories of the stars who most notoriously wielded these instruments. Co-authored by Rolling Stone senior writer David Fricke and accomplished rock historian Greil Marcus, who penned an introduction chronicling guitar innovations from the Renaissance through the 1920s, the book also features a preface by today’s celebrated rock guitarist, Jack White, front man of The White Stripes and the Raconteurs. The inclusion of posters and MP3 download codes makes this coffee table book a winning gift for any musician, aspiring rocker, or rock aficionado. It will debut in Fall 2012, with time enough to build up steam for that year’s holiday season. A visual tour through the history of a music genre, 15 Guitars has strong models in hardcover coffee table books like Knopf’s 2002 release, Jazz: A History of America’s Music, and more recently, 2009’s The Jazz Loft Project: Photographs and Tapes of W. Eugene Smith from 821 Sixth Avenue, 1957-1965. Critics called this book “a stunning cross of scholarly history and… haunted photography, “chaotic and soulful,” “a vital, thrumming, American document,” “(A) landmark book,” “an essential book for jazz fans, photographer lovers and those interested in the history of New York.” With such established music writers and photographers on board and its very similar editorial approach, we believe that 15 Guitars will produce the same kind of Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Content & Rationale / 4-26-10 2 reaction from guitarists and rock fans. While there are other books that feature beautiful color photographs of guitars or serve as encyclopedia-type reference guides to the instrument’s history and development, 15 Guitars pairs guitar photos and specs with portraits of the principal rock stars who made these guitars important. It focuses on what excites the vast majority of readers about the instrument, namely, the way it has been explored and exploited by some of the most compelling figures of our times to create our culture’s most dominant form of popular music. It’s about the guitar both as an art object and a tool that has unleashed the explosive creative force of artists from Robert Johnson to B.B. King, Elvis Presley to Carlos Santana, Jimi Hendrix to Eddie Van Halen, Kurt Cobain to Jack White. While each guitar is celebrated on its own merits with a full–page color photograph and descriptions of its technical features and historical importance, each is also linked, through images and interviews, with the artists who belong with it as characters in the same legends. Even weight is given to the guitar and its most iconic player, and the story is filled out with mentions of other guitarists who were inspired by the pairing and with additional photography. Above all, 15 Guitars is a series of compelling stories, strikingly illustrated. It is also a guide for instrumentalists and a source of inspiration for aspiring rockers. The time is right for this book. In an age of electronica and auto tune, there is a growing hunger among rock fans to once again celebrate and identify with rock guitarists. This is evidenced by the cultural phenomenon of the video games Rock Band and Guitar Hero. These popular games invite players to fantasize that they are mastering famous electric guitars and that they are stepping into the shoes of the guitarists they idolize. Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Content & Rationale / 4-26-10 3 When updates to these games are released, such as the ability to play as Metallica or as the Beatles, they don’t simply sell well, they are treated by the mainstream media as major cultural events. The reception of these games shows that the magic of the guitar and the allure of the “guitar god” is not only alive and well, but is being revitalized. 15 Guitars capitalizes on this obsession. It will appeal to a sizable demographic not only in the U.S. but in other English speaking, rock’n’roll loving markets, including Mexico, Canada, the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand. This demographic encompasses baby boomers with treasured vinyl collections, members of Generation X (the MTV generation), young professionals, bar band bohemians, garage band high schoolers, and (as gift recipients) tweens who stream guitar lessons on YouTube, download Jack Johnson MP3s, and listen to their parents oldies stations on the way to and from school. These consumers will find 15 Guitars both in their bookstore’s music section and anywhere else gift books are displayed, including front windows. It will also be found in music retail stores. Wherever it is encountered, it will stand out from its peers. No other book has the same focus or perspective or is as up-to-date in its subject matter. Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Annotated TOC / 4-26-10 1 Annotated Table of Contents 15 Guitars that Rocked the World and the Artists who Made Them Famous FRONT MATTER Title page will be on the first recto page after the cover. Copyright page will come after it, on the next verso. Preface The Preface, written by guitarist Jack White of the White Stripes and the Raconteurs, details the nature of guitars and guitarists: the fierce sense of competition and the one-upping that inspires them to seek, tweak, or build the newest, baddest electric Excalibur. White will also offer some insight to the book by explaining how some of the guitars mentioned inspired him personally. The verso side will include images of some of White's own guitar innovations in the 2000s. The Preface will begin on the recto immediately following the copyright page and end on the next verso. Table of Contents Since this is a coffee table book, the TOC itself will be brief with small-scale photographs of each guitar next to its name and page number. It will begin on the recto page opposite the final page of the Preface and end on recto as well, spanning three pages. Introduction Written by co-author Greil Marcus. The Introduction will chronicle the guitar's history from the 12th century through the 1920s, which is where our book begins. It will feature illustrations and photographs for each phase of the instrument's history, and although it will be detailed, it will comprise no more than 10 pages. The intention here is to give a historical overview of early guitars and their predecessors before tackling the development of rock’n’roll as an individual genre. The Introduction will begin after the Table of Contents, starting on a recto page with a large illustration of a bowl harp, one of the earliest string instruments known to archaeologists, on the preceding verso. The Introduction will end on a verso page. Diagram The recto opposite the Introduction's ending will feature a full-color diagram of a Fender Stratocaster with arrows pointing out the parts of the instrument, such as the neck, strings, pickups, body, et cetera, Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Annotated TOC / 4-26-10 2 with brief descriptions. The main text begins on the verso after this page. MAIN TEXT Written by co-author David Fricke. Each section of the book will begin on a verso page. This page will include the guitar’s name, tagline (which indicates its importance to the development of rock’n’roll as a genre), manufacturer, and years of production, as well as statistical and historical details. The recto will feature a large, detailed, fullcolor image of the guitar. The next verso will include details about and photographs of some of the “sidebar artists,” and the corresponding recto will have a “Featured Artist” (picture, bio, and interview if possible) who played/plays that guitar. There will be additional spreads as needed to include the rest of the “sidebar artists.” 1. 1922-Present: Gibson L-5 Tagline: “Early Electric Rhythm” Historical Significance: The Gibson L-5 has never gone out of production, although it has been modified and updated. It started life in acoustic form; electric models were introduced in the 1950s. It was considered the premier rhythm guitar in the big band era. Manufacturer: Gibson Guitar Corporation, of Kalamazoo, Michigan Featured Artist: Eddie Lang Sidebar: Wes Montgomery, John Mayer 2. 1927-1936: National Tricone Tagline: “Early Amplification Experiment” Historical Significance: The National Tricone was one of the first resonator guitars, originally designed to be louder than conventional acoustic guitars (which were overwhelmed by horns and percussion instruments in dance orchestras), and was developed by John Dopyera. The guitars became prized for their distinctive sound and were still used well after electric amplification solved the issue of inadequate guitar sound levels. In 1927, Dopyera and George Beauchamp formed the National String Instrument Corporation to manufacture resonator guitars under the brand name National. Manufacturer: National String Instrument Corporation of Los Angles, California Featured Artist: Tampa Red Sidebar: Oscar “Buddy” Woods, Babe Kyro Lemon Turner (better known as “Black Ace”), Oscar Aleman, Sol Hoopii Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Annotated TOC / 4-26-10 3 3. 1931-Present: Martin D-28 Tagline: “Rockabilly Rhythm and Booming Acoustics” Historical Significance: Touted as one of the “most famous acoustic guitars” by writer and professional musician Graham Lee, the Martin D-28 has a booming rhythm sound that succeeds from the upper ranges down to the impressive bass. Manufacturer: C.F. Martin of Nazareth, Pennsylvania Featured Artist: Elvis Presley Sidebar: Hank Williams, Hank Snow, George Jones 4. 1949-Present: Fender Broadcaster/Telecaster Tagline: “Prototype Electric Rock Guitar” Historical Significance: The Telecaster was important in the evolution of country, electric blues, funk, rock’n’roll, and other forms of popular music because its solid construction allowed it to be played loudly as a lead instrument. It was the first guitar of its kind to be produced on a substantial scale and it has been in continuous production in one form or another since its first incarnation, making it the world's oldest solid-body electric guitar. Manufacturer: Fender Musical Instruments Corporation of Scottsdale, Arizona Featured Artist: Eric Clapton Sidebar: Muddy Waters, George Harrison, Bruce Springsteen 5. 