January 25th - Fulbourn and the Wilbrahams


January 25th - Fulbourn and the Wilbrahams
St Vigor, Fulbourn; St Nicholas, Great
Wilbraham; St John, Little Wilbraham; and
St George, Six Mile Bottom
Diocese of Ely
Sunday 25th January 2015
Conversion of Paul
Welcome! We are a group of four churches in the
diocese of Ely seeking to worship God faithfully, and
to serve Him in all that we do. If you are visiting or
if this is your first time worshipping with us, we
would love to meet you. Welcome!
Almighty God,
whose Son revealed in signs and miracles
the wonder of your saving presence:
renew your people with your heavenly grace,
and, in all our weakness,
sustain us by your mighty power;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. AMEN
Rector: Revd Alice Goodman
The Rectory, 2 Apthorpe Street, Fulbourn
01223 880 337
Parish Office: Parish Assistant (Helen)
`Twelve‘, 15 High Street, Fulbourn
01223 882 070
Benefice website
Children’s Ministry
Sunday School meets EVERY SUNDAY at 11am at Fulbourn
Church in the Sunday School Rooms.
Windmill Toddler Group meets every Tuesday during term
at 9:30am in the Fulburn Centre. £1.50 for 1 adult + 1 child,
50p for each additional child.
Twelve is our Church Centre and Shop, located at 15 High
Street, Fulbourn.
Opening hours: Monday 1:30-4:30pm, Tuesday and
Thursday 9:30am-4:30pm, Saturday 9:30am-12:30pm.
Volunteers always needed!
Parish Magazine
To submit something for The Mill, Fulbourn’s monthly
Parish Magazine, please contact the editor, Gerry Dorrian,
on 882 933 or at [email protected]. For copies
(large or standard print), please drop into Twelve.
Fellowship Groups
Jesus' mother, whose name we are never told by
John, appears only twice in his Gospel. She appears
here at the wedding at Cana (2:1–12) and in chapter
19 where she stands by the cross and is entrusted
by her son to the guardianship of the Beloved
Disciple (19:25–27). These two cameo appearances
connect Jesus' first sign and his last breath. We are
to connect Jesus' gift of wine at the wedding at
Cana and Jesus' gift of his life on the cross. We are
to connect the glory revealed by the wine and the
glorification manifested in his death and
resurrection. At the wedding at Cana, Our Lady’s
role is partly to witness to the fact that the exalted
Word made flesh of the Prologue is a real human
being from a particular place and family. Her other
role is to articulate our need for her Son. She
makes a stark statement of what is lacking: `They
have no wine‘. Weddings epitomize the fact that
even the best laid plans go awry. Something is
always askew. It is the role of the mother of Jesus to
express that reality and to look expectantly in the
direction of her Son.
Time to Share: A women’s group meeting Fridays 1011:30am. Call 881699 for further details.
Coffee and Chat: First Monday of the month, 10:30am12:30pm at 53 High Street, Great Wilbraham.
The Word Together: Ecumenical Bible Study on the third
Tuesday of the month, 2:30pm at the United Reformed
25 January
8am, 9:30am, 11am
1 February
8am, 9:30am, 11am
Jeremiah 1.4–10
Malachi 3.1–5
Acts 9.1–22
Hebrews 2.14–end
Matthew 19.27–end
Luke 2.22–40
Evening Worship at the
Psalm 132
Haggai 2.1–9
John 2.18–22
If you have a notice to go into the weekly sheet,
please email or call Helen Shannon in Twelve by
Wednesday evening at the latest.
([email protected] or 882 070)
This week
Sunday 25th January
08:00 Holy Communion (BCP) at F
09:30 Holy Communion at LW
11:00 Holy Communion with Sunday
School at F
14:45 Service at Home Close
Monday 26th January
08:30 Morning Prayer at F
Tuesday 27th January
08:30 Morning Prayer at F
Wednesday 28th January
08:30 Morning Prayer at F
09:15 Wee Worship at GW
Thursday 29th January
08:00 Morning Prayer at F
Friday 30th January
08:00 Morning Prayer at F
Next month
Sunday 1st February
08:00 Holy Communion (BCP) at F
09:30 Come and Join at GW
09:30 Matins at LW
09:30 Holy Communion at SMB
11:00 Holy Communion with Sunday
School at F
18:00 Sung Evensong at F
Sunday 8th February
08:00 Holy Communion (BCP) at F
09:30 Holy Communion at LW
11:00 Holy Communion with Sunday
School at F
14:45 Service at Home Close
18:00 Sung Evensong at F
Sunday 15th February
08:00 Holy Communion (BCP) at F
09:30 Holy Communion at GW
11:00 Holy Communion with Sunday
School at F
18:00 Sung Evensong at F
Gluten-free Communion wafers are now available at Holy
Communion. If you require one, please tell the sidesperson
when you come in.
Notices and coming up
Confirmations will be taking place in St John’s,
Little Wilbraham, on Saturday 2nd May at 5pm.
Anyone aged 10 or above who has not yet been
confirmed is welcome. If you would like to learn
more about what confirmation is and what it
involves, please ask Alice!
First Holy Communion classes will soon begin in St
Vigor’s for children aged about 7. These will be run
for half an hour directly after the 11am Holy
Communion service by Alex Shannon. If you would
like more information, please ask Alice or Alex.
A Pancake Party for Shrove Tuesday will be held on
17th February at 7:30pm at The Rectory. Pancakes
aplenty, with lots of lovely lemon and sugar...! All
Ash Wednesday services will take place in Little
Wilbraham at 9:30am and at Fulbourn at 7pm.
These will be Holy Communion services with
Imposition of Ashes, and are a perfect way to begin
our Lenten journeys.
The Annual Snowdrop Walk and Concert will take
place on Sunday 15th February in aid of the Arthur
Rank Hospice. The Manor will be open from 2pm,
teas will be served in St Vigor’s from 2:45pm, and
the concert will take place at 3:30pm. Tickets are
£10, or free for under 16s.
A wedding! As some of you may already know, the
previous Rector, Rhiannon Jones, will be getting
married to Philip King in Oxford on Saturday 18th
April. Rhiannon has asked that, if anyone would
like to come to the service and reception, they
email them at [email protected] by
the end of January.
The Pilgrim Course, focusing on the Creeds,
continues in Fulbourn this Tuesday 27th January at
7:30pm in Twelve, and all are welcome.
Supper and Sax at the Hole in the Wall on Tuesday
3rd February at 7:30pm. Featuring the Cam Sax
Quartet plus a two course meal and coffee. Tickets
are £25, and all proceeds will go to St John’s. To
reserve a place, call Sue Lee on 813 335 or email
[email protected].
`Breathing Space‘ at the URC, run by Jenny
Mashford, will resume on Sunday 1st February at
5pm. All are welcome for a time of quiet prayer.
The Children’s Society annual box count and coffee
morning, will take place in Twelve on Saturday 31st
January between 10:15 and noon. Helpers
needed! Further details to follow.
Women’s World Day of Prayer: some advanced
warning that this event will be taking place on
Friday 6th March with a service in St Vigor’s at
which all are welcome.
Readers, welcomers, and intercessors are always
needed! If you would like to go on the rota, please
let Helen know for the Wilbrahams, or Anita for
The Twelve email address has now changed to
[email protected]. If you wish to get in
touch with Helen, her email is still
[email protected].
Welcome packs! If you know anyone who is new to
the village, or are yourself new, please ask for a
welcome pack. These are available from Twelve, or
can be delivered to your door by Helen if you email
or call to let her know.