

Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2014
Hearts walk/run was held Oct. 25 in
Crosby to raise money and awareness for suicide prevention. Saving
Hearts was started after the Raph
family of Emily experienced a suicide in Dec of 2012 within their fam-
ily. Ninety participants raised $2,400
and donated the money to NAMI,
National Alliance on Mental Illness.
For more information visit the facebook page SavingHeartsforSuicide
or contact Ann Raph at 838-6109.
Look for this event in 2015!
C-I youth wrestling for
grades K-6 will start on Nov.
24 with a sign up outside the
wrestling room from 5:30-7
The first night of practice
will be on Dec. 1 and practices
will be held on Mondays and
Wednesdays from 6-7:30 p.m.
Cost is $25 per wrestler, $40
for two wrestlers and $55 for
Lonesome Pine on Bay Lake
Hors d’oeuvres will be three wrestlers. There will also
from noon to 4 p.m.
be a $35 deposit on the singlet,
New this year is a snowFor more information, which will be returned when
mobile swap meet. Bring your please call 678-2051.
the singlet is returned.
‘stuff’ and sell or buy.
All wrestlers will receive a
Questions can be directed to
Jackie Wood at 821-5199 or
Bobby Crawford at 852-5388.
Snowmobile kickoff Nov. 15
Hansen Sports, in conjunction with the Bay Lake
Sno Packers and the SnoSerpents
Deerwood present an open
house to view the 2015
Polaris Snowmobiles and
visit with other riders and
learn about snowmobile clubs
and what they do to support
the trail system for all riders
on Saturday, Nov. 15 at
Christmas break
for basketball
The annual boys basketball Ranger Classic is scheduled for Monday, Dec. 29
through Wednesday, Dec. 31
at the Crosby-Ironton High
School. The lady Rangers
will be in action on Monday
and Tuesday, Dec. 29-30 in
Pierz for the annual Pierz
Holiday Tournament.
Just For Kix offers
special sessions
The Crosby Just For Kix
will be offering special sessions.
Ages 2-3 are welcome to
experience their first dance
classes with Just For Kix.
Teeny Kix starts Thursday
from 5-5:30 p.m. at CRES.
Cost is $27 plus a $14 registration fee. This covers the spring
session as well. One uniform
will be needed.
Grades 2-6 are invited to
learn a light routine from 5:306:30 on Mondays. Cost is $35
Temporary off-highway vehicle
trail closures begin in November
The Minnesota Department
of Natural Resources will
restrict recreational use of offhighway vehicles (OHVs) in
some areas during the upcoming firearms deer hunting season. Vehicles affected by the
restrictions include all-terrain
vehicles (ATVs), off-highway
motorcycles (OHMs) and registered off-road vehicles (ORVs)
such as four-wheel drive trucks
that are not being used in conjunction with deer hunting by a
licensed deer hunter.
The restrictions, which
apply to state forest trails and
access routes but not to state
forest roads, aim to protect
recreational riders from potentially unsafe riding conditions
and to minimize conflicts
between deer hunters and recreational riders who may inadvertently disturb them.
Licensed deer hunters may
still use these routes in conjunction with their hunting activity:
• Before legal shooting
• From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
• After legal shooting hours.
Effective dates of the recreational riding restrictions will
• Nov. 8 to 23 for the northeastern Minnesota 100 Series
deer season.
• Nov. 8 to 16 for the
Minnesota 200 Series deer season.
Because recreational OHV
trails located in southeastern
Minnesota close Nov. 1 each
year, no additional OHV riding
restrictions are necessary in that
part of the state.
While many recreational
OHV riders have voluntarily
opted not to ride forest trails
during deer hunting and smallgame seasons, recreational
OHV riding has become a yearround sport for many. DNR officials remind everyone who visits Minnesota’s state forests this
fall to put safety first.
For more information, see
the 2014 deer season map online
or contact the DNR Information
Center at [email protected]
or 651-296-6157 or 888-6466367 between 8 a.m. and 4:30
p.m. Monday through Friday.
Join the Cuyuna
Iron Range Riders
ATV Club
Q: How can I tell when a
lake has turned over in the
fall, and do most fish go deeper after turnover?
A: A lake has turned over
when water temperatures are
the same from the surface to
the bottom. The process can
take days or even months to
complete, depending on lake
shape and depth, and air and
water temperatures. The only
way to conclusively know
when a lake has turned over is
to measure the temperature at
the surface of the lake and at
the bottom; if they are roughly the same temperature
(within a few degrees), the
lake has turned over. During
the process of turnover water
clarity may decrease, decaying organic material can be
seen suspended in the water
and there can be a sulfurous
Before lakes turn over in
the fall, temperature and oxygen may vary across depths.
In these lakes, the waters
below a certain depth may
during the summer. When this
happens, fish cannot use this
habitat and are squeezed into
waters near the surface. After
the lakes turn over, the oxygen levels are consistent from
the surface to the bottom, and
fish can use depths that were
uninhabitable during the summer. Studies of walleye,
northern pike, muskellunge,
and cisco that were tagged
with depth sensors have verified that these species use
deeper depths after turnover.