1952-1960, 1968-Present: Gibson Les Paul Tagline: “Rock Staple” Historical Significance: "You can do anything with this instrument." - Les Paul Featured Artist: Les Paul Sidebar: Frank Zappa, Paul McCartney, Pete Townshend, Zakk Wylde, Alex Lifeson, James Hetfield, Nancy Wilson, Billie Joe Armstrong 6. 1954-Present: Fender Stratocaster Tagline: “1950s Icon” Historical Significance: The Stratocaster is the most played, most popular, and most copied electric guitar ever. Featured Artist: Jimi Hendrix Sidebar: David Gilmour, Mark Knopfler, Buddy Holly, Bob Dylan, Robert Cray, Buddy Guy, Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Annotated TOC / 4-26-10 4 John Lennon, Stevie Ray Vaughn 6a. Frankenstrat An additional verso-recto spread will show Eddie Van Halen's “Frankenstrat,” with an image of Van Halen with the guitar on the recto and details about Van Halen himself and the guitar's history and incarnations on the verso. 7. 1955-Present: Gretsch 6120 Tagline: “Country Gentleman” Historical Significance: First appearing in the 1950s with an endorsement by country guitarist Chet Atkins, the 6120 has gone on the be one of the most beloved guitars in rock’n’roll, used by artists from every walk of life and spectrum of rock; easily recognizable due to its double fhole design and Bigsby vibrato tailpiece. Manufacturer: Gretsch of Williamsburg, New York Featured Artist: Brian Setzer Sidebar: Chet Atkins, Chris Cheney, The Reverend Horton Heat, Eddie Cochran, Duane Eddy MIDDLE OF THE BOOK INSERT Between guitars 7 and 8, there will be a pull-out poster. This will be folded in fourths to fit inside the book. It will show the book’s cover image on one side, and the other side will have all of the featured guitar and artist images in the order they appear in the book. 8. 1958-1959, 1967-Present: Gibson Flying V Tagline: “Fashionable Flamboyance” Historical Significance: Used by many artists looking for distinctive looking guitar with a powerful sound. Featured Artist: Keith Richards Sidebar: Billy Gibbons, Kirk Hammett, Steve Jones, Albert King, Dave Grohl, Michael & Rudolph Schenker, Paul Stanley, Zakk Wylde, Neil Young 9. 1958-Present: Gibson EDS-1275 Tagline: “Electric Indulgence and Supremacy” Historical Significance: This double-neck guitar allowed for 20-minute guitar solos. Featured Artist: Jimmy Page made this guitar famous. He used it when playing live performances of "Stairway to Heaven" so he would not have to pause to switch from a six to a twelve string guitar. Sidebar: Tom Morello, Slash, Ace Frehley Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Annotated TOC / 4-26-10 5 10. 1958-Present: Gibson ES-335 Tagline: “The Folk Rock Sound” Historical Significance: The ES-335 was world's first commercial semi-acoustic electric guitar. Featured Artist: Sheryl Crow Sidebar: Justin Hayward, Robbie Krieger, Alex Lifeson, Roy Orbison, Joe Perry, Rich Robinson, Carl Wilson, Dennis Coffey, The Edge 10a. Lucille An additional verso-recto spread will show B.B. King's famous “Lucille,” with an image of King with the guitar on the verso and details about King himself and the guitar's history (including the bar fight story that earned the guitar her name) and incarnations on the recto. 11. 1958: The Twang Machine Tagline: “The Bo Diddley Beat” Historical Significance: Bo Diddley's trademark instrument was the rectangular-bodied Gretsch nicknamed "The Twang Machine" (referred to as "cigar-box shaped" by music promoter Dick Clark). Although he had other odd-shaped guitars custom-made for him by other manufacturers, Diddley fashioned the square guitar himself around 1958 and wielded it in thousands of concerts over the years. Diddley will forever be known for popularizing one of the foundational rhythms of rock’n’roll. He employed it in his namesake song, “Bo Diddley,” as well as in other primal rockers like “Mona.” This African-based 4/4 rhythm pattern (which goes bomp-bomp-bomp bomp-bomp) was picked up from Diddley by other artists and has been a distinctive and recurring element in rock and roll through the decades. It can be heard on Buddy Holly’s “Not Fade Away” (later covered by the Rolling Stones), Johnny Otis’s “Willie and the Hand Jive,” the Strangeloves’ “I Want Candy,” the Who’s “Magic Bus,” and Bruce Springsteen’s “She’s the One,” among many others. Featured Artist: Bo Diddley. In a 2005 interview on JJJ radio in Australia, Bo implied that the design sprang from an embarrassing moment. During an early gig, while jumping around on stage with a Gibson L5 guitar, he landed awkwardly hurting his groin. He then went about designing a smaller, less restrictive guitar that allowed him to keep jumping around on stage while still playing. 