
Remembrance Sunday
Guest Speaker: Angie Lannin
Come, let us gather to worship our Timeless God.
We gather together to share with your children
the past blessings we have received from our God.
Come, let us gather to worship our Awesome God.
We gather together to listen for God’s word for us today.
Come, let us gather to worship our Glorious God,
who delights in our worship, witness and service.
We gather together to share our hope and trust in our
merciful God, who has never failed or forgotten us. Amen.
© 2011 Joan Stott – "The Timeless Psalms" RCL Psalm Year A, used with permission.
Gather us in, ground us in you.
Gather us in, ground us in you.
Gather us in, gather us in,
ground us, ground us in you.
Faithful God,
Thank you that you promise us that where two or three are
gathered you are there in the midst.
Lord we welcome You among us today and celebrate the gift of life
that you have lavished upon each of us.
We ask that You would open our ears so that we may hear your
Open our minds so that we may receive Your eternal wisdom.
Open our spirits so that we may know Your leading and guidance.
And open our hearts so that we may receive Your wonderful love.
We ask all this in the glorious name of Jesus. Amen.
HYMN: “Let All Things Now Living” VU #242
“Let’s Make a Deal”
Children leave for Sunday School
Joshua 24:1–3a, 14–25
Joshua challenges the people to choose God.
Psalm 78:1–7 (VU p. 792, Part One)
We will teach the next generation.
Matthew 25:1–13
Parable of the 10 bridesmaids and the lamps.
CHOIR ANTHEM (Trinity only)
HYMN: “Will You Come and Follow Me” VU #567
“…remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, for he himself said, ‘It is
more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35
CHOIR ANTHEM (Atwood only)
Grant us, God, the grace of giving,
with a spirit large and free,
that ourselves and all our living
we may offer faithfully.
Basket offering collected for Gifts of Vision (Atwood only)
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.
For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
Forever and ever. Amen.
Moina Michael – November 1918
HYMN: “Here I am Lord” VU #509
Numbers 6:24-26 Living Bible (TLB)
‘May the Lord bless and protect you; may the Lord’s face radiate with
joy because of you; may he be gracious to you, show you his favor, and
give you his peace.’
CHOIR: “Go Now in Peace”
Worship Schedule
Atwood 9:30am
Trinity 11:00am
ANNOUNCEMENTS – November 9, 2014
Please continue to call either the Atwood office (519 356 2822) or the
Trinity office (519 291 3460) if you are in need of pastoral support and we
will direct your call to the appropriate person.
All announcements for the bulletin can be sent to [email protected]
Please have any announcements e-mailed or on the Atwood church voicemail
by 10 am Thursday. 519 356 2822
11:30. Any e-mails and phone messages will be picked up.
The Trinity bulletin today is in loving memory of Albert Carson by Elaine
and Family.
Thank you Angie Lannin, our guest speaker, and to everyone who
contributed to the service today.
Anyone from Trinity that would like to subscribe to the Observer, the sign up
sheet is on the table in the back hallway and needs to be done by today.
Nov. 12: Trinity UCW will meet in the parlour at 7:30 pm. Yvonne Gedke
will speak on her time in Nicaragua. Please note date and time change.
Nov. 14: Atwood church will be hosting another Coffee House Night
featuring The Crippled Ducks from 7pm to 9pm at the church. Please plan
to attend and bring a friend!
If you would like to help out that night or can make a donation for the silent
auction please contact Tyler Martin 356-8841 or [email protected]
Pork Dinner at Trinity
Please sign the sticker board in the Narthex for items to donate for the
upcoming Roast Pork Dinner.
(Sign under the sticker(s) you take).
Calls will be made soon for potatoes and workers.
Many people have tickets to sell until the day before the dinner on Nov. 27.
Please help out by inviting family and friends to this dinner.
Nov. 27: Trinity Roast Pork Dinner at Trinity UC from 4:30 – 7 pm.
