THE KNITTING CIRCLE – will meet on Monday 2 nd March at 2pm at 25 River Park. Christian Aid Bowl of Soup Lunch will be held on 6th March from 12-2.00 in St. John's Hall – all welcome. THE PARISH OF BOXMOOR ELECTORAL ROLL must be updated before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 14th April. If you wish to vote you must be on the Roll. Copies of the current roll and forms for new applicants are near the main entrances of all our churches. If you are already on the roll and your details are unchanged, please do not submit another form. Please place forms in the boxes provided. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE LENT OTHER NOTICES NEXT SUNDAY: Lent 1 Services at St. John’s: 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Parish Eucharist 6.30pm Evensong and Benediction at St. Francis, Hammerfield Service at St. Stephen’s: 11.15am Morning Worship Service at St. Francis: 10.00am Sung Mass NEWSLETTER ITEMS for next Sunday's newsletter (in writing please) to Annie Mitchell by Tuesday (maximum length 4 lines of A5 please). If separate flyers are to be produced, please let Annie know. PLEASE NOTE: The Vicar’s email address has changed to [email protected]. Other email addresses you should now use are [email protected] for our administrator, Alison, and [email protected] for magazine editor, Sally. Parish Office: 260299 Please take this Newsletter home with you as a reminder of those who have asked for your prayers and events you may wish to attend Services at St. John's 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Parish Eucharist Hymns 163, 318, 140 omit 3&4, 262 Final hymn on separate sheet Anthem:Christ whose glory - Hobbs Organ Percentage Club Update Congratulations to our January Draw Winners; Garth Bridgwood 1st £12; Joyce Graham 2nd £6; Richard Lyne 3rd £3. If you would like to join the Organ Percentage Club and support MASJ in this way there are entry forms in the church or call me on 01442 230399 or see me in church. Mark Harbour - MASJ’ ROAD WORKS AND ACCESS to St. John's: To build the new cycleway between Town and the Railway Station, Station Road, Heath Lane, and St John’s Road will be subject to closures/diversions/temporary lights between 16 February and 8 March. Road closures will be between 9.30-3.30 Monday to Friday. For more information see notice at the back of church. 15th February 2015 No. 3532 12.30pm Interment of Ashes (Eileen Austin) 6.30pm Taizé Service Service at St. Stephen’s, Chaulden Service at St. Francis, Hammerfield 11.15am Morning Worship 10.00am Sung Mass th st THIS WEEK AT ST. JOHN’S: 16 – 21 February DAILY (please note NEW TIMES) 8.45am Morning Prayer 5.30pm Evening Prayer(not Sat.) The Parish Office is closed this week for half term MONDAY 7.30pm 7.45pm TUESDAY NO Tiny 11.15am 4.00pm 6.30pm ASH WEDNESDAY 10.00am 10.30am 5.30pm 8.00pm THURSDAY 8.00am 8.45am 9.30am 11.00am FRIDAY 7.00pm SATURDAY 10.00am Holy Communion Home & Family Group - Hall Tots (half term) Funeral(Cedric Futcher) Pancake Party (hall) Baptism & Wedding Enquiries Service of Prayers for Healing Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes Evening Prayer at St. Francis ParishEucharist with Imposition of Ashes Holy Communion Morning Prayer Morning Worship at St. Stephens Service at Mountbatten Lodge Choir Practice Church open – coffee Details of next Sunday's Services are on the back of the newsletter th YOUR PRAYERS ARE ASKED: For those who are ill: Una Higson, Margaret Delph, Zoe Young, baby James Checkley, Ann Frogley Jenson Galloway, Linda Dainton, Di Tovey, Brian Laidlaw, the Revd. Canon Liz Hughes, Amal, Ken Sherman, Jim Taylor, Barbara Martlew, Evelyn Brown, Natalie Arseni; For those with ongoing needs: Julian Wood, Sheila Howe, Michael Owen, Emily Beebe, Diana Carletti, Joyce Graham, Jana Pick, Reg Farmborough; Prayers for others with ongoing needs are offered at our weekday services. If you wish