Document 6600282
Document 6600282
Thursday 6 November 2014 Ainslie School Donaldson St Braddon ACT 2612 Tel 6142 3060 Fax 6142 3062 Board Chair P&C President The Ainslie School Newsletter Nerilee Flint Nova Inkpen 6161 7166 0407 959 007 [email protected] Ainslie School website: Twitter:@AinslieSchool & Ainslie School Dear families The fete Many thanks to Libby, Robyn and all the people who worked so hard to make the fete a success and great fun. I know the feeling you get after being involved in a highly collaborate and altruistic project is rewarding in itself but I hope the workers all realise how the rest of the community appreciates what you do. The school’s strategic plan We are currently writing the school’s strategic plan, which will take us through the next four years and inform each year’s Annual Operating Plans. The leadership team is looking at having three priorities. All the priorities directly relate to improving student outcomes, but a plan that only has one main priority is a little difficult to manage. Therefore we have divided the main theme into three, although the wording is not yet set in concrete. Improve student learning outcomes Improve teaching practice through mentoring and coaching Further engage parents, carers and the community in student learning. Our task is to develop a statement that articulates our desired outcome, key improvement strategies and the measures we will use to determine if we have been successful under each of these priorities. Staff have already been working to identify these and parents and carers are encouraged to get involved as well. I have allocated two sessions for the community to contribute ideas to the plan. If this interests you join me for the discussion on Tuesday 18 November 2014 from 3.30-4.30pm (I have a volunteer to keep any children attending entertained) or on Thursday 20 November 2014 from 6.30-7.30pm (this was previous advertised for Tuesday 18 Nov). Provision for Gifted and Talented students Greg Taylor and Jayde Condon have been working on a plan to improve our provision for students who may be gifted. An information session for interested parents and carers will be held on Thursday 20 November 2014 from 5.00 to 6.00pm. Parents are invited to a presentation about the plan and will have the opportunity to ask questions and contribute comments and ideas. If you are unable to attend that evening but are interested please contact Greg Taylor at the school, [email protected] , who will be happy to go through it with you. Board Elections 2015 – Assistant Returning Officer required I am on the hunt for an Assistant Returning Officer to manage the board elections for 2015. A couple of the tasks associated with this position must be done before the end of the year. Please let me know if you are able to help. [email protected] . The Returning Officer is in the Directorate. Construction You will have seen that the construction of the shaft to house our lift is underway. Some people may be interested to know about the unexpected discovery of a 430mm waffle slab above the ceiling of the former executive office. This will be noisy to remove so will be done out of school hours. An Ainslie School history fun fact is that this was the original roof of part of the ground floor. The room above it, the one opposite the library, was an extension built in 1970. 2015 This week we are sending home a note for every student to help us plan for next year. We would like to know if your child will be attending Ainslie School in 2015 and we would like information that will assist us with class placement. Usually a note asking for the latter is sent home later in the year so I want you to feel free to update the information closer to the term’s end if required. Please note that this information is kept confidential and will be seen by Catherine Dillon and me. Acknowledgement Our teachers love their work and wouldn’t swap it for quids, (although I was a little concerned when we had a staff wide syndicate for a very large Lotto draw. Luckily we didn’t win!), and like many public servants they work many more hours that the 7.21 of the public service day. Events like assemblies, Step into the Limelight and the Inner North Spectacular take planning, lunchtime rehearsals, creative thinking and many teacher hours and can be stressful as they are anxious to get everything right. Teachers are just as grateful for acknowledgment as anyone so I would like to remind community members to engage in a little figurative back patting when you feel it is deserved. Warm regards Kate 2014 Dates to Remember 11 November 11 November 12 November 17 November 17 November 18 November 18 November 18 November 19 November 20 November 20 November Remembrance Day assembly Yr 5 host @ 10.20am Soiree 6 – 7pm KS and K/1G CMAG excursion Bandstravaganza rehearsal 9 – 12.20pm Ainslie School Hall Fire Brigade visit Kinder @ 11.30am KB CMAG excursion Bandstravaganza Llewellyn Hall 6pm School Strategic Planning meeting 3.30 – 4.30pm Assembly Yr 2 host @ 12.30pm Gifted and Talented Information evening 5 – 6pm School Strategic Planning meeting 6.30 – 7.30pm From the Deputy In the Arts learning area, students develop creative skills, critical appreciation and knowledge of artistic techniques and technologies in dance, drama, media, music, visual arts and combinations of art forms. The Arts develop the students’ sense of personal and cultural identity and equip them for lifelong involvement in, and the appreciation of the arts. Our school is renowned for its thriving Music, Performing Arts and Visual Arts programs. Our exciting Music curriculum stretches right across the Kindergarten to Year 6 classrooms. Composition, dance and music genres, history, instrumental and ensemble music, music technology and music theory are all taught. Our preschoolers experience music through educators planning with the Early Years Learning Framework. Our dance programs support further opportunities for creative design for students. We are also committed to art and design education so that students can experience the creative process and develop their artistic skills. Visual art is studied and taught across the school, encompassing two and threedimensional art across a variety of media, materials and techniques – from sculpture, ceramics and photography, to works in metal, on canvas and many other forms including digital. The school programs are strongly supported by artists who are members of the Ainslie community. Living in Canberra, our students also regularly attend exhibitions by both masters and contemporary artists at our city galleries. The Australian Curriculum for the Arts sees dance, drama, media arts, music and visual arts sitting alongside other major subject areas available in the Curriculum such as English and Mathematics. This presents a massive opportunity for the creativity and imagination inherent in arts education in our schools to prepare young people for the challenges that face them in the 21st century. There is strong research evidence that young people who participate in the Arts achieve better academically and are socially more able to cope with the challenges of developmental transitions. Many students are involved in the Arts at Ainslie School with their talents shared through a wonderful calendar of concerts, recitals and events. Warm regards Catherine AINSLIE SCHOOL VALUES RESPECT We treat each other nicely. We speak positively to each other. Preschool News Over the last fortnight the children have had the opportunity to visit Ainslie School for kindergarten orientation. There was great excitement had by all children, especially having the ability to buy something at the canteen. The children were involved in a library lesson, music lesson, spent time in the kindergarten classrooms with their year 5 buddies, and also got to play on the outdoor playground. In conjunction with this visit we are continuing to provide opportunities to be ready for Kindergarten next year. These include, becoming good listeners and talkers in group settings, self-help skills and taking responsibility for their own possessions. We are also continuing with the children’s letter and number recognition, as well as literacy experiences including writing and reading with the children. Kinder and K/1G News KS, KB and K1G have been very busy learning about different types of books. We have been looking at pop up books and books that use collage in the pictures. Over the next 2 weeks we will look at how digital stories are made and information texts. In maths we will be focussing on capacity, money, location and 3D shapes. All of the children are very excited about our excursion to CMAG on Wednesday 12 November (KS and K1G) and Tuesday 18 November (KB). We would love some parent/grandparent helpers to come along for the day even if it is just for part of the time. Please let your child’s teacher know if you are able to come. Isobel, Cath and Evan Year 1 News Year One children are now in their second week of swimming lessons! It’s pleasing to see many of the children increasing in confidence in the water. Our class garden is growing and children are busy documenting the growth of the plants in our plant diaries. In mathematics over the next few weeks, we are learning about time, 3D shapes, and volume. Ask your child if they can remember the poem that reminds them of how many days in each month of the year! We have also been learning about how many seconds in each minute, minutes in an hour and hours in a day. The children continue to write each day and we are currently introducing how to write a procedure. This can be supported