Holy Spirit Catholic Church 245 West Pine Street
Holy Spirit Catholic Church 245 West Pine Street
Holy Spirit Catholic Church 245 West Pine Street Palmyra, PA 17078 www.HolySpiritPalmyra.com Phone: (717) 838-3369 [email protected] Fax: (717) 838-3065 Fr. James F. Podlesny, O.S.B., Pastor The Dedication Of The Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 Mass Schedule: Monday: 6:30 PM (September to mid-May) Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 9:00 AM Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM (September to mid-May) 10:30 AM Holy Days: Vigil 6:30 PM, Day of: 9:00 AM and 6:30 PM Reconciliation: (Confession) Saturday, 3:00 - 3:30 PM (or anytime, by appointment) To Learn More About The Catholic Faith: (RCIA) Instructions for inquirers are offered on Wednesdays (from September to May) at 7:30 PM. Please call the office for details. To Return To The Faith: (ReMembering) Let us welcome you back home! The first Saturday of each month at 10:30 AM, or phone Ext. 4 for details. Perpetual Adoration Chapel: We welcome your visits. Please park & enter at the West end. Regular Adorers and Substitutes always invited. Bart Kaminski: Adoration Coordinator, 838-3369 Ext. 3 Marriage Preparation Couples planning for the Sacrament of Matrimony need to make an appointment one year prior to the wedding. Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is held monthly. Please sign up for Preparation Class in your second trimester of pregnancy. Sick Calls By law, Hospitals and Care Facilities are prevented from notifying us of admissions or status changes. Please contact the Office to request visits and/or Communion calls as soon as possible. Bulletin Deadline: (Inserts & Articles) 2 Weeks Prior to Publication Staff Father Jim: [email protected] or Ext. 7 Parish Manager Shay Patterson: [email protected] or Ext. 4 Religious Education: [email protected], Ext. 5 or 838-9934 Administrative Asst: [email protected] or Ext. 9 Finance Manager Janet Parks: [email protected] or Ext. 6 Marilyn Mazzocca: Office Asst., [email protected] Receptionist Lillian Greshko: Ext. 0 Trudy Brinser: Assistant, Ext. 0 Susan Young: Assistant, Ext. 0 Choir Director/Organist Richard Druby: 533-5406 John Watkins: Church Order Marie Morton: Sacristan/Wedding Coordinator Your house is a house of prayer, and your presence makes it a place of blessing. You give us grace upon grace to build the temple of your Spirit, creating its beauty from the holiness of our lives. Your house of prayer is also the promise of the Church in heaven. Here your love is always at work, preparing the Church on earth for its heavenly glory. . . The Church of the Holy Spirit Palmyra, PA Zeal for Your House will consume me. Disciples are eager to serve the community of faith. Discipleship: Following The Way Of The Lord Jesus From Father Jim: The zeal Jesus shows for the Temple, tells us nothing on earth is more valuable to God than God’s Church. Before his arrest and crucifixion, Jesus prayed ANNULMENTS passionately forMARRIAGE his Church. And, on the cross, he paid the highest price for the Church. Today we celebrate the dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran, the first purpose-built Christian Church. Beginning in A.D. 313, when Christian communities were free to construct public buildings, St. John on the Lateran Hill became the pope's cathedral as Bishop of Rome (St Peter’s in the Vatican is not a cathedral), and thus the "mother church" of the Christian world. Today's solemnity celebrates of the unity of all our churches: from the Pope's Cathedral in Rome, to our own Holy Spirit in Palmyra. If you are part of God’s family, you should have that same zeal for the Church that Jesus had. You are commissioned by God to pray for your Church and its unity. It is your responsibility to protect that unity and to promote harmony in your Church family and among all believers. What are you doing personally to make our Church more inviting & welcoming, more active in love & service, more holy & Christ-like? PARISH REGISTRATION: Welcome! We are so happy you decided to join us here at Holy Spirit. New to Palmyra? Please register so that we know how best to serve you. Families