CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY November 9, 2014 – Remembrance Sunday


CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY November 9, 2014 – Remembrance Sunday
November 9, 2014 – Remembrance Sunday
Welcome to Christ Church today!
If you are new to Christ Church or need to tell us of any change
of address, please fill in a white card from the pew chair
pockets and hand it in at the Welcome Desk in the Fellowship
Room, where coffee is served after the 11am service.
Leader and preacher: Charis Enga
Reading: Lamentations 3:1-24
11.00am Morning Worship with Healing
Leader: Polly Arthur
Preacher: Charis Enga
Reading: Lamentations 3:1-24
*If you would prefer to receive non-alcoholic wine, please
bring this noticesheet with you to the altar-rail
Leader: Charis Enga
Prayer Ministry: Members of the team will be in the
Prayer Corner after the 11am service to pray with
anyone who would value this.
MORNING PRAYER – Monday 9am, Tuesday 9am, Wednesday 10.30am, Thursday 9am.
VISITS - if you would like a visit from one of the visiting team, call the office on 7354 0741.
PLEASE PRAY FOR – Margaret Buckingham; Ann Marsh; Ianthe Cadogan; Hilary Whiting; Grace
Cleak; Jane and Maurice Taylor. (Names of people to be prayed for appear for four weeks)
and also for our five Mission Links – Cambodia Action, Church Mission Society in the Middle
East, Church Army (UK), Potential Edge (Uganda), and the Delhi Bible Institute.
VESTRY HOUR – Mondays, 5.30-6.30pm, in the Vicarage Basement. Please come to Vestry Hour
if you would like to talk to one of the clergy. No appointment required. Please note, however,
that there will be no Vestry Hour tomorrow, 10 November
INTERESTED IN PRAYING WITH OTHERS? There is Morning Prayer in the church, 9-9.30am, on
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. All are welcome.
You are welcome to take this noticesheet away with you.
NO VESTRY HOUR TOMORROW: please note that there will be no Vestry Hour this Monday 10
7pm. This will be a meal at church for anyone who is interested in getting involved with youth
work, it would be great for you to come along get to know you better, and find out what ideas
and visions you have for the youth at Christ Church. It would also be fantastic if you brought
with you two documents proving your identity so we can smash out DBS checks all in one go
making things easy. I am well excited to seeing you there and so email me (Dom)
[email protected] if you can come.
BRING AND SHARE LUNCH next Sunday 16 November by popular demand after the success of
the last event. Sign up sheets on the Welcome Desk. Any further information please contact
Ruth 0207 359 6474. Sign up today!
OUTING TO THE SUNSHINE GARDEN CENTRE to see their wonderful Christmas rooms and have
cake and coffee in the lovely cafe on Thursday 27th November leaving Christ Church at 10:30
and arriving back 12:45. Sign up sheet on the Welcome Desk. For further information tel Ruth
0207 359 6474.
CONSIDERING CONFIRMATION? The Bishop of Stepney will be coming to Christ Church for a
Confirmation Service on Sunday 1 February 2015 at 11am. If you would like to get confirmed
please talk to Jonathan or Charis to find out more. We encourage confirmation candidates to
attend a faith exploration course, such as Pilgrim, and to come to two confirmation preparation
evenings on Wednesday 14 & 21 January 2015. To register your interest, email your details to
Charis: [email protected].
KEEP IN TOUCH! Most of you will be receiving the newly-instated weekly email from us. If you
are not and would like to receive it please email Wendy: [email protected]
SPIRE REPAIRS AND HERITAGE DIGITISATION project support needed! The Heritage Lottery
Fund (HLF) will let us know on 4 December if our funding application is successful. To be ready
to make a start on heritage digitisation - our community engagement project required by HLF we are looking for advice and support from people with experience or an interest in archiving
and/or history. If you think you might be able to help please ask Janet Gilbert or Evelyn Thomas
for further information, or email [email protected]
HOW TO GIVE - Giving from the congregation is our major source of income - over 70% of the
total - and vital to the mission of the church. Thank you to all those who continue to give so
generously. If you would like to discuss further please talk to the clergy or Evelyn Thomas, the
giving secretary. Leaflets explaining the giving process are available on the welcome desk or go
Roots down – branches out –
ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS is a charity which teaches English and
whose students are looked after by a dedicated team of teachers and volunteers. Lunch is
provided 5 days a week and food parcels distributed to those most in need. The Centre is
regularly short of non-perishable food to hand out and would appreciate donations such as bags
of lentils, pasta, rice, sugar, cans of tuna, tins of tomatoes, milk, soup, fruit, custard, stock cubes,
instant coffee, tea bags, cereal, etc. These items should be left, clearly marked for the Centre,
on the table to the right of the hatch in the Fellowship Room on Sundays. Contributions in cash
are equally welcome (please pass on to me directly or the Church Office). Thank you. Christine
HOST is looking for friendly, hospitable people who would like the idea of welcoming an
international student at a UK university to their home, for a day, a weekend or Christmas.
Students will gladly travel for the privilege of meeting you, learning about real life in this
country, and sharing their own culture. HOST is a voluntary activity which makes ambassadors
for international goodwill of us all. Please see or call HOST 020 7739 6292. Thank
you. Margaret Stevens, Publicity Officer, HOST.
November 16
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Christian Meditation
Notices for this sheet should reach the Church Office by 12 noon on Thursday. Thank you.
Almighty and eternal God,
From whose love in Christ we cannot be parted,
Either by death or life:
Hear our prayers and thanksgivings for all whom we remember this day;
Fulfil in them the purpose of your love;
And bring us all, with them, to your eternal joy;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
MONDAY, November 10
Psalm 20
Daniel 4:19-end
* For Islington Deanery Synod as it meets here this evening
* For the saints on earth, that they may live as citizens of heaven
TUESDAY, November 11
Psalm 21
Daniel 5:1-12
* For stability in Burkino Faso
* For all people, that they may hear and believe the word of God
WEDNESDAY, November 12
Psalm 23
* For local shops and businesses
* For all who fear the winter months
Daniel 5:13-end
THURSDAY, November 13
Psalm 26
Daniel 6
* For the fight against Ebola and the many suffering because of it
* For all sovereigns and political leaders, that they may imitate the righteous rule of Christ
FRIDAY, November 14
Psalm 32
Daniel 7:1-14
* For wisdom for the leaders of our Youth Club as they meet this evening
* For all who grieve or wait with the dying
SATURDAY, November 15
Psalm 33
Daniel 7:15-end
* For those struggling to live in areas with extreme weather conditions
* For our homes, families, friends and all whom we love
SUNDAY, November 16
Psalm 98
2 Peter 1
* For us all as we come together to worship today
* For the universal Church
CLERGY: 7354 0741
(NB Friday = day off)
Revd Jonathan Brewster
Revd Tania Witter: 7226 6908
Revd Charis Enga: 07584 622091
(NB Saturday = day off)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Paddy Marsh: 7226 5726
Polly Arthur: 7359 2571
[email protected]
George Brett: 07951 720416
[email protected]
Dom Sadler: 07762 917930
[email protected]
7354 0741
Wendy Holloway: 7354 0741
[email protected]
(NB Weekdays apart from Wednesday)