at home by showing your child recipes or instructions and having a look at the features of a procedure which include, what is needed (ingredients, items) and then step by step or numbered instructions. Year 2 News Year 2 has demonstrated exceptional swim and survive skills at the pool. We are tackling persuasive writing at the moment so please ask your children to argue with you….giving good reasons for their point of view. We are focusing on using strong words for impact and to influence. Some suggestions… I strongly believe that TV should be banned because…. In my opinion, broccoli is better than lollies because…. Many people believe that kids should go to school 6 days a week …. Some persuasive words are unfair, terrible, powerful, must and cruel. We are looking forward to our excursion to the Botanic Gardens on 25 November 2014. Please return notes as soon as possible. Please also return all library books to help with the end of year stock take. Save the date: Wednesday 19 November 2014 is the Year 2 Assembly starting at 12.30pm. Hope to see you there! Year 2 team: Cathy Dee, Jo Francis and Kavita Davies Year 4 News Year 4 has hit the international stage. Of all the classes in all the schools in Australia, 4B was chosen to take part in a Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study this week. The study is designed to measure and interpret differences in national educational systems to help improve the teaching and learning of mathematics and science worldwide. Australia is one of more than 60 countries participating in the study. While 4B were contributing to international research, 4SJ got ahead with their stop motion animations. We can’t wait to show you our videos later this term. Look out for our posters advertising our stop motion presentations. Do you recognise the influences of Picasso and Matisse in our works? Year 5 News It is only week 4 and year 5 have already had a busy term with pre-school visits, Inner North Spectacular and combined band! In class we have been busily investigating and comparing countries in Europe and North America with Australia which we will publish in an informative brochure. If you have any information books or travel brochures on countries in either of these continents that you happy to share, we will gratefully accept them. Next week, year 5 will be hosting the Remembrance Day Assembly on 11 November 2014. It will begin at 10:20am in the school hall. We would love to see you there. Year 6 News Over the past fortnight, the year 6s have further explored our geography based inquiry ‘Who are our neighbours?’ We have begun to look at the locations of countries that make up the Asian continent and have familiarised ourselves with key features found on a map and how to use and read atlases. We have commenced our contour art, using layered cardboard to create a 3D model of a section of land and have painted it according to its height above and below sea level. We have also viewed a YouTube video on latitude and longitude and have used the IPads to determine the coordinates of certain points of interests in the world, and have input chosen longitude and latitude to determine which part of the world we were in. In English, we have started our focus on William Shakespeare. We have completed a viewing task on the life of Shakespeare and have taken notes from each of the 4 short videos, recording significant events and important information. As we have just learnt, there are many sayings or phrases that we use in our everyday lives that were actually created by Shakespeare himself. As some of his words or phrases were Greek to us, we completed a matching activity trying to match a Shakespeare phrase to its proper meaning. This highlighted the fact that some of his phrases were unknown or misinterpreted by many of the year 6 students. In mathematics, we have been linking our understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages. We have revised our knowledge on probability and started referring to chance outcomes as a fraction, decimal or percentage. We looked at and completed a couple of probability experiments and have discussed fair testing and have created and completed our own experiments. Ainslie’s Spring Soiree Tuesday 11 November 2014 Ainslie School Hall 6 – 7pm FREE Year 5 and 6 Bands, Rosemary’s Strings and Ainslie’s recorders Spread the word and join us for an evening of joyful music Coffee and Conversation on Tuesdays FREE coffee/tea Meet and greet at the canteen After drop off/reading Come on Tuesday 11 November 2014 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. Toddlers welcome under your supervision Elizabeth Hook - English and Language Dialects teacher Japanese News This year Ainslie School has had the pleasure of hosting another Japanese assistant from Kagoshima University, Manami Misono. Manami works in the class, questioning and interacting with students in Japanese. Here is a short interview with Manami: 1. What do you like most about Ainslie School? Teachers and kids and parents are very friendly. 