‘Tis the season...
to wear orange
For your safety and the safety of those around you, please
remember to wear a cap and
outer clothing above the waist in
a blaze orange color.
Visitors to the Cuyuna
Country State Recreational
Area are ecouraged to wear
orange clothing when in the rec
The Cuyuna Iron Range
Riders is a family-style group
for youth to grandparents
located in the Crosby-Ironton
area that is dedicated to
responsible riding. We offer
youth safety training, trail
rides and family-style events
each year.
Joing an ATV club is a
great way to meet new people
and enjoy exploring trails. We
have been active in the
Cuyuna Range community
since 2004. The club is maintaining the Miller Black Bear
trail area located between the
cities of Trommald and
Riverton off Iverson Road.
The trail area is approximately 20 miles of nice forest
trails with scenic overlooks of
the Mississippi River.
The club offers membership to anyone interested in
trail riding and exploring.
Individual memberships are
$15 annually while a family
is $20. Business memberships
are $30. Your business name
and contact information are
listed on the club Web site,
Facebook page and posted at
both trailhead kiosks at the
Miller Black Bear trail area.
For more information, go
online to or contact
the club president, Ken Irish,
at 651-470-2601, e-mail [email protected] and follow the club and trail development on Facebook.
and includes two sets of lights.
Also, a K-6 father/daughter
session will be held on
Thursday, Dec. 11 from 7:308:30 p.m. and Saturday, Dec.
13 from 11-noon. Cost is $15.
All sessions will perform at
the JFK Winter Show on Dec.
13 beginning at 7 p.m. at the
high school.
For more information, or to
request a registration flyer, contact Amy Turk at (218) 8205274 or email at:
[email protected].
Q: Which tree species are
most abundant in Minnesota?
A: Our most abundant
tree species in Minnesota is
the quaking aspen with an
estimated population of more
than 3.5 billion. The next
most abundant species (in
order) are balsam fir, black
spruce, black ash, paper
birch, tamarack, red maple,
northern white cedar, sugar
maple and balsam poplar.
Sunday Night Mixed
Cuyuna Lanes
45 25
44 26
Lakes State Lumber 37 33
Ron’s Collision
37 33
Woodtick Inn
37 33
Ingalls Construction
35 35
Krugers Automotive 20 59
High Team Series—Lakes
State Lumber, 2012.
High Team Game—Lakes
State Lumber, 735.
High Ind. Series (Men)—
Andy Robinson, 633; Jeff
Thompson, 567; Brian Ingalls,
High Ind. Games (Men)—Jeff
Robinson, 227; Brian Ingalls,
High Ind. Series (Women)—
Jayne Ravnik, 458; Frances
Mitchell, 452; Shelby McKee,
High Ind. Single Games
(Women)—Shelby McKee,
180; Frances Mitchell, 170;
Mary Lee Dallman and Sarah
Portz, 163.
Monday Night Mixed
Fresh Start Market
47 16
Godfrey Plumbing
40 23
Ingalls Construction 31 32
C-I Courier
25 38
Players Sports Bar 24 39
The Woodtick
22 41
High Team Series—Godfrey
Plumbing, 1766.
High Team Game—Godfrey
Plumbing, 620.
High Ind. Series (Men)—Gary
Knutson, 736; Roger Wagner,
573; Kodi Keppers, 507.
High Ind. Single Games
(Men)—Gary Knutson, 257,
246, 233; Roger Wagner, 213,
201; Pat Lies, 190.
High Ind. Series (Women)—
Sharon Knutson, 541; Mary
Styx, 508; Kayla Minarich,
High Ind. Single Games
(Women)—Sharon Knutson,
193, 192; Mary Styx, 188,
172; Kayla Minarich, 176.
Wednesday Night Womens
Jim’s Dames
J.H. Truckin’ Babes 39
Wild Rice Woodwork 36
Ya ‘Betcha
Crosby Bar
American Family Ins. 29
High Team Series—Jim’s
Dames, 1687.
High Team Game—Jim’s
Dames, 598.
High Ind. Series (Women)—
Christine Isaacs, 522; Cheryl
Hecker, 475.
High Ind. Single Games
(Women)—Becky Nordeen,
191; Christine Isaacs, 188;
Cheryl Hecker, 175.
Thursday Morning Coffee
Hudrlik Carpet
Cuyuna Lanes
46 31
Chamberlin Trucking
North Country Cafe 44 33
High Team Series—North
Country, 1684.
High Team Game—North
Country, 615.
High Ind. Series (Women)—
Lynn Valiquet, 454; Nancy
Petroske and Mary Spolarich,
452; Jo Becker, 451.
High Ind. Single Games
(Women)— Lynn Valiquet,
191; Judy Anttila, 175; Mary
Panno, 171.
Prep League
Team 6
24 11
Team 5
21 14
Team 2
21 14
Team 4
17 18
Team 3
12 23
Team 1
10 25
High Ind. Series (Boys)— Brad
Hachey, 328; Nate Hachey,
249; Darren Portz, 247.
