\ President’s Message


\ President’s Message
NUMBER 20/14 – 7 November 2014
Mayor Barry Jarvis
Dorset Council
President’s Message
As I write my first column for the LGAT newsletter, I can
only reflect on what a big couple of weeks it has been
for everyone remotely interested in Local Government.
The retirement of the LGAT President, now ex-Mayor
Barry Easther, and the election of 14 new mayors, with
a significant rise in females obtaining the top position,
and many new councillors across the State, certainly
the term ‘new era for Local Government’ is very apt.
I must congratulate all newcomers to Local
Government and wish those that have retired or been
unsuccessful all the best for the future. Thank you all for
the significant effort that you have made to make your
communities a better place to live, work, or visit. I urge
all elected members, whether newly elected or not, to
take advantage of the professional development
opportunities that LGAT will offer over the coming
The Local Government sector will face many
challenges over the next four years with the fiscal
constraints being experienced by both federal and
state governments finding its way to us. This in turn will
lead for calls around resource-sharing, mergers or
amalgamation. On these issues we must lead the
discussion with not only interest groups but, more
importantly, the communities we are elected to
represent. The space and leadership must be filled by
Local Government.
In closing, it is sad to note the recent passing of Jack
Rheinberger. Jack was the MC of the annual Local
Government Conference for many years and a former
Sorell Councillor. I pass onto Robin and all those he
leaves behind our deepest sympathies - a man surely
Voluntary Council Amalgamations
The Minister for Planning and Local Government, Hon
Peter Gutwein MP will soon invite mayors from
Tasmania's 29 councils to a series of meetings around
Tasmania to discuss voluntary amalgamations. The
State Government has proposed a meeting with
mayors in each of the three regions of Tasmania over
the next three months to discuss the process for
voluntary amalgamations and develop principles to
guide future discussions.
In his letter to mayors, the Minister will outline four
starting principles that any change must: be in the
interest of ratepayers; improve the level of services for
communities; preserve and maintain local
representation; and ensure that the financial status of
the entities is strengthened. The State Government is
also committed to enabling councils to have various
models for resource-sharing and if further resources are
required, that will be considered as part of future budget
processes. All mayors are encouraged to undertake
community consultation as part of this process to ensure
good outcomes for councils and the communities they
Each year, local councils in Tasmania generate $680
million of operating revenues, including $400 million in
rates, spend nearly $700 million, employ almost 3,500
Tasmanians and manage infrastructure worth more than
$6.5 billion.
2014 Tasmanian Local Government
Elections bring Significant Change
Tasmania's Local Government Elections have brought
sweeping change across the State's 29 councils. The
introduction of all-in, all-out elections and the removal of
the twelve-month qualification period for the positions of
mayor and deputy mayor resulted in a record number of
candidates running in the Local Government Elections.
A total of 476 candidates nominated for 263 councillor
positions, 91 candidates nominated for 29 mayoral
positions, and 143 candidates nominated for 29 deputy
mayoral positions.
Among the suite of changes, 14 new mayors were
elected across the State, including one mayor who is
new the sector. Women have also gained a stronger
foothold within Local Government, with 9 women being
elected to the position of mayor, and a further 9 women
to the position of deputy mayor. To view the election
results, visit
Mayors’ Handbook and
Councillor Resource Kit Available
The Mayors’ Handbook and Councillor Resource Kit,
developed by the Local Government Association of
Tasmania, have been updated and are now available
on the LGAT website at
www.lgat.tas.gov.au/page.aspx?u=655 and
www.lgat.tas.gov.au/page.aspx?u=232 respectively.
Local Government Association of Tasmania
326 Macquarie Street, Hobart. GPO Box 1521, Hobart, TAS 7001
Ph: (03) 6233 5966 Fax: (03) 6233 5986 Email: [email protected]
Vale Jack Rheinberger
It is with great sadness that LGAT acknowledges the passing of Jack Rheinberger following
a short illness, on 28 October, aged 76. Jack has had a long connection with Local
Government in Tasmania, having served as Councillor at Sorell Council from 2000 – 2009,
and as MC for the annual Local Government Conference for over a decade. Jack will
be fondly remembered for his zest for life and mischievous, fun-loving approach to all that
he did. He is survived by his wife Robin, their five children and ten grandchildren, and will
be greatly missed by all.
