Document 6599121


Document 6599121
November 3, 2014
RFP Number: 54-DO-11432981
Addendum Number: 1
Purchaser: Danny Oliver
Service: 2015 Marketing/Advertising/Public Relations
Using Agency: Transportation
Opening Date/Time: November 17, 2014 @ 2:00 PM
NOTE: Please make the following change(s) and/or adhere to the following clarifications,
questions/answers and attachments on the RFP referenced above:
Q1. Is this a mandatory review for NCDOT?
A1. The contract with our current agency of record expires on Dec. 31, 2014. We are soliciting agencies
to assist with future marketing efforts to ensure that we are able to continue our marketing efforts
without disruption.
Q2. Will the NCDOT require the successful offeror to post a performance bond or other form of
performance guarantee?
A2. A performance bond/guarantee will not be required.
Q3. What year in the contract are you with your current Agency?
A3. Our current contract began June 2010 and expires on Dec. 31, 2014.
Q4. What is your marketing budget? Is it typically allocated by program or all held in one overall budget?
Are the revenue generating programs allocated differently?
A4. Budget Estimate
Each program has its own budget that is administered independently, based on the actual
marketing expenditures for each program. Funds approved for one program cannot be used to
promote any other program. However, the combined marketing budgets represent the budget for
the department as a whole and should be considered the total expenditure possible for a
calendar year. However, NCDOT would strongly encourage any offerer to consider the power of
“bulk buying” across all programs based on schedule to maximize the value of our limited
marketing dollars.
2015/2016 marketing budgets have not been finalized for 2015, but we anticipate an overall
NCDOT marketing budget of approximately $4,500,000. This figure includes, but is not limited to,
the following programs:
Booze It and Lose it – approx. $800,000
Click It or Ticket – approx. $600,000
Passenger Rail – approx. $1,000,000
Turnpike Authority – approx. $1,000,000
Ferry – approx. $10,000
Potential DMV funding - $500,000
Potential additional campaigns – approx. $500,000
Q5. Do you have a proposed schedule/calendar for the timing or key milestones associated with these
A5. Tentative 2015 Campaign Calendar
Most campaigns will be scheduled as needed according to NCDOT’s variable priorities, objectives,
and resources. The frequency and scope of the campaigns are likely to change over the course of
the contract.
Seasonal and/or holiday highway safety enforcement campaigns are generally scheduled to align
with national efforts and are tentatively scheduled as follows:
Booze It and Lose It: Labor Day campaign – Aug. 19 - Sept. 7
Holiday campaign – Dec. 16 - Jan 2, 2016
Click It or Ticket:
Memorial Day campaign – May
Labor Day campaign – September
Holiday campaign – November
Q6. Is there a way I can find out what firms might be competitors for this contract? Is there a list of firms
that were specifically targeted for RFP distribution? Or, can you tell me who proposed the last time
this contract came up for renewal?
A6. This is an open market contract with no specifically targeted competitors. The current vendor is
Market-Smart Advertising, Inc. (MSA).
Q7. Do you plan to have the individual campaigns such as Holiday Booze it or Lose focused on a
specific region of North Carolina or will the programs be state-wide? Please provide by campaign.
A7. Although some campaigns will be statewide, we often focus our efforts on specific counties or areas
that have been identified as having higher drunk driving rates or lower seat belt usage rates.
Q8. In section VI, Marketing Strategy and Approach, are you wanting us to:
a. Describe how we would APPROACH an integrated plan by detailing our process to develop a
plan and the people we will leverage?
b. Do you want the agencies to DEVELOP the target audiences, messages, creative, media
recommendations, and tactics specific to your needs in this RFP?
A8. Please develop an integrated marketing and advertising plan to promote a program, project,
message or service; examples of which are listed in Section VI.1 of the RFP. The plan should
clearly identify key messages and target audiences, and include the strategic use of a variety of
communication and marketing mediums and tactics.
Q9. For the same section of Marketing Strategy and Approach: Are you recommending that we:
a. Choose one of the five potential situations or other potential situations
b. Then detail a specific plan with target audiences, messages, communications, creative,
marketing mediums and develop tactics for that specific situation?
A9. Choose one of the five potential situations, or offer a different but related situation, and develop an
integrated marketing and advertising plan that clearly identifies key messages and target
audiences and includes the strategic use of a variety of communication and marketing mediums
and tactics.
Q10. Do you have any research you can share with us on target audiences or are your expectations that
we will do our own target research for this RFP?
A10. For most campaigns, NCDOT will typically specify target audiences based on internal behavioral
and geographic data. However, the agency may be asked to provide additional target audience
research or facilitate focus groups to determine effectiveness of a particular marketing tactic.
Q11. You specify you have internal creative resources - what percentage of creative output per annum
do you see coming from the agency versus the internal team?
A11. We anticipate producing 80-85% of creative material in-house, with our agency of record
potentially providing 15-20%.
Q12. What are the most important qualities you seek in your agency partner?
A12. We are seeking and agency with strong collaborative skills and creative ability, which can help
develop and implement a variety of marketing and advertising campaigns. The agency should
have very strong statewide media relationships in small, medium and large markets and be able to
secure high-quality marketing and advertising services at competitive prices. The agency should
be responsive to feedback and direction and be able to work under short deadlines. A familiarity
with the administrative procedures of state government is strongly desired.
