Newsletter Week 6 Term 4 12 November 2014


Newsletter Week 6 Term 4 12 November 2014
Week 6 Term 4
12 November 2014
From the desk of the Principal...
Why are we a unique school?
Palmerston Christian School, who are we? What makes us a unique school in Palmerston?
We are a unique school in Palmerston. There is no other school that has the high quality of
education and pastoral care in a Christ centered community. We are bold in our expression
of faith in Christ and our deliberate inclusion of education into our Christianity. The quality of
the education at Palmerston Christian School is reflected in our mission statement.
“To serve families through the process of nurturing and educating children in an
environment where Christ is central, thereby enabling them to be the people God has called them to be. “
Our sister schools in NT Christian Schools organisation share the same community based and Christ centered
education model and together with other NT Christian Schools, we are unique.
As Principal, I meet all the new families. One question I ask parents is, “How did you hear about Palmerston
Christian School?” Mostly people respond that it is word of mouth recommendation from someone they know.
Some say internet search and a few respond by saying they have done research about schools and Palmerston
Christian School is tops in terms of the information they have looked at. *All of these responses are positive and
encouraging to a staff of teachers who are dedicated professionals. The word of mouth recommendation is
especially pleasing as it is coming from members of our community who know us well. A community that knows
parents are welcome at PCS, education standards are high, pastoral care is excellent; and Christ is the centre of our
educative process. These characteristics found at PCS set us apart and shape our community. We guard our
community spirit carefully and embrace living life together as a community.
Plans for next year are taking shape and the school is in a strong position moving into 2015. We are in the final
phase of shaping our classes for next year. Please pray for us as we make decisions about next year. There has
been strong interest for 2015 in all sections of the school and waitlists already exist in many year levels including
Transition for 2015. Kingdom Kids continues to grow and enrolment is encouraged for parents wishing to have
priority entry into Transition at PCS. More detailed information about classes will be in the next newsletter.
I look forward to meeting with parents this Friday, 14 November at 2pm in the school library. I plan to give a short
overview of the latest happenings at PCS and then have an open discussion about the school. I am especially
interested in parent’s hopes and expectation for the future of Palmerston Christian School.
In Christ
Ken McAllister
Principal, Palmerston Christian School & Kingdom Kids Early Learning Centre
50 Waler Rd, Marlow Lagoon / PO Box 113 Palmerston NT 0831 Ph: 8932 3377 Email: [email protected]
Term 4—Week 6
Constable Kim’s Corner
Last term I visited several schools and spoke to Yr 5,6, and 7’s about
cyber safety with the THINK U KNOW information package. I am hoping to
get to more classes this term. I have included some tips below for both
students and parents. Further information including games and puzzles can
be found on the THINK U KNOW (Australia) website.
Privacy tips for kids
Chatting with friends online, instant messaging and playing online games can be fun, but remember to be
careful about what information you share:
·Before you share information about yourself online, show your parents first – even if it’s to enter
a game or contest
Only respond to emails or instant messages from people you know
If you receive a message that makes you feel weird, don’t respond and show your parents or an
adult you trust
If a website asks you to type in information like your name, address and email, check with your
parents first
If someone you’ve met online wants to meet you in the real world, tell your parents about it first
Always give your parent’s correct email address if a site requires their permission for you to join.
To ensure your child is protected from risks such as cyber-bullying, unwanted attention or
breaches of their privacy, you can:
Encourage them to keep their usernames and passwords safe and not share them with anyone
Take them through the privacy settings of sites they join to ensure they are careful about what
information they share and with whom
Educate them about the risks involved in sharing personal information online
Discuss the long-term effects of their online behaviour, such as how potential employers may view
their online profile file
Remind them to think before they post photos or other information online, because once it’s out
there, it’s hard to control what happens to it.
Warmly welcome you to join us!
Tuesday 10th
– @PCS
we urgently need one or two people who are willing to open the
uniform shop on a regular weekly basis.
Book Club Coordinator – We are looking for someone to be trained as a
coordinator during Term 4, with a view to taking on the roll in 2015.
If you are available to help, please contact the office to discuss.
Term 4—Week 6
2014 ICAS Awards
At our previous celebration, awards were given out for the 2014 ICAS Tests.
PCS has again done very well and all students who participated, as well as those who won
awards, need to be congratulated for their fantastic effort and attitude.
There were two new categories this year– Merit Certificates and Principal Awards. It is
wonderful that we are given the opportunity to acknowledge not only academic excellence but
also attitude, approach, diligence and students giving of their very best.
Well done everyone!
Year 4
Year 2
John Adjokotse
Ryan Lawton
Science-Credit, English-Credit,
Elijah Manning
Brandon McConnell,
Year 3
Year 5
Caitlin Jong
Maths—Credit, Science—Credit, ComputerDistinction, Writing—Credit
Liam Jong
Maths—Credit, Science—Distinction,
Lanie Pennington
Computer—Credit, Spelling-Credit, WritingCredit
Computer-Credit, English—Credit
Paolo Cercarelli
Jordan Fisher
Year 6
Spelling-Merit, Writing-Distinction
Mackinlee Swart
Maths-Credit, Science-Credit, SpellingCredit, Writing-Credit
English—High Distinction, Spelling-Credit,
Warmly welcome you to join us! Tuesday 10th June @PCS
Sean Cowen
ICAS Principal Awards
Josiah Taylor, Bella Donald, Lily Koeford,
Olivia Koeford, Avaishia Cockatoo-Collins,
Matthew Cowen
Term 4—Week 6
Brandon McConnell on
Rural Athletics Centre 2014
Junior Male Champion
Young Scientist Awards
The Territory’s Young Scientist Awards were presented at Charles Darwin
University on 29 October. A number of 3/4 students
were given awards. Jordan Fisher and Sophie O’Hehir
came first in their category .They are pictured here
with their winning recycled bug creation.
Well done everyone!
Warmly welcome you to join us! Tuesday 10th June @PCS
Term 4 Week 6
Calendar Dates Term 4
Thursdays 13 November 2014 (9am-10:10am) Transition Orientation Morning
Friday 14 November 2014 - Coffee with Principal
Ken McAllister—2pm in the library, all welcome!
Wednesday 3 December 2014 - Thanksgiving Service
Thursday 4 December 2014—MOPS Christmas Party
We are in search of Music Teachers
to teach keyboard/piano/guitar/
voice, and any other instrument for
Direct payment arrangements would
be made with the parents. not
through PCS.
13yrs and above
Tax File Number application forms are
available at the front office for
students aged 13 and above to apply
for their Tax File Number this year.
Term 4—Week 6
The Palmerston Toy Library is run by Good Beginnings and aims
to provide a free service to families in the Palmerston area.
Membership entitles families to borrow up to two items per child with a
maximum of three per family. Our service provides a range of toys to help your child reach
their developmental milestones.
The Toy Library is held during school terms at:
Woodroffe Salvation Army Hall, Woodroffe Ave-Thursdays 10am-12noon
Palmerston Library Community Room-Mondays 9-11am
For any further queries please call
Good Beginnings Palmerston on 89327022
Come and give hockey a go!
Ideal for new & current players looking for a
fun Hockey experience in a fully
supervised and safe environment.
For more information please contact
NTHA office on 89450302 or
email [email protected]
Commerce-PINTS Hockey Club
Warmly welcome you to join us! ‘Thinking about a team sport?’ New
welcome, We
Tuesday all
June @PCS
are a fun, friendly and familyoriented club. Take the first step to
find out more
[email protected]