S h a a r e y Z... N e w s l e t t e r סב


S h a a r e y Z... N e w s l e t t e r סב
Shaarey Zedek
Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 9 AM - 4 PM;
Fri. 9 AM-12:00 PM (818) 763-0560
[email protected] www.valleyshul.com
12800 Chandler Boulevard
Valley Village, California 91607
Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg, Senior Rabbi
(818) 763-6269 [email protected]
November 14 - November 21, 2014
21 Cheshvan - 28 Cheshvan 5775
Parshas Chayei Sara ‫פרשת חיי שרה‬
Mazel Tov ‫מזל טוב‬
To Mel and Sally Kass on the birth of a great-great granddaughter in Israel. The baby is the great-granddaughter of their son, Chaim. The baby’s name is Miriam bas Yocheved
bas Chava bas Chaim Dovid bas Sarah Rivkah v’Malkiel.
To Aida Forman, Hedy Harris and Helen Perlmutter for being honored by the Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood.
To Xianna Shiffman on the publication of her new children’s book,
- A Magical Tale by an Ancient Hand by Xianna Michaels.
Thank You ‫תודה רבה‬
To Sylvain and Linda Silberstein for sponsoring kiddush after the 8 AM minyan in memory of Linda’s father, Asher Anshel ben Shaul Yechezkel, z”l.
To Urial and Shulamit Uralevich for sponsoring the kiddush after the 8:45 AM minyan in memory of Shula’s parents, Yaakov and Simcha Adni, z”l.
This Week at the 8:30 AM Minyan
Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg be giving the drasha. Rabbi
Aryeh Davidowitz will be giving an in-depth shiur on
halachic-related topics from Parshas Chayei Sara following
kiddush (approximately 10:45 AM).
Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood
Luncheon & Boutique
The SZ Sisterhood Luncheon will be held this
Sunday, November 16,
in the SZ Sugarman Social Hall at 10:30 AM.
Dr. René H. Levy
Guest Lecturer
This Motzei Shabbos, November 15th at 8 PM in the
Shaarey Zedek Beis Midrash
Please join Shaarey Zedek for a guest lecturer, Dr.
René H. Levy, Professor Emeritus of Pharmaceutics
and Neurological Surgery at the University of WA in
Seattle. Dr. Levy will be speaking on a topic based on
his new book “Baseless Hatred: What It Is and What
You Can Do About It.” The topic will be A Jewish
Future without Baseless Hatred: A Stepwise
Pay tribute to the honorees, Aida Forman, Hedy Harris and
Helen Perlmutter. The event will start with a Chanukah
Boutique. The luncheon program and children’s fashion
show starring our own talented children will begin at 11:45
AM. For info, contact Linda Sieger at [email protected]
or call (818) 762-7077.
Sponsored by the Uralevich and Fersht Families
OU 24th Annual Convention
Bringing Light to a Darkened World
Hold the Date! The Orthodox Union’s Annual West Coast
Torah Convention, December 11 - December 14, 2014.
December 12th & 13th, Shaarey Zedek will be hosting a
scholar-in-residence, Rabbi Steven Weil, Senior
Managing Director of the Orthodox Union. Rabbi Weil will
be speaking at the Friday night oneg, the 8:45 am minyan
and again at Shalosh Seudos. Topics to follow.
The adult education committee is seeking sponsors
for the OU Shabbaton Oneg scheduled for December
12th. Sponsorship opportunities are available for $100 per
Torah Reading: 106 ♦ Haftorah: 1136
Erev Shabbos, Friday, November 14th
Candle Lighting
4:32 PM
4:40 PM
Shabbos, November 15th
8,8:30 & 8:45 AM
Krias Shema
9:02 AM
4:25 PM
Maariv/End of Shabbos
5:32 PM
Shacharis Sunday
6:45, 8, & 8:40 AM
Shacharis Monday &Thursday
5:49 & 6:45 AM
Shacharis Tues., Wed., & Fri.
5:59 & 6:45 AM
4:35 PM
Late Maariv Monday -Thursday
8:00 PM
Next Shabbos, November 21st
Candle Lighting
4:29 PM
4:35 PM
AIPAC Shabbaton
The Annual AIPAC Shabbaton will be held next Shabbos,
November 21st-22nd.
Friday night, November 21st at the 8 PM Oneg,
Dahniel Brandes,
Valley Area Director, will be speaking and answering
questions - “Problems and Prospects: A Middle East in Flux.”
Refreshments will be served.
