(香港交易及結算所有限公司全資附屬公司) CIRCULAR 事項
(香港交易及結算所有限公司全資附屬公司) CIRCULAR 事項
Ref.: CD/CCO/CCASS/257/2014 Date: 10 November 2014 香港中央結算有限公司 (香港交易及結算所有限公司全資附屬公司) Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited) 通告 CIRCULAR 事項 Subject: Launch of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect 查詢 Enquiry: CCASS Hotline 2979-7111 Participants of HKSCC should refer to the Joint Announcement issued by the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) and the China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) on 10 November 2014 regarding the official launch of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect on 17 November 2014 (Monday). List of China Connect Clearing Participants (CCCPs) List of approved CCCPs has been posted at the HKEx website (http://www.hkex.com.hk/chinaconnect) and will be updated continuously. Direct Clearing Participants and General Clearing Participants who have successfully completed Market Rehearsals held in September 2014 but have not completed the registration process for the Use of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect please refer to the Exchange circular dated 21 October 2014 (Ref No.: CT054/14) and return the required information to the Exchange as soon as possible. Pre-launch System Readiness Test (15 November 2014) As announced in the circular issued on 21 October 2014 (Ref: CD/CCO/CCASS/239/2014), an optional Pre-launch System Readiness Test (“Test”) will be arranged by HKSCC on the Saturday before the launch date. The Test date is now confirmed as 15 November 2014. All Direct Clearing Participants and General Clearing Participants who have registered as Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect users are strongly encouraged to participate in the Test. Other CCASS Participants are also recommended to participate in the Test to familiarize themselves with the new CCASS processes. Interested CCASS Participants should fill in the “Test Contact Person Form” and return it to HKSCC before the Test. The form is available in Appendix E of the Test Information Package on the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect website. To facilitate the testing activities of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, CCASS Participants should note that CCASS online services and CCASS hotline services for production will be suspended on 15 November 2014. CCASS Production Reports on that day will only be available on the following Monday. Participants should inform its relevant IT support or BOS vendor of this arrangement for necessary preparation. 香 港 中 環 港 景 街 一 號 國 際 金 融 中 心 一 期 1 2 樓 12/F, One International Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View Street, Central, Hong Kong 電話 Tel: + 852 2522 1122 傳真 Fax: +852 2295 3106 網址 Website: www.hkex.com.hk 電郵 E-mail: [email protected] Please contact the new China Connect CCASS Hotline at 2979-7123 starting from 17 November 2014 for any enquiries related to the CCASS operations for Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect. Terek Mak Senior Vice President Cash Clearing Operations
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