ST. MARY MAGDALEN Page 1 ALL THINGS CONSIDERED CREATING A HOME FOR OUR COMMUNITY When we planned and built our buildings we spent a great deal of time thinking through our space needs, and how we would use them. Between the first and second Construction Task Groups, over 60 people gave three (and many six) years of service to the project. Not only were there monthly meetings, but several sub-groups met between meetings. Members of the CTG stood by a bulletin board every weekend to show off the progress and to solicit suggestions from the rest of the community. There were an additional 350 people who acted as Advisors. This group of parishioners met 2-3 times over the course of the projects to review the progress of the CTG and to offer their advice. All of this work was intended to create a home for our community that would make the best use of our investment and provide the greatest value to our community. Over the years, many visitors have commented on how well our space works for a variety of events; other parishes have come and toured our facilities as they plan for construction. I mention all of this not so much “to pat us on the back”, but to explain why we will hosting two special conferences in the near future. CONFERENCE on EVANGELIZATION Two years ago Bishop Boyea sent out a letter asking the whole Church of the Diocese of Lansing to look at ways we might take the Gospel more to heart and share that Good News with those who no longer participate in Liturgy and those who have no faith. After a year of prayer, we are looking at how we might deepen our commitment to the Gospel. Next week we will host a conference of priests, pastoral ministers, and parishioners from all across our 10county diocese. Several hundred people will use our gym, community room, church, and other rooms to discuss evangelization on Wednesday and Thursday. We were chosen because larger conference spaces were unavailable or just too expensive. The other reason is (as I have been repeatedly told) “our facilities are just perfect for this kind of event!” CONFIRMATION Just a reminder, next Saturday Bishop Boyea will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with our youth, at the 4:30pm Liturgy. A YOUTHFUL THANKSGIVING Because of the conference there will be no regular Religious Formation sessions on Nov. 19 and 20, BUT I am looking forward to celebrating a special Thanksgiving Liturgy with ALL of our Formation students Thursday, Nov. 20, at 6 pm! AN ECUMENICAL THANKSGIVING Sunday, November 23, at 6 pm, St. George Lutheran Church will host our Brighton Area Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service. I hope you will be able to join me and our fellow Christians in prayer. Fr. Dave Howell BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN THIS WEEK’S LITURGIES November 10, Monday - Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 9:00 am +Thomas Flavin November 11, Tuesday - Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 9:00 am Communion Service November 12, Wednesday - Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 7:00 pm +Mass of Remembering November 13, Thursday - USA: Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 9:00 am +Marian Lynch November 14, Friday 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 9:00 am +Ken & Celia Holden November 15, Saturday 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 November 16, Sunday Prv 31:10-13,19-20,30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30 4:30 pm Vigil Confirmandi 9:00 am St. Mary Magdalen Parishioners 11:00 am +Deceased Sullivan & Warren Families Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Proverbs 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31 - The book of Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings, compiled over a number of centuries. Today’s passage is part of a lengthy poem which praises the virtues of a good wife and mother. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 - Paul and the early Christians expected the immediate Second Coming of Christ. Today, as he concludes his first letter to the Thessalonians, Paul reminds them to be prepared for this. His message is encouraging, not frightening. Matthew 25: 14-30 - The coming of the Son of Man is reflected in this parable from the Gospel of Matthew. It fits this time of the liturgical year very well, for near the end of the Church year we highlight the end of the world and its final judgment. Reflect: In what ways have you used the gifts God has given you for the building of the Kingdom? Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11, a day to honor and remember all our veterans. THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA STEWARDSHIP REPORT Week of 11/02/14 Approximately 1635 people participated Env/Cash EFT Securing Our Future TOTAL $17,890 $13,864 $ 3,730 $35,484 Thank you for your gifts. Please pray for all the sick who have been commended to our prayer, that they will respond to God’s healing will, especially: David, Tom, Amy Kronk, Stella, Devin, Irene, Jeanne and Eugene Buel, Tom Stadtmiller, Karen Hahn, Janet Husseli, Gwen Maes, Miles Hinksmon, Carrie Malik, Ron Abramovich, Dorothy Keefe, Nancy Sharpy, Bob Sixbery, Jerry Carb, Caroline Bilicki, John Sullivan, Donna Chedester, Gary Powell, Brandy, Nancy, Dennis Martell, Vic Howe, Beatrice, Hannah Kenrick, Elizabeth Tokarczyk, Lisa Russo, Frank Freel, Ron Sherman, Cheryl Mitchell, Darlene Hlavacek, Lori List, Addison Donahue, Tom McSweeney, Lynn Sypniewski, Joseph Murphy, Heather Bierlein, Sharon Stadtmiller, Linda Heppler, Larry Sweeter, Tom Zremski, Andrew Doyle, Dave Zapfe, Donna Miller, Thomas Crowley, Mary Jo Artino, Fred Preiss, Carol Kronk, Addison Donehue, Marylyn Trader, Donald Gehring, Jameson Timberlake, Jan Altermatt, Michelle Schmid, Ben Hemker, Cheryl Gautherat, Steve Reichardt, Mary Anderer, Shirley Nitz, Bill Gamble, Nancy Burelle, Cynthia McIntosh, Dan Schilkey, Margie Kelly, Lynn Long, Abbie Fountaine, Mark Matras, Herb Langer, David Martin, Sherri Kunkel, MaryAnna, Hogan McCuan. MASS OF REMEMBERING A monthly Mass of Remembering will take place this Wednesday, Nov. 12. Liturgy is offered for deceased parishioners and relatives, especially for: James Rushak, Larry Baldinger, Helen Lothamer, Richard Fitzpatrick, Rita Harrington, Chester Kuchta, Chad Paison, Brother Albert Kern Please Remember in your prayers: Hogan McCuan and family in the death of Jerry Ainley, his brother. page 2 NOVEMBER 9, 2014 THE WEEK AHEAD Monday, November 10 9:00 am Pre-School 9:45 am BeFrienders 6:00 pm Magdalen’s Kitchen 7:00 pm EDGE 7:00 pm Inquiry 7:00 pm Troop #385 Committee Mtg. Tuesday, November 11 9:00 am Pre-School 1:00 pm Card Making 6:00 pm Prisoner Reentry 6:00 pm Troop 385 7:00 pm Community Life 7:00 pm Charity & Justice 7:00 pm BeFrienders Wednesday, November 12 9:00 am Pre-School 9:45 am MOMS 12:30 pm Knitters 4:30 & 6:30 pm Religious Formation 6:00 pm Children’s Band Practice 6:00 pm Children’s Gospel Tryout 7:00 pm Mass of Remembering 7:30 pm Adult Formation 7:30 pm Finance Thursday, November 13 5:30 pm Religious Formation 6:30 pm K of C 4th Degree 7:00 pm Children’s Choir 7:00 pm Faith Sharing 7:30 pm Music Ministry Friday, November 14 6:00 pm Confirmation Rehearsal 7:00 pm Divorce & Separated 7:00 pm We Care Two Saturday, November 15 4:30 pm Confirmation Sunday, November 16 No Rel. Ed. 9th or 10th Grade 9:00 am Family Program 11:00 am Kindergarten 10:15 am Ichthus 7:00 pm Youth Group Next weekend: St. Vincent DePaul Clothing Drive Blood Pressure screening after all Masses ST. MARY MAGDALEN Page 3 Religious Formation News BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN Youth News from Mary at [email protected] and Karen at [email protected] from Margaret at [email protected] and Stasia at [email protected] Confirmation next Saturday: Bishop Boyea will celebrate and confirm 51 of our 10th grade youth at 4:30 Liturgy. These youth and the others have really done a lot of discernment for this sacrament and deciding if this is what they want! Join us as we congratulate these youth and their families in this important step in their faith lives! Join us Thursday, November 20, at 6pm for our Thanksgiving Liturgy! We are having an all program Children’s Liturgy and Food Drive. Classes have been cancelled to allow everyone to attend! New this year is our children’s choir, and youth playing instruments! Youth will also be involved doing the Liturgical Ministries of Lectors, greeters, hospitality, and more! Food collected will be used to prepare food baskets for families right here in Livingston County. Help is needed sorting and preparing boxes; if you can help Thursday, Nov. 20, at 7pm, let me know. Also, if you know a family in need of a complete turkey dinner contact me directly (confidentially). Auditions for the Christmas Gospel for 4 and 6:15 Liturgies will continue this Wednesday at 6-6:30 for all children in grades 1-8! This is new and will take the place of our traditional Nativity on Christmas Eve. This year we need youth (grade 1+) to try out for a Special Christmas Eve reenactment of the Gospel! We will also be looking for youth in grades 3+ to sing/ play in the Choir on Christmas Eve. Confirmation youth in grade 9: Remember to bring your food donations and fill the time slots for the Confirmation Reception (Nov. 15). You will receive service hours for helping set up or clean up at the reception or as hospitality before the Liturgy. NO CLASS Nov. 16! Our annual Winter Weekend Getaway will be Friday, January 31 - February 2; this year at Edgetts’ Lodge. The cost for the weekend is $100 for lodging and 5 meals. A nonrefundable $50 deposit is due before the months end. Skiing/snowboarding rentals, if you need them to rent, and lift tickets are extra. Many of the WWG participants ski at Caberfae Ski Resort. Check out their website for details about pricing at All the good times, laughs and memory making moments are free of charge! Last Sunday, some of us spent the day in Lansing participating in diocesan youth Jamboree! It was a day well spent with friends. We enjoyed faith filled music, talks, and workshops. We meet as normal this weekend from 7-9, Sunday evening. The month of November is one of giving thanks; for holiday prep, colder weather, shorter hours of daylight, and of family! Many of you know this is my favorite holiday when families get together to eat and be merry. No fuss about gifts except the ones from God that we call