Shabbos morning, November 22nd at the 8:45 minyan
Judah Lindemann,
Regional Synagogue Initiative Director
will be speaking - “Impacting Israel: What American ProIsrael Activism Looks Like.”
Please join us for a very informative and
important event.
AIPAC Valley Annual Dinner
The American Israel Public Affairs
Committee Valley Annual Dinner will be
held on January 11, 2015 at the Hilton
Universal City.
The guest speaker will be Mosab Yousef,
the author of Son of Hamas. The son of one of the
founders of Hamas, Mr. Yousef served as an
undercover agent for Shin Bet for almost a decade,
supplying valuable information which prevented
dozens of suicide attacks and assassinations.
Shaarey Zedek is trying to fill 4 to 5 tables with
Shaarey Zedek members. If you are interested in
attending, please contact the AIPAC Valley office at
[email protected], call (323) 937-1184 or talk to
Linda Scharlin.
2014 SZ Sisterhood Cholent Cook-Off
Shabbos Chanukah December 20th
Included in the cholent tasting will be
a sampling of a delicious array of
traditional Shabbos cuisine. We are
also looking for the World’s Most
Famous Cholent Maker. If you would like to sponsor a
cholent ($108.00) or are the World’s Most Famous
Cholent Maker, please contact Aida Forman at (267)
934-3896 or [email protected].
Planning for your Family’s Future
Shaarey Zedek has partnered once again with Mount Sinai Memorial in Simi Valley to provide our congregants with
comprehensive pre-need arrangements and services. Mount Sinai has offered to donate $5000 to SZ if 5 more
properties are sold by a predetermined date. If you or your family would like more information, please contact Doreen
Kayne at (866) 813-8100 ext. 413 or email [email protected]
For Men
Young Adult - Musar/Hashkafa/Parsha Shmooze for young
men, 25-30 years old, delivered by Rabbi Avrohom Mendelsohn
of Yeshivas Ner Aryeh. Class held every Thursday at 8:30 PM
in the Ratner Beis Midrash followed by Maariv. Cholent and
refreshments will be served. Sponsorships are available.
Morning Kollel Mon-Fri 6-6:45 AM with Shmooze from Rabbi
Jonathan Rosenberg on Friday at 6:30 AM
Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg’s Gemara Shiur - Mesechta
Sanhedrin. Wednesdays at 8:30 PM in the Beis Midrash.
Rabbi Gradon’s Weekly Kollel Learning: Wednesdays
evenings at 8:30 in the Beis Midrash. Parsha D’var Torah at
9:35; Maariv at 9:45.
Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg’s Gemara Brachos shiur: Thurs.
at 8:30 PM in the Beis Midrash. See Yosef Traube for info.
Rabbi Maza’s Parsha Shiur: Shabbos 7:30 AM downstairs
.Rabbi Lintz’s Halacha Shiur: Shabbos, 10:15 AM downstairs.
Rabbi Shlomo Rosenberg’s Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri 6-6:45 AM;
Sat. and Sun. 7:15-8:00 AM in the Ratner Chapel.
Rabbi Rauch’s intermediate level shiur in Maseches Bava
Kama: Monday through Thursday, from 8 - 9:15 PM.
For Women
Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg’s Navi Shiur for Women:
Mondays at 8:00 PM in the Beis Midrash.
Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg’s weekly Parsha Shiur for women,
Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Beis Midrash.
NEW TEHILLIM SHIUR with Shkedia Berman -Tuesdays
12 PM at the Moritz’s home 12923 Chandler Blvd.
Mrs. Grossman’s Chumash class: NO class November 20th.
Announcements for the newsletter must be given to the office by Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 PM. Items will be listed on a first come, first served basis, based on available space.
The SZ Suggestion Box
As we continually work to improve the shul
experience for our members, including
some changes we made for the recent
holidays, we welcome your feedback.
Whether you liked what we did or you think we can do
better, please send your comments to Mark Hurwitz at
[email protected].
Hel p S h aa r ey Z ed e k b y lo g gin g in a t:
www.smile.amazon.com. The first time you log on, it will
request the charity you would like to support. Enter Shaarey
Zedek Congregation and then a portion of every amazon
purchase made on amazon smile will go to the shul. Shaarey
Zedek will automatically stay as your charity of choice every
time you sign in.
SZ Jewish Book Club
Shaarey Zedek Book club is open to men and women.
Please join us by reading LOVESONG; Becoming a
Jew by Julius Lester. Time and place to be announced.
For more info, contact Anne Greenfield at
[email protected] or (818) 398-0018.
SOS invites all retired seniors to dinner at the home of Dr.