12. 1963-Present: Rickenbacker 360/12 Tagline: “Emblem of 1960s Rock’N’Roll” Historical Significance: One of the first electric twelve-string guitars. Manufacturer: Rickenbacker International Corporation of Santa Ana, California Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Annotated TOC / 4-26-10 Featured Artist: George Harrison Sidebar: Roger McGuinn, Tom Petty 13. 1967-1977: Univox Hi-Flier Tagline: “Grunge and Distortion” Historical Significance: Univox developed a reputation for manufacturing cheap, durable guitars, often copied from the designs of more popular companies like Fender, Gibson, and Mosrite. The Hi-Flier, a copy of a Mosrite Venture, came to prominence with the alternative rock movement of the late 80s and 90s, when it could be found in the hands of Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth and, more famously, Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. Manufacturer: Unicord Corporation of Westbury, NY Featured Artist: Kurt Cobain Sidebar: Lee Ranaldo, Mark Oliver Everett (better known as “E,” of the Eels) 14. 1980-Present: Paul Reed Smith Santana Tagline: “Master of Jams” Historical Significance: Helped to give rise to the “screechy” sound of jam guitars. Manufacturer: PRS Guitars of Stevensville, Maryland Featured Artist: Carlos Santana Sidebar: Ted Nugent, Al DiMeola, Joe Walsh, Dickey Betts, Dave Navarro 15. 1982-Present: Jackson Randy Rhoads Tagline: “Axe of Metal” Historical Significance: Created with the help of (and named after) the late Randy Rhoads, this is the first guitar created by Jackson. Usually featuring two humbucker pickups and a Floyd Rose tremolo system, the distinctive shark-fin design, association with Rhoads, and flattened frets make it a popular choice among heavy metal shred guitarists. Manufacturer: Jackson Guitars of Scottsdale, Arizona Featured Artist: Randy Rhoads Sidebar: Vinnie Vincent, Alexi Laiho 6 Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Annotated TOC / 4-26-10 7 BACK MATTER About the Authors: Information about Greil Marcus and David Fricke. Glossary: Alphabetical list of key terms presented in the text. Photo Credits: Alphabetical list acknowledging the copyright holders and/or photographers of images used in the text. Index: Alphabetical list of all terms, artists, guitar models, etc. mentioned in the text. Track List for Downloading: A list of the tracks available for download via iTunes; free codes included. 1927-1936 National Tricone “Early Amplification Experiment” Manufacturer: National String Instrument Corporation of Los Angeles, California The first models were metal-bodied and featured three conical aluminum resonators joined by a T-shaped aluminum spider which supported the bridge, a system called the “tricone.” The National Tricone was one of the first resonator guitars, originally designed to be louder than conventional acoustic guitars (which were overwhelmed by horns and percussion instruments in dance orchestras), and was developed by John Dopyera. The guitars became prized for their distinctive sound and were still used in several musical styles, especially bluegrass, blues, and Hawaiian music, well after electric amplification solved the issue of inadequate guitar sound levels. In 1927, Dopyera and George Beauchamp formed the National String Instrument Corporation to manufacture resonator guitars under the brand name National. 4 Oscar “Buddy” Woods was a Louisiana street musician known as “The Lone Wolf ” and a pioneer in the style of lap steel bottleneck blues slide guitar; some experts believe he may have been the primary force behind the creation of this whole genre. Woods was born in the area around Natchitoches, Louisiana, and his unknown birth date is variously listed as having been anywhere from 1892 to 1900. About 1925 he is known to have re-settled in Shreveport, Louisiana, working as a musician and “street-rustler.” It is said that Woods developed his bottleneck slide approach to playing blues guitar after seeing a touring Hawaiian troupe of musical entertainers in the early 1920s. Sol Hoopii (1902–1953) was a Native Hawaiian guitarist, claimed by many as the all-time best lap steel guitar virtuoso, and he is one the most famous original Hawaiian steel guitarists, along with Joe Kekuku, Frank Ferera, Sam Ku West and King Ben Nawahi. Born Solomon Ho’opi’i Ka’ai’ai, in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1902, he soon began playing ukulele, guitar and Hawaiian steel guitar, and made his debut with Johnny Noble and his Orchestra. Together with some of his brothers he often performed on a Matson Lines ocean liner since 1919 (a more romantic tale tells about an embarcation as a stowaway) and eventually settled in San Francisco, ca. 1922. Oscar Marcelo Alemán (February 20, 1909 – October 14, 1980) was an Argentine jazz guitarist. He was of Afro Argentine descent. Oscar Marcelo Alemán, talented