Welcome to The Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul Rustington
Welcome to The Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul Rustington
Welcome to The Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul Rustington 16th November 2014 2nd Sunday before Advent 08.00 Holy Communion – Rev Marjorie Warnes I Thessalonians 5.1-11(p202) (James Stilwell); Matthew 25.14-30 (p27) 09.45 All Age Eucharist President – Rev Audrey Ross; Preacher – The Vicar Matthew 25.14-30 (p27) Organist Keith Smithers Collect (08.00 & 11.30) Heavenly Father, whose blessed son was revealed to destroy the works of the devil and to make us the children of God and heirs of eternal life: grant that we, having this hope, may purify ourselves even as he is pure; that when he shall appear in power and great glory we made be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Post Gracious Lord, Communion in this holy sacrament you give substance to our hope: bring us at last to that fullness of life for which we long; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. 11.30 Holy Communion – The Vicar I Thessalonians 5.1-11(p202) (Geoff Winsor); Matthew 25.14-30 (p27) 18.30 Evening Prayer – Rev Marjorie Warnes Psalms 89.19-37; I Kings 1.15-40 (or 1-40) (p311); Revelation 1.4-18 (p242) (Tom Mitcham) This Week Morning Prayer 08.15 Mon - Sat: Evening Prayer 17.15 Mon - Tue, Fri Monday 17 November Hugh, bishop, 1200 09.00 Parish Prayer Time (Brenda Meakins) 14.00 Children’s Society meeting – Upper Room, Church Hall 19.00 Worship Group meeting – Upper Room, Church Hall Tuesday 18 November Elizabeth, princess, philanthropist, 1231 09.00 Vicar & Churchwardens Meeting – Upper Room, Church Hall 11.00 Home Group – Rossida 12.30 Noah’s Ark Parent and Toddler Group in the Church Hall 18.30 Youth Group – Ten pin bowling evening. Meet at the Out of Bounds Centre (Next to Rustington Golf Centre) 19.30 PCC Meeting – Church Hall Wednesday 19 November 10.00 Coffee break in Church Hall 11.00 Holy Communion – The Vicar Revelation 4; Psalm 150; Luke 19.11-28 R: Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God the Almighty. DEL pp 785-786 12.00 Church Sitters lunch at Angmering Manor 19.30 WAFFLE meet in Church Hall 19.30 Deanery Synod meeting at St Mary’s East Preston Thursday 20 November 11.00 Home Group – Rossida 14.30 Home Group – 128a Sea Lane; Luke 9.1-50 “Disciple Training Stretched in Faith” 19.30 Home Group – Rossida 19.30 Home Group – 83 Broadmark Lane Friday 21 November 09.00 Vicar & Curate meeting at 23 Henry Avenue 10.00 Holy Communion at Rustington Convalescent Home (PB) 11.00 Ready, Willing & Able – Group planning time & talents events – Upper Room, Church Hall 14.30 Home Group – Abbots, Claigmar Road; Luke 9.1-50 “Disciple Training Stretched in Faith” 15.30 – 17.30 Messy Church in the Church Hall 19.30 Choir Practice Sunday 23 November Christ the King Sunday next before Advent 08.00 Holy Communion ®... 09.45 The Parish Eucharist + Junior Church 18.30 Evening Prayer ® Ephesians 1.15-23; Matthew 25.31-46 Prayer of approach to worship Give us, our Father, a sense of your presence as we gather now for worship. Grant us gratitude as we remember your goodness, penitence as we remember our sins, and joy as we remember your love; and enable us to life up our hearts in humble praise; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Please pray for Jo Townsend at Salvington Lodge, Cynthia Pollard, Maggie Leigh-Jones, Sheila Allen (Devonshire NH, Eastbourne), patients & staff at Zachary Merton Hospital and at other hospitals serving our area: John Thomas, Addie Diwell, Dorothy Adams and those receiving Holy Communion at home; residents and staff at residential care homes, this week those in Littlehampton – Sybil Frostick (Brockenhurst); Sally Sartain (Lobbswood) and Ian Ennis (Oaklands). Year’s Mind: Betty Ennis (16.11.12); Penny Menage (17.11.06); Joan Swaine (20.11.02); Ann Pearse (20.11.08) Church Treasurer: As you may be aware Jane Stickells will be stepping down from the position of Treasurer on 31st December. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, no one has come forward yet to take up this post. If you feel you could take on this role, please speak to Jane or the Churchwardens for a full description of the duties. We need a Treasurer as a matter of urgency. The person appointed will be part of the finance team who will give full support. Health and Safety. We are still looking for one or two people to take on the role of Health and Safety officer(s). This is an essential role. If you would be prepared to help the church in this way please talk to one of the Churchwardens. WAFFLE: the next meeting will be on Wed 19th November at 7:30 pm in the Church Hall. We will be making gingerbread creations, guided by Christine from the Incredible Edible Gingerbread Company. NB There will be a cost of £6. Further details from Diane Kearsey 01903 784687 or 07539838621 Deanery Synod, Wed 19 Nov, St Mary’s, East Preston, 7.30pm. Presentation by Revd Mark Betson, Diocesan Rural and Environment Officer, a report from Revd Tim Ward, Deanery Finance Chair, and approval of 2015 Deanery budget. This is an open meeting to which everyone is welcome - PCC members are especially encouraged to attend. There will be a Service at the Convalescent Home next Sunday. Extra folk are always welcome. Welcome Evening – Wed Nov 26th at 7.30 pm in the Church Hall for all those who have joined the church in the last 6-12 months. Christmas Fair – Saturday, 29th November. Thank you for your donations this week of Tombola items. Next week we will be collecting preserves - jams, marmalade, chutney, pickled onions etc. The Christingle Service, November 30th, 3 pm. We hope you will join us for this traditional service to help raise funds for the Children’s Society. The cardboard candleshaped money boxes will be in church on the table by the north door. Please take one and pop in your small change. Thank you, Iris Hayes for the committee. Parish Outing on Saturday 6th December will be to Winchester where the Christmas Market will be in session. On the return journey we shall stop at Chichester for Evensong at 5.30. The cost will be between £11.00 and £14.00 depending on our numbers and the size of coach needed. We still need more places to be taken in order to make the outing viable so, if you wish to be added to the list, please telephone me asap. Many thanks, John Hawkins 859556 Choir - We need more men in the choir, please – at first to augment the choir for the carol service – so if you can sing..... reading music is helpful but not essential. Please contact me and we will make you very welcome. Thank you. Carrie McLeod 368452 Thank you to the knitters and for donations of wool etc, and especially Bryn Goodfellow for making a "flat pack" wooden stable. The Vicar enjoyed his preview of the completed project in advance of the Christmas Eve Crib Services. The excess donated wool has been passed on to the Tamarisk centre, to be put to good use. Margaret Sutcliffe Church Finances: In recent months there has been a shortfall between our income and expenditure. Giving needs to be increased if we are to continue to meet our increasing commitments. Please pray about this problem. In October, income was £7,499.00 and expenditure was £9,150.00. Giving and Stewardship Group ALLOTMENT WEB SITE - Many thanks to John Hawkins for now putting the updates on line for us, and to Colin for setting the site up for us at the beginning. The Autumn update should appear shortly with our new photographs, including the giant orange Pumpkin. Please do have a look to catch up with life on the plot. Hopefully the site will now be updated again fortnightly. At the moment we have a lovely resident Robin and lots of baby frogs! Julie Churcher and Team. Thank you so much for the very generous gift you gave me at the presentation last Sunday. It will come in very useful in purchasing the books I need for my studies. I will still be part of St Peter and St Paul during my training though there will be times when I’m away on weekend residential courses or on placement. Colin Cox The Message of Mark - Sat 22 Nov 1.30-5.00pm, Chichester Cathedral. Celebrate, explore and learn about the Gospel of Mark. £6.00 pp (under 18 free). Session Titles at www.chichestercathedral.org.uk or www.chichestertickets.co.uk, with tickets available from the Box Office in the Cathedral Shop, Tel 01243 813595. Further details from Helen Hawkins, our Cathedral Link (01903 859556), or from David & Moira Poley (01903 779899). If you would like to sponsor the News Sheet, there are many free dates in November and December Material for the News Sheet for Sunday 23rd November 2014 should reach the church office no later than 10am on Wednesday 19th November 2014 Vicar: The Revd Zachary Allen Church Office (Mr Bob Bulley & Mrs Trish Holden) Rustington Church Hall, 77 The Street, Rustington, BN16 3NL Open: Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon. email: [email protected] Website: www.sspeterandpaul-rustington.org.uk Tel: 01903 850509 Registered Charity Number 1133812