ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS, HUGHENDEN 26 October 2014 : Last Sunday after Trinity WELCOME TO OUR SERVICES TODAY. If you are a visitor and usually take communion in your own church, we hope you will share the sacrament with us. If you are not a communicant, please still come to the altar, but carry a book, and you will receive a blessing. Do join us for Fairtrade refreshments in Church House after the 8:00 am and 9:00 am services and at the back of church after the 10:45 am service. A Crèche is available in the North Room during the 10:45 am service. All children attending the 10.45 am service are welcome to meet in school year groups during term time as follows: Bubbles - Pre-school & Reception: North Room JC Club - Years 1 - 5: Church House Bell Tower - Years 6 - 9: Bell Tower Please take this sheet home with you as a reminder of events in the coming week which you might want to join in with, or pray over. COLLECTS FOR TODAY'S SERVICES Collect: Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: help us so to hear them, to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them that, through patience, and the comfort of your holy word, we may embrace and for ever hold fast the hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Post Communion Collect: God of all grace, your Son Jesus Christ fed the hungry with the bread of his life and the word of his kingdom: renew your people with your heavenly grace, and in all our weakness sustain us by your true and living bread; who is alive and reigns, now and for ever. Amen. Church Notices: please send to [email protected] Today's readings with their pew bible page numbers are: Old Testament Reading: Leviticus 19: 1-2 & 15-18 (page 121) When Jesus was challenged, as we shall hear, about keeping the Commandments, he quoted the two great positive laws we are never to forget, Love God with all your heart and, as Moses told the Israelites in this reading, love your neighbour as yourself. New Testament Reading: 1 Thessalonians 2: 1-8 (page 1186) This reading continues from last Sunday, in Paul's earliest letter. It reminds the Thessalonians that his mission to them had not been like other preachers who did it for profit, but under the gentle compulsion of the free Gospel of God. Gospel Reading: Matthew 22: 34-46 (page 991) In these conversations with Sadducees and Pharisees we find Jesus turning their arguments upside-down. It was a radical challenge to their authority and to the respect they normally enjoyed. This passage includes the two great commandments of love, which Jesus quotes from the Hebrew Scriptures. 8:00 am Holy Communion (Said) (Common Worship) 9:00 am Matins (Sung) (BCP) Psalm 1 (Oxford Psalter page 23) 10:45 am Family Communion If at the Family service you would like to receive prayer for healing, general well being, comfort and strength by our trained Prayer Team, please make your way up early to the communion rail and then go into the North Chapel (doorway by the organ) where you will be warmly and confidentially welcomed. 6:00 pm Evensong (Sung) (BCP) (No sermon) Psalm 119: 89-104 (Oxford Psalter page 236) Ecclesiastes 11 & 12 (page 676) Hymn 150 2 Timothy 2: 1-7 (page 1195) Hymns 449 & 246 Intercessions: In our prayers this week we remember Joan Gibson, Stella Blake, Joan Sweet, Annie Coles, Avis Clinch, Ann Way, Rudi Gelsey, Jim and Anne Long, Florence Pinfield, and all who care for and about them. WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK Morning Prayer is said on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 am and on Tuesday and Thursday at 7:45 am. Do join us. MONDAY 27 October 10:15 am Ladies' Daytime Fellowship & Bible Study. A warm welcome to all. Further details - Judith Camplisson (565108) or Ann Long (564009) TUESDAY 28 October Simon and Jude, Apostles 10:00 am Holy Communion: Church 1:45 pm Art Fellowship Group: Church House WEDNESDAY 29 October 7:30 pm Alpha Course: Church House SATURDAY 1 November All Saints’ Day 12 noon Service of Sung Eucharist followed by lunch in Church House. Please book with Arthur by Friday. Next Sunday: 2 November : Fourth Sunday before Advent 8:00 am Holy Communion (Said) (BCP) 9:00 am Holy Communion (Sung) (Common Worship) 10:45 am All Age Family Service 4:00 pm Service of Thanksgiving and Commemoration 6:00 pm Evensong (Sung) (BCP) DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 9 November – Remembrance Sunday Act of remembrance at 10:20 am which enables people from all our congregations to come together for the eight-minute service. 13 November – 24/7 Prayer for Wycombe from 8:00 am to 8:00 am Friday at home or in the North Room, where the prayer space will be set up. The sign-up sheet is on the table at the back of the Church and will be joined by the Prayer Points at the beginning of the month. Prayerfully consider signing up for an hour, or part of an hour, in prayer for the ministries taking place in High Wycombe. 20 November – Concert at 6:00 pm (with tea & cake served from 5.30) of music by Mendelssohn, Holst and Mozart played by Nicky Fairbairn (oboe) and The Keats Quartet. Music for the ‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’. Contact Arthur Johnson (01494 521471) for tickets: £11 (student/child £6). 22 November – The Cry - Requiem for the Lost Child A powerful and moving choral work which uses the Requiem liturgy interwoven with the words of children who have been effected by war and conflict. At All Saints Church, High Wycombe at 7:30 pm. Tickets from Helen Byrne (07881 781695) - £12, £10 concession, Children under 12 free but must have a ticket. GENERAL Advance Notice Filming will take place at the Manor on 5th, 6th, 11th, 12th and 13th November. The car park will have equipment vans in it; but the film company have been requested that a good amount of space be available for church business. The Dorcas Project This Christmas Dorcas will be providing small new Christmas presents for children including a book, colouring pencils, colouring books and puzzles. They envisage each present costing approximately £5. Last year they received 265 referrals for this small project and they expect to receive something in the region of the same this year. Donations would be very much appreciated towards the cost of this project, new books etc. as aforementioned (for children 0-12 years) and, most importantly, prayer for the children who will be receiving the presents. If you can help in any way you may leave gifts at Holy Trinity Church office, Amersham Road, mornings only, or with Yvonne Cook who will be happy to take them for you. More information from the Dorcas Project in the Dec/Jan Outlook. Mission Aviation Fellowship Would you like to further support the work of MAF, one of our supported charities, by praying regularly with other MAF supporters? A prayer group meets in High Wycombe every 2 months to pray for the work of MAF, and the group would welcome new people. The next meetings will be in November and January. For further details please speak to David Tester (01494 563354) or call Graham Bunsell, of Totteridge Baptist church, (01494 535347) Wycombe Homeless Connection is looking for 50 hardy volunteers to take part in their Big Sleepout 2014 on Saturday 15th November at Eden Shopping Centre. No entry charge, but it is hoped that participants will raise at least £100 in sponsorship. This will help fund our work rebuilding shattered lives here in High Wycombe. Over 18s only. You'll need to bring your own sleeping bag and pillow, but cardboard boxes will be provided! A cold, uncomfortable night will be made better by takeout pizza, hot drinks, entertainment and a sense of camaraderie. Both our local MP and the Mayor are taking part so why don't you?! You will really appreciate the hot shower when you get home...
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