M hhh Mass Times for this
M hhh Mass Times for this
M hhh ST. ANNE’S CHURCH PILLORY STREET NANTWICH. CW5 5SS Tel: 01270-625494 Email [email protected] Website www. stannesnantwich.org.uk Mass Times for this Saturday 3 Parish Priest: Rev. John P Daly Permanent Deacon: Rev. P Mascarenhas 2nd November 2014 - ALL SAINTS – A Mass Times for the Week Saturday 1st 6.30pm (Vigil) Rev. Fred & Redia Miller & Peter Warrington nd Sunday 2 10.30am Parish & All the Faithful Departed Monday 3rd NO MASS OR SERVICE TODAY Tuesday 4th 7.00pm Confirmation Mass Wednesday 5th 9.00am Olga Vimerrcati Thursday 6th 8.45am Rosary 9.00am Gordon th Friday 7 9.00am Shirley Monnelly & Mrs Mary Russel Saturday 8th 6.30pm (Vigil) Yolanda & George Rogers Sunday 9th 10.30am Parish & Mrs. Annie Watson Sacrament of Reconciliation – Saturday 6.00pm or on request. BAPTISM Congratulations to Joe Davidson who was welcomed into the Christian community here last weekend. DEATHS Please pray for the repose of the souls of Jim Benoy and Paul Davenport who died this week. May they rest in peace. Jim’s funeral will take place at St. Mary’s Church, Nantwich on Tuesday 4th November at 11.00am. Paul’s funeral will take place here at St. Anne’s on Tuesday 11th November at 10.30am. CLERGY EDUCATION & TRAINING FUND – SPECIAL COLLECTION If you missed last week’s collection there is still time to give, please use one of the special envelopes and place it in the collection basket. CONFIRMATION The Mass of Election will take place this Sunday 2nd November at 10.30am. Confirmation rehearsal will be on Monday 3rd November at 7.00pm in Church. Confirmation takes place on Tuesday 4th November at 7.00pm, celebrated by Bishop Mark Davies. Please remember our young people in your prayers. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION The parents meeting for the children making their First Holy Communion will take place on Thursday 13th November 7pm – 8pm in Church. The First Holy Communion Enrolment Mass will take place on Sunday 23rd November at 10.30am. First Holy Communion will take place on Sunday 24th May 2015 at 12 noon. 200 CLUB Winners for October 1st £100 – Brendan Pitts. 2nd £60 – Les Peers. 3rd £45 – Mrs. C. Brown. NOVEMBER DEAD LIST This weekend is the start of November when we remember all Holy Souls. There will be a basket for the front of the Church for your intentions (please do not include any money), the basket will stay in place for the month of November and a Mass will be offered each week for our Holy Souls. At the end of November all intentions will be shredded. BRASS & SILVER Can you spare a short time to help clean our brass and silver items in the Church? Please see one of the clergy if you can help. CHURCH CLEANING We are desperately in need of people to help clean our Church on a Friday morning after 9.00am Mass, even if you can only spare half an hour it would be much appreciated. Please see one of the clergy if you can help. CONCERT at St. Mary’s Crewe on Friday 7th November at 7.30pm to approx. 9.30pm. Performed by Cantores Roborienses, The Northwich Grange Junior School Choir, under the musical directorship of Mr Andrew Millinchip. Tickets £5 for adults, children free. For more information contact Helena in the Office on 01270 212533(Mon-Fri 9am2pm). All proceeds towards the Parish Centre Building Fund. TRAINING DAY The Liturgy Commission invites all lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in Central Cheshire to a Training Day at St. Nicholas’ Catholic High School, Hartford, Northwich CW8 1JW on 22nd November 10.30am-3.30pm. All Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers will be commissioned upon the completion of the training day within the Diocese. Please bring a packed lunch tea and coffee will be provided. For further information please contact Canon Jonathan Mitchell email [email protected] CHILDREN SOCIETY BOXES are due to be emptied please bring them in as soon as possible. Christmas Cards, Advent Calendars, Books and 2015 Diaries which include the Mass, are on sale at the back of the Church at very reasonable prices. Get yours now to avoid disappointment. Introduction We praise God’s name today for those countless people who spent their lives being faithful to the grace of God and to the call to live as Children of God. For them, the ‘blesseds’ of Jesus were the source and foundation of their commitment and of their happiness. HEADING FOR READINGS First Reading (Rev 7:2-4.9-14). together in heavenly worship. The people of God, from every language, race and nation, are gathered Second Reading. (1 Jn 3:1-3). Being a child has implications for how to live in this present world and carries deep promise for the next. Gospel (Mt 5:1-12). Jesus the Teacher proclaims the values of the Kingdom of God, values that, when lived generously, makes saints. Responsorial Psalm Such are the men who seek your face, O Lord. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, Alleluia! Come to me, all of you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest, says the Lord. Alleluia! ROTAS FOR NEXT WEEK Mass Reader Communion Ministers Altar Servers 6.30pm V Sadler SF-G & AF-G Luke C, Ben C, Callum W 10.30am M Rogers CMcK & MR Katie Q, Lucy Q, Niamh McD Linen Rota From 12th October - Mrs C McKay. From 9th November – Mrs M Habesch Rosary Intention for the Coming Week The Sorrowful Mysteries Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Vocations Families Peace The Christian Community The Sick & Suffering Last Week’s Collection £658.01 Thank You THIS WEEK Tuesday – St. Vincent De Paul Society Meeting 6.30pm in the Parish Meeting Room. Tuesday – Pray the Rosary with the Rosa Mystica Prayer Group 11.45am in Church. FEAST DAYS THIS WEEK Monday – Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed. Tuesday – St. Charles Borromeo. Wednesday – St. Winefride. MASSES Envelopes are available in the rack at the back of the church. Please print clearly. WELCOME If you are a visitor to St. Anne’s we invite you to sign our Visitor’s Book at the back of the church. NEW PARISHIONER? You are very welcome. Please complete a New Parishioner Form from the rack in our meeting room. Completed forms should be handed to an apparator or placed on the collection plate. Please ensure bags and valuables are not left unattended. Warning has come to us from the Nantwich Churches of thefts that have taken place. RC DIOCESE OF SHREWSBURY IS A REGISTERED CHARITY NO.23402