only to be remembered at Morning and Evening Prayer, please contact the vicar. For those who have died, especially: Beryl Zainudeen, Chloe Harvey Cedric Futcher, Counters Close (Funeral 17th February, 11.15am St. John's) Doris Ethel Gray, Houghton Regis (Funeral 26th February, 11am St. John's) Heather Violet Jones, The Ridings (Funeral 24th February) and we pray for their families and friends. TODAY Bible Readings: This morning's readings are as follows: At 8am: 2 Corinthians 4.3–6; Mark 9.2–9 At 9.30am: 2 Kings 2.1–12;2 Corinthians 4.3–6; Mark 9.2–9 Copies (including large print) are available on request with the service books. Taizé Evening Service: At 6.30pm TODAY - an informal, contemplative, and reflective Service of silence and chant to enter into God’s presence. Come and see for yourself, actively listening for the voice of God. BOOKS FOR THE TAKING! Carole needs to make more space in her study so will be bringing books to church this week and next for you to take away and make a donation to church funds if you wish. THIS WEEK SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE PARTY – 4pm on 17 February in St. John's Hall. Games and races (0-11years) – pancakes to eat!!! £1 per family payable on the day. Please sign up at the back of church so we know numbers! PRAYERS FOR HEALING: Our monthly service of Prayers for Healing is on Wednesday at 10am. Please print clearly names for intercession in the red folder on the table at the back of church. All are welcome to join us in praying for those who especially need our prayers. th LENT BEGINS ON ASH WEDNESDAY – 18 February: There will be services at 10.30am and 8.00pm at St. John's on Ash Wednesday with Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes – all welcome. Wondering what to do as a discipline during Lent? “Live a difference” with the Diocesan Lenten Challenge – daily readings, reflection, action, and family material. To sign-up go to WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP meets on Friday 21st February at 2.30pm in the Hall. Our speaker will be Denise Chennell 'Why me? – myfaith journey'. NEXT SUNDAY The Gade Valley Harriers have their second training session next Sunday, 22nd February, so there may be problems with parking near the church. O.M.O. LUNCH. Your next OMO Lunch is on Sunday 22nd February, 12.30 for 1pm. The list is at the back of church for you to sign up. EVENSONG WITH SERMON AND BENEDICTION – 6.30pm at St. Francis, Hammerfield – a service of music, prayer and scripture readings ending with a time of devotion in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Come and see for yourselves, actively watching and waiting in the presence of Christ. PARISH NOTICES th A CONFIRMATION SERVICE will be held on 19 April at 10.30am at St. John's with Bishop Richard presiding. If you are interested in being Confirmed, please speak to a member of the clergy as soon as possible. HALF TERM: Please note that the Parish Office is closed this week, apart from Tuesday evening when it is open for baptism and wedding enquiries. There is NO Tiny Tots on Tuesday because of the half-term break. EMMAUS STUDY NURTURE COURSE: starting 23rd February on Mondays and Wednesdays. Interested in exploring your Christian Discipleship and journey in Faith? Why not come to this? See blue flyers for details - sign up sheets at the back of our churches. THE HOME & FAMILY GROUP: next meeting on Monday 16 February in the Church Hall at 7:45pm. Jeanette Gosney will be giving a talk called ‘Wait and See!!’. All ladies welcome to attend. Do not forget the next meeting on Monday 2 March is the AGM and Dinner, starting at 6:30pm. THE CRAFT CIRCLE meets on 10:30 Monday 23rd February at 16 St. Nicholas Mount. QUIZ NIGHT Saturday 28 February in the hall. I have only 1 table left. Tickets are £8.50 and include hot supper. Call me on 242543 or email [email protected] to reserve your place. Thank you.