Document 6600667


Document 6600667
Patented June 22, 1915.
Patented June 22, >1915.
UNITED strains PATENT neuron.
Speci?cation of Letters Patent.
Patented June 22, 1915.
Application ?led Iatch 12, 1913. Serial No. 753,713.
The fuel discharge nozzle extends upwardly
T0 all whom it may concern: -
from the end of the laterally extending con
duit 4 leading from the float chamber, said
Be it known that I, CHARLES J. Pnnnnonn
I of the city of Rochester, in the county o
Monroe, Stat-e of New York, have invented nozzle being preferably located centrally of
the air intake passage. The nozzle proper
Carbureters; and I do here y declare the comprises a stand-pipe 5 which forms a con
certain new and useful Im rovéments in
following to be a full, clear, and exact de~ ` tinuation of the conduit 4.
In order to obtain a preliminary adjust
scription of the same, reference being had to
the accompanying drawings, forming a part ment of the fuel supply, I provide means
of this specification, and to the re?erenee for changing the relative portions of the
nozzle and the cooperating yalve to be de
numerals marked thereon.
My present invention has for its object scribed hereinafter, and while I may accom
to projvide a carbureter for vaporizing vola plish this by an adjustment 5f either ele
tile fluids such as employed for forming the ment, or both, I pre?er to obtain this result
explosive mixtures used in gas or explosive by an adjustable tubular member 6, prefer
engines, in which the fluid discharged into ably threaded into the upper end of the
the air intake assage or vaporizing ‘cham stand-pipe 5, and movable `longitudinally
ber is regulatedj or controlled in proportion therein when rotated -on the screw threads,
‘ to the volume of air coursing through said
_ passage, in accordance withthe speed of
this'adjustment being easilyl accomplished
by the stem or rod 7, attached to the mem
operation of the engine or the load. under ber 6 and extending outwardly through the
which the latter is operated. '
To these and other ends theV invention con~
gland or stuffing box 8. Other means than
the screw threads mentioned might be em
siste in certain improvements and combina
ployed for adjusting the member 6, or these
tions of parts, all as will be hereinafter more
screw threads might be located at some other
fully described, the novel features being position, but I deem it preferable to arrange
them as shown, because they perform the
pointed out in the claims at the end of the
further 'function of closing the space be
tween the contiguous walls of the stand-pipe
sectional view of a carbureter constructed and tubular member and thus preventing
In the drawings: Figure l is a vertical
in accordance with one embodiment of my `the> suction action in the carburetor from
present invention; Fig. 2 is a similar view
'taken on the line 2"-92‘ Mof Fig. l; Fig. 3
is a horizontal sectional'view taken on the
line fit-3X of Fig. l; Figsa and 5 arcsec
tional views similar to Fig. 2 showing the
gates in the intake passage in the open and
closed 'positions respectively; Fig. 6 is a
transverse sectional view looking down A
drawing the volatile oil through this space
and requiring all of it to escape through
the tubular member.
ln the drawings this member is shown in
the form. of an enlarged head at the upper
or inner end of the rod 7, which has an
opening, indicated at, 6a, the lower end of
said opening extending laterally and aii'ord
ward, the parts being shown in Fig. 4, and ing communication with the space within
'7 is a vertical sectional View on the,l the standpipe 5.
The Huid which escapes
the l) assaee'
6a.. instead of flowmvf‘
yline ’iL-7* of Fig. 5, showing the atomizing tln'ouffh
disch arge end of the fuel outlet.
Similar reference numerals throughou
r the several ñgures indicate the same parts.
in a single stream, is broken up or sub
divided so :that it escapes into'the airA intake
passage’in a plurality of jets,’which serve
In illustrating the carbureter which em
bodies a preferred form ’of my invention, I
greatly to carry out the important function
have shown the air intake passage or chan
volatile oil with the inrushing air.
nel formed by a casing` which is preferably
rectangnilar in crosssection, and into which
liquid fuel is discharged from a suitable
l Íed from the main body of liquid.
carrying out this feature, of the invention, I
‘Jody of liquid is preferably contained
of thoroughly mixing thervapor from the
surround the stand-pipe 5 with a spray
head S, having a vertical passage 8? into
which the liquid is received from the nozzle
5, und a horizontal passage 8b, which eX-`
a float chamber A supplied through the tends transversely of the air intake passage, lli)
î. the level of. which is governed.. by and is provided with a plurality of laterally
áloat L', operating the needle valve 3. arranged openings or discharge apertures in ’
its opposite walls, as indicated by 8°, of the discnargepriaœs sc.
While I prefer to i
illustration, although ‘this number may be 4employ gravity controlled gates, more or
less satisfactory results are obtained by pro»
increased vor decreased, if desired, By ¿this vidin
springs for moving the gates to
arrangement, the liquid is discharged at
right angles to the path of the lnrushing clos‘eäY position, in which event the spray 70
’which fourteen are shown. in the present
air, causing a more thorough breaking up
and vaporization of the fuel which is dis
charged in lateral> sheets, as will appear
presently. 0f the. several apertures, at
tention is called to those> indicated by 8‘l
arranged midway in the passage 8b, in aline~
head need not'be Weighted.