need to register in the parish if they wish to register their children for Religious Education. Membership is also a condition for the Parish to issue a Certificate for those asked to be Sacramental Sponsors. Yellow registration forms may be found on the Narthex tables. MARRIAGE ANNULMENTS The Tribunal of the Diocese of Harrisburg will be giving a presentation concerning marriage, divorce and annulment according to Church teaching. This will be helpful for divorced Catholics, those divorced who wish to marry Catholics, and anyone with a vested interest because of family or friends. This session will be held On Nov 12, at 7:00 pm in The Cardinal Keeler Center of the diocesan office bldg in Harrisburg. No prior registration required. Call 717-657-4804, Ext 304 , or EMAIL: [email protected] FROM THE ADORATION CHAPEL– Today solemn exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is the grace and need of our time. Society will be restored and renewed when all of its group themselves around our “Emmanuel”. St. Peter Julian Eymard. “To be alone with Jesus in adoration and intimate union with Him, is the greatest gift of Love”. Mother Teresa. Visit Jesus in our Adoration Chapel and consider joining us as a regular adorer. Contact Bart Kaminski 838-3369, x3. God Bless! VETERAN’S DAY is November 11. The Knights of Columbus are collecting comfortcare items not provided to patients at the V.A. Medical Center: toothpaste, toothbrushes, denture powder, combs, liquid soap, hair spray, deodorant, shampoo, disposable razors, shaving cream, white socks, envelopes & stamps. Please remember those who have answered the call to defend our freedom. TODAY WE ARE COLLECTING for CARING CUPBOARD! Traditional foods are needed for distribution before the Thanksgiving Holiday. Caring Cupboard suggests: Turkeys (12-14 lbs.), Roasting Chickens (6-10 lbs), Fresh White or Sweet Potatoes or Yams; Boxed Stuffing Mix, Cranberry Sauce, Canned Fruit; Canned Wax, Baked or Kidney Beans; Corn, Peas, & Carrots; Muffin, Cake or Brownie Mixes & Frosting also. Thank You! Tithing: God's Plan for Giving! Sunday Offering: 11/2/14 $ 8,741. Noah’s Buddies (Benevolence) $ 50. All Saints Day $ 575. $ 9,366. From The Noah’s Buddies Envelopes: “I was well behaved in Church!” Debt Collection: Diocesan Fees added $ 291. Debt on the New Church $ 805,146. Pledges Paid 10/26/14 $ 644. Non-pledges -BF Donation $ 982. Balance on Debt $ 803,520. Thank You For Your Support! MISSION Our mission is: to seek to know the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ; to celebrate together as a Catholic family of faith; and to share our gifts and talents in loving Mass Intentions IN YOUR PRAYERS, PLEASE REMEMBER THOSE FOR WHOM MASS WILL BE OFFERED THIS WEEK. *Communion under both species Saturday, Nov. 8 (4:00pm*) † Helen Allen (The Sarabok Family) Sunday, Nov. 9 (8:00am &10:30am) † Melanie Houri (Alex and Josette Houri) Deceased Parishioners of Holy Spirit Monday, November 10 (6:30pm) † Blanche McCann (Rob & Kris Shelton) Tuesday, November 11 (9:00am) † Armand Petrucci, Jr. (Jack & Isabelle Yanni) Wed, November 12 (9:00am ) † Michael Shelly (Mom & Dad) Thursday, November 13 No Mass or Communion Service Friday, November 14 (9:00am) † George Shimko (Jean Law) Saturday, Nov. 15 (4:00pm) Deceased Parishioners of Holy Spirit Sun. Nov.16 (8:00am*10:30am, 4pm) † Joseph Balutis (Marge & Ronald Balutis) † Marge McLoughlin ( Marie Chimel) † Robert Burchianti (Friends of Family) ALTAR FLOWERS this week are placed … In loving memory of Michael Shelly by Dale & Betsy Shelly THE WEATHER IS GETTING COLD! So Warm Up with some Soup! Senior Spirit will hold its Annual Soup Sale the weekend of November 15-16, following Mass! Be sure to save the date! Also, on November 15-16, the Women’s Society will hold a Bake Sale! Buy bread, pies, cookies, cakes, brownies, & cupcakes. So easy to serve to Holiday guests! The Tabernacle Candle burns In loving memory of Harry Lacey By Julia Citsay 230 Holy Spirit Page 2 Please Consider Remembering Holy Spirit Church Your “Last Will And Testament” A LOOK AHEAD The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 Scheduled Masses are listed on the front cover unless