Official Prelim to Advanced FEI Small Tour & FEI Pony Test


Official Prelim to Advanced FEI Small Tour & FEI Pony Test
Official Prelim to Advanced
FEI Small Tour & FEI Pony Test
Young Horse/Pony qualifiers
Owner/Rider Prelim & Novice
Newcomer Prelim & Novice
Separate Pony Championships
Entries close 24th October
Online entry at
Contact - Federal Secretary
PO Box 594, Echuca Vic 3564
Ph 0437 245943
Australian Sports Pony Registry Inc. - 2014 OPEN EA DRESSAGE
Official Competitive classes
4 yo Young Horse/Pony
5 yo Young Horse/Pony
6 yo Young Horse/Pony
Preliminary 1.2
Preliminary 1.3
Novice 2.2
Novice 2.3
Elementary 3.2
Elementary 3.3
10. Medium 4.2
11. Medium 4.3
12. Advanced 5.2
13. Advanced 5.3
15. FEI Prix St Georges
16. FEI Intermediate I
Closed Unrestricted classes
17. Newcomer - Preliminary 1.2
18. Newcomer - Novice 2.2
19. Owner/Rider - Preliminary 1.1
20. Owner/Rider - Novice 2.1
Entry must be made online at
Dressage EA :
$31 per test ASPR members
$41 per test non ASPR members
Dressage FEI & YH/YP :
$41 per test ASPR members
$51 per test non ASPR members
Sports Pony Showing Classes :
$15 per class ASPR members
$ 5 per class non ASPR members
Compulsory Admin Fee :
$10 per rider/handler
WPNEC Facility Fee :
$16 per horse/pony/day
Note that for Sports Pony Show
classes, handler does not have
to be an EA or ASPR member
and pony does not have to be
EA or ASPR registered.
All classes to be held in Indoor Arena 2
Sports Pony suitable for Dressage, 4 yrs & over, 13.2hh (137 cms) & under
Led Female
Led Gelding
Led Stallion
Sports Pony suitable for Dressage, 4 yrs & over, over 13.2hh (137 cms) and not
exceeding 14.2 1/4hh (148 cms)
Led Female
Led Gelding
Led Stallion
Champion & Reserve Champion
Sports Pony suitable for Showjumping/Eventing, 4 yrs & over, 13.2hh (137 cms)
& under
Led Female
Led Gelding
Led Stallion
Sports Pony suitable for Showjumping/Eventing, 4 yrs & over, over 13.2hh (137
cms) and not exceeding 14.2 1/4 hh (148 cms)
10. Led Female
11. Led Gelding
12. Led Stallion
Champion & Reserve Champion
Sports Pony Youngstock not exceeding 14.2 1/4hh (148 cms)
13. Yearling, any sex
14. 2 y.o. filly
15. 2 y.o. colt/gelding
16. 3 y.o. filly
17. 3 y.o. colt
18. 3 y.o. gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion Youngstock Exhibit
Conditions of Entry for Sports Pony Show Classes :
Sports pony class (this is not a 'show pony' class but more of a performance
suitability class for a good sound animal to go on to excel in any discipline
such as eventing, dressage etc.) In hand pony likely to make a competition
sport animal. These classes are for ponies that have the conformation and
movement for performance disciplines. All ponies to enter the ring together
and to be assessed as a class and for the temperament of each individual
animal. All Exhibits then will leave the ring and will re-enter individually for
allocation of marks.
The class will be judged in the following manner.
- The judge to stand at 'A'. Exhibit will be awarded marks for conformation
out of a maximum of 20 marks.
- The Exhibit to walk the triangle: a-b, b-c, c-a. marks to be awarded out of a
maximum of 20 marks for the walk.
- The Exhibit to trot the triangle: a-b, b-c, c-a. marks to be awarded out of a
maximum of 20 marks for the trot.
- Overall impression to be awarded out of a maximum of 20 marks as
Exhibit leaves the ring.
- Exhibits are required back at the completion of the class for presentation
of awards.
Pony may enter both suitable for dressage and showjumping/eventing class
for respective age & height if desired.
Pony does not have to be registered with the Australian Sports Pony
Registry Inc.
All colts/stallions aged 2 years and over must be bitted.
All heights stated are without shoes.
Australian Sports Pony Registry Inc. - 2014 OPEN EA DRESSAGE
Conditions of Entry and General Rules and Regulations
 This event will be run under EA and FEI rules and guidelines
where applicable. The onus is on the competitor to know the
EA Dressage Tests, 2014 Edition.
FEI PONY TEST will be the FEI Team Competition Test 2012.
Rider can compete from the beginning of the calendar year in
which they turn 12 until the end of the year in which they turn
16. No whip of any kind may be used whilst competing. One
whip (max length 100 cms) is allowed in warm-up only. Spurs
are optional but if used, only blunt metal spurs no longer than
3.5 cms are allowed. Rowels on spurs are not allowed in the
FEI Pony Test.
All tests in 60 x 20m arenas
Each and every rider must wear an approved standard helmet
at all times whilst mounted. Helmets must comply with standards AS/NZ3838, EN1384, ASTNF1163.