singer, dancer, entertainer, and guitarist, was born in Chaco Province in Northern Argentina on February 20, 1909. At the age of six, he was dancing and singing with his family’s folk ensemble, the Moreria Sextet playing the cavaquinho, a Brazilian ukelele before taking up the guitar. By the age of ten, after his mother had died and father had committed suicide, he found himself an orphan working sporadically as a dancer and musician on the streets of Santos. FEATURED ARTIST TAMPA RED guitar, the loudest and showiest guitar available before amplification, acquiring one in the first year they were available. This allowed him to develop his trademark bottleneck style, playing single string runs, not block chords, which was a precursor to later blues and rock guitar soloing. The National guitar he used was a goldplated tricone, which was found in Illinois in the 1990s and later sold to the “Experience Music Project” in Seattle. Tampa Red was known as “The Man With The Gold Guitar,” and, into the 1930s, he was billed as “The Guitar Wizard.” In 1934 he signed for Victor Records, remaining on their artist roster until 1953. He formed the Chicago Five, a group of session musicians who created what became known as the Bluebird sound, a preIn the 1920s, having already perfected his slide technique, he moved to Chicago, Illinois, and began his career as a musician, adopting the name ‘Tampa Red’ from his childhood home and light colored skin. His big break was being hired to accompany Ma Rainey and he began recording in 1928 with “It’s Tight Like That,” in a bawdy and humorous style that became known as “hokum.” Early recordings were mostly collaborations with Thomas A. Dorsey, known at the time as Georgia Tom. Tampa Red and Georgia Tom recorded almost 90 sides, sometimes as “The Hokum Boys” or, with Frankie Jaxon, as “Tampa Red’s Hokum Jug Band.” In 1928, Tampa Red became the first black musician to play a National steel-bodied resonator in 1928 with “It’s Tight” were mostly riffs 7 1958-Present Gibson EDS-1275 “Electric Indulgence and Supremacy” Manufacturer: Gibson Guitar Corporation, of Kalamazoo, Michigan The Gibson EDS-1275 is a doubleneck Gibson electric guitar introduced in 1963 and still in production. Popularized and raised to iconic status by musicians such as John McLaughlin and Jimmy Page, it was called “the coolest guitar in rock.” Body type: Solid Mahogany (Body), Maple (Neck), Rosewood (Fretboard) Pickups: Two 490R Alnico magnet humbucker Humbuckers (12 and 6 string) 34 Co-authored by Rolling Stone senior writer David Fricke and celebrated rock historian Grail Marcus, author of Mystery Train, along with a preface by Jack White, lead guitarist for The White Stripes and the Raconteurs, 15 Guitars features over 100 full-color photographs, rendering a vivid picture of the history behind the explosive sound. “No music lover should be without this book.” —The New York Times “A smashing good time.” —Spin Magazine 15 Guitars that Rocked the World 15 Guitars that Rocked the World (and the Artists who Made Them Famous) is a tour through rock and roll history showcasing the landmark guitars that drove its innovation and the stars who brought them to life. Da Fric Gr Mar Jac Wh Random House Knopf Doubleday $29.95 15 GUITARS THAT ROCKED THE WORLD avid cke reil rcus ck hite (and the artists who made them famous) Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Comparative Book Analysis / 4-26-10 A B C D E F G 1 H I J K Comparative Book Template for Competition Analysis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Title Author/Organization Publisher HC/PB Size # Pages # Colors Price Scholarly/Trade/ Reference? © Date Comments 50 Years of Gretsch Electrics: Half a Century of White Falcons, Gents, Jets, and Other Great Guitars Tony Bacon Hal Leonard Corporation PB 8 x 11 x .5 in. 144 4 $24.95 Trade March 2005 UK 60 Years of Fender: Six Decades of the Greatest Electric Guitars Tony Bacon Hal Leonard Corporation PB 8.5 x 11 x 1 in. 144 4 $24.99 Trade April 2010 Rick Batey DIANE Publishing Company PB 11 x 8.4 x 0.6 in. 192 4 $28.00 Trade February 2006 James Sallis University of Nebraska Press PB 6 x 9 x .73 in. 288 4 $17.95 Trade February 1994 Jeff Kitts (Editor), Brad Tolinski (Editor), Hal Leonard Corporation Staff Hal Leonard (Created by) Corporation PB 8.5 x 6.8 x 0.6 in. 128 4 $16.95 Trade October 2002 Charles Alexander Hal Leonard Corporation PB 9.75 x 12.5 x .55 in. 192 4 $29.95 Trade Star Guitars: 101 Guitars That Rocked the World Dave Hunter MBI Publishing Company LLC HC 11.1 x 9.5 288 4 $35.00 Trade The Stratocaster Chronicles: Celebrating 50 Years of the Fender Strat Tom Wheeler; Foreword by Eric Clapton HC 10 x 10 x 1.145 in. 280 4 $50.00 Trade HC 10.31 x 12.1 x 1.34 in. 368 4 $75.00 Trade The American Blues Guitar: An Illustrated History The Guitar Players: One Instrument and Its Masters in American Music 8 Guitar World Presents the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time 