- ' More specifically describing the structural
YYfeatures of the elements Just referred to, at-V
tention is called to the fact that thesprav `
head 8 is a solid rectangular metallic block 15
in which the vertical passage 8a opens at its
nient with and above the nozzle 6, as these lower end and añords a sliding engagement
su pply the vapor required when the engine with the stand-pipe 5, which may also serve
1s opera ting at the lowest or cranking speed, as a guide, although I prefer to guide the
at which times the remaining apertures 8c block in the waysS‘ï‘lO‘ in the lwalls 9 and so Y
are cut ofi' by theair operated gates to be 10. The air operated gates are indicated at
.18 and 19 and are pivoted‘at theirlower
mentioned presently.
The outflow of liquid from the passage 6a ends to the~bottom edges of thev side walls
is controlled by a tapered needle valve 6" 1l~11 and .when in- their normal position,
fixed in the passage 8u and coöperating with
the perforation 6a, the extent of the opening
between the latter and the valve being deter
mined in the present embodiment `by the
25 longitudinal adjustment of the` head 6 in the l
they occup the relatively inclined positions
shown in 4ig's. 2 and 5. The best results ‘I .
have ¿found are obtained when the gatesare
at an angle of approximately twenty degrees
tothe perpendicular when closed, although
this may vary. The upper e 'l of the spray
The air intake passage is _preferably rec~ head 8 at the pointy where the ‘discharge ap
_ tangular in cross section', as shown in Figs.
3 and» -6 and is composed of' front and back clined surfaces', a's shown at each side of
stand-pipe 5. ’
plates!) and 10 and the _two side plates ll,v the central cylindrical _portion 8e', which
_which parts are connected by bolts 12, pass is provided to accommodate the central sa
' ing through ears 13, arranged preferably o1. recess 8a and- the valve'head therein. lThe
the exterior of the parts providing a _free upper ends ofthe air’ .gates overlie these
unobstructed „__ interior. Surmounting inclined surfaces andrest against the’lower j.V
the rectangular casing is a tubular section ,portions of their faces when in the closed
14, containing the pivoted throttle valve -15, _ position, but theïgates ,themselves are ta ioo
which can be opened and closed by oscilla pered at their iipper extremities sof-.vhile
tion of the lever lövarranged exteriorly of their upper'edges project somewhat 'beyond
the casing, which latter is adapted to be the vapor discharge orifices 8c, these are not
connected to the intake manifold ofthe gas .actually‘closed_, although by reason of thel i i
engine, a' portion of which is shown and in~ gates resting against the spray head, .the 105
dicated by 17.
Y _
passage of air in s'utlicient quantities -ex
A further important-feature of _my in
vention consists in providing means for in
creasing or decreasing the How of gasolene
vor other volatile fluid. fed to the carbureter
in vproportion to the volume of air demanded
ert‘ agsuction action on said oriiices is ob- `
viated, but when the gates are ajar, a pas
sage is provided between their under sur~
faces and the contiguous inclined surface of 11G
the spray head, and sheets, of air` aredirect-'i
bythe engine according to'the working load
ed across the open ends of the discharge ori- f
air gate or gates which are operated by the
of such dimensionthat when the gates
e closed, a vs_utiicient quantity ofair isadf‘
Each of the gates is provided ‘een-`
50 >imposed thereon. To this end I make the
spray head lmovable for the purpose of ad-- trally with a recess 18a'and 19“ respectively', ,
justingthe> needle valve and I provide 'an which accommodate the _boss 8°, said recesses `
pressure of the inrushing air in the intake
passage to move the spray head or member 8
and, the latter I preferably construct in the '
form of a Weight, which `will normally .de
which is drawn through the- intake passaggi
acl-ossi the two central outlet orifices 8d.
scend to its lowermost position and serve as 'T
means for closing the air gates when the
he air gates and the combined spray head' "
60 pressure is reduced. The air gates are also and _weight 8 are fitted rather loosely’in the»
so arranged and constructed that they will casmg formingthe air inlet, sel-that they.125
serve whenin closed position to direct all may operate with perfect freedom and in
of the air required at the lowestor cranking , order, therefore,A to . prevent ‘unnecessary
speed past the point of discharge of the ap leakage of air when the‘gates are closed, di
ertures 8d and when partially opened viiill die agonally inclined strips 1.8b and 19b are ar-_
rect the inrushing air currentsacross all of ranged on the front and rearwalls 9 and 10,
and it‘is also for the purpose of minimizing" 130
a messes
the leakage oi’ air that the spray head and _other outlet orifices SC. Therefore, the turn
baclr or a portion of the an' inst adnnt
weight 8 is guided at its two edges in re
cesses formed in the walls 9 and 10.