Q13. Describe the ideal working relationship between your team and your agency partner.
A13. Ideally, the agency will work closely with our marketing and creative teams to evaluate project
needs and identify opportunities for successful outreach. The agency will use their expertise to
evaluate our strategic marketing plans and provide advice and guidance on campaign
implementation. The agency will leverage industry experience and relationships to ensure
maximum results. The agency will provide strong and consistent documentation of campaign
delivery and performance.
Q14. What do you consider to be your biggest challenges?
A14. Our biggest challenges include a limited budget and resources, evolving priorities and objectives,
and oftentimes a short campaign development process.
Q15. Is there a page limit for the “Response to Key Components” portion of the Technical Approach?
A15. Section VI.2 “Response to Key Components” should be limited to ten (10) pages. Examples of the
work product can be included in the submittal as appendices and will not count against the page
Q16. Page 7 references case studies from past engagements. How many case studies do you have in
A16. Submit as many case studies as necessary to fully demonstrate your agency’s knowledge, ability
and experience.
Q17. What is the size of internal NCDOT team that interacts/executes this work?
A17. Typically, there are no more than 5-7 people.
Q18. What are NCDOT’s existing social media capabilities?
A18. We have full social media capabilities in-house and would anticipate minimal agency involvement
in this area.
Q19. What existing technology platforms does NCDOT use that we need to interface with? For example,
do you use any CRM products, databases or web platforms?
A19. We will not require interfacing on any of these platforms.
Q20. What existing communications agencies do you currently work with on individual projects? How
will the firm selected through this RFP interface with those firms?
A20. NCDOT works regularly with a variety of industry consultants on several projects and campaigns.
There is the potential for occasional engagement on a project-by-project basis, though most direct
interaction will be between NCDOT staff and those consultants.
Q21. Does NCDOT have a partnership with the NC Association of Broadcasters?
A21. NCDOT does not have a partnership with the NC Association of Broadcasters.
Q22. Is there a campaign hierarchy? For example do revenue generating operations/initiatives take
precedence over ones that are not revenue generating?
A22. There is no campaign hierarchy. All projects and campaigns are executed as necessary based on
current NCDOT priorities and objectives and it is likely that campaigns will overlap from time to
Q23. Page 9 makes note of the response document (1 original document, 4 copies and an electronic
version of the original). Are there any other specs or requirements associated with the format of
the response?
A23. Any other specifications and/or requirements associated with the format of response to this
RFP are documented in the Instructions to Vendors or as so noted elsewhere in the proposal as
above (ie. Page 9).
Q24. Will more than one agency of record be chosen for the body of work?
A24. No, NCDOT will select one agency of record.
Q25. We notice that you mention that you have an internal creative team that “will generally develop
campaign concepts…” Can you please distinguish when the selected agency will be involved and
when your internal creative team will be involved?
A25. We will typically develop campaign messaging, concepts and creative materials in-house, though
there may be occasions when limited time and/or resources will require us to obtain those services
from the agency.
Q26. Are you asking for creative spec work as a part of Section VI.1 in addition to the integrated
marketing/advertising plan(s)?
A26. Creative spec work will be required on very limited occasions.
Q27. How will work be shared with the internal agency?
A27. We prefer digital sharing of materials when possible, and encourage consistent communication via
traditional methods such as phone, email, consultations and meetings.
Q28. What is your decision making process like? Are there key leadership decision makers? OR are
there committees/boards that make the final decisions/selections?
A28. Most campaign decisions are made by key leadership, though committees/boards may be involved
in the input and review process.
Q29. How will you evaluate the “total cost to the state”?
A29. See page 8 of 24, item 2) Evaluation Scoring: or clarify your question in reference to the section
of the RFP to which you are referring.
Q30. #3 – Samples of work: Are you okay if we submit our work on flash drive vs. DVD?
A30. Yes, work samples may be submitted on flash drives.
Q31. Who is your current agency? Have you typically paid your agency a monthly fee / media
commission/ project fee or some other way?
A31. Our agency of record is MSA. We pay per project or campaign.
Q32. What has been the collective budget for these projects over the past years?
(FY 10-11, 11-12, 12-13, 13-14, 14-15)
A32. Collective budget information is not available at this time; however, a budget estimate is provided
in answer to question no. 4.
Execute Addendum Number 1:
PROPOSER: ________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS (CITY & STATE): _____________________________________________________________
AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: _______________________________ DATE: ______________________
NAME and TITLE (Typed): ______________________________________________________________
RFP NO. 54-DO-11432981
Department of Transportation
Purchasing Section
P. O. Box 25201
Raleigh, NC 27611
RFP NO. 54-DO-11432981
Department of Transportation
Purchasing Section
1 South Wilmington Street
Raleigh, NC 27601
1. Check ONLY one of the following categories and return one properly executed copy of this
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RFP has already been mailed. Changes resulting from this addendum are as follows:
RFP has already been mailed. NO CHANGES resulted from this addendum
RFP has NOT been mailed and ANY CHANGES resulting from this addendum are included
in our proposal