9 10 11 12 Masters of Jazz Guitar: The Story of the Players and Their Music With Strings Attached: The Art and Beauty of Vintage Guitars Hal Leonard Corporation Random House: Jonathan Kellerman Ballantine December 2002 CD Included October 2010 April 2004 CD Included October 2008 Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Sales Tip Sheet / 4-26-10 1 Book Publishing Overview SALES TIP SHEET For Sale Reps Publishing Company: Random House: Knopf Doubleday Acquisitions Editors: Jess Huckins, Jason Rabin, Mike Dunphy Date: 5/15/12 AUTHOR(S): David Fricke & Greil Marcus, with Jack White (Preface) TITLE: 15 Guitars that Rocked the World SUBTITLE(S): And the Artists who Made Them Famous LIST PRICE: $29.95 FORMAT: (hc, pb) Oversized HC w/ dust jacket, 9x12 ILLUSTRATIONS: 100+ four-color photographs of guitars, musicians, and related material BOOKSTORE SHELVING CATEGORY: Adult Non-Fiction, Music, Gift PUB DATE: 10/1/2012 SEASONAL CATALOGUE: Fall DESCRIPTION: (max 75 words) An in-depth look at the development of rock’n’roll through innovative/famous guitars and the iconic guitarists connected with them, this heavily-illustrated book includes the musicians' voices, technical specifications, and historical context. SELLING POINTS: (bulleted list of 3 – 5 points, in priority order) * 100+ high-quality, four-color photographs of the guitars and guitarists * Authored by famed musicologists David Fricke and Greil Marcus * Interviews with the most famous guitarists of the past century * Includes posters and downloadable music codes HANDLE: (One sentence – what makes this book unique, special, important?) This photographic celebration of the 15 most influential guitars of the last century focuses on the iconic stars who share their legends, featuring interviews and exposition from a leading musicologist (Marcus) and a rock journalist (Fricke), as well as a preface by world-renowned rock star Jack White. COMPETING BOOKS: (only those Sales Reps MUST know about) * With Strings Attached: The Art and Beauty of Vintage Guitars * 60 Years of Fender: Six Decades of the Greatest Electric Guitars * Star Guitars: 101 Guitars that Rocked the World * The Guitar Players: One Instrument and its Masters in American Music * Guitar World Presents the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time. Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Sales Tip Sheet / 4-26-10 2 ABOUT THE AUTHOR: (include current city and state and professional affiliation) David Fricke Senior Writer, Rolling Stone New York City, NY Greil Marcus Author of Mystery Train, Lipstick Traces and Dead Elvis; journalist (Rolling Stone, Village Voice) San Francisco, CA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION PLANS: * Capitalize on the authors’ connections: Advertise heavily in Rolling Stone (print and online) as well as appearances in music and bookstores by the authors themselves. Jack White has the most selling power, so his contribution should be pushed. * Advertise in other music magazines (depending on Rolling Stone approval) * Extensive promotion on the internet, especially on guitar websites and iTunes (especially since MP3 codes will be available in the book) * Promote as a gift during the holiday season in both book and music stores through the use of end caps and special holiday sections * Inclusion in book and music store catalogs * Cross promotion with video games Rock Band and Guitar Hero * A YouTube promotional video and online social networking campaign * Ensure inclusion in Books in Print and libraries * Reviews * Promotion at the Experience Music Project in Seattle * Radio tour PRE-PUBLICATION COMMENTS (Book club sales, other rights activity) * Try to get rights in Aust./NZ markets as well as UK & North American Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Sales Channels / 4-26-10 / 1 A B 1 A B 2 SALES CHANNELS TITLE: 3 4 5 6 7 8 C D D Units 1st 12 List Price mos $29.95 C E F G G Gross Rev / Discount Unit E F % of units D5/D$51 TRADE BOOKSTORES 4000 0.20 47% BIG BOX DISCOUNT STORES 3500 0.18 60% I I Sales & Marketing Notes $C$3-(C$3*0.47) D5*G5 $15.87 $63,494 $11.98 $41,930 SPECIALTY RETAILERS 3000 0.15 50% $14.98 Newbury Comics, Bull Moose, Daddy's Junky $44,925 Music, Guitar Center, etc. LIBRARIES Public University High School 1000 300 100 0.05 0.02 0.01 30% 30% 30% $20.97 $20.97 $20.97 $20,965 $6,290 $2,097 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% $11.98 $11.98 $11.98 $11.98 $11.98 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 H H Gross Rev / Channel GIFT TRADE Grocery stores (chains) Drugstores Airport news stands B&Bs, Hotels Giftshops MILITARY BOOKSTORES 200 0.01 50% $14.98 $2,995 ACADEMIC (College) BOOKSTORES 600 0.03 50% $14.98 $8,985 BOOK CLUBS 0.00 20% $23.96 $0 DIRECT MAIL 0.00 10% $26.96 $0 0.07 10% $26.96 $35,042 DISTANCE LEARNING Content licensing WEB SITE 1300 36 SPECIAL SALES 37 Corporations 500 0.00 Page 1 60% 15.87 $11.98 Fixed sales w/ no returns due to