Sunday, November 23 6:00 pm Fellowship Hall Preschool Jam Kids Choir to sing Sunday, November 9 4:30 pm Worship Choir Rehearsal Thursday, Nov. 13-Monday, Nov. 17 PICTORIAL DIRECTORY DATES Wednesday Night Meals Sunday, Nov. 23-Tuesday, Nov. 25 PICTORIAL DIRECTORY DATES Sunday, November 16 6:00 pm 2015 Budget Vote 4:30 pm Worship Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, November 19 8:00 am Mother’s Day Out Praise Feast 6:00 pm Operation Christmas Child Packing Party Sunday, November 23 10:30 am Church Council Nominations 4:30 pm Worship Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm Stewardship Banquet/ Preschool JaM Kids Choir Performs Thursday, Nov. 27-Friday, Nov. 28 OFFICE CLOSED Outreach Stewardship Banquet November 2014 November 5 Turkey & Dressing Green Beans Sweet Potato Casserole Slaw Pies A Monthly Publication of West Jackson Street Baptist Church Wednesdays @ 4:45 pm November 12 Fish Chicken Tenders French Fries Cheese Grits Slaw Chocolate Cobbler November 19 November 26 Grilled Chicken No Meal Baked Potato Salad Strawberry Shortcake Kids: Corndogs Nuggets French Fries Kids: Hot Dogs French Fries Sympathy The Staff and Church Family of West Jackson express our sincerest sympathy to: James & Margaret Cobb and family in the loss of his brother, Rickey Cobb; Evelyn Vest and family in the loss of her grandson, Michael Brian “Mickey” Sudduth; Regular Schedule Sundays 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Morning Worship 5:00 PM JaM Kids Choir Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies 6:00 PM Evening Worship Wednesdays 10:30 AM Morning Bible Study 4:45 PM Wednesday Night Meal 6:00 PM Adult Prayer Service Adult Worship Choir Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies Youth Worship All Stars for Jesus Juanita Donaford and family in the loss of her sister, Gaitha Putnam; Barbara Hoard, Eric & Lori Hoard, and Lisa Hoard in the loss of Barbara’s husband and Eric and Lisa’s father, Marvin Hoard Welcome New Members: Waylon Britton Amy Britton Merle Temple Judy Temple Thank You A thank you card was received by the church from: The Wade Bivens family Jane Cox Juanita Donaford The Travis Holloway family Year to Date Contributions Year to Date 2014 September 7 September 14 September 21 September 28 General Fund Budget $24,963 $24,963 $24,963 $24,963 General Fund Receipts 26,224 15,937 18,001 19,119 Over/Under 1,261 (9,027) (6,962) (5,844) Building Fund Receipts 900 300 350 2,900 Designated Receipts 2,608 1,054 547 1,168 *October’s totals will be published in the December Newsletter Sept. 2014 Year to Date $99,852 $973,557 79,280 813,515 (20,572) (160,042) 4,450 37,535 5,377 145,893 A Word from the Pastor... Invest For Eternity A special focal point for West Jackson this month is the budget. We will vote on the budget on November 16. We have a Stewardship Banquet on November 23. There will be conversations, challenges, and commitments that center on the budget. As a church, we need to be faithful when it comes to stewardship. We need to be faithful to give our offerings unto the Lord. Giving is an act of worship. We worship God for His goodness through various ways, and giving is one of them. We give because we love Jesus. 2 Corinthians 8-9 talks about giving because we love Jesus. We also need to be faithful to our word. As a church when we vote on a church budget we should be faithful to give to that budget. And we are also faithful to give so we can be a part of God’s work. West Jackson is ministering to families and reaching people with the Gospel. Whether we are reaching them here in Tupelo, Lee County, Mississippi, St Louis, Vermont, or South Africa, when we give to the ministry of the church, we are each taking part in the kingdom of God. As we each give our tithes and offerings, we are actively worshipping God, expressing our love to Jesus, and participating in the Kingdom work of West Jackson. My prayer is for each of us to actively engage in this ministry through the stewardship of our finances, our service, and our active involvement. When we engage our lives in God’s work, we are investing for eternity. Bro. Keith Keith Cochran Pastor