Tickets: Adults - $14; children 5-12 -$6. Call Clara 291-2736. For take-out or
delivery call Beatrice 291-5703.
Today: Remembrance Day Cenotaph service in Atwood at 2 pm.
UNITED, WE SING CAROLS. Sunday, Nov.30 at 7:30 p.m. at Trinity
United Church. In a time when our world copes with much insecurity, a
Pew’s News submissions for the Christmas edition are due in Trinity’s office
or by e-mail by Tuesday, November 11th so that everything can be collated
and printed. Thanks for being prompt!
rising number of terrorist attacks, and diseases, we need HOPE. In a time
when we wonder if even the church and family will survive, our community
needs HOPE. Like Jeremiah in Lamentations 3:21-24, we must remember
“the Lord’s unfailing love and mercy still continue” and in Him let us put our
hope, and come together, United, for a carol sing, similar to what we have
done for the past two years. The theme for the evening will be HOPE.
Nov. 10 and 13: People from Trinity United, Fordwich United and
Atwood United have been working hard at making pie crusts, apple
dumplings, and apple crisps to raise money for work in Nicaragua. The
proceeds will all go to work with children and women, our student doctor and
a new connection with Habitat to build houses.
A bag of 5 dumplings costs $10.
7” apple crisps cost $5.
10” apple crisps cost $10.
A bag of 2 pie shells cost $4.
To order call Nancy Bowman at 291-1806, George Gracey at 291-3494 or
Wilma Rathwell at 356-1032.
Helpers would be most welcome at Trinity at 9:00 a.m. to prepare more
dumplings and crisps.
Nov. 11: Trinity council meeting at the church at 7 pm.
Nov. 12: Craft Club will meet at the church at 3:45.
Atwood is looking for two people to work with Trinity members on the
Search Committee for a full time minister after the Interim minister is
finished. Training in the fall. Anyone interested please call the Atwood
church office 356 2822.
December 7: Trinity's Annual Christmas Bake Sale Watch for More Details in the Coming Weeks!
Trinity is looking for counters for their weekly collection. Anyone interested
please call the Trinity church office at 519 291 3460.
Coffee Hour Wednesday morning in Trinity’s parlour from 10 to 11 am.
Please feel free to join either Atwood or Trinity church choirs. You
are welcome to meet in Atwood on Wednesday nights at 7:30 or meet with
Trinity choir on Thursday nights at 7:30. See you in the choir loft!
Trinity Youth T.E.A.M
Plans are in the works to do some fun activities with the youth at Trinity in the
coming year. Some of these activities include painting/decorating the youth
room, going to the movies, tubing, bowling, and camping. If you have any
other ideas for activities, please talk to Jodi Town. Also, if you are interested
in spear-heading one of these activities, please talk to Jodi. Stay tuned for
more details…..
Atwood is looking for someone to shovel snow from the walk. Please call
the Atwood office 519 356 2822.
Fall Rummage Sale profits indicate that we made a total of $3515.85,
bringing the grand total for 2014 to $6918.65! More importantly, we helped a
number of charities and people: Salvation Army, Nicaragua Mission, Christian
Aid Ministries, Mennonite International Refugee Committee of Waterloo
Region, Canadian Diabetic Association, and the people of our own
community. The smile on the faces of the many shoppers as they left with
their bargains was priceless! Thank you to the Co-Chairs Colleen and Kathy,
to Treasurer Donna, and to all who participated in any way to make this
T.E.A.M. event, a big success. Well Done, Everyone! Thanks be to God!
An updated list of speaking dates by Robert and Keiko Witmer from
Hokkaido, Japan:
- November 16 at St. Andrews United in Bayfield at 11:00am
- Nov. 23rd at Grace United Church Tavistock at 10:30am
Nov. 12: Annual Turkey Supper with all the trimmings! Knox Presbyterian
Church, Listowel, 5 pm to 7 pm. Eat-in and take-out available. Delivery
available to those who are unable to pick up their meal at the church. Tickets:
adults $12; children 6-12 yrs. old $6; children 5 yrs. old & under free.