partnership w/ 63494 Experience Music Project $0 Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Sales Channels / 4-26-10 / 2 A B C D E F G H 38 Nonprofit Organizations 39 Government 40 41 RIGHTS 500 0.03 0.00 60% 60% $11.98 $11.98 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Foreign Serial Syndication TV and Film Audio book Digital rights CUSTOM PUBLISHING TOTALS 52 53 5000 SALES CHANNELS 20,000 0.25 50% $14.98 0.00 30% $20.97 1 SUM(D5..D47) SUM(D5..D47) Units 1st 12 Gross Rev / List Price mos % of units Discount Unit Page 2 I Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Country Music Hall $5,990 of Fame, other museums $0 Random House of Canada Ltd, Random House UK Ltd, Random House Mainstream (Scotland), Random House Mondadori $74,875 (Mexico) $2,500 $0 $373,581 GROSS REVENUE SUM(D5..D47) Gross Rev / Sales & Marketing Notes Channel Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Book Design Specs / 4-26-10 1 BINDING PLAN Cloth (hardcover) or Paperback (softcover) Hardcover Trim size (inches x inches) (width by height) 9 x 12 TEXT PLAN MS. words per page BOOK words per page 250 # pages total # pages total text in Book 67 # words total Ms. 16,960 500 33 33 16,960 Word breakdown: # pp and # words running text; # words FM, captions, credits, sort out on separate BM TOC or spreadsheet ART / ILLUSTRATION PLAN full page half page quarter page eighth page Photos, b& w 3 Photos, color 30 15 50 65 33 7.5 12.5 8.13 Drawings Maps Sidebars Tables Charts Graphs Timelines Subtotal pages Total pages - Art / Illustrations 61.13 Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Book Design Specs / 4-26-10 2 TOTAL PAGES BOOK (raw) 94 2.9 # of 32 pp signatures Rounded to even signatures; divisible by 32 or 16 New Total Book Pages (signatures x 32, or 32s + 16, or + 8) of which xx pages are on coated stock for 4color printing 8 256 61 COVER PLAN # colors (1, 2, 3, 4) Print outside only:1 & 4 Print inside also: 2 & 3 Dust jacket French flaps End papers 4 Yes No Yes No No SHIPPING / PACKAGING PLAN shrink wrap single books? shrink wrap multiple books? ship with other related products? Yes No No 1 Random House / Guitar / Fricke / RFQ / 4-26-10 Request for Quote Date: 4/25/10 To: Sean Stanford, Sales Rep., World Color Printers ___________________________________ Please estimate the following title for us: Title: 15 Guitars that Rocked the World and the Artists who Made Them Famous Month to Arrive at Printer: May 2012 Expected Print Date: October 2012 Quantity: 20,000 Trim Size: 9 x 12 Number of Pages: 256 Number Hardback: 20,000 Stock: Text pages: Endpapers: Jacket/Cover: 63 No ________ Text pages: Endpapers: Jacket/Cover: 4-color No 4-color Ink: Number Paperback: 0 Binding: Perfect: Adhesive Notch: Smythe: Other: ____ ___ ________ X ________ Case Material: Stamping: Headbands: No No Cover coating: UV Coating: Yes Film Laminate: ________ Gloss: ________ Miscellaneous: Preparation: Freight: $5,000 FOB Warehouse? CIF Warehouse? Carrier: ________ Special Requirement: _____________________ ______________ Manufacturing: Web: ________ Sheetfed: X Cameron/Belt: ________ Packing: Carton Specification, Size, Weight, Labels & Marking:______ Shrink Wrapping: YES; overseas Pallet Specifications: ______________________ Payment Terms: ________________________________ ________________________________ Random House / Guitar / Fricke / RFQ / 4-26-10 Estimate from Printer: $1.20/bk, + 10 cents per book for shrink wrapping = $1.30 x 20,000 bks = $26,000 $26,000 + $5,000 freight =$31,000 2 Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Publishing Timeline / 4-26-10 1 BOOK PUBLISHING OVERVIEW EDITORIAL PHASE BIG BANG PRODUCTION PHASE SALES DEVELOPMENTAL LINE ACQUISITIONS ESTIMATE BUDGET CONTRACT EDITING EDITING 1-May 5/1/2010 1-May Jun-10 Dec-10 Feb-11 ART, MAPS, COPY DESIGN ETC. EDITING LAYOUT May-11 Jun-11 Jun-11 Aug-11 Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Publishing Timeline / 4-26-10 TYPESETTING Oct-11 MANUFACTURING PHASE MARKETING PHASE 3 months 6 months PRINTING PUB MARKETING DATE PUBLICITY Dec-11 Oct-12 Apr-10 May-12 SALES AND DISTRIBUTION PHASE 2 ANALYSIS PHASE IN FINANCIAL DISTRIBUTION BOOKSTORES REVIEWS ANALYSIS Aug-12 1-Oct Nov-12 Feb-13 Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Marketing Activities / 4-26-10 Marketing Activities Budget: $31,577 PREPUB • Include in catalogs • Full-color BLAD • Advances Reading Copies • Countertop Display • Floor stand display boxes • Online social networking campaign • YouTube trailer (15 seconds, with a few teasing images, rock guitar music, title, authors, and pub date) • Free MP3 releases from book and publisher Web sites, social media pages, and iTunes AT PUB DATE • Press release (digital) • Press kit (print) with author headshots and bios, pull-out poster, and MP3 download codes (already included in production costs) • Release party at Seattle Experience Music Project (expenses shared) AFTER PUB • Radio tour for authors as available • Free advertising and featured chapters in Rolling Stone • Free advertising on Jack White band Web sites • Cross promotion with video games Rock Band and Guitar Hero 1 Random House / Guitar / Fricke / Budget Summary / 4-26-10 Budget Summary Author royalty: $56,037 Freelance editorial: $6,048 Plant costs: $15,940 Printing/Binding/Shipping: $31,500 1 Random House / Guitar / Fricke/ P&L / 4-26-10 AUTHOR: David Fricke & Greil Marcus PUBLISHER: Random House TITLE: 15 Guitars that Rocked the World DATE OF BUDGET/REVISION: 4-12-10/4-26-10 ISBN: PUB DATE: 10/1/2012 SPECS TRIM SIZE (WIDTH/HEIGHT) BINDING (CLOTH OR PAPER) TEXT PAPER TOTAL PRINTED PAGES COVER COLORS (NUMBER) COVER/CASE STOCK JACKET STOCK # COVER/JKT PHOTOS # PHOTOS (b&w, Color) # ILLUSTRATIONS # MAPS # WORDS 1 NOTES 9 x 12 Cloth Hardcover UV Coated e.g., 6 in x 9 in uncoated (1-color printing); coated (i.e., varnished; 4-color printing) 256 4 4 163 1 0 0 COSTS A) PLANT COSTS 1) EDITORIAL COSTS DEVELOPMENTAL EDITING LINE EDITING VETTING Yes 8hrs for 4 weeks No No COPYEDITING Yes, extra for specialist TEXT PERMISSIONS PROOF GALLEYS PROOF PAGES PHOTOCOPYING POSTAGE/FREIGHT TOTAL EDITORIAL COSTS: No Yes Yes Yes Yes 2) ART COSTS ILLUSTRATIONS (DRAWINGS) PHOTOS PHOTO RESEARCHER PHOTO PERMISSIONS MAPS TIMELINES CHARTS, etc. TOTAL ART COSTS: 3) DESIGN COSTS TEXT DESIGN PB COVER DESIGN DUST JACKET DESIGN PHOTOS (COVER) TOTAL DESIGN COSTS: $4,000 if needed; $25 / hour if needed; $20 / hour X 10 pp. / hr. if needed; $150 per reader; 3 vettors / book $800 for all books; $20 / hour; 8 pp. / hour $50 (+/-) X # of pieces of text if © owned by other sources $512 $435 $51 $250 $6,048 new art commissioned for this book $50 each if drawn for this book $150 x each photo taken for this book 1—included in photo research None taken specifically for book 110—includes photos from Rolling Stone and museum partnerships $1,000 55 No No expense No expense $20 / hour; 10 pp / hour 15% less than proof galley 4 x # of ms. pages (# words / 250) X $.05 / pg. $250 $2,750 $50 (+/-) X # of photos, illustrations, maps if © owned by other sources $100 each if drawn for this book $3,750 Yes 4—included in cost of “photo researcher” line above $2,000 interior pages:$750 all text; up to $2500 very complex design $500 simple; $1500 complex $1,500 $1,500 $350 X each photo used on cover $3,500 4) TEXT COSTS TYPESETTING / LAY OUT PAGES RUN OUT GALLEYS SET GALLEY CORRECTIONS flow into Quark or InDesign; $5 / book pg simple text; $15 / book page if 1280 heavily illustrated $100 for proofreading and editorial review; $10 per copy x 10 $512 avg. $2 per book page TOTAL TEXT COSTS: Random House / Guitar / Fricke/ P&L / 4-26-10 $1,892 5) COLOR SEPARATIONS & PROOFS already have printing cost COLOR SEPARATIONS (proofs) PAGE PROOFS TOTAL SEPS & PROOFS COST: # of color photos and color illustrations X $75 $500 $150 if all text; $500 if heavily illustrated $500 POSTAGE/FREIGHT $250 $250 TOTAL PLANT COSTS: B) PRINT/BIND/SHIP COSTS PRINT & BIND FREIGHT IN BROKERAGE/CUSTOMS TOTAL PRINT/BIND/SHIP: $15,940 20,000 Printing overseas w/ shrinkwrap Printing overseas A) TOTAL PLANT COSTS B) TOTAL PRINT/BIND/SHIP TOTAL COST (PLANT + PRINT-BINDSHIP) GROSS REVENUE 1ST YEAR SALES REVENUE EST. 2ND YEAR SALES REVENUE EST. 3RD YEAR SALES REVENUE EST. TOTAL GROSS REVENUE 2 # copies first printing; matches Total Sales 1st Year $26,000.00 1st press run only; from Printer's Estimate $5,000 from printer to warehouse; $.10 / copy $500 $500 if printing overseas $31,500 $15,940 $31,500 $47,440 sales channels sheet $373,581 from "Sales Channels" spreadsheet ignore unless making multi-yr plan $373,581 ADJUSTED REVENUE 1) PLANT COSTS 2) COST OF PRINT - BIND - SHIP 3) COST OF MARKETING 4) COST OF ROYALTIES AVG NET RECEIPT / COPY SOLD # OF RETURNS 5) COST OF RETURNS 6) COST OF WAREHOUSE & ORDER FULFILLMENT 7) COST OF OVERHEAD GROSS REV LESS COST OF # 1 - 7: PLANT + PRINTING + MARKETING + ROYALTIES + RETURNS + WAREHOUSE & FULFILLMENT + OVERHEAD = PROFIT / LOSS PROFIT / LOSS Total P/L by % of Gross Revenue MISC. INFORMATION LIST PRICE BASE ROYALTY RATE ( net %) FIRST YR. ROYALTIES (EST.) ADVANCE AUTHOR FEES UNIT COST $15,940 $31,500 14.5% of net sales, industry avg. (or from Marketing $31,577 worksheet) assume base royalty of 10% of net receipts applies to all $37,358 1st year sales $37 Gross Rev / # copies sold # copies sold less 35% (trade books) or 15% (scholarly 7000 books) # of returns X avg. net receipt per copy (Total Gross Rev. / $130,753 # copies sold) $33,622 avg. 9% of Gross Revenue $37,358 assume 10% of Gross Revenue $55,472 55,472 many trade books lose money, at least in Yr. #1; a good 15% profit is 10% $29.95 15% See Contract Terms Summary $56,037 Based on Sales Estimate ("Channels" spreadsheet) $28,018 Not an Expense; usually a percentage of 1st year's royalties In lieu or in addition to royalty and advance against royalties Total Cost (excluding Advance Against Royalties) / # $5.17 printed (1st press run)