
Monday 10th
BH1 Project 11:00am – 4:15pm
YP Band Practice – 6:15pm
Boscombe Community Store – 9:30am – 4pm
(Christmas Gifts now available)
Tuesday 11
BH1 Project 10:00am - 4:5pm
Prayer Meeting ‘Vital Breathe’ 10:00am
Timbrels & Songsters Practice – 8:00pm
Wednesday 12
POTS – 9:15am-11.15am(Parents of Toddlers)
BH1 Project 10:00am - 4:15pm
Retired Officers Fellowship 12:30pm
Corps Bible Fellowship 7:00pm – The Sanctuary
Majors Ray & Carelle Begley
Corps Officers
Sunday 9th November October 2014
‘Remembrance Sunday’
Leader:- Major Colin Hunt
Thursday 13
BH1 Project 10:00am - 4:15pm
Home League – Captain Sheila Smith 11:00am
Band Practice – 7:45pm
Friday 14
BH1 Project 10:00am - 4:15pm
Meal Run – (See Viv Smith for details)
Monday ~ Friday
The Boscombe Corps Community Store
9:30am ~ 4:00pm
226 Holdenhurst Road – Tel 01202 559271
Sunday Worship & Special Events
Sunday 16
‘All creatures of our God & King’
‘Pet Sunday’ with Majors Ray & Carelle Begley
Boscombe Community Gospel Choir – 4:00pm
Sunday 23
Majors Ray & Carelle Begley – 11:00am
The Salvation Army Link DVD – 6:00pm
We invite you to stay for Coffee & Fellowship
‘A Night to Remember’
in the ‘Sanctuary’ after the Morning Meeting
Your hostess is Claire Randell
To know Christ - To Live Christ - To Share Christ
‘A Night to Remember’ – This evening at 6:00pm
One of the many highlights in the Boscombe Corps Diary is ‘The Night to
Remember’. CSM Nigel Bishop has created an evening of remembrance which has
something for everyone. Please invite family and friends.
Human Trafficking Young People’s Collection
A very special ‘Thank you’ to our Young People who have collected £120:00 in the
last two weeks to support the work and ministry of The Salvation Army’s
Human Trafficking Department in London.
Thank you for the flowers & Happy Anniversary
The beautiful flowers today have been given by Songster Melanie & Gary
Forsyth-Smith to celebrate their 25th Wedding Anniversary.
The Boscombe Corps Web-site
Thousands of people visit the Boscombe Corps Web-site each month. Please have
a look at the photos of the Territorial Leaders Commissioners Clive & Marianne
Adams and the unveiling of the ‘Boscombe Window’ which can now be found in
The Gallery. Our thanks to Chris Lowe for the many hours of work as the Corps
Web Master.
‘A Breakfast, Car Wash, Cake & Christmas Stall Fundraiser’
The Young People’s Corps are putting on a Fundraiser on Saturday 15th November
from 9:30am – 12:00pm. Why not come and have Breakfast, followed by Cake &
Coffee as you have your car washed by the YP Team. There are also going to be
Cakes, Cards, and Toys Stalls. Donations of Cakes, Chocolates and Christmas
Cards will be greatly received. For more information please speak to YPSM Julie
Forsyth or a member of the YP Team. Please support.
Shampoo & Shower Gel urgently needed
The service and ministry of the BH1 Project continues to be in great demand.
Len Doyle says ‘We now use 10 Bottles of Shampoo and Shower Gel per week.
There is also a need for disposables razors, toothpaste and toothbrushes’.
The next time you go shopping can you add an item in your shopping basket
for those who use the BH1 Project? Thank you!
Annual Appeal 2014 Standing Days – We need your help please.
The Boscombe Corps has been allocated a number of Standing Days in the next
few weeks. The next Standing Day is on Wednesday 12th at Riverside Tesco
then on Monday 17th November at Castle Point Shopping Center and on Friday
21st November at TESCO Riverside from 10am – 5pm. We are allowed four
Collectors per hour throughout our allotted time. Please put your name on one
of the lists which are on the Main Notice Board in the Foyer. Thank you RB.
Sunday November 30th – Christmas Supper at The Begley’s Home
We invite you to a Christmas Supper at the home of Majors Ray & Carelle on
Sunday 30th November from 5pm – 8pm. This is a time to relax before we start
the demanding Christmas Programme. (Address:- 23 Egerton Road – BH8 9AY)
Monday 10 - (Isaiah ch9 SB628) - Pray especially today for Frankie
Wood as she begins her career in the military. Remember too, all her
immediate & extended family. Ask that God will keep her safe, & place
her in the Hollow of His Hand.
Tuesday 11 – (Isaiah ch25 SB257) - Heavenly Father, we remember
thank You for the sacrifice, courage & commitment of servicemen
women who have suffered & died in wars. Please grant Your comfort
peace to those who live with injuries, their carers & to the friends
loved ones of those who have been bereaved. (CARE)
Wednesday 12 – (Isaiah ch40 SB157) - Pray for all who will attend the
Divisional Directors' (3 day) Conference. Pray that Jesus will be the
Centre of all their discussions, planning & decision-making. (THQ)
Thursday 13 – (Isaiah ch52 SB583) - Join with the Worldwide Prayer
Meeting today: Lord, grant me the bravery to speak about you & the
right words to use. I pray that you will deliver those bound by their own
life choices or the imposition of others in how they live their lives. Give
me the opportunities to speak of you & the freedom found in you. (IHQ)
Friday 14 – (Isaiah ch53 SB503) - Thank You, Lord, that You can take
our lives & use them in ways we never thought possible. Help us to be the
instruments that convey the music of Your love. (ODB)
Saturday 15 – (SB71) - Heavenly Father, fill us with Your peace; that
immensely powerful peace that the world cannot touch; the peace that
we can rely on, whatever is happening around us. Then help us to be
peacemakers & to pass that peace on to all whom we meet. (Maj Philippa
Sunday 16 – (SB687) - International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted
Church: Focus on the many parts of the world where Christians suffer
for their faith. Especially remember Pastor Zhang, leader of Nanle
County Church who is still in prison. Despite the constitutional rights to
religious freedom, China's Christians still face very real hostility &
danger from the authorities, because of their faith. (BBC News)
‘Faith never knows where it is being led; it knows and loves
the One who is leading.'(Oswald Chambers)