a copy of our Newsletter: Please click here


a copy of our Newsletter: Please click here
Stanground and Farcet C of E Churches
Weekly Newsletter
15th February 2015
Stanground & Farcet Services
Sunday 22nd February 2015
St John’s 9.30am Holy Communion
St Mary’s 10.30am Holy Communion
St Michael’s 11.15am Holy Communion
Sunday 1st March
St John’s 9.30am Holy Communion St Mary’s 10.30am Morning Prayer
St Michael’s 11.15am All Age Worship
Church Notices
Morning Prayer on Fridays at 9am at St Michael’s.
LENT 2015
Lent begins on Wednesday 18th.
Lent Course, called ‘The Prayer Course’.
This is from from the same church as Alpha and
will be happening at various places around the
Benefice and we will be working together with
Farcet Salvation Army. We are still waiting for
confirmation of times. There will also be one
group meeting in Church Street led by Tracey
Rutterford and Margaret Harvey. Please see
either of them for times. We also are still looking
for one or two other people to host and lead in
Stanground. Anne will be asking for volunteers
today!!! Watch out - and listen out during the
Prayer and Giving Plates for Christian Aid, like
we did last year are available NOW! The days of
door to door collecting are past, and this is a
wonderful way to support this excellent front line
charity. You can pick up your plate TODAY, on
Ash Wednesday, or the following Sunday.
ASH WEDNESDAY, 18th February. Eucharist
at 7pm at St John’s.
Midweek BCP Communion for Lent begins
on Thursday 26th February at 11am and
continues weekly until Holy Week.
“I am the Lord who heals you” Thursday
12th March at 7.30pm. An evening with
Martin Cavender and Alison Morgan of
ReSource in St Michael’s Church, Mace
Road. Martin Cavender is the Director of
ReSource, an organisation dedicated to the
renewal and equipping of local churches.
Alison Morgan is a well known speaker and
writer who works nationally and internationally.
Please put this date in your diary and keep it
free! You will be sad if you miss it!
St John’s Focus Group is at the Vicarage on
the 17th Feb at 7.30pm. Focus groups are
open to all congregation members, not just
PCC members.
Confirmation preparation Tuesday 17th at 3
and Thursday 19th at 7.30. It is not to late to
join in!
‘God and Politics’. Tuesday 3rd March at
7.30 at Alwalton Church. Get ready for the
General Election with Amelia Abplanalp from
the Evangelical Alliance.
A request from Sharon Blackledge: “I am
creating a group of knitters who can knit
headwarmers to sell on a stall. The profits will
go towards Bone Cancer half marathon run
that I am running in Oct 2015. If you can help
let me know.”
This week please pray for
Farcet Churchwardens Stanground Churchwardens
Barrie Swingler,
01733 566151
Maureen Beeby
01733 244052
Bryan Jeffery,
01733 773482
Fred Spooner,
01733 242460
• Those who are ill: baby Thomas, Eileen Smith, Beth
Graham and Evena Huskisson.
• Those who have died and their loved ones: Edith Reed and Jean Prosser.
• On this Valentines weekend please pray for people
who feel lonely and un-loved as we seek to look out
for them.
Vicar Revd Anne Shorter, T: 01733 707059 E: [email protected] A: 38 Riverside Mead, PE2 8JN
Web: www.stangroundcofechurches.net
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/31623836203/