family and friends. Take the time to be present with those you’re with, at the time you are with them. Do something different this year like play a board game or dance in the kitchen! We will meet all of November except the last Sunday, November 30th. As many families travel to be with family, it’s nice to have an evening “off”, so everyone can rest and get ready for the grind of Monday, with school and work. Enjoy the evening in the quiet of your home. All New Christmas Nativity This year, we will be doing a smaller reenactment during the Christmas Gospel at both the 4:00 and 6:15 masses. There will be 6 actors and about 6 angel singers for each Mass, for children in grades 1-8. Auditions for the acting roles (Mary, Joseph, Shepherds, and Angel of the Lord), will take place on Nov. 5 and 12 at 6:00. Rehearsals for the acting roles and the angel choir singers will be on Wed. evenings in Dec., also at 6:00. Please sign up to audition for the acting roles and singing angels group. Space is limited, so it is imperative to sign up. There will be two separate sign-up sheets, one for the 4:00 Mass and one for the 6:15 Mass, found in the Gathering Area. Questions? Call Erin Wolfe at 810-923-8494. EDGE News Our meeting is this week Monday November 7th from 7-8:30. The trip to Spicer’s last month was a huge success! We had about 40 middle school students and a handful of high school leaders. It was a most enjoyable evening. Be sure this week to check out the picture board from the event. Our second meeting in November is Monday, the 24th, same time and place. The meetings have been awesome. Jeannie and I could not be more happy with the turn out and participation. Not only do we love seeing everyone from last year, but meeting new middle school students and getting to know them is always fun! THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Adult Education and Formation Faith and Service - From Sr. Joyce [email protected] Adult Euchre Tournament Mark your calendars and plan to come to our first of two annual Euchre Tournaments, Saturday, November 22, at 7pm in the Quad. Please sign up at the Community Life Board so we know how to prepare. The fee per person is $5.00. Cash prizes will be awarded. Wine, beer, and Pizza will be available and you may bring other snacks. This will take place after the K of C Spaghetti dinner that evening. MMAP = Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program. Medicare Open Enrollment Period thru December 7. - St. Mary Magdalen has partnered with the Area Agency on Aging 1-B Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program and is a Medicare counseling site; offering health benefits information and assistance to you and the surrounding community. Patty Flynn (parishioner) is our unbiased, background checked, and trained volunteer counselor for MMAP. She has much expertise providing this service. If you have Medicare questions, issues with billing or are denied services, appointments are available on Fridays. For appointments call the AAA 1-B at 800 803-7174, or call Melodie Valvano at 248 262-9208. M.O.M.S.: Mothers of Ministry Sharing - The M.O.M.S. Group meets in the North Room, next to the Nursery throughout the school year. Meetings with Prayer, Food, Fun, and Friendship occur every Wednesday morning from 9:30 am – noon. Moms of all ages and stages are welcome to come anytime. Please feel free to contact: Erin Wolfe at [email protected] or Holly Oakes at [email protected] with any questions. CHILDREN’S CHOIR Kathryne Friske has volunteered to take on the challenge of forming a special youth choir composed of kids in 3rd-8th grade. For now, this choir will sing on a few special occasions during this calendar year: November 20 and December 24. On Nov. 20, there will be a special Religious Formation Thanksgiving Liturgy at 6 pm. Rehearsals for the Youth Thanksgiving Liturgy (Nov. 20), will be held on Thursday in the Chapel from 7-7:30pm, Nov. 13. Rehearsals for the Christmas Eve 6:15pm Liturgy, will be Dec. 4, 11, 18. page 4 NOVEMBER 9, 2014 CHARITY & JUSTICE CORNER ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CLOTHING DRIVE....NOV. 15TH & 16TH.... Please put your clean and gently used clothing in bags and return them to the pod in the back of the parking lot during the Clothing Drive, the weekend of November 15 & 16. Receipts will be available. Thank you for your donations! SCRIP FUNDRAISING As a means of generating funds to purchase food for Magdalen’s Kitchen, the community meal our parish hosts on Monday evenings, we have been involved in the Great Lakes SCRIP Program. This program allows non-profit organizations to raise money by selling gift cards for everyday expenses like food, clothing, gas, entertainment, etc. They are the same cards you could purchase from retailers/businesses, and they work the same way. Each card sold earns a rebate for our parish at no extra charge to the purchaser. Volunteers sell the cards during the Advent and Lent seasons after weekend Masses. If you are interested in helping, there is a sign-up sheet on the Charity and Justice table in the Gathering Space. If you would like more info., contact Deacon Gary at [email protected], or 810.229.8624. Your commitment would be for Advent 2014 and Lent 2015. Please specify which Mass time you would like to help at. The Advent Giving Tree will be in the Gathering Space starting 11/22/2014. This year, we have Eight Charities, including St. Mary Magdalen. If you would like to help those less fortunate, please take a tag from the tree and place your donation back under the tree no later than 12/15/14, otherwise we can not guarantee the gifts for Christmas. Please make sure the tag is taped and secured to your donation, so we know which charity it goes to. Only gifts for Cornerstone School should be wrapped. Please leave all other gifts unwrapped. Gift cards for all the charities should be unwrapped and not placed in Christmas cards. For more info. please contact: Dianne Sweeter at: [email protected] or 248.842.7762. ST. MARY MAGDALEN Page 5 BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN Electronic Giving Program Prayers For Our Military A poster with names of family members who are currently serving in the military, will be in the gathering area soon, for those who wish to pray for these members. If you could please e-mail me, Donna Price, at [email protected], I would be happy to include your family member. I am asking for name, rank and branch of service. If you want to include current location, I will add that also. I am hoping to have as many names as possible by November 11, but will include additional names. Thank you and a special thank you to our military! Need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year? Check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. To set up a recurring giving schedule, please go to our website and click on online giving. Thank you for your generosity and support!. ICHTHUS: Music, Stories, Friendship Join us each Sunday morning at 10:15 am in the North Room, featuring guest speakers. All are welcome and the Nursery is available and supervised for young children. St. Mary Magdalen Parish Friday, November 14, 2014 6:30pm – 9:30pm RALPH MARTIN Coming to… St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 2099 N. Hacker Road Howell, MI 48855 Thursday November 13, 2014 7:00pm Two Great Presentations WHAT IS THE NEW EVANGELIZATION And Why Should It Matter To Me? CALL TO HOLINESS: ME? REALLY? For Information Contact: Tim Carpenter at 517 546-7200 Ralph is the president of Renewal Ministries, in Ann Arbor, MI. He is also the Director of Graduate Theology Programs in Evangelization and an associate professor of theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in the Archdiocese of Detroit. In December 2011, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Ralph as a Consultor to the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, for a five year term. This program is designed for married couples who are interested in strengthening their communication skills in a faithbased setting. The program is designed to teach couples communication skills and techniques for handling conflict and promoting intimacy with the aim of preventing future marital problems and divorce. RESERVATIONS: Jaynee or Mark at 517 545-5944 or [email protected] Cost: $40 per couple. The CARE Program teaches: How to communicate what you want out of your relationships. How to resolve conflict effectively and reduce arguments. How to solve problems as a team. How to keep friendship and intimacy a part of your relationship. How to develop skills to enhance understanding and maintain commitment. COST: $40 per couple, scholarships are available. CHILD CARE: Available at no cost. Snacks will be provided. THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Sun. Nov. 9 Mon. Nov. 10 Tue. Nov. 11 Wed. Nov. 12 Thu. Nov. 13 Fri. Nov. 14 Sat. Nov. 15 MINISTERS OF PRAYER Nancy Nychypor Shirley Brake, Jeanette Moran, Joyce Gonda Theresa Wolterman, Gail Bell, Barb & Joe Kowal Lillian & Richard Rumptz, Colleen Atwood, Betty & Don Gehan Josie Doucette, Jim Hayes, Michael Provenzano, Angela Grech Marilyn & Dan VanTiem, Mary Bidinger Katie Panczak, Alexis Wilhelm Card Making Class!! Tuesday, November 11, at 1 pm Cost is $5 and includes all materials to make three cards. It is asked that you donate one birthday card to Meals On Wheels. This is an easy class; anyone can do it! Bring a friend and have fun while sharing your time and talent to bring some birthday cheer to a Meals On Wheels client. Registration is needed to plan for adequate materials. To register or for more information, call Pam Ruffini at 810-772-8252. page 6 NOVEMBER 9, 2014 ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE Mon. 11/10 Tue. 11/11 Wed. 11/12 Thu. 11/13 Fri. 11/14 Sat. 11/15 Sun. 11/16 4:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:30 pm 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 4:00 pm 8:30 am 4:00 pm 8:30 pm ----8:00 am 9:00 am 7:00 pm St. Pat’s Basketball EDGE Men’s Basketball St. Pat’s Basketball Troup #385 St. Pat’s Basketball Zumba St. Pat’s Basketball Men’s Basketball ------Boot Camp Family Program Youth Group Lost & Found Missing Anything? Please check the Lost & Found table on your way out of church. It is temporarily located in the Gathering area. (its usually in the Hospitality Room). Any items remaining after the last Mass on Nov. 16 will be donated.