2. What is the biggest difference in Australian schools compared to Japanese schools? Australian schools have recess time and the kids can have snacks at school. 3. What do you find different about Australian families? Australian families sleep early. 4. What is your favourite new food? Lasagne 5. Where have you travelled to in Australia? Cairns, Gold Coast, Sydney 6. What do you miss most about Japan? Raw fish I would also like to take this opportunity to highlight and thank our wonderful host families. Without their assistance each year, we would not be given the opportunity to host these wonderful assistants at Ainslie School. Many thanks to the following families: Brett Hughes and Karen Sandercock (Isabella, Yr 3 and Lachlan, Kinder) Geoff Farrar and Tania Salvestro (Mattia, Yr 4) Andrew and Meg Frugtniet (Isabel, Yr 5 and Chris, Yr 1) Chris Black and Stephanie von Gavel (Matilda, Yr 4) Daniel Smyth and Jaqueline Howden (Imogen, Yr 6 and Astrid, Yr 4) Jason and Tracey Burgess (Annie, Yr 5) From the Board Chair It really does take a village – to raise a child I grew up in a small town of 1200 people – everyone knew everyone else – as kids we sometimes felt resentful that everything we did would eventually get found out by our parents! Well, almost everything! Where is this story going? I've been thinking for a while about how we, as the community living in the vicinity of the school, need to have a shared responsibility for our children. In particular this is when they begin to move independently around Ainslie/Braddon/Reid – for these are the children likely to be on foot or wheels on a school day. For years we walk with them, ride with them, deliver them to school, and collect them and then suddenly they are going on their own, with their friends, chatting, laughing, riding, scooting, running…and sometimes being unsafe. I am asking you as parents to consider the role you might have in assisting their safe passage. If you see a child being unsafe you can do something about it – speak to them, tell their parents, report it to the school. Don’t feel that it isn't your business, don’t worry about what the child will think – your action could save a life. Nerilee Flint Board Chair P&C Update Congratulations everyone on a very successful fete! What a brilliant day was had by all. I know my own children were up and dressed by 5:30am!!! They love fete day as it is one LONG playdate with their friends. Despite Halloween cutting into our baking time and the somewhat Melbourne-esque weather (four seasons in one day) our generous school community raised over $25,500 for our school. On behalf of the P&C, I would like to thank the stall holders, Ainslie School teachers and staff and all those parents who helped before the fete, at early set up, during the fete and at clean up time. A special mention to the Dads who helped secure all the marquees to ensure that they did not take off due to high winds and who then helped with the packing up and heavy lifting of equipment. A few highlights for me this fete included the student design stall, photo booth, chocolate salted caramel cake, and our local celebrities (Kate Chapman and Jayde Condon) for their fund raising efforts on the dunking dunny! In all that celebration we are aware of only two items that were lost – a child’s purse and adult sunglasses and both can be collected at the front office. A big congratulations also goes to our raffle winners and a massive thanks to our fete sponsors Thirst restaurant, Sears Morton, Align yoga, Braddon Caltex, Ainslie IGA, Reclink Australia, Hillview nursery and The Garden Dickson. A final, special thanks goes to Libby Bailey and Robyn James – we could not do this without your energy, enthusiasm and contagious sense of fun! Tombola Class Prize Winner! Congratulations goes to 6M. Well done Mr Mandapat’s class for your donation of a massive 107 tombolas!!! We look forward to providing you with your class prize – to be decided in consultation with Mr M and 6M! World Teacher Day morning tea Speaking of great teachers, the P&C would like to join the school community in thanking our great teachers and support staff as part of World Teacher Day. We invite our school community of bakers to join the P&C in providing a morning tea for teachers on Friday 21 November 2014 in the staff room. Please drop off your baked goods to the school on Friday morning and the P&C will set up the staff room in preparation for the morning tea. Thanks in advance for your support. Raffles and Twilight Concerts! One raffle that commenced at the fete, as it has done for the last