Tickets available from the church office (519-291-4690) Mon.- Fri. 9 am to 12
pm and 1 pm to 3 pm.
Nov. 24: CAMP BIMINI ANNUAL MEETING 7 pm Thamesview United
Church, Fullarton
For the purpose of receiving committee reports, financial statements, budget,
election of officers.
Followed by refreshments and regular monthly meeting.
I am excited to be able to share with you my new album “By Request”. This
is a collection of songs by Agnes-Marie Henderson.
And in the spirit of “paying it forward” and helping my community, proceeds
from ALL the CD’s sold at select retailers in the Town of Goderich throughout
the holiday shopping season will be donated towards the Maitland Valley
Medical Centre Expansion Project. It will be the perfect gift for the music
lover on your list!
Camp Bimini would like to introduce a Christmas gift idea. It’s the gift of
camp for a child. Think about it, pass it on…it really does just take a
spark…In 2014, we were able to help dozens of families. We hope to be able
to offer that support again. With our thanks in advance. See the flyer and
donation forms in your church.
Ruth Long is the Pastoral Care Minister for Atwood and Trinity United
Churches. Ruth will be the primary staff person for both churches for visiting
at homes, nursing homes, and in the community. As a caring community we
want to know who would benefit from a visit so we need your help in keeping
us in the loop. Please share this information which will remain confidential
with Ruth, Colleen Crossland and Rhonda Bristowe (co-chairs of Pastoral
Care for Trinity).
Trinity and Atwood United Churches
Trinity church office: 519 291-3460
Atwood church office: 519 356-2822
[email protected]
[email protected]
Pastoral Care Minister: Ruth Long
In ministry: Each one of us!
Organists: Helen Elliott, Connie MacEwen and Nan Doe
Upcoming speakers: Kathy Douglas, Sue Bedard, Ruth Long, Helen Bacon,
Paul Ross, Mark Cudney, Angie Lannin, Dave Dryden
Join us on
A Healing & Wellness Presentation – Tuesday, November 18th @
7:00 pm in the sanctuary at Siloam United Church, 1240 Fanshawe
Park Road East at McLean Drive.
The Road of Life: Navigating Life's Ups and Downs With a
Pilgrim Heart
What is it that captivates the imagination - and the spirit - about
making the journey of a lifetime? There is rapidly growing interest in
the experience, and the meaning of long-distance walking pilgrimage
such as the 1,000 year old Camino de Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
Many books, and movies such as The Way, and Six Ways to
Santiago: The Camino Documentary, are gaining wide audiences.
More and more people are setting off with their backpacks to walk The
Way for themselves in hope of connecting with nature, with God, with
renewed spirits, and healing of self. But what of those unable to
physically journey on pilgrimage? What can we learn from the bounty
of returning pilgrims' experiences that can be applied to our own lives
so that we too may feel a sense of renewal? If life itself is a journey or does one sustain a pilgrim heart in a world of
schedules, materialistic expectations, and personal obligations? How
does a pilgrim heart help us to heal from loss and traumas encountered
along the Road of Life?
Wanda Sawicki, OATR, MPS, is an art therapist and educator who has
recently returned from her fifth Camino experience. She will share
stories, and thoughts on how to journey through daily life as a pilgrim
- even without making a physical journey. Wanda has extensive
experience in the areas of creativity, spirituality and psychotherapy and
has recently published two chapters in A Sociology of Pilgrimage:
Embodiment, Identity, Transformation, edited by Lesley D Harman,
professor at King's University College in London, Ontario.
Please take a moment to tell us you’ll be attending this intriguing event
on Tuesday, November 18th @ 7:00 pm by using the sign-up sheet in
the narthex or by calling the office at 519-455-9201.