November 23, 2014 - Wakemans Grove COB
November 23, 2014 - Wakemans Grove COB
Wakemans Grove Church of the Brethren * INVOCATION 668 Wakemans Grove Road, Edinburg, VA 22824 540-984-8383(office) email: [email protected] M ark Bowyer, Associate Pastor M ike D irting, Announcement Leader Gary Wakeman, Chorister M orning Worship November 23, 2014 O ur Congregation's Vision Statement: "We are all called to be part of a family of believers who, through our personal lives, are an example of Jesus' love locally and globally." During this season of bounty and great joy we happy that you joined with our church family to "thank you" to God. We invite you to share in part of our worship and program life during season of Thanksgiving. are say any this GATHERING MUSIC Grove Youth Band WELCOME, INTRODUCING GUESTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS PRELUDE * CALL TO WORSHIP Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where is injury, pardon; Where there is error, truth; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. "10,000 Reasons" (on screen) WORSHIP THROUGH THE GIVING OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS Musical Offertory Blessing for Offering George D augharty, Jr., Speaker Angie Vann, Accompanist * HYMN SPECIAL MUSIC Grove Youth Band CHILDREN'S STORY Lee Ann Zirkle CHILD DEDICATION Nathaniel and Ashle Dirting bring Landon Matthew * HYMN "O Love That Will Not Let Me Go" (on screen) MORNING PRAYERS SCRIPTURE Hebrews 10:19-25 MESSAGE * HYMN George Daugharty, Jr. "The Church's One Foundation" #311 Hymnal * BENEDICTION * CLOSING CHORUS "May the Lord, Mighty God" May the Lord mighty God, bless and keep you forever, grant you peace, perfect peace, courage in every endeavor. Lift your eyes and see God's face, full of grace forever. May the Lord, mighty God, bless and keep you forever. * POSTLUDE * RECESSIONAL * All please rise in body or spirit. This program is subject to change. TODAY: 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship Collecting non-perishable food for local Food Pantries. THIS WEEK: MONDAY - 7:00 Bible Study at the Tusing's WEDNESDAY - 6:30 Thanksgiving Covered-dish Meal followed by the Talent Night and Meditation at 7:30. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin if you would like to participate in the talent portion. THURSDAY - HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!! NEXT SUNDAY - 8:30 Bring a Friend Breakfast - come enjoy a wonderful breakfast (eggs, gravy, sausage, biscuits, etc.) and great fellowship! LOOKING AHEAD: Monday, December 1 - 7:00 Witness Commission Meeting Tuesday, December 2 - 6:00 Stewards Commission Meeting 7:00 Nurture Commission Meeting 7:00 Worship Commission Meeting Sunday, December 7 - 12:15 Relay For Life Soup and Sandwich Lunch freewill offering for the American Cancer Society Thursday, December 11 - 7:00 Pastor Mark's Support Team to meet at the home of Libby and Keith Rocco. Saturday, December 20 - 3:00 until Facilities in Use Sunday, December 21 - 12:15 Deacon's Covered-dish Meal and Meeting Wednesday, December 24 - 7:00 Christmas Program Thursday, December 25 - 10:00 am Christmas Day Worship Service with Duke McCaffrey ~ If you would like to order a Christmas poinsettia in memory or honor of a loved one, please give your order forms to Mike Dirting or put them in the church office by next Sunday. They will be $6.00 each and the flowers will be placed in the church December 14 through Christmas. Make checks payable to "Wakemans Grove Church". Forms are on the bulletin table in the vestibule. Flowers are placed on the altar today in loving memory of Paul Dirting by Leona Dirting and Family. A card shower is planned for Ava Tusing (Bill Lam’s mother) for her 100th birthday on December 1. Her address is Greenfield Senior Living, 935 Ox Road, Woodstock, VA 22664. SPEAKING SCHEDULE: November 30 - Gabe Dodd December 7, 14, 21 - Pastor Mark December 28 - Ned Conklin The Family Life Committee is sponsoring Book Baby Showers for Brody Christopher Cline son of Tim Cline and Alyssa Shea who was born 9-‐25-‐14 and for Jacob Thomas Proskey the son of Eric and Carrie Proskey who was born on 10-‐2-‐14 (his Dad's birthday). They are both the grandsons of Al and Sharon Cline. As before, you do not have to wrap the books but please put your name inside. We will be collecting books for these two young men on two Sunday’s, November 16 and November 23. We appreciate your help with making these showers a success for our newborns. Christmas Card Exchange The Family Life Committee will once again this year host the Christmas Card Exchange. Bring your addressed cards and leave them in the vestibule. We have some special Christmas Helpers that have volunteered to help sort them…..thanks, Sharon, Daniel and Amber Foltz. We will begin collection on Sunday, November 30 and continue until Sunday, December 14. We need this time to get them sorted for distribution. No cards will be accepted after Sunday, December 14. Cards ONLY for local regular attenders! No cards will be mailed. Thank you all for your part in making this a fun event for everyone in the church. Have a Merry Christmas from the Family Life Committee – Kay Townshend, Sherry Arey, Susan Hunsaker, Kevin Minnick and Diana Scharf. On another note, if you know of someone who is turning 80 years young in 2015, please contact the Family Life Committee so they will get their birthday flowers. Thank you! THANK YOU Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at The Grove, Jane and I are humbled and thank you for your prayers, thoughts, and well-wishes. I was recently diagnosed with Seizure Disorder and so anxious to return to feeling myself again. As Thanksgiving approaches and the Blessed Christmas Season, may you all be filled with the Grace and Peace of our Savior Jesus Christ. Blessings and Love, Bob and Jane Perry Please continue to hold in regular prayer the kidnapped Nigerian girls, especially Ruth Ishaku. CDs of the Worship Service are available upon request within 30 minutes after the service. Please see the Sound Tech at the back of the sanctuary. Please contact Nathaniel Dirting. Also audio sermons are available on the church's website. PHOTOGRAPHY, VIDEOGRAPHY, AND AUDIO RECORDING Services recorded by audio and video are a part of WGCOB witness and outreach ministry. If anyone does not wish to have their picture published, they must sign a DO NOT RELEASE IMAGES form. These are available in the Church Office or from Mike Dirting, chair of the Worship Commission. Questions may be directed to the Worship Commission. Church Email: [email protected] Church Fax #: 984-4817 Web page: Mark Bowyer, Associate Pastor 166 Shannon Avenue, Mt. Jackson, VA 22842 Mark's (cell) 758-1144 [email protected]