Health Council of Tasmania Appointment
Clr Dr Graham Bury of Kingborough Council has been appointed to the State
Government’s newly-formed Health Council of Tasmania for a period of two years. The initiative is part of a
substantive reform agenda to improve the health outcomes of Tasmanians and the sustainability of the Tasmanian
health system. The Health Council of Tasmania will provide representative views of key stakeholders across the
Tasmanian health system.
Glenorchy City Recognised for Community Health Initiatives
Congratulations to Glenorchy City Council which was announced the State winner of the Heart Foundation Local
Government Awards in Tasmania for councils with populations greater
than 15,000. At the national level, Glenorchy City Council also
received a Joint Highly Commended Award. The Heart Foundation
Local Government Awards provide an opportunity for councils to
celebrate their achievements and receive recognition for their
commitment to creating healthy communities. Glenorchy City
Council has implemented a number of initiatives as a result of its
strategic direction around improving the health and wellbeing of the
community. These include the Healthy Communities Initiative –
Glenorchy on the Go, the Healthy Communities Framework 2014 2023, and the Glenorchy Art and Sculpture Park on the Elwick Bay
Photo by Ben Hosking
Foreshore. Smoke-free strategies have also been implemented
including ensuring all council run community events are smoke-free.
Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Hearings
A commonwealth parliamentary committee will hold two public hearings this month on the constitutional
recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The first hearing will be held at the Reception Room,
Parliament House, Hobart, from 9.00am – 3.00pm, on 13 November. The second hearing will take place from 9.00am
– 1.00pm, on 12 November, at Chalmers Hall, 163 St John Street, Launceston. The Joint Select Committee on
Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples would like to hear the views of the
Tasmanian community and its leaders on steps towards recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in
the Australian Constitution at a referendum. The committee published an interim report in July which can be found
online at www.aph.gov.au/jscatsi. For information, call 1800 728 963, or email [email protected].
NRM Survey – Have Your Say!
Tasmania’s three natural resource management (NRM) organisations are in the process of developing new
strategies for the state’s NRM regions. The regional strategies, that run from 2015-2020, are developed by NRM South,
NRM North and Cradle Coast NRM on behalf of their respective communities. The NRM organisations are seeking
input from interested stakeholders and community via an online survey, which takes about 15-20 minutes to
complete. Results from the survey will be collated and used to support development of the regional strategies.
Have your say on the future management and priorities for your region by completing the survey by 10 November,
at www.surveymonkey.com/s/5HHYKXR.
Stop Violence towards Women – Support White Ribbon Day
Violence against women is a serious problem in Australia. On average, one woman is killed every week as a result of
intimate partner violence and one in three women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence perpetrated
by someone known to them. Domestic and family violence is the principal cause of homelessness for women and
children and one in four children are exposed to domestic violence - a recognised form of child abuse. White
Ribbon is Australia’s male-led campaign to end men’s violence against women and 25 November is White Ribbon
Day. You can help by organising an event to help raise awareness, by taking the oath never to commit, excuse or
remain silent about violence against women, or by becoming a White Ribbon Ambassador. Visit the White Ribbon
website at www.whiteribbon.org.au for more information.
Paddle Safe this Summer
The Paddle Safe Program, developed by Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST) and Surf Life Saving Tasmania (SLST),
aims to improve the knowledge and skills of the recreational paddler. Information about general water safety,
weather reports, safety equipment and correct paddling techniques are covered as part of the program to help
paddlers increase their enjoyment of the sport, as well as making them aware of the risks. Paddle Safe sessions will
be held around Tasmania from December to March and the organisers are looking forward to working with councils
to promote this innovative program. For more information, phone Ian Ross at MAST on 6235 8859, or 0457 826 975.
Volunteer Christmas Gift Wrappers Needed
Volunteers are needed to help raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation by helping to man the ‘pop up’ gift
wrapping station at Myer in Hobart and Launceston, between 11-24 December. During scheduled times, customers
can have their Christmas gifts wrapped for a small donation to the Leukaemia
Foundation. Wrapping shifts will be of 2-3 hours duration and are done in pairs.