November 2014 Upcoming Mission Opportunities for November & December Food Pantry Join others in your Sunday School Class in donating to the Food Pantry. It’s a great opportunity to help those in our community during a very needy time of the year. Operation Christmas Child Don’t miss out on our annual Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child. Angel Tree One of the ways we share hope and help each year is by adopting an angel from our Angel Tree. Share the love of Christ with a child of a prisoner this Christmas. Lottie Moon December brings our annual Lottie Moon Foreign Missions Christmas Offering. Pray as to how God would have you give this year to help support our brothers and sisters spreading the love and great news of Christ in foreign mission fields. [email protected] @keithwcochran HUNGER · LOVE · PASSION Church Wide Events Preschool & Children Lisa Hofmister, Director of Preschool & Children · [email protected] Church Pictorial Directory November 13-17, 23-25 Don’t forget to keep your appointment! Pictures will be made in Building “A”. Please arrive on time and ready. theOutreach November 2014 West Jackson Street Baptist Church 1349 West Jackson Street Tupelo, MS 38801 www.westjackson.com (662) 842-7875 STAFF Packing Party Wednesday, November 19, 6:00 pm Fellowship Hall This year’s goal: 225 boxes What goes into an Operation Christmas Child shoebox is fun… what comes out could change lives forever. Many items are already being donated, so please watch for details on what to bring! Also, be sure to start collecting your “fast food” toys (these make great “happies” in the shoeboxes). You can also bag any hard candies left over from trick-or-treating. Items can all be dropped off in the preschool lobby anytime. Ministry of Prison Fellowship Do you realize that there are hundreds of children in Lee county that will spend this Christmas with at least one parent in prison? For some, this will be their first Christmas without them, and for others, it will be one of many. For almost 10 years now, West Jackson has been able to be a small part of the Angel Tree Ministry. We have been blessed to be a part of sharing the Gospel through a love and passion so special that even our lives have been changed. YOU can be a part of this too – there’s a way for everyone to help. You can help change the life of a prisoner’s child FOREVER this Christmas! Each gift’s maximum cost is only $25. This seems very small. But, oh, what an impact it has on a child and their guardians to realize that not only did their parent ask for them to have special Christmas gifts, but that God is faithful to watch over them and provide. We need you to be a part of this in order to impact that special little life, THOSE LIVES! You can donate money or select a specific child by age, gender, etc., and actually shop for them by name. You can also volunteer to wrap presents, help deliver gifts and share the story of Jesus, or even send a card to the inmate. Just know that no matter how you want to be involved, there is a place for you in this ministry. Please watch for more information and/or contact Lisa Hofmister if you have any questions. Keith Cochran Pastor [email protected] Dates to Remember November 14th November 19th November 23rd December 8th December 14th December 17th December 24th/31st Sweets Swa p (mom/daughter)- Sign-Up Required! OCC Praise & Packing Party PS JaM Performing @ Banquet CD JaM @ the Christmas Parade Prison Angel Tree Deadline Kids Party NO ASFJ Clubs Students Chris O’Daniel, Student Minister · [email protected] · @chris_odaniel Chris O’Daniel Minister of Students [email protected] Lisa Hofmister Director of Preschool & Children Ministries [email protected] Find Us Online! westjackson.com Worship [email protected] Like us on Facebook! facebook.com/ wjsbctupelo Follow us on Twitter! @wjsbctupelo Make plans to join us for Christmas 2014! You do not want to miss this year's presentation featuring the Worship Choir & Band and JAM Kids Choir! Mark your calendars now and be thinking about who you can invite to come experience this powerful celebration of Christmas with you! We hope to see you here!