Martin and Marilyn Kay, 5407 Alcove Avenue, Valley Village
on Wednesday, November 19th at 5:30 PM. Samuel
Schwartz, a Medicare supplement broker, will be speaking
about Medicare changes that will take place in November
2014. Please RSVP to Anne Greenfield at (818) 761-0678.
Uncle Moishy’s Back!
Sunday, December 7th, 2:30-4:30 PM
Beverly Hills High School
For info and ticket purchase, go to
Lost and Found
Found - Woman’s beaded bracelet; a “gold” bracelet; a boys
blue tie; a tallis clip, striped baby blanket, tie found on Bellaire
between Magnolia & Chandler; sunglasses; an interlinear
inscribed Rosh Hashana machzor; woman’s glasses; an
earring; one unopened contact; a key; a mini remote; a silver
necklace and a watch.
(800) 613-1911
(323) 903-7613
valleymishmar.com (818) 584-1987
(818) 623-0300
www.valleyeruv.org (818) 759-7593
(818) 760-4567
Gary Bregman (818) 259-0449;
Joey Conzevoy (323) 268-1783
Shul President
Jonathan Istrin [email protected]
VP Religion
Mark Hurwitz [email protected]
(818) 763-0560 [email protected]
VP of Education
Steve Stone [email protected]
VP Membership
Herman Muhlstein
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hachnasat Orchim Rochelle Shapiro (818) 388-2903
[email protected]
Tomchei Shabbos Ruth Dimant (818) 517-4902
Shatnez Testing
(707) 494-7096
Angeli Holzman (805) 452-3352
Valley Mishmar
Aleinu Family Help
Valley Eruv
Teichman Mikvah
Shiva Committee
Sponsored by Yeshiva Ketana of Los Angeles
Glass Display Cabinet
We are looking for Judaica items of interest to display in the
SZ glass display cabinet located by the glass doors facing
Chandler. Art, books, pictures, or any item that people may find of
interest can be displayed for short periods of time. Contact
[email protected] if you have something to display.
Valley Torah High School
Valley Torah High School is proud to honor our dear
friends, Gary and Stephie Bregman and Alumnus of the
Year, Akiva Greenfield at our Annual Scholarship
Dinner to be held on November 25th.
For more info, to make a reservation or a donation, visit
Chumie Vann - Culinary Creations by Chumie
(818) 300-5687 [email protected]
Nir Weinblut - La Gondola
(310) 247-1239 [email protected]
Moshe Hayempour - New York Glatt Kosher
(310) 365-8002 [email protected]
Rachel Celnik or David Eskenazi - Platinum Catering
(818) 800-2267 [email protected]
SZ Shabbos Teen Minyan starts at 8:45 am in the
Ratner Chapel.
SZ Cub Scouts Pack 613
CubScouts Pack 613 is Shaarey Zedek’s Cub Scout
Pack, with activities such as skits, hiking, biking,
camping, badges, family activities, sports, middos
and fun with a “frum” purpose. Contact Cubmaster
Brian Leyton for details at (818) 640-4136 or
[email protected].
Shomer Shabbos Boy Scout Troop 613
Troop 613 (ages 11-18) meets the first and third
Sunday of each month. Contact Scoutmaster Stan
Friedman (818) 985-2623 for more information.
Girl Scout Troop 613 is LA's first frum Girl Scout
troop featuring hiking, camping and other scouting
related activities. We welcome girls in 1st – 12th
grades who live in the valley or surrounding areas.
Meetings are held twice a month on Sunday
afternoons from 4:30-6:00 PM at Emek nursery.
Contact: Edie Green at [email protected] or (818) 299-0064
Bnei Akiva
Snif - Snif this week will be at 4:15 PM.
Chevraya Ve’Zach (6th-8th grades) are invited to a TYE DYE
party on November 15th at 7:30 PM at 5015 Otis Avenue,
Tarzana. Cost $7. RSVP to Avi Rodan (818) 442-8608.
Manhigut (Leadership) Fellowship Program begins
November 23rd. Register today! All 9th graders may apply!
Moshava Malibu - Grades 3-10 Register NOW-Early Bird
Discounts! Tuition Discounts! Bnei Akiva’s overnight camp is
moving to our permanent home at the David Oved Retreat
Center in Running Springs. Excellent sports, arts, swimming
and nature infused with the teachings of Torah. Session: July
13 - August 10, 2015. Visit www.moshavamalibu.org or call
(855)Moshava for more info.
Bnos meets from 2:30 PM to 4 PM.
Call Elisheva Barasch for more info (818)359-0312.