otherwise noted: Sunday, Nov. 9 8a Mass, 9a PREP & Mary DVD, 10:30a Mass, 11:45a Baptism, 11:45a PREP, 6p 7thgr PREP, 7p Quick Bible Study Monday, Nov. 10 6:30pm Mass, 7:15 pm Mary DVD Tuesday, Nov. 11 9 am Mass, 9:30am Senior Spirit, 9:45am Legion of Mary, 7pm Folk Choir Wednesday, Nov. 12 9am Mass, 3:45pm Sparks Choir, 7pm RCIA Thursday, Nov. 13 No Mass Today, 7pm Sunday Choir, K of C Officers Friday, Nov. 14 9 am Mass Saturday, Nov. 15 3:00pm Reconciliation, 4pm Mass. Sunday, Nov. 16 8a Mass, 9a PREP & Mary DVD, 10:30a Mass, 1:45a PREP, 4pm Youth Mass, 6pm 7thgr PREP, 7pm Quick Bible Study Scripture Readings: Week of November 9 Sunday Ez 47:1-2,8-9;Cor 3:9-11; Jn 2:13-22 Monday Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday Phlm 7-20; Ps 146; Lk 17:20-25 Friday 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday Prv 31:10-13;1 Thes5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 MINISTRIES Saturday Nov. 15 (4:00pm) H:J. Zemba, T. Coleman, E. Ejike K. Bauer, A. Lubbers, J. Werkheiser Rebecca Kennelly Sunday, Nov. 16 (8:00am*) H: M. Wehman, N. Bressi, M. Morton C:D. Brandt, L. Fetrow, C. Forsyth, M.Salvo C., M.,& A. Merlo Hank Wehman Sunday, Nov. 17(10:30am) H:R. Maillet, D. Colon, J. Lantzy D. Mazzocca, D. Royer, A.Piekutowski Pat DiNunzio St Cecilia Sing! Holy Spirit’s Celebration of Music is set for 6:30pm November 19 Mark Your Calendars! SENIOR SPIRIT: will host its Social on Tuesday, November 12th, following the 9:00am Mass. Join us for food, fun and fellowship! PARENTS of those receiving their FIRST HOLY COMMUNION in May 2015 will meet in the Social Hall next Sunday, Nov. 16, during regular PREP classes (9am & 11:45am). You may attend either meeting, but at least one parent must represent each child. On Nov. 23, please bring the children to the 10:30 Mass for their Rite of Enrollment. ELYG “GIVE THANKS FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY”: November 16th at 1:00pm! Our focus is on faith, fellowship and fun! Please encourage your children take advantage of this and other opportunities to celebrate our Catholic Faith. RSVP to Tess at 832-9899 or [email protected]. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOLERS: Our next Youth Mass will be 4:00pm on Sunday, Nov. 16th. Contact Kris Simon at (412) 335-5769 or [email protected]. IT’S NOT TOO LATE to request a special remembrance for your departed loved ones for the November All Souls memorial. Please write the names of your loved ones on the All Souls envelopes and return them in the offering basket or to the Office. The envelopes are kept by the altar through November. NEXT WEEK will be our last 2014 Caring Cards and Calendars collection. Holy Spirit's JustFAITH ministry will gratefully accept your donations of new/unused holiday and all-occasion cards and 2015 calendars during this weekend of Nov 15-16. Items can be left at our mailbox drop-off in the Narthex before and after weekend Masses, or left in our donation box, located in the vestibule of our Chapel entrance anytime, 24/7 from Nov 8-16. This year, in addition to distributing cards to the Camp Hill Prison, donations will also go to Palmyra Caring Cupboard clients. Support our brothers and sisters who wish to keep in touch with their loved ones. Questions? Call Jeanne Lantzy 838-5640. Thank you! Perogi! Nut Roll, Poppy Seed Roll and Apricot Roll Sale! Pre-Paid Orders Taken Nov 15-16 & 22- 23 Delivery Dec 6-7 in the Social Hall SPECIAL THANKS to our Bulletin SPONSOR: Traveling for Thanksgiving? Check out www.masstimes.org to find Masses anywhere in the United States! 