Parshas Pinchas - Congregation Ariel
Parshas Pinchas - Congregation Ariel
REFU’AH SHELEIMAH Please contact the office if someone on this list has, Baruch Hashem, recovered. Only those with a serious health condition should remain on the list. Mushka Rivka bas Gittel Friend of Diane Barron Zussel Moshe HaLevi ben Rella Brother of Saul Sloman Mehri Gittle bas Sarah Chaina Sister of Diane Barron Yelena bas Esther Mother of Marina Zalmanova Tzivia Masha bas Yehudis Trudy Robbins Chana bas Ruchel Friend of Ilene Miller Levi Yitzchak HaKohen ben Rachel Brother of Neal Cooper Jennifer Kay Aunt of Shira Johnson Esther bas Freidel Estelle Gordon, sister of Linda Miller Clara Siegler Mother of Amira Nachman Dorina Nachman Mother of Michael Nachman Shabsai ben Fraidel Steve Freedman Chana Rachel bas Leah Naomi Niece of Susan Krohn Aharon ben Jenny Brother-in-law of Susan Krohn Esther Malka bas Zlota Ita Emily Moore Nechama Itty bas Masha Baila Cousin of Ilene Miller Aryeh ben Chana Leonid Resenson Gabrielle Chava bat Perel Cousin of Linda Czuper Rella bas Dena Mother of Saul Sloman Yaffa bat Friho Mother of Angela Davydov Baruch ben Esther Uncle of Bev Bolnick Moshe Abba ben Masha Michael Yaschik Golda bas Rifka Mother of Eric Medwed, Sister of Elaine Brasch Yaakov ben Sheindel Yaakov Sirota Ariel Adi bas Rachael Tova Infant daughter of Bunder family friends Hatinok Shenolad ben Devora Azriela Infant son of Bunder family friends Leonid ben Inna Friend of Angela Davydov Feigele bas Carol Friend of Adrienne Bishko Lazar Meir ben Baila Leike Louis Taratoot Yehudit bas Gerta Judi Jarecki, Stepmother of Jill Mainzer Tovah bas Esther Terry Eden Stub Shraga Faivel ben Etta Rhoda Fred Brasch YAHRTZEITS July 30—24 Tammuz Mrs. Ninel Avetsyan Ninel bas Baruch Mother of Asya Kerzhner July 31—25 Tammuz Mr. Manfred Eichholz Yechiel ben Gershon Father of Lora Schroeder Father of Charlotte Rich July 31—25 Tammuz Mrs. Betty Goodfriend Bunia bas Mordechai Mother-in-law of Kim Goodfriend Grandmother of Miriam and Avi Goodfriend August 1—26 Tammuz Mr. Alexander Resenson Alexander ben Moshe Father of Vita Resenson August 2—27 Tammuz Rev. Avraham Yaakov Frydman Great-Grandfather of Robyn Regenbaum GOOD SHABBOS & WELCOME! Parshas Pinchas 24 Tammuz, 5776 - July 29-30 , 2016 Torah Reading: Page 876 | Haftorah Reading: Page 1190 August 3—28 Tammuz Mrs. Mafrat Katayeva Mother of Boris Bababekov August 4—29 Tammuz Mrs. Esther Rosenberg Mother of Terry Eden Stub August 5—1 Av Mrs. Morvarid Khalili Morvarid bas Yochanan Mother-in-law of Mahin Khalili August 5—1 Av Mr. Edward Robert Komisarow Asher ben Hunya Father of Marc Komisarow August 5—1 Av Mr. James Shaw Father of Randy Shaw Please Note: The Shul office kindly requests that any information for the Shabbos flyer should be submitted no later than Wednesday of that week. This includes events, sponsorships, and names for the Refu’ah Sheleimah list. Thank you! CONGREGATION ARIEL Rabbi Binyomin Friedman, Rabbi Dr. Jason Kaplan, President - Debbie Kalwerisky, Executive Director Rabbi Mordy Birnbaum, Youth Director SHABBOS SERVICE TIMES WEEKDAY SERVICE TIMES July 29 - Erev Shabbos (Friday) Sundays Mincha Early Candle Lighting Regular Candle Lighting Shacharis (Dome) Learner’s Minyan (Sanctuary) Women’s Tehillim (Friedmans) 6:50pm 7:15pm 8:21pm July 30 - Shabbos Sephardi Minyan (Dome) Main Services (Sanctuary) Learners’ Minyan (Dome) Youth Services (Grades 2-8) Kiddush (Social Hall) Mincha (Sanctuary) Shabbos Ends 8:00am 9:00am 10:30am 10:30am 11:45am 8:00pm 9:21pm 8:00am 8:00am 8:45am Mondays—Fridays Shacharis 1st Minyan: 2nd Minyan: Begins at 6:40am Yishtabach at 8:00am Sunday–Thursday Mincha/Maariv This Week 8:25pm Thank you to our Generous Donors! SHABBOS DAY CLASS SCHEDULE ARIEL GENERAL FUND 7:30AM | PARSHA STUDY Rabbi Michoel Friedman A textual exploration of the verses in the second Aliyah of that week’s parsha 8:15AM | PARSHA STUDY Rabbi Michoel Friedman A textual exploration of the verses in the third Aliyah of that week’s parsha 10:30AM | LEARNER’S MINYAN Rabbi Daniel Freitag A guided tour of the Shabbos morning prayers with life insights + highlights of the weekly Torah portion 11:30AM | BURST OF INSPIRATION Rabbi Michoel Friedman A brief, but powerful and thought-provoking nugget of life wisdom and perspective, often drawn from the weekly parsha. 12:10PM | PARSHA IN REVIEW This week’s Shabbos Kiddush is sponsored by: BETTY GOODFRIEND CHESED FUND Michael and Anna Shapiro in appreciation of the community’s support and visits during the shiva for Anna’s mother Ella Kogan z”l An Anonymous Mensch in honor of Congregation Ariel Rabbi Yisrael Zelman A dynamic presentation of themes from the week’s parsha presented in the Russian language. 7:00PM | PROPHETS: BOOK OF KINGS Rabbi Binyomin Friedman Ongoing weekly installments of the fascinating stories found in the Prophets with contemporary perspectives and life lessons. Rabbi Eliyahