Veterans Day We Remember . . . We Pray


Veterans Day We Remember . . . We Pray
Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome
November 9, 2014
Veterans Day
All Souls Day ~
We Remember . . . We Pray
We ask for blessings
on all those who have served
their country in the armed forces.
We ask for healing for the veterans
who have been wounded,
in body and soul,
in conflicts around the globe.
Give us all the creative vision
to see a world which,
grown weary with fighting,
moves to affirming the life
of every human being
and so moves beyond war.
Hear our prayer, O Prince of Peace,
hear our prayer.
Road Fort
33908 239–489–3973
Road Fort
33908 239–489–3973
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You are the Temple of God
!Although the basilica of St. John
Lateran is the cathedral of the Holy
Father in Rome, today’s liturgy focuses
not on the Petrine ministry but on the
place of God’s abode, the temple. The
First Reading is about Solomon’s
temple, and the Gospel tells of Jesus
coming to stay in the home of
Writing to the Corinthians, Paul asks them: “Are you not aware
that you are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwells
in you?” Notice his use of the singular: “the temple of God is
holy, and you are that temple.” He has in mind the community of
God’s people as the temple of God: “from living stones, your
chosen people, you built an eternal temple to your glory.”
Is this temple (the People of God) only for the presence of God?
What else is there in this temple? Are there false gods as well, such
as the gods of wealth and power? Do the people in this temple
worship the one true God, or do they bow down before other
gods, such as economic and political systems? Do the people in
this temple work hard at “creating its beauty from the holiness of
our lives?”
The Church has more often been called the edifice of
God. ... This edifice is adorned by various names: the
house of God in which dwells His family; the household
of God in the Spirit; the dwelling place of God among
men; and, especially, the holy temple.
This temple, symbolized by places of worship built out
of stone, is praised by the holy Fathers and, not without
reason, is compared in the liturgy to the Holy City, the
New Jerusalem. As living stones we here on earth are
being built up along with this City.
Vatican II, Constitution on the Church (1964) 6
and Pray for the
Men and Women
serving in the Military
Andrew Richter
Kory McManus
George Dombeck III
Garrett Ferrara
Timothy Westberry
Joe Harris
Blake Griebenow
Joseph Prehm
Jeffrey Greenwald
! Save
Louis Koconis
Nicholas Dieter
Caitlin Shaw
David Woods
Michael Klem
Tom Jardas
Jonathan Caira
Todd Sabala
Mark Hernandez
the Date
December 14th
Iona Hall
Gerald Darring
Please consider remembering
St. Columbkille in your will.
Help us to endow our ministry, services
and outreach into the future.
Please contact the Parish Office for more information.
Page 3
Financial Giving at
St. Columbkille Parish
Did you know that giving to St. Columbkille can reduce your
income taxes? And that some gifts save more tax than others?
Please review the following before you donate to St. Columbkille.
There may be a more tax advantageous way for you to contribute. If you would like to arrange for a
complimentary meeting with a local financial advisor to discuss options, please let us know.
Checks / Cash
IRA Contributions
A majority of parishioners contribute weekly, monthly,
semi-annually or annually via check or cash. And we are
very thankful that you do! If you donate cash, please use
the envelope system so that the parish may issue you a tax
receipt at year-end.
If you only take IRA withdrawals because it’s required
by law, you may want to consider donating the amount
withdrawn, or a portion of it, to St. Columbkille this year.
Please contact us if you have questions or would like IRA
transfer instructions.
Online Giving
(Checking/Savings Account, Credit/Debit Card)
A growing number of people no longer write checks for
recurring bills and charitable donations. Many St. Columbkille
parishioners have scheduled automatic weekly, monthly,
quarterly or annual donations to the parish directly from
their bank account or credit/debit card. It’s easy to do, and
we can help set it up for you.
Real Estate / Property
Interested individuals can make a deferred gift of their
home/property to St. Columbkille Parish. This gift option
allows donors to stay in their homes for the rest of their lives
and receive significant income tax deductions that can be
used for up to 6 years. You may also contribute immediate
gifts of property or land and avoid capital gains tax, as well
as receive favorable tax deductions.
Each year, St. Columbkille receives stock gifts anywhere from
$500 to over $10,000, from parishioners aware that these
gifts typically save the most income taxes! Transferring
stock is usually done electronically and is easy to do. Please
contact us if you have questions or would like stock transfer
Wills & Trusts
Those wishing to leave a legacy to St. Columbkille in their
will or trust are growing in number, and we are very grateful.
If you have questions about leaving the parish in your will
or trust, or would like more information, please let us know.
Financial Accounts or Life Insurance
Did you know you can transfer almost any financial
account– savings, checking, CD, brokerage or credit union
accounts–to St. Columbkille Parish without changing your
will? You can also gift any fully paid life insurance policy
directly to our parish and receive a tax deduction, or name
St. Columbkille as the death beneficiary, but keep the
lifetime ownership rights.
We are very grateful for all gifts to St. Columbkille.
If you have questions, or would like more information,
please contact Curtis Neuschaefer at the parish office:
phone: (239) 489-3973 email: [email protected]
or just stop by!
Saint Columbkille Catholic Church • 12171 Iona Road, Fort Myers, Florida 33908 • Tax ID# 65-0466460
Page 4
Ages 3-6
Kids’ Corner
November 2, 2014 • Matthew 25:31-46
Women’s Guild
Card Party
& Monthly Meeting
The Women’s Guild will have a social at
9:30am and a short meeting in the
Center Room
1 on Monday
!The meeting
will be
followed by a
a card party
in Iona Hall
at 10:30am.
!Admission fee is $5. Please bring your
lunch. Snacks and beverages will be
!We will have several games for your use
or you can bring your own. All are
!Please call Lillian 433-2144 to reserve a
table or to join one. Welcome to St. Columbkille Reception!
Are you new to St. Columbkille
in the last year?
Did you miss the Welcome to St. Columbkille Reception when you joined the parish?
Fr. Joe and the parish staff cordially invite you to be officially welcomed!
November 11th
! at 7pm - Iona Hall
Wine & Cheese will be served.
Please RSVP to [email protected] or 239-489-3973 if you plan to attend. If you
would like a ride to and from the reception, please let us know. And if you have
children, or relatives living with you, please know that they are invited as well.
Page 5
Stand for Fair Food
The CIW’s Fair Food Label means
that when you buy Fair Food
tomatoes you are supporting real
human rights for farmworkers.
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) has
officially released a Fair Food label to help
shoppers identify which tomatoes come from
ethical farms.!
The label will be available to all grocery stores
and restaurants that participate in the Fair Food
Program. Participants in the Program pay a
small premium when they buy Florida
tomatoes, with the premium going to increase
wages for farmworkers. They also commit to a
worker-created Code of Conduct to ensure safe
working conditions and prevent forced labor,
sexual harassment and child labor in the fields.
The Fair Food Program has been called “the
best workplace monitoring program in the US,”
in the New York Times and “one of the great
human rights success stories of our day,” in the
Washington Post.!
“We have waited nearly five years before
revealing this label to the world today,” said
Cruz Salucio of the CIW. “Over those years,
we have been doing the hard, day-by-day work
of building the Fair Food Program in Florida’s
fields — educating workers about their rights,
investigating complaints, and identifying and
eliminating bad actors and bad practices — so
that today we can stand behind the fair
conditions and effective monitoring process that
this label represents,” continued Salucio. “We
couldn’t be more proud of this label. It
symbolizes the new day for workers in
agriculture that we, as farmworkers and in
partnership with consumers across the country,
have fought so hard to make real.”!
Whole Foods and Compass Brands, a major
presence on university campuses, will be the
first members of the Fair Food Program to
display the label in their stores and dining
The label is a product of the Fair Food
Program, which was created out of the success
of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW)’s
Campaign for Fair Food. There are currently 12
retail food giants participating in the program,
including Subway, McDonald’s, Whole Foods,
Chipotle, and Walmart. The founders of the
CIW were recently honored with the Clinton
Global Citizen Award.!
For more information go to:
Page 6
“Joy to the World”
Nativity Sculpture
“Food Chains”
The narrative of this documentary film
focuses on an
intrepid and
highly lauded
group of tomato
pickers from
Southern Florida
– the Coalition
of Immokalee
Workers or CIW
– who are
farm labor. Their story is one of hope
and promise for the triumph of morality
over corporate greed – to ensure a
dignified life for farm workers and a more
humane, transparent food chain.
Just in time for Christmas gift giving, we have
available for purchase the sculpture “Joy to the World”
by Timothy Schmaltz. This beautiful depiction of the
Nativity can be purchased at our Religious Article Store
located in the Church at the back of the Library or at the
Parish Office. The cost is $40 (the retail cost is $59.99).
If you would prefer to have your statue shipped up north,
leave your name and phone number on the sheet in the
narthex or come to the Parish Office to place your order.
There is a $5 charge for shipping.
November 21 - November 27th
Prada Stadium 12
25251 Chamber of Commerce Drive
Bonita Springs, Fl, 24135
Call 992-0128 for show times and
ticket information.
! Tree
!The Jesse Tree will be
Deceased Loved Ones
The church prays constantly for the
dead and rejoices in the communion of
saints. This takes place in a special way
during November. During this month,
we may write the name of our deceased
loved one in the book found in the
Narthex. Communally, we pray for all
our departed.
Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI reminds us that prayer for the dead is
meant to console the living and heals our relationship to them, if
needed. When someone close to us dies, it is natural to feel a
certain amount of guilt, not because that person died and we go
on living, but because, being human, we have had a less- thanperfect relationship with him or her – some unfinished business. In
prayer, we help wash clean those things that remain painful
between us. And mainly, we pray for the dead because we believe
in the communion of saints, an essential Christian doctrine that
asks us to believe that a vital flow of life continues to exist
between ourselves and our loved ones, even beyond death.
And behold, I Am with you always..... Mt 28:20 in the narthex
beginning November
30th. Please see future
bulletins for details!
Knights of
St. Columbkille
Council # 11425
meets the second Wednesday of each
month at 7pm in the Ministry Center
Room 1.
Next meeting is November 12th.
For information please call Ron Bekich at
Breaking Open the Word in the Good Old
Page 7
Marking the Days
of Ordinary Time
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2009
The Call to Prayer
Use this resource alone or with others. Used with others, read the Gospel
passages and the reflections aloud, pausing between them. Invite each
member of the group to take a turn reading, or prepare readers in advance
for larger groups. Share with each other your summertime commitments
and promises, keeping within the silence of your own heart those things
which belong only there.
Ezekial 47:1-12; 1 Corinthians 3:9-17; John 2:13-22
When is zeal for something or someone stirred up in us? When we love to do
something so much that we sacrifice time and energy; when we care for
Leader: My friends let us pause as we prepare to hear the Word of God proclaimed in
so+ much
of ourselves. This feast calls us to
the Gospel. [Lead all in the Sign
of the Cross]
In the Name
of the
of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
have passion for Jesus, church, our faith, ourselves as Body of Christ.
The Word of God
Readings for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Ezekiel 2:2-5; 2 Corinthians 12:7Women’s Guild Meeting Today
10; Mark 6:1-6
November 10!
All women of the parish are invited to this month’s
Gospel Acclamation (Luke 4:18)
Women’s Guild Meeting!
today at 9:30am in the Ministry Center.
Leader: Alleleuia, alleluia
All: Alleluia, alleluia
Leader: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he sent me to bring good tidings to Life
is like a ten-speed bike.
November 11
Most of us have gears we never use.
All: Alleluia, alleluia
Charles Schultz
Read: Mark 6: 1-6
As we celebrate Farmworker Month, take a moment
each time you sit to eat a meal and consider all of
the people that worked to put the food on your table:
During the lazy hazy days of summer many of us will take a vacation.
We may
farmers, truckers, and packers to
even return to our hometown to visit family and friends. Whenever we go back home it
a few. Give thanks for their hard work and
can be difficult for people to accept that we have grown and changed since
we last
visited. This is also true of Jesus as he returns to his hometown of Nazareth in the Gospel
efforts as you thank God for your meal.
reading for Sunday.
Going home is never12!
November 13!
November 14
November 15
Feast Day ~ Mother Cabrini
The compassion and dedication of Mother Cabrini is still seen in all those who
care for the sick in hospitals, nursing homes and state institutions. We
complain of increased medical costs in an affluent society, but the daily news
shows us millions who have little or no medical care, and who are calling for
new Mother Cabrinis to become citizen-servants of their land.
Rejoice in God’s Creation
“While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and
remember that everyone else and everything else are also God's creation.”!
Maya Angelou
This is your world.
Shape it or someone else
! will. Hope
Page 8
Wednesday, November 12th
after the 8am Mass.
Join us for for fine coffee, delicious
doughnuts and fellowship in Iona
Hall, Cafe Kells.
All are welcome!
to St. Columbkille
On the Calendar
!Alcoholics Anonymous All 4 meetings are in the Ministry Center
Room C-D. Meetings are on Tuesdays at 6:30pm, (men & women),
Wednesdays at 7:00pm, (women’s meeting), Thursdays at 1:00pm,
(men & women) & Thursday at 6:30pm, (discussion - men &
women). For information and details call Peggy at 481-3956.
!Alanon for families and friends of alcoholics meets in the Ministry
Center Room 6 on Tuesdays at 6:30pm and Thursdays at 1:00pm.
For details call Judy at 489-1654.
!Knights of Columbus Council #11425 meets the second
Wednesday of each month at 7pm in the Ministry Center Room 1.
For information call Ron at 437-4999.
!Scripture Study Group meets each Friday from 1:00pm to
2:00pm in the Ministry Center Room 6. The readings for the
upcoming weekend are studied in depth. For information please
call Mary at 437-1527.
!Sewing Ministry will meet November 13 & 20, and December 4
& 18. Ministry Center Youth Room. All are welcome. For
information call Lillian at 433-2144.
Taize Prayer, a contemplative candlelit service, meets the third
Thursday of each month at 7:00pm in the church. All are welcome!
We offer a warm welcome to the
following new members of our
parish family:
Charles Allen
Thomas Evert
Peter & Barbara Hackett
Paul & Kim Makurat
Maxwell and Mitchell Makurat
Pancake Breakfast
This Sunday
All are welcome
to our Pancake
Breakfast this
Breakfast will
be served after the 9am & 11am Masses.
Pancakes, eggs, sausage, fruit, coffee, tea
and juice are on the menu!
Cost - $6.00 adults, $3.00 Children.
!The food is delicious and plentiful, and
the company is grand. Join us!
Women’s Guild meets the second Monday of each month in the
Ministry Center Room 1 at 10:00am through April 2015. For
information call Lillian at 433-2144.
Thrift Shop News
Are you starting to think about
Christmas? Having a crowd to
celebrate the holiday? Whatever the
situation, if you'd like to decorate the
house or the table, you can find many
charming and lovely Christmas items
at the thrift shop. While you’re
stocking up on holiday trimmings, you
may well also find some unusual treasures for that hard-to-buy-or
person on your list!
!If you're new to the parish, please come by and see the shop. The
merchandise (all donated) includes gently used furniture, clothing,
housewares, accessories, books, linens and more. Our proceeds are
donated to organizations that assist those in need. It's a great place
to browse and to shop.
!Give us a try. We'd love to meet you. We are located next to KMart at the Iona/McGregor intersection. Call 489-4001 for
Outreach Ministry
Food Pantry
Items Needed
The Food Pantry needs
peanut butter & jelly,
canned corn and green
Page 9
Thanksgiving Projects
St. Columbkille Outreach Ministry
has two Thanksgiving projects which
benefit our local community.
!We appreciate all your donations, but
1. Thanksgiving Baskets
basket of food to families in need. If
you wish to adopt a family please call Miriam at 489-3973. You
can also place a gift card from any grocery store in the box in the
narthex for the basket, or drop it at the office during office hours.
please no outdated or opened items as we
are unable to use them. Thank you!
Soldier Ministry
Our parishioners and
the Thrift Store have
been so generous the
last 10 years in
supporting our
!For the month of
!Each year at Thanksgiving we give a
2. Thanksgiving Dinners
!On Thanksgiving Day, we deliver dinner to people who have no
one with whom to share this wonderful family holiday. Food that is
needed is shown below.
!Food Needed - please give according to your last name
October we are collecting white tube
socks. Please place items in the box in
the narthex.
A - G = canned green beans or corn
H - R =monetary or grocery store gift card for the purchase of
fresh fruit, vegetables and turkey’s.
S - Z = Mashed potatoes or stuffing.
receive prayers and packages, please call
Pat at 481-8333.
the narthex. Donations are needed by Sunday, November 23rd.
!If you have a soldier who would like to
Items Needed for the
Homeless Stand Down
We are collecting for the Homeless Stand
Down to be held in January.
!Items needed are:
• individual snack packs (chips, crackers,
trail mix, candy, etc.)
• baseball caps.
Please place items in the bin in the
!We can also use checks or gift cards so
that we can purchase these items. These
can be brought to the office or placed in
the collection basket. Please put
“Homeless Stand Down” on the
envelope or memo line of your check.
Thank you for your generosity.
!Please place food or other donations in the Thanksgiving box in
Thanksgiving Week Volunteers Needed
With Thanksgiving fast approaching, our Outreach Ministry team
is carefully planning for the meals we will be preparing and
delivering on Thanksgiving Day. This is a complex project that
requires careful planning. If you are interested in participating in
this year’s project, we ask that you register by calling the Parish
Office 489-3973 as soon as possible.
!Given the complexity of the coordination needed for this event,
we will not be able to accommodate walk-in volunteers.
Outreach Holiday Project
Come and help Outreach Ministry get ready for the holidays. We
will cut and color paper ornaments for the Jesse Tree and turkeys
for Thanksgiving. November 13 and 20 at 1pm to 2:30pm in the
Ministry Center, Room 1.
!For more information call Miriam at 489-3973.
All are welcome!
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Mass Schedule
Please pray for this week's Mass Intentions:
November 8
†Fr. Rich, by Laurie Moran
†Ignacio Zamora, by Pam Zamora
†Robert Balmforth, by his wife Molly
November 9
†Ronald Edward Carlson, by Donna Horner
†Jack Coppolino, by his wife
†Beatrice Jors, by Edward Jors
†Julie Rydlund, by Ben & Mary Homola
November 10
†Deceased members of the Kelly-Braeunig family
Tuesday, November 11
†Jim Werner, by Irene Lange
Wednesday, November 12
†Mary Debacker, by her husband Joe
Thursday, November 13
Communion Service
November 14
the Horak & Letak families, by Zee Horak
November 15
†Ronald Hayden, by Ann Hayden
†John Lutz, by his wife Marian
†Luis & Mary Zamora, by Pam Zamora
November 16
†Deceased Members of the Rock & Reetz families by
George & Kay Drier
†Deceased Members of the Thornton-Coppolino
family by Sandy Coppolino
†Mrs. Venkus, by Jim Tremmel
†Louie Gianetti, by Jim Tremmel
Sanctuary Candle in Loving Memory of Robert Payne
Weekend Masses:
Saturday: 8am, 3pm & 5pm
Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11am & 5:30pm
Weekday Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
& Friday: 8:00am
Communion Service: Thursday 8:00am
Reconciliation: Saturday 9:00am
Rosary: Monday - Saturday 7:15am
Prayer! List
The Sick: Diane Accongio, Aexandra Anderson, Sherry
Anderson, Riley Atkinson, Mary Behn, Ronald
Benjamin, Laurie Bernardi, William Bertuch, Helen
Bullyan, Yolanda Butler, Kathy Ceill-Hayes, Bob Cline,
Marion Colameco, Shirlee Davis, Frank & Isabel Doran,
Helgi Downes, Violeta Espinoza, JoAnn Fabiszak, Pat
Frye, Scott Germann, Ron Getz, Leona Haggerty, Sue
Hunter, Linda Isenberg, RIchard Kolb, John Krieger,
Raymond Lantz, Gisela Lock, Norma Marceau, Simone
McCandless, Dori Melfi, Teri McClure, Greg Mondello,
Susan Moore, Michael Nolan, Kate O’Connor, Alice
Oeben, Sara Olsson, Pat O’Neill, John Putnam, Mary
Ryder, Fr. Vincent Salamoni, Andrea Savicchio, Nancy
Slivka, Dave Smedile, Vince Spano, William Steed,
Kevin Strnad, Keith Van Asten, Paul Wack, Dean
Wallace, Maria Walter, Nicole Ward, Shirley Werner,
Pat Westenberg, Carolyn Wicker,
The Recently Deceased: Maggie Kistel
Names cycle off the prayer list monthly. Please call if a
continuation is needed. Do not ask to have people placed
on the list without getting their permission first.
Sacramental Ministries
Pastor: Rev. Joseph Clifford
Assisting Priest: Rev. Pat Boyhan
Director of Health Care Ministry
Peggy O’Rourke
Chris McBride
JoAnne Bertuch
[email protected]
[email protected]
Coordinator of Outreach Ministry
Business Manager
Miriam Ortiz
Sergio Figueroa
[email protected]
[email protected]
Director of Music
Maintenance Coordinator
Lee Van Asten
Javier Ortiz
[email protected]
Coordinator of Family Faith
Pastoral Associate
Anita Parmer
Mary Homola
[email protected]
[email protected]
Development, Communications
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
& Capital Campaign
Manya Vartdal
Curtis Neuschaefer
[email protected]
[email protected]
For emergencies or more immediate contact with a staff member,
please call the office directly. We welcome all new parishioners and
are thankful God has sent you to us. Please fill out a registration
card in the narthex and return to the Parish Office or place it in the
collection basket.
Infant Baptism: It is recommended that parents
contact the Parish about requirements for baptism
before the birth of a child. Infant baptism will be
scheduled only after consultation with a member of
the Pastoral Staff.
Marriage: Couples should contact the Parish Office.
Sacrament of the Sick: If you are not well, or when
you know that you will be in the hospital, please ask
the priest to confer the Sacrament of the Sick after the
weekday Masses or Sunday Masses, or call the Parish
Office 489-3973 to make an appointment.
Homebound Parishioners: If you are confined to
home, either temporarily or permanently, a member of
the Ministry to the Sick will be happy to bring Holy
Eucharist to your home weekly. Please contact the
Parish Office.
R.C.I.A.: If you are interested in the process of
becoming a Catholic, please call the Parish Office.
Thrift Store
Our Thrift Store is located in the K-Mart Plaza at the
Iona/McGregor intersection. Open 10:00am - 5:00pm
Monday through Saturday. For information call