CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY May 3rd, 2015 – The Fifth Sunday of


CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY May 3rd, 2015 – The Fifth Sunday of
May 3rd, 2015 – The Fifth Sunday of Easter
Welcome to Christ Church
If you are new to Christ Church or need to tell us of any change
of address, please fill in a white card from the pew chair
pockets and hand it in at the Welcome Desk in the Fellowship
Room, where coffee is served after the 11am service.
Leader: Jonathan Brewster
Preacher: Tania Witter
Reading: John 15: 1-8
Leader: Jonathan Brewster
Preacher: Tania Witter
Reading: John 15: 1-8
*If you would prefer to receive non-alcoholic wine, please
bring this noticesheet with you to the altar-rail
Leader: Polly Arthur
PLEASE PRAY FOR – Donald Johnson, Rosemary Mitchell and Jane Kelloe and Margaret
Buckingham (Names of people to be prayed for appear for four weeks)
and also our five Mission Links – Cambodia Action, Church Mission Society in the Middle East,
Church Army (UK), Potential Edge (Uganda), and the Delhi Bible Institute.
Prayer Ministry: Members of the team will be in the Prayer Corner after the 11am service to
pray with anyone who would value this.
MORNING PRAYER –Monday 9am, Tuesday 9am, Wednesday 10.30am, Thursday 9am.
VISITS - if you would like a visit from one of the visiting team, call the office on 7354 0741.
VESTRY HOUR – Mondays, 5.30-6.30pm, in the Vicarage Basement. Please come to Vestry Hour
if you would like to talk to one of the clergy. No appointment required.
You are welcome to take this noticesheet away with you
OFFICE OPENING HOURS: The office will be closed from the 11th – 14th May and will open again
on Friday 15th May. If you would like any notices put in for the week of the 17th May please
could you let me have them by 4.30pm Thursday 7th - I will be putting the Notice Sheet together
before I go away and wouldn’t want to miss any out. Thanks, Jules.
LUNCH CLUB: The next lunch club will be held on Wednesday 6th May, 12-1.30pm. There is a
varied programme for these lunches including music and other entertainment and absolutely
anyone over the age of 60 living in Highbury is welcome! To find out more please contact Sarah
Brewster or Michelle Paton via the church office on 020 7354 0741. Please sign up in advance at
the welcome desk. Hope to see you there.
YOUTH BREAKFAST: On 17th of May at 10am there will be a youth breakfast. All youth are
welcome to come along, meet other young people of 11+ and have a cooked breakfast! If you
are interested speak with Dom Sadler, and sign-up at the welcome desk to make sure there is
enough for everybody!
PARISH AWAY WEEKEND: Book your place at the 2015 Christ Church visit to High Leigh Friday
5th - Sunday 7th June. Room allocations are on a first come first served basis so please book
early and make payment to secure your place. Forms are available to download on the website
( and can be handed
into the Welcome desk at church or email to and for further information
contact: [email protected]
We're really looking forward to seeing members of the congregation at the weekend away - if
you are joining us and you haven't yet paid please can you do so this week to confirm your
place. If you're having any difficulty paying please do speak to a member of the organising team
or the clergy team so that we can help.
CALLING ALL 16+ YEAR OLDS/STUDENTS: Fancy an "all-expenses paid" weekend in the
country?? We are looking for some older teenagers/students to help Sarah Whiteman run the
children's sessions at the church weekend on 6th/7th June. No preparation needed - we just
need willing volunteers! Contact Emma ([email protected]) for more info.
FLOWERS FOR THE CHURCH: Valerie Brett would like to remind everyone that it is possible each
Sunday to donate money for flowers in memorium or to mark any special occasion.
If you have any photos you would be willing to share, please get in touch with
[email protected]
HOW TO GIVE - Giving from the congregation is our major source of income - over 70% of the
total - and vital to the mission of the church. Thank you to all those who continue to give so
generously. If you would like to discuss further please talk to the clergy or Evelyn Thomas, the
giving secretary. Leaflets explaining the giving process are available on the welcome desk or go
Roots down – branches out –
SPIRE REPAIRS AND HERITAGE DIGITISATION: Thank you to everyone who has completed the
on-line form to give your views on a new Highbury Heritage visitor centre at Christ Church. The
survey is now closed and a summary report will be available soon. Thank you to all those who
indicated interest in involvement as a volunteer, to help develop and maintain the visitor centre
and audiovisual facility. We will let everyone have more details of volunteer opportunities. This
project will enable us to prepare our stage 2 application – for a grant of £200,000 to repair the
spire – and to meet the Heritage Lottery Fund criteria that more people and a wider range of
CCH PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT VACANCY: Christ Church Playgroup Highbury is looking for a
Playgroup Assistant to join the team from September 2015. The role is 9am -1.30pm Monday to
Friday (9am - 2.30pm on Thursdays), term-time only. Would you, or anyone you know, be
interested in applying for this job? Please contact Josie Edwards at the Playgroup for an
application pack on 020 7354 3117 or email [email protected]. The
Playgroup is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to all aspects of safeguarding
children, including enhanced DBS checks.
ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS is a charity which teaches English and
whose students are looked after by a dedicated team of teachers and volunteers. Lunch is
provided and food parcels distributed to those most in need. The Centre is regularly short of
non-perishable food to hand out and would appreciate donations such as bags of lentils, pasta,
rice, sugar, cans of tuna, tins of tomatoes, milk, soup, fruit, custard, stock cubes, instant coffee,
tea bags, cereal, etc. These items should be left, clearly marked for the Centre, on the table to
the right of the hatch in the Fellowship Room on Sundays. Contributions in cash are equally
welcome (please pass on to me directly or the Church Office). Thank you. Christine O’Brien.
May 10th
Holy Communion
All Age
Holy Communion
Notices for this sheet should reach the Church Office by 12 noon on Thursday. Thank you.
Risen Christ,
Your wounds declare your love for the world
And the wonder of your risen life:
Give us compassion and courage
To risk ourselves for those we serve,
To the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Psalm 145
1 Peter 1: 1-12
* For all those killed in the Nepal earthquake, their families and all who have been affected.
* Those in fear of death, that they may find faith in the resurrection
Psalm 19
1 Peter 1: 13-end
* For the Playgroup fair happening here this Saturday and for good weather for them
* All who are sick in mind, body or spirit
Psalm 30
1 Peter 2: 1-10
* For all those attending and helping the lunch club being held in the fellowship room today
* The social services
Psalm 57
1 Peter 2: 11-end
* For all groups who use the Church and it’s rooms each week
* Local government and community leaders
Psalm 138
* For all those who are struggling to find work
* The Queen, members of parliament and the armed forces
1 Peter 3: 1-12
Psalm 145
* For all who are new to Christ Church
* Our homes, families, friends and all whom we love
1 Peter 3: 13-end
SUNDAY, May 10
Psalm 104.28-34
* For us all as we come together to worship today
* The universal church
John 21: 1-19
CLERGY: 7354 0741
(NB Friday = day off)
Revd Jonathan Brewster
Revd Tania Witter: 7226 6908
Revd Charis Enga:
[email protected]
[email protected]
On Maternity Leave
Paddy Marsh: 7226 5726
Polly Arthur: 7359 2571
[email protected]
Dom Sadler: 07762 917930
Simon Mason:
[email protected]
[email protected]
7354 0741
Juliette Soanes: 7354 0741
[email protected]
(NB Weekdays apart from Wednesday)