Riders under 18 years of age must wear safety approved helmets regardless of the level they are competing at.
Ponies do not have to be ASPR registered.
Ponies must NOT exceed 148cms without shoes.
Scratchings and Refunds: Entry fees will not be refunded
after the closing date of entries unless a medical or veterinary
certificate is received by 31st October, 2014. In such cases,
50% of the entry fees and the compulsory Administration Fee
will be retained by the O.C. Entry fees will be refunded in full for
scratchings received before the closing date of entries.
Event cancellation: In the event of this event being cancelled,
the Administration Fee will be retained by the O.C. All other
fees will be refunded in full as soon as practical following announcement of event cancellation.
Bridle Numbers: Horses/Ponies entering in the Newcomer and
Owner/Rider classes who do not have EV issued bridle numbers will be allocated a number on the draw. Bridle Numbers
must be displayed on both sides of the bridle or saddle cloth at
all times when outside of the stable/yard.
Time Draw will be available one week prior to the event and
can be downloaded from
Protests: must be in writing and accompanied by a fee of $50.
Ground Jury: all of the judges for the event comprise the
Ground Jury.
Presentation times will be announced over the public address
system throughout each day of competition.
Catering Facilities will be available on the grounds.
The Event Organising Committee reserves the right to cancel,
alter or amend any classes prior to or during the event.
 Where a complaint is lodged with the OC about the height of a
horse/pony and a measurement certificate cannot be produced
to verify the height, the OC may request that the horse/pony be
measured within 7 days of this event.
 Failure by the owner/competitor to produce a measurement
certificate within 7 days of the event will mean all results at this
event for the horse/pony will become null and void.
 Only current measurement certificates issued by an EA State
Branch, a Show Horse Council or RAS will be accepted.
Owner/Rider & Newcomer classes—see next page for complete rules for Owner/Rider & Newcomer classes) - Horses/
Ponies are not required to be registered with an EA State Branch.
RIDERS must be at least Participant Members of an EA State
Branch and owner (if different to rider) must be at least a Participant or Supporter Member of an EA State Branch. If rider is not an
EA State Branch member, then they must take out a competition
membership ($25) which is payable with entries.
Official Competitive, Young Horse/Pony & FEI Classes Horses/Ponies must be fully registered with an EA State Branch
and have a current Competition License. Riders must be Competitive members and owners (if different to rider) must be Participant
or Supporter members of an EA State Branch.
 Horses/Ponies may compete in two (2) consecutive levels.
For example: preliminary/novice; medium/advanced. They may
compete in no more than three (3) tests per day.
Championship Awards: To be eligible for a championship
award, the horse/pony must score a minimum of 60% in the two
tests for that championship level.
Callers are permitted except for FEI competitions.
Gear Check: A Gear Check is required before every dressage
test. Please arrive for Gear Check at least 20 minutes before
you are due to compete. Your time on the Draw is when you
should enter the competition arena at A, not the time you report to the judge. .
Competitors are reminded that only the rider entered on the
draw is allowed to ride the horse/pony for the duration of the
event. A groom may ride the horse/pony at a walk on a long
rein only. All horses/ponies must be saddled and ridden in a
bridle during any mounted exercise or competition warm-up.
Competition is deemed to have commenced 24 hours prior to
the scheduled start time of the first test.
Warm-up arena details will be posted with the Time Draw and
at the Secretary’s Office on the morning of the competition.
 All persons who ride or tend a pony at this event do so entirely
at their own risk. Neither the Australian Sports Pony Registry
Inc, Equestrian Australia, or any member thereof, accepts liability for any personal injury (including death) suffered by any person from or relating to any incident involving a pony and
whether or not caused or contributed to by the negligent act,
error or omission of the ASPR, EA or a member thereof. The
Australian Sports Pony Registry Inc. shall not be responsible or
liable in any case of error, mis-statement or mis-description
appearing in any section of the programme or in any form of
application for entry or in any advertisement or notification,
whether posted, displayed or published.
All riders MUST report to the
Secretary’s Office as soon as possible
following arrival at the venue.
Owner/Trainer/Rider - an opportunity for our non-professional owners, trainers and riders to compete on a level playing field on their
own ridden and trained horses and ponies at either Preliminary or Novice Level. Rules have been structured to look after most eventualities, however not all circumstances can be foreseen and professional riders who might fit into the criteria are encouraged to leave
these classes to those that they were designed for.
Newcomer to Dressage Horse and Pony - this class has been designed to give horses and ponies who have been competing for
less than 12 months as dressage horses an opportunity to compete against others competitors who have also only just started their
training. To be run at Preliminary and Novice Level. Rules allow all horses and ponies to enter if they are in their first year of competition; that is if your horse or pony competed at his first event on the 15th of March, 2014, he is an eligible newcomer up until the 13th of
March, 2015. Similarly if your first competition was the 5th of November, 2013, your last as a newcomer will be the 5th of November,
Judges appointed to officiate at the Newcomer events will be asked to take into account the newcomer status of competitors when marking the test and providing comment or criticism.
