Special Olympics you would like additional remit- Special Olympics Fall Festival


Special Olympics you would like additional remit- Special Olympics Fall Festival
Volume 28, Issue 3 / November 2014
Kingsway Learning Center
Parent Briefs
Christine Robinson, Executive Director
Frank G. Fragale, Elementary Program Administrator
Special Olympics
Special Olympics Fall Festival
was last weekend, and Kingsway
was well represented by the
Cougars Soccer Team (winning a
Bronze medal) and the Unified
Flag Football Team (winning a
Silver medal). Congratulations!
Floor Hockey season begins with
the first game on November 16.
The place and time are still to be
determined. Go Cougars!
It’s Annual Fund Time!
This month, Kingsway will kickoff
its Annual Fund Campaign. Look
for your package in the mail. If
No Pre-School
The Paisley Pickles
End of Marking Period
14 School Closed for
26 Early Dismissal, 1:00
27, 28 Thanksgiving Break
End of Marking Period
School Closed for
26 Early Dismissal, 1:00
27, 28 Thanksgiving Break
Important Dates
Veteran’s Day
Philip Rodriguez, Secondary Program Administrator
you would like additional remittance envelopes to share with
family and/or friends, contact
Stefanie at (856) 428-8108 or
[email protected].
“Toys for Tots” Kicks-Off
at the Moorestown Campus
Moorestown will
be participating
in the annual
"Toys for Tots"
drive sponsored
by the Marine
Corps Reserves.
Donations of new, unwrapped
toys can be dropped off at the
Moorestown Campus before
December 11, 2014. Kingsway
Moorestown will be a “Toys for
Tots” collection point for supplying toys to the needy and disabled children in our area. Thank
you for your support!
Share Your Favorite Recipe
Jane Murray’s Elementary Program class is putting together a
school cookbook. Please send in
a recipe (or a few!) that is your
child’s favorite or is a family favorite. You can either send the
recipe to school with your child or
it can be emailed to:
[email protected].
Please include the name of the
recipe, the ingredients needed
and the steps needed to follow.
Please send in your recipe(s) by
Friday, November 14. Don’t forget to include your child’s name.
Miss Jane’s Class is planning on
having the cookbook ready for
sale for holiday gift-giving.
Coach® Bag Bingo a Great,
and Stylish, Success!
Last month, Kingsway hosted its
first Coach® Bag Bingo and it
proved to be a wonderful and
profitable event! More than 170
guests attended and 12 Coach
handbags, nine gift baskets and
five doorprizes were won. Everyone had a great time and many
were asking when the next
Coach® Bingo would be held!
While we don’t have a date for
next year yet, we can report that
this year’s Bingo earned
Kingsway more than $7,000!
Many, many thanks to all who
helped make this event a success: guests, volunteers, our
great Home & School Association
for the delicious baked goods,
our AMAZING custodial staff and
all who donated bottled water.
Special thanks to those who donated a bottle of wine. The response was so great that we
were able to create three Wine
Baskets for our auction!
Thank you one and all!
Page 2
Parent Briefs
Advice & Information from Kingsway’s Nursing Staff About Flu Season
he flu is a respiratory illness
caused by the influenza virus that infects the nose, throat and lungs. It is
contagious and easily spread through
droplets when one sneezes, coughs or
talks or, less often, by droplets landing
on surfaces we then touch. We may
spread the flu virus to others even before we know we are sick, up to a day
before symptoms develop and as long
as 5-7 days after we are sick. It can
lead to a mild illness but may also
cause a severe illness and even
death. Flu symptoms we may see are
fever, chills, sore throat, runny or
stuffy nose, muscle or body aches,
headaches and fatigue. Children may
also experience vomiting and diarrhea.
You may also have the flu without a
Only a small number of people should
not get the flu vaccine: infants under
6 months of age, or those with egg allergies or a history of a severe reaction
to other vaccines. You should also wait
if you have a fever to get the vaccine
once you are well. The vaccine is best
given in early fall, as it may
take 2 weeks to develop pro-
ve to
ay w flu is by
The getting vaccine
avoi ing the f
clean, we can keep our school and our
families healthy during this upcoming
flu season. Also be reminded that if you
or your child has a fever (over 100.4)
you should not be going to work or
sending your child to school. You
should be fever free without use of
medication for 24 hours before returning to school. It is hard to prevent the
spread of many illnesses but when you
know you are sick, you should limit
your contact with others.
It is important that you talk to your
healthcare provider as soon as possible to find out if the flu vaccine is the
tection. The right choice for you and your children.
protection lasts for
More detailed information about the flu
months up to a year. Peak sea- vaccine can be found on the CDC’s Vacson for flu usually is in the winter but
cination Information Sheet which can
may last into the spring. Many may fear be found on the internet at:
that receiving the vaccine will cause the
The best way we have to avoid getting
flu. This is not the case, however you
the flu is by getting the flu vaccine. Just may develop some minor symptoms
about everyone over the age of
after you get your vaccination, such as
6 months should get the flu vaccine.
pain, itching, swelling and redness at
Young children, elderly, pregnant
injection site, fever, aches, fatigue,
women and those with underlying
cough or redness of the eyes. These
health issues are at increased risk for
symptoms usually last 1-2 days.
serious complications, therefore it is
very important that they receive the
Good hand washing and proper hyvaccine.
giene, together with keeping surfaces
Work & Play
in Pre-School
By Susan Billos
Pre-School Teacher
In Pre-School, we love our sensory play
table! The table is filled with different
play materials depending on the season
or our classroom theme. In September,
our table was filled with red shredded
paper, small toy apples, red and green
dish scrubbers, cinnamon sticks, and so
on to create a multi-sensory apple play
experience. In October, we filled our
table with cloth leaves, mini pumpkins,
pine cones, gourds, orange dish scrubbers, etc., for a fall theme. This is a fun
way to give the children a hands-on,
tactile play experience that works on
fine motor and language skills, and en-
courages self-initiated play, pretend play
and social interaction. We also add small
containers, buckets, shovels and scoops
so that we can encourage filling and
dumping, and work on concepts such as
empty/full, in/out, big/little, etc.
At home, you can use a large plastic
lidded bin as your play container, which
can be filled with sand, cornmeal, salt,
dry oatmeal, macaroni and so on. When
choosing materials, keep in mind any
special consideration for your own child,
such as allergies and choking hazards.
The possibilities are endless!
Stefanie Mis, Editor
[email protected]
(856) 428-8108
Published monthly by
Kingsway Learning Center’s
Community Relations Department to keep
parents informed of school events and
issues relevant to special education.
Elementary Program
144 Kings Highway West
Haddonfield, N.J. 08033
(856) 428-8108
Secondary Program
244 West Route 38
Moorestown, N.J. 08057
(856) 234-4442