DNL every Monday 7:30-8:30 PM Jerusalem Pizza in
Encino. Contact Sarah for more info (714) 293-7100.
LNL every Tuesday 7:30-8:30 PM Coffee Bean Studio
City. Contact Derek for more info (949) 677-1313.
LNL every Tuesday 7:30-8:30 PM Coffee Bean
Calabasas. Contact Yisrael for more info (818) 277-0727.
LNL every Thursday - 7:30-8:30 PM Coffee Bean
Tarzana. Contact Yisrael for more info (818) 277-0727.
Contact Sarah Leah "Fro Fro" (714) 293-7100 or
[email protected] for more info on upcoming events.
Tehillim Circle
Contact Debbie Striks (818)752-9666 or Mona Riss (818)761-5077 to add or delete a name.
May our tefilos bring them a refuah shelaimah!
Leah Chana bas Sarah Leah
Tova Rivka bas Esther Rachel
Ruchama bas Miriam Yehudis
Chaya Malka bas Esther
Chaya Bracha bas Shifra
Sarah Bryna bas Gitel
Yardena Elisheva bas Chana
Kalo bat Sarah
Margalit Chaviva bas Shulamit
Bracha Henna bas Sarah Rivka
Leah bas Penina
Bracha bas Chaya Rochel
Adina bas Chana
Tali bas Nechama
Esther Sara bas Elka
Golda Raizel bas Riva Chaya
Maya bas Batya
Chaya bas Leah
Tzirel bas Malka Bryna
Seema bat Miriam
Sara Rayza Bryndil Bracha bas
Gila Esther
Matah bat Perel
Chaya Tori bas Sarah
Batya bat Bracha
Chernyah bat Rivkah
Ruth bat Yulia
Pesha bat Henna
Rachamim bat Balfour
Chaya Revital bat Rachel
Shamsi Sarah bat Malek
Rus Shoshana bas Chana
Tzivia Basya bas Chaya Sarah
Gilya Pahya bas Taube Chaya
Pesel bas Yita
Chana bas Golda Seema
Rochel bas Shoshana Chaya
Zahava bas Juliette
Rivka Noima bas Devorah
Sarah Rachel bas Elka
Devorah Miriam bas Sarah Leah
Chaya Sura bas Sima Batya
Penina bas Kayla
Chana bas Elka
Miriam bas Rivka
Rachel bas Leah
Chaya bas Malka
Osnas bas Chaya Bayla
Blima bas Esther Hentcha
Yisraela Chana bas Sarah Feiga
Gitel Faiga bas Rachel Leah
Menucha Rachel bas Mazal
Miriam Chana bas Florence
Feiga bas Ella
Chana bas Rosa
Rochel Leah bas Tzippa
Chana bas Claire
Roiza Devora bas Hindel Leah
Hadassa bat Leah
Elianna Miriam bat Chava
Ariel Shifra bas Enka Rachel
Sarit bas Simcha
Felix ben Anna
Uri Shraga ben Serach
Nootah ben Eta
Yisachar Dov ben Shoshana
Shraga Feivel ben Rachel
Malkiel ben Dobi Baila
Shelaim Tzvi ben Chaya Gitel
Kasriel Hertzig ben Fayga
Ari Daniel ben Rut Sarah
Yitzchak ben Keshvar
Adam ben Miriam
Yitchak Peretz ben Tzippa
Binyamin Chaim ben Feiga Sara
Zev Yosef ben Gitel
Elimelech ben Basya
Hershel ben Sara
Melech Shlomo ben Rachel
Shlomo Yehonatan ben Miriam
Baruch Yisrael haKohen ben
Dovid ben Suri
Yonah ben Chaya Bayla
Refael Noam Meir ben Chana
Moshe Ziskin ben Etel
Aaron Leib ben Leah
Reuven Moshe ben Devorah
Yitzchak ben Bracha
Tzvi Hirsch ben Mindel
Yitzchak ben Tziporah
Shmuel ben Leah
Yehuda Eliezer ben Roiza Devora
Shlomo ben Goltaj
Nissim Daniel ben Chana
Chayim Yakov ben Iran
Yigal ben Sarah Yitel
Baruch Reuven ben Sara
Yaakov ben Gutel Bunya
Shmuel Meir ben Chava Rus
Yisrael Shlomo ben Fraida
Yishayahu ben Zissel
Velvel ben Bella Rivka
Aryeh ben Rochel Devorah
Yosef Daniel ben Miriam
Moshe David ben Sarah
Yisroel Yehuda HaKohen ben Ida
Barak ben Idit
Yehuda Baruch ben Miriam
Reuven ben Shoshana