Classes are unofficial and do not attract grading points.
Owner/Trainer/Rider Dressage Conditions of Entry
Competition is open to horses and ponies.
Horse/Pony need not be registered with an EA state branch or the ASPR.
Competitor must be at least a Participant member of an EA State Branch or a
member of the ASPR.
Horse/Pony must be a minimum of 4 years of age.
No maximum age for horse/pony
Rider must be aged 10 years or over for ponies or 12 years and over for horses, as at
the date of competition.
EA National Dressage Rules apply in all respects except where stated otherwise within
these rules.
All riders must declare on the entry form that they are a genuine non-professional
owner/trainer/rider in accordance with the following :
A non-professional owner/trainer/rider is a person who does not derive any fee,
sponsorship, gifts or remuneration of any kind either directly or indirectly for services
connected with coaching, breaking, training, riding, schooling or conduction of clinics
or seminars in the past 3 years.
Professional is defined as any person who rides and trains horses/ponies for others,
irrespective of whether or not they receive any kind of payment.
The horse/pony must be ridden, trained and in the care of the owner/trainer/rider and
must not have been ridden or trained by a professional owner, trainer or rider within
the 6 months prior to competition.
The horse/ pony must be owned or leased in the name of the owner/trainer/rider or
where registered in more than one name all parties must be non-professional.
Riders who have competed at any FEI level are ineligible.
Horses/Ponies graded Elementary or above or who have earned upgrading points at
Official Elementary or above are ineligible
Stallions are eligible to compete
Ponies must not exceed 148 cms without shoes
Horses must be over 148 cms without shoes
Test will be ridden individually and shall consist of one round only
There is no qualifying required to compete
The competition will run in two sections :
Newcomer Dressage Horse/Pony
Conditions of Entry
Preliminary Newcomer
Horse/Pony must not have earned any
upgrading points at Official Novice or
Test to be ridden is the Preliminary 1.2
Preliminary Owner/Trainer/Rider class
Horse/Pony must not have earned any upgrading points at Official Novice or
Horse/Pony with more than 60 grading points at Preliminary is not eligible for
the Preliminary class. These combinations are only eligible for Novice.
Test to be ridden is the Preliminary 1.1
Novice Newcomer
Horse/Pony must not have earned any
upgrading points at Elementary or
Test to be ridden is the Novice 2.2
Novice Owner/Trainer/Rider class
Horse/Pony must not have earned any grading points at Elementary or above.
Test to be ridden is the Novice 2.1
Horses and Ponies will compete together in each class with separate awards for
Horses and Ponies.
Combination may enter only one level.
Horse/Pony need not be registered with an EA
state branch or the ASPR.
Competitor must be at least a Participant
member of an EA State Branch or a member of
the ASPR.
Horse/Pony must be a minimum of 4 years of age.
Newcomer is a horse/pony that has competed
in the dressage arena for no longer than 12
months preceding the date of the event that is
offering the Newcomer class.
All riders must declare on the entry form that the
horse/pony is a genuine newcomer in regard to
the above definition.
Rider must be aged 10 years or over for ponies or
12 years and over for horses, as at the date of
EA National Dressage Rules apply in all respects
except where stated otherwise within these rules.
Horses/Ponies graded Elementary or above or
who have earned upgrading points at Official
Elementary or above are ineligible
Ponies must not exceed 148 cms without shoes
Horses must be over 148 cms without shoes
Class is open to professional and nonprofessional riders
Test will be ridden individually and shall consist
of one round only
There is no qualifying required to compete
The competition will run in two sections :
Horses and Ponies will compete together in
each class with separate awards for Horses
and Ponies.
Combination may enter only one level.
Prize List
Official Pony Champions Preliminary to FEI Small Tour
Prize and sash
Official Reserve Pony Champions Preliminary to FEI Small Tour Prize and sash
Official Open Champions Preliminary to FEI Small Tour Prize and sash
Prize for 1st Place in all Official Pony tests
Sashes to 6th in Open and Pony tests
Special Rosettes for 1st place in Young Horse/Young Pony, Newcomer and Owner/Rider
NB : to be awarded the Dressage Championship, horse/pony must
achieve a minimum score of 60% in both tests
Laminitis, Cushings Disease, Insulin Resistance,
Typing Up, Gastric Ulcers, PSSM or just want a
super cool feed suitable for Ponies to Elite
Athletes or a Fibre feed that is a completely
balanced ration.
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breeding horses.
Contains digestible fibre and cold pressed canola oil to provide
cool and safe energy as well as essential fatty acids for a
healthy coat and essential amino acids for muscle development.
Contains absolutely no grain and has a very low sugar and
starch content of less than 8.5%, making it suitable for laminitic,
insulin resistant or Cushing’s horses, as well as horses suffering
with gastric ulcers and typing up.
Its concentrated formulation is perfect for easy keepers while
high levels of vitamin E, vitamin B1 and magnesium help protect
muscles from damage during exercise, support immune function
and help to calm nervous or hot horses.
100% Australian Family Owned & Operated Since 1966