ted, when the throttle 1s thrown wide open
Simultaneous movement or' the two air insures, in a inultirylinder engine, that allA
gates 18 and 19 as Well as vertical adjust? of the cylinders will under these conditions
ment of the needleA valve, is accomplished obtain an explosive mixture of equal den- l
by providing the gatelswith short operating
ñngers 18°w19c, the Iree ends of which are
ln the present carbureter, l have provided
embraced between similar pairs of laterallgì` ‘means for controlling the How of gasolene,
projecting lugs-20 on each side of the 1nem~ or other volatile fluid employed, in propor
_ber 8 near the bottoni thereof, theseßparts ion’to the quantity of air demanded by the l
' being proportioned and designed that any engine under various Working conditions
air pressure in the intake, passage will cause o andthe construction of the air gates, and
both gates to be moved equal distances and their connection-With the movable Weighted
15 the spray bead to be actuated so that the
head, is such as to cause them to normally
needle valve (iD carried thereon will always exert a tendency to move to a closed posi
occupy a definite predetermined relation to tion, and `iior this reason the parts are very
its Cooperating valve seat, which is in direct sensitive and responsive to slight Íluctua
tions or” the air pressure in the intake pas
proportion to the movement of the gate.
The bottom of the air intake passage may sage. Consequently slight movements' ot 85
be open directly to the atmosphere, or it' de the throttle valve will cause the -speed ot
sired., a hood 2l may be fitted thereto, hav~ the ‘engine to be increased or decreased al~
ing at one side an air intake aperture 522 most instantaneously, and when the engine
and provided with a laterally extending speed is out down to the lowest‘point, {lood
25 portion 23 forming a passage through which ing of the earbnreter and consequent stop 90
heated air may be introduced which is col ping,l of the engine by producing" too rich
lected 'r'roni some suitable ‘point adiacent to 'a mixture ‘will not occur.
î claim as niy invention:
the cylinder of the engine as will be under
l. .À carburetor including an air inlet and
As a means of improving the edective fuel discharge nozzle arranged in the aire
operation of the carburetor and assuring a inlet, a iuel spray head extending substan"
thorough mixture of the inrushing air and tially across the air inlet and provided with
a plurality or laterally arranged apertures
stance when the operator suddenly opens in its opposite Walls, a valvecarried by the
the throttle ¿troni a partly closed position to spray head and a swinging gate' disposed in »
a t'ull open position, l provide above or be the air inlet and operated by the inrush ot
low the throttle valve, as illustrated in Fig. air and adapted when opened to lie sub
2. a perforated bell shaped baille plate 2e. stantially parallel to the axis of the inlet
vapor under certain conditions, as for in
This member is supported at opposite sides and when closed to lie at an angle to the
same, and connections between the valve and
for two
the most
pas .the gate.
carbureter including an air inlet, a
sage. et its center the badi-e member is pro
fuel discharge nozzle arranged `in the air
sage of such carbure-ted mixture as is re
rounding tlie nozzle, the discharge head be
ing provided with a plurality of trans
vided with the aperture 27, the area oi’ inlet, a movable fuel spray head extending
which is sullìcient to permit the free pas substantially across the air inlet and sur
quired at low or cranking speed, but by rea
son of the shape of the bell, air in excess of versely disposed apertures in its opposite
this quantity impinging against its lower Walls, a valve normally iixed with relation
surface, Will be detlected downwardly> and to the head and cooperating with the nozzle,
required to circulate around the edge 26 of a swinging gate arranged in the air inlet,
said member. In so doing, this portion of and connections between the valve and the
the air is brought into juxtaposition with gate.
the flat inñowing air sheets.
This means of' '
3. A carburetor including an air inlet, a
redirecting a portion of the first quantity of ?~`el discharge nozzle arranged in the air
air admitted after the throttle is thrown inlet, a spray head surrounding and movable
Wide open, is important, because previous on the nozzle, said spray head extending
to that instant, the engine is ruiming .at a substantially across the air‘i'nlet and pro
lovv speed on a carburetcd mixture .of air vided with a plurality of laterally arranged
passing through the ports 18a and'lâa and apertures in its opposite walls, a valve car
vapor issuing from the tvvo ports 8d. Con» ried by the spray head, a swinging gate dis
posed in the air inlet, said gate being' oper~
scquently‘the initial air passing the
bead the first instant the throttle is open, ated by the'inrusli of air and adapted, when
' must loe more rareiiedithan that which 'lol open, to lie substantially parallel-to the axis
loivs, after suction has been produced on the - of the inlet and when.l closed to lie at an
angle to the Same, and connections between plurality of 'swinging gates pivoted'at Athe 10
the valve and the gate.
‘sides of the inlet ~and adaptedfto Contact -
4. A ‘carbureter including an air inlet,`_ a with the spray head when closed„and»connozzle disposed in the air inlet, a weighted nections between the gates and the head.
' spray head slidable longitudinally of the
nozzle, a valve arranged in the spray head
and cooperating» with the nozzle, said head
being provided Wit-l1 a plur'ality of laterally
disposed ap'ef‘tures in its opposite Walls, a