230 Holy Spirit Page 3 DRAYER Physical Therapy Institute Hershey, PA 717-533-0215 Be sure to thank them by using their services LAW OFFICE OF JOSEPH M. FARRELL LEN CHIMEL Parishioner For Your Real Estate Needs, Choose A Realtor Who Is Concerned For You. JACK GAUGHEN REALTOR 22 E. Main St. Palmyra 838-1300 Kris Conforti & Chuck Kray M-F 9am-8pm • Sat 9am-6pm 24 Hr. Emer. Service • Local Delivery Available Visit Our Showroom Located at 4915 Jonestown Rd., Harrisburg 17109 DRAYER® Physical Therapy Institute www.BudgetBlinds.com/harrisburg [email protected] 717-651-6110 Leading the Way to Good Health Hershey Center Ph: 717-533-0215 838-9664 10% DISCOUNT WITH AD 600 EAST MAIN ST. PALMYRA 717-832-9855 www.lisascafeinpalmyrapa.com Breakfast - Friday, Saturday & Sunday Hours: M-Th: 11am-8pm • F & Sa: 7am-9pm Su 7am-2pm (private parties available after 4) Evenings & Sat by Appointment M-W 9am-5pm • Th 1-5pm F 9am-noon ailored For You Men’s & Women’s Alterations/Repairs 1106 PARK DR., PALMYRA (717) 838-5243 Financial Services 1249 Cocoa Ave., Suite 190 Hershey, PA 17033 • 298-1169 838-7034 Full Service Auto Repair, Maintenance & Tires 717-533-3635 JEFFREY W. BUSE, DIRECTOR Fuel Oil-Propane Delivery HEATING SERVICE www.meyeroilco.com • 273-8544 Joe Gallo 533-8800 at Hershey 325 Laudermilch Rd., Hershey, PA 17033 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated CENTER FOR 15 Time Chairmans Award Winning Property Rear of Cocoaplex Center 1124 Cocoa Ave. • Hersey, PA 17033 Auto Care Dr. Richard Hann, Jr. Dr. Amy Lea Nicastro Dr. Michael Anzur 720 East Main St., Palmyra 838-1353 or KLICKLEWIS.COM 717-533-5406 EYE PROFESSIONALS 233 West Penn Ave., Cleona • 272-0581 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Todd Rubey Casey Kauffman Nicole Kaczor Calvin Clements Parishioner WWW.HERSHEYPALAW.COM 1135 East Chocolate Ave., Ste 300 • Hershey, PA 17033 BOUQUET MULLIGAN DEMAIO Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. e ing th Serv munity Com e 1960 Sinc Gary Young ATTORNEYS AT LAW Est. 1881 WE HAVE IT! Woman Owned & Family Operated 1805 E. Chocolate Ave., Hershey www.tillettplumbing.com 717-533-6252 (717) 838-5451 Klick KL Lewis NESTICO DRUBY, P.C. “Service is our Business” 920 EAST MAIN STREET PALMYRA, PA 17078 FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION SERVICES, INC. Travis S. Finkenbinder, FD/Supervisor PALANZO Daniel De Long 145 N. Grant St. Manager Palmyra PALMYRA ANIMAL CLINIC Rothermel Parishioner • 201-203 S. Railroad St., Palmyra, PA 838-1385 534-0139 (Direct) 679-0822 (Cell) 534-1302 (Office) 838-9211 Finkenbinder Family Owned WOMEN’S HEALTH A SERVICE OF HOLY SPIRIT HEALTH SYSTEM Caring for women, mothers and their babies. CAMP HILL • 763-9880 COLONIAL PARK • 901-9898 The Closet Hotel to Hershey Park 350 West Chocolate Ave., Hershey PA 717-534-2162 • Fax 717-533-6409 www.daysinnhershey.com • [email protected] The world always looks brighter behind a SKORCHING smile. OUR GOAL IS YOUR TRUST Susan M. Korch ORTHODONTIST DMD, MS Ronald E. Sniegocki, CPA Certified Financial Planner 357 W. Governor Rd., Hershey, PA 17033 717-533-7400 • www.skorchingsmiles.com PA Central CREDIT UNION 1220 East Main Street PALMYRA pacentralfcu.com CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING 2073 Main St. • Rothsville • 717-626-7839 • F: 717-626-9204 “ Wait?! Did I “ with... Palmyra’s FIRST Credit Union Smart Investing and Catholic Values • Retirement Planning, 401K Rollovers, IRA’s 103 W. Main St., Palmyra • 838-2682 Pet HeadQuarters “We point to Health & Well-being” Laura Witman, Owner 501 East Main St., Ste. B Palmyra, PA 17078-1845 www.pethq.net 717-838-PETS Mon.-Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-3 Jackie Henry, Realtor 1249 Cocoa Ave., Ste. 101 Hershey, PA 17033 O: 717-520-0020 C: 717-512-1057 www.jackiehenry.howardhanna.com www.facebook.com/HersheyRealEstate PET HQ Ciocca Honda 8001 Allentown Blvd. (Corner of Rts. 39 & 22) Harrisburg, PA 17112 Joe Barone Senior Sales Consultant 717-342-3527 [email protected] Commercial • Residential • Industrial Lapp To The Rescue... 24/7 Emergency Service! Serving PA, NJ & DE Rita M. Peters-Bates, Parishioner Independent Sales Director 717-269-1742 Before Lapp. Established 1969. After Lapp. www.lappelectric.com 717.392.0804 “ GLAD I remembered to “ Kindermusik with Kristen Miller Licensed Kindermusik Educator and Sparks Choir Director PA 010556 with Lapp Electric! 230 Holy Spirit, Palmyra, PA (B) U [email protected] marykay.com/rpeters-bates Enriching Women’s LivesTM PALMYRA ACADEMY OF DANCE 617 W. Main St., Palmyra, PA PalmyraAcademyOfDance.com • WelcomeLittleOnes.com 7 17-644-1273 877-401-4777 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com Check out our reviews on: John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. 1.800.333.3166 • www.jppc.net