STREAM NEWSLETTER 9th NOVEMBER 2014 – REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT `You believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.' 1 Peter 1:8 A very warm WELCOME to you all. There is a loop system in operation for the hard of hearing “T” position. If you are unable to stand for Communion, pleases sit in the front two rows and Communion will be brought to you in your seat. Please do not struggle unnecessarily. Out of respect and courtesy for our service leaders and other church members please ensure all mobile phones are turned off during the service. Prayer is also available after the main service in the prayer corner. Should you wish someone to pray with you then please ask a Sidesperson. Sunday Club is available for children aged 4+ at most of our services with the exception of our Family Services. One of our children's group leaders will invite the children to join them for a theme related activity in the adjacent room (Lounge or Parish Centre), normally at the beginning of the second hymn. St. John with St. Michael St. John's Church Surrey Road Branksome, Poole, BH12 1EG Stream Office: Office Email: Parish website: Vicar: Vicar's Email: Wardens: St. Michael's Church Poole Road Bournemouth, BH2 5QU 01202 556645 [email protected] The Reverend Reg Baldock – 01202 761962 [email protected] Mr Geoff Groves / Mr Terry Smith PRAYER POINTERS FOR THE WEEK As followers of Jesus we are called to form communities that are attractive, winning people to Christ through our lives of love and truth. We’re not called to shake a finger at non-believers or to coerce them to be like us. Paul tells us: “What have I to do with judging those outside? Is it not those who are inside that you are to judge? God will judge those outside” Our task is to be an embassy of the love of Christ. Richard Stearns Sunday ‘Lord of the excluded, open my eyes to those I prefer not hear, open my life to those I prefer not to know, open my heart to those I prefer not to love, and so open my eyes to see where `I exclude you.’ An Iona Prayer Monday World Vision reports that globally 805 million people are chronically hungry -more than twice the entire population of the US – affecting the growth of one in four children younger than 5. ‘Jesus, You love all children. Protect their little bodies and give them strength while they wait for food. Put Your healing hand on those with developmental issues, and allow them to grow up strong and healthy despite the hunger that afflicts them.' World Vision Prayer Tuesday ‘On this Remembrance Day we pray for all who in bereavement, disability and pain and continue to suffer the consequences of fighting and terror. We remember with thanksgiving and sorrow those whose lives, in world wars and conflicts past and present, have been given and taken away.” Oremus Prayer Wednesday Father God we praise and thank You for the British-run facility to treat people with Ebola opening in Sierra Leone. Please inspire other countries to provide similar help, and continue to work in all of our hearts, guiding and inspiring us. 'For the Lord comforts his people, and will have compassion on his afflicted one.’ Isaiah 49:13b Thursday We ask for Holy Spirit guidance in our planned projects for the Nehemiah Mission. Enable each parishioner to make known their thoughts and ideas, for each one is loved by You, and You always hear their voice “For sure, I tell you, whatever you do not allow on earth will not have been allowed in heaven. Whatever you allow on earth will have been allowed in Heaven.’ Matthew 18:18 Friday Jesus, You are the great physician, please place Your hand upon: Pat & Jim Richardson, Marjorie Honnor, Sarah George, Margaret Rudkin, Jean Harris, Olive Degan, Ron Miller, Duncan & Margaret Smith, Harry & Frances Follows, Lucie & David McDonald. Saturday ‘Eternal Wisdom, Your words transform life. Help us to prefer Your ways above all else, to long for understanding of what is right and just, so that our eyes may be ever open to Your light. You who reign and ever Amen.’ A Benedictine Prayer Christmas Fayre Saturday 6th December St. Michael's 10 am – 1pm We are looking for volunteers to run stalls, make cakes and generally get involved in this important outreach to our community. STALLS: Cafe - The Stream Community Cafe Staff. Cakes - Linda Croad and Penny Slade, Books - David Dallimore, Knitted Gifts - Ann Dallimore, Gifts - Jean Cheeseman, Fairtrade - Sue Weal, Bric a Brac - Jeanne and Terry, Toys and Bric a Brac - Moya Groves, Messy Church Craft Table - Juliet and Jo Paine, Marmalade - Jill Barker, Cotton onto Sewing - Amanda Brown. If you can help please speak to Lisa, Moya, Katie or Jenny B. The Late Andrew Duckworth – The memorial service for the late Andrew Duckworth will be held at St. John's on the 15th November 2014 at 2pm. All of Andrew and Val's church friends are welcome. Harvest Lunch – A huge thank you to everyone who supported the Harvest Lunch at St. Michael's on the 12th October, it raised £108.51 for Christian Aid. The Stream Magazine – Please could you send any articles to Keith Dibden by 23rd November, so that the magazine can be out for Advent Sunday. [email protected] Shoe boxes – Please could we have the filled shoe boxes back in to church by Sunday 9th November. Many thanks. Andrew Jam Jars – Please could you bring in any clean old jam jars you may have for Jill Barker's lovely marmalade and leave them at the back of church. Thank you Harvest – We would like to thank everyone for their generosity and kindness this harvest time. The gifts have been shared out and have been very much appreciated by our service users here at James Michael House. Thank you all for thinking of us. Kind regards and very best wishes. Moya Groves. Glow Party – A massive thank you to everyone who helped make Friday's Glow in the Dark party a huge success. 120 children plus that again in parents came through the doors of St. John's to enjoy the frolics, games and food in a safe and fun environment. Without your help this event simply could not have gone ahead so thank you again for rocking up (literally) and donning the ever flattering yellow t-shirt. Lisa x 'Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it.' Proverbs 22:6 NIV THE NEXT MONTH 9th November REMEMBRANCE 6.30pm NO EVENING SERVICE (St. John's) 15th November Messy Church 3-5pm, St. Michael's Parish Centre 16th November 9.45am MORNING WORSHIP (St. John's) 10.30am MORNING WORSHIP BAPTISM (St. Michael's) 6.30pm HOLY COMMUNION (St. John's) 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 (pg. 1188) / Matthew 25:14-30 (pg.994) 23rd November CHRIST THE KING 9.45am HOLY COMMUNION (St. John's) 10.30am THE WORD SERVICE (St. Michael's) 6.30pm NO EVENING SERVICE (St. John's) Ephesians 1:15-23 (pg. 1173) / Matthew 25:31-46 (pg.995) 30th November ADVENT SUNDAY 9.45am 10.30am 6.30pm JOINT PARISH SERVICE (St. John's) NO SERVICE (St. Michael's) CHORAL EVENSONG (St. John's) 7th December 9.45am 10.30am 6.30pm ADVENT CAROLS (St. John's) HOLY COMMUNION (St. Michael's) MEDITATION SERVICE (St. John's) WEEKLY THOUGHT Jesus said 'Do this in remembrance of Me.' Collect Almighty God, purify our hearts and minds, that when your Son Jesus Christ comes again as judge and Saviour we may be ready to receive Him, who is our Lord and our God. Amen.
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A you. Please come to the ... Communion or after the service. Please come for prayer Ministry Team
A you. Please come to the ... Communion or after the service. Please come for prayer Ministry Team