A briefing will be provided beforehand. If you love getting into the Christmas
Spirit and can volunteer a few hours for this wonderful fundraiser, please contact
Kate Baker on [email protected], or phone 6231 0650 or 0400 084 685.
Grants & Awards
National Stronger Regions Fund
The National Stronger Regions Fund is an initiative to boost social and economic development in Australia’s regions
by funding priority infrastructure projects in local communities. The Australian Government has committed $1 billion
to the fund over five years, commencing from 2015-2016. Funding will be provided for capital projects which involve
construction of new infrastructure, or the upgrade, extension or enhancement of existing infrastructure. Projects
selected for funding should deliver an economic benefit to the region beyond the period of construction, and
should support disadvantaged regions or areas of disadvantage within a region. Local Government and
incorporated not-for-profit organisations are eligible to apply for grants of between $20,000 and $10 million.
Applications close on 28 November 2015. For information on how to apply, visit
Nominations for the 2015 National Youth Awards Now Open
Applications for the 2015 National Youth Awards (NYA) are now open. The NYA celebrate and recognise
exceptional young Australians. The award categories include the: Youth Leadership Award; Youth Culture and
Diversity Award; Youth Employment Award; Youth Courage Award; Youth Health Award; Youth Safety Award; and
Youth Media Award. If you know a young Australian who should be recognised for their achievements, please
nominate. Applications close on 27 November. To find out more, visit www.youthweek.com/nya.
Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
Elected Member Professional Development – Local Government 101
On 22 November, LGAT will be delivering a professional development day for newly elected members in Launceston
which will cover: roles and responsibilities under the Local Government Act; the relationship with the general
manager and the mayor; acting as a member of the planning authority; strategic planning requirements including
financial and asset planning; pecuniary interests and offences under the Act; and meeting procedures. Don’t miss
this opportunity to hone your skills as a newly elected member. For further details, log onto the LGAT website at
www.lgat.tas.gov.au, click on the Extranet Login tab and enter your Council’s password, or email
[email protected] to request a registration form.
Making Your Municipality Age-Friendly and Opportunities for your Council – Book Now!
Three free workshops on the World Health Organisation’s Age-Friendly Cities concept and opportunities for Local
Government will be held this month by the Council on the Ageing Tasmania (COTA). Councils may send up to four
participants each and are encouraged to invite staff from planning and community development teams, as well as
representation from older people in your community such as Council Advisory Committee members. RSVP as soon
as possible to [email protected], or phone 6233 5960. The workshops will be held from: 12.30pm 3.30pm on 12 November, at the Tailrace Centre, Riverside; 9.30am - 12.30pm on 13 November, at St Brigid’s School
Hall, Wynyard; and from 9.30am - 12.30pm on 14 November, at the Tas. Hockey Centre, Cornelian Bay, Hobart.
Clever Cities, Creative Spaces: Igniting Investment, Jobs and Growth
Smart cities are great spaces for us to live, work and play, and they help our
economy grow. Leading global urban thinker, Charles Landry will help join the
dots to create vibrant and prosperous communities. Charles Landry is an
international authority on the use of imagination and creativity in urban
change. He helps cities identify and make the most of their resources and to
reach their potential by triggering their inventiveness and thinking. His overall
aim is to help cities become more prosperous, culturally confident, resilient and
self-sustaining. Refreshments will be available from 5.30pm, followed by the
presentation at 6.00pm, on 10 November, at the MS2 Lecture Theatre, Medical
Science Precinct, Cnr Liverpool and Campbell Sts, Hobart. Find out more at
www.events.utas.edu.au, or phone 6226 2521.
Engagement Essentials
A one-day course, presented by IAP2 Australasia, on community engagement will be held in Hobart, on
12 November. The session is the first module of three that enables participants to gain the Australasian Certificate in
Engagement encompassing essential training for community and stakeholder engagement practitioners. The
training is hands-on and participants are encouraged to share their stories and experiences. Cost is $550 (IAP2
members) and $660 (non-members). See details at www.iap2.org.au/events/event/Engagement-Essentials-Hobart.
Knowledge Partnering and Community Innovation
A special networking event and book launch on the topic of knowledge partnering and community innovation,
hosted by the Institute for Regional Development at the University of Tasmania, will be held in Burnie on 12
November, and in Launceston on 13 November. Both events will feature guest speaker, Professor Jo Barraket from
the Centre for Social Impact and the launch of the new book, Knowledge Partnering for Community Development
(Routledge, 2014) by UTAS Associate Professor Robyn Eversole. For further details, call 6430 4949, or RSVP to
[email protected] indicating which event you plan to attend.
2015 LGMA Tasmania Mentoring Program
Nominations for the 2015 LGMA Tasmania Mentoring Program are now open. The overall Mentoring Program will run
for 9 months, commencing in February 2015. Mentees and mentors will be expected to attend three facilitated
workshops to be held in February, July and November 2015. Regional check-in sessions will also be held
approximately two months into the program. Expressions of interest, either as a mentor or mentee, are invited by 21
November. Information on the Program is available online at http://tas.lgma.org.au/expression-of-interest-2015mentoring-program.
Engineers Australia Convention 2014
Convention 2014, run by Engineers Australia, will be the largest engineering event ever held in the Southern
Hemisphere, presenting all disciplines of the engineering profession in one place. The Convention theme of Our
Voice, Our Future will deliver cross-disciplinary forums exploring global issues on transport and infrastructure, nuclear
and energy security, and provide thought leadership that will influence the future of engineering in Australia. The
convention will be held from 24-28 November in Melbourne. For details, visit http://convention2014.org.au.
Bushfire Training Opportunity
The University of Technology Sydney together with the Tasmania Fire Service will run a short course in Development
and Building in Bushfire Prone Areas, in Hobart, from 24-28 November. Successful completion of this course is the
pathway to be a Provisional Accredited Practitioner for Bushfire Hazard Assessments. This course is suitable for
council officers who work in the planning and building areas who want a thorough understanding of the subject. To
reserve a seat, or to find out more, contact Mark Chladil at [email protected], or phone (03) 6230 8615.
Tasmanian Event Exchange
Expand your events knowledge, network and discover how to create a rewarding relationship with your event at the
9th Tasmanian Event Exchange, to be held by the TasTAFE Diploma of Events team on 25 November, at the Drysdale
Campus Hobart. Some features of this year’s event exchange are: Byron Bay Bluesfest Director, Peter Noble will
reveal how to make an event popular and profitable in the long-term; MONA’S Head Risk Management, John
Kirwan will explore blending creativity with risk; author Anna Maguire will share her expertise on crowdfunding and
provide an international perspective on digital content; and a lively panel discussion on the do’s and don’ts to
avoid a disaster at your event. Find out more at http://taseventexchange.wix.com/tastafe.
Local Government Forum - Health and Wellbeing
A free health and wellbeing forum, specifically tailored for Tasmanian Local Government and interested community
organisations, will be held to showcase a range of health and wellbeing initiatives and services to encourage and
support Local Government representatives and community organisations to get involved with physical activity in their
community. The forum will take place from 10.00am – 3.00pm, on 5 December, at Splash Devonport Aquatic and
Leisure Centre, Devonport. To register, email [email protected], or phone 1800 252 476.
2015 LGMA Australasian Management Challenge
Registrations for the 2015 LGMA Australasian Management Challenge are now open. The Management Challenge
is a sophisticated development program designed to deliver personal, team and organisational professional
development. It’s hard work but also great fun. Your Council is encouraged to enter a team and participate in this
rewarding program. Councils can also join with other councils to make up a team. Register before 12 December
and save! For further information, visit www.managementchallenge.com.au, or email
[email protected].
Local Government Events
National Local Roads and Transport Congress, Tamworth
General Meeting, Launceston
Introduction to the Role of Mayor, Launceston
Mayor’s Professional Development Day, Launceston
Local Government 101, Launceston
General Management Committee Meeting, Hobart
Elected Members’ Professional Development Weekend,
12-14 November
19 November
19 November
20 November
22 November
2 December
28 February – 1 March 2015