three years, is the Reclink Wooden furniture raffle. This year we have a beautiful wooden garden bench which will be drawn at the end of concert to be held on Wednesday 3 December 2014 at 5pm. Tickets are on sale from the Canteen and notes will go home to give families the option of buying a ticket – in case you missed out at the fete! Tickets are $2 for one or 3 tickets for $5. Donated by the Ainslie Woodwork Shed, with support from Reclink Australia, this beautiful wooden garden bench has been built by men and women who are ‘doing it tough’ to help kids who are ‘doing it tough’. The proceeds from this raffle will be donated to the Ainslie School Equity Fund to support kids who are ‘doing it tough’ to join in excursions, music programs and school camps. For more details please contact Nova Inkpen (Ayla, Elise and Charlotte’s mum) on [email protected] or 0407 959 077 Twilight Concert – Wednesday 3 December 2014 Again this year there will be two concerts to ensure that our extensive school community can see our talented students perform at the end of year concert. This year the P&C will have a BBQ and pop up Christmas Market. We would love your help if you can spare half an hour! The canteen will also provide children with the option of ordering a hot dog meal deal to eat in their classroom between performances. More information on this soon! Ainslie Organic Kids (AOK) garden update Our AOK garden is a wonder to behold. The plants are growing and the children have been picking produce and cooking up a storm. If there are any parents/grandparents interested in being part of an Ainslie School gardening club to meet once a week- please contact the AOK (Ainslie Organic kids) Team through the canteen staff. Kidzbar News: Introducing the Super Salad Challenge! Students will be challenged by the canteen to consume a wide range of great summer salads. They can participate in the salad challenge from next week. All they have to do is pick up a Frequent Salad Muncher Card from the canteen and start ordering salads for their lunch! For every 5 salads they have, they receive one FREE! YUM! Alongside these super salads are preserves and jams that did not find a new home at the fete. Come on down and buy some of these yummy preserves and jams! We have a pickle that won first prize at the Canberra Show! KIDZBAR canteen is always looking for MORE VOLUNTEERS! You can help any day at any time- there are always things to do. We make everything on site, except pies. There are meals to be made each day. Please drop in to help keep this great canteen going and lighten the load of the staff. Recipes Please don’t forget to send in your fancy dessert recipes. Our next photo shoot is on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 November 2014. We need your desserts and props to make that shoot a success. Please send any of your family favourites to our e-mail address [email protected] Contact Nova or Justin for more information. Afters School Holiday Program – Summer Vacation Care Yes, I know it feels like it’s too soon but the Christmas Holidays are coming at us at a fast rate of knots! Carol and her great team sent out the flyer, timetable and booking and permission form today. There are talent shows, cook offs, sports and visits to the zoo and cinema – to name but a few things! It’s important to sign up early so kids don’t miss out! For more information email [email protected] and will soon be found on the school’s website too. Final P&C meeting for 2014 Wednesday 26 November 2014 at 7:30pm. Best wishes Nova: [email protected] 0407 959 077 LOST – Brand New Little Tikes Car Last seen in the school hall on fete day, a very young person would be thrilled to have their birthday present found and returned. Please call Ainslie School on 6142 3060 if you have any information about its whereabouts. Cyber Sexploitation of Young People Combined Campbell / Lyneham / Dickson P&C forum Monday 24 November 2014 Dickson College Hall You are invited to a special parent forum presented by controversial author and speaker Melinda Tankard Reist on how the internet sexualises and exploits young people. This will be followed by a Q&A. Jointly organised by Lyneham and Campbell High Schools and Dickson College P&C Associations, it is on November 24 2014 at 6.30pm at Dickson College hall. Gold Coin donation From Melinda Tankard Reist is a Canberra author, speaker, media commentator, blogger and advocate for women and girls. She is well known for her work on the objectification of women and sexualisation of girls and efforts to address violence against women. A co-founder of Collective Shout: for a world free of sexploitation, Melinda is named in Who’s Who of Women (Australia) and World Who’s Who of Women. LOCAL BULBS – Free to collect Jonquils, Belladonna and Bluebells Call Fran on 0410475052