High Ind. Single Games
(Boys)—Brad Hachey, 120,
116; Darren Portz, 104; Nate
Hachey and Aidan Bendson,
High Ind. Series (Girls)—
Elaina Lettman, 160; Eva
Jarvela, 143; Emma Berg, 101.
High Ind. Single Games
(Girls)—Eva Jarvela, 70,
Elaina Lettman, 64, 53; Emma
Berg, 45.
HAILEY WYNN, 10, of Ironton, shot this 6-point
buck early Sunday morning with her Ruger
American .308 in Zone 2 on private land. She
was hunting with her dad, Bill, and grandfather,
Hunters can register deer through
phone, internet or in person
Hunters can register deer
they harvest by making a telephone call, using the Internet, or
bringing deer to a big-game registration station, according to
the Minnesota Department of
Natural Resources. Registration
instructions for all methods are
available at www.mndnr.
“Our system gives hunters
the ability to choose the registration option that works best for
their situation. Electronic or
phone registration is convenient
for many hunters,” said Leslie
McInenly, DNR big game program leader. A number of
hunters still choose to go in person to registration stations.
However, hunters in the
southeastern Minnesota deer
permit areas of 348 and 349
must register deer in person during the opening weekend of
firearms season because the
DNR is conducting voluntary
surveillance for chronic wasting
disease in these areas. Phone
and Internet registration will be
available for these areas once
enough samples have been collected.
In all areas, deer must be registered within 48 hours after the
deer was taken, and before
being processed and before
antlers are removed. Deer can
be transported out of the area
where they were taken before
being registered. Registration is
important because it provides
data on harvest that’s used for
management of deer populations.
Area hunters encouraged to
submit deer photos this season
If you were lucky enough to
shoot a deer this hunting season,
submit the photo to the C-I
Junior League
Criteria for publication is:
Team 1
24 11
—First deer shot for indiTeam 5
22 13
Team 7
21 14 vidual (child or adult) no size
Team 6
19 16 limitations. For adults, the deer
Team 3
19 16 must be five-points or larger for
Team 4
17 18 publication please.
Team 2
8 27
—Include full name and age
High Ind. Series (Boys)— (if under 18) and town in which
Walker McKee, 436; Dawson
Logan you reside
—What size/type of deer
Rasmussen, 377.
High Ind. Single Games was slain (doe or buck), weight
(Boys)—Waker McKee, 192, if known, and how many points
142; Logan Rasmussen, 160;
Dawson French, 156.
High Ind. Series (Girls)—
Jenna Rassmussen, 343; Loren
Sablan, 337; Lizzy Frink, 314.
High Ind. Single Games
(Girls)— Jenna Rassmussen,
132; Lizzy Frink, 124; Loren
Sablan, 122.
Safety tips for
shoveling snow
Snow and Ice Management Association recommends the following safety
tip while snow shoveling:
Wear breathable layers.
Layering is typical cold winter weather advice. We suggest wearing layers of loose
clothing so you can peal a
layer off if you get hot. Avoid
wearing heavy wools, manmade materials or other materials that don’t allow perspiration to evaporate. Better
choices are cotton and silk.
Practices held Mondays and Wednesdays
6-7:30 p.m. starting Dec. 1
$25, wrestler • $40, 2 wresters • $55, 3 wrestlers
$35 Singlet deposit required night of of sign-up, you will receive
check back when singlet is returned.
Questions: Jackie Wood 218-821-5199 or Bobby Crawford 218-852-5388
Phone registration
Register deer via phone by
Directions are printed on the
back of each deer hunting
license. Have a pen ready. A confirmation number will be given;
it must be written on the license
and site tag.
Internet registration
Register deer via Internet at registration. Directions will be similar to
phone registration, and a confirmation number must be written
on the license and site tag.
Walk-in registration
When phone or Internet registration is not possible, hunters
must take their deer to a biggame registration station. The
person whose name appears on
the license must be present at the
registration station with their
deer. They will receive a biggame possession tag that must
be attached to the hind leg, ear or
antler where the site tag was
attached. A list of all stations
organized by city and county is
available at any DNR wildlife
Other species
In addition to registering a
deer online, hunters can also go
online to register a bear, wolf or
turkey. If an animal can be registered via phone, instructions will
be printed on the back of the
license. More hunting information
Sat., Nov. 15
Noon-4 p.m.
at Lonesome Pine
Hansen Sports, Bay Lake
Sno Packers and Sno-Serpents
from Crosby/Deerwood invite you
to visit with them and other riders
to learn more about snowmobile
clubs and to view the 2015
Polaris snowmobiles!
Call 218-678-2051
for more information
—Where the deer was shot
(zone number, property name,
—Photos can be emailed in
to [email protected];
printed and dropped off at the
Courier office or call Lori at
546-5029 to make other arrangements. There must a connection
to the Cuyuna Range area for
photos to be published (example: live in the area, grandparents live in the area, graduated
from Crosby-Ironton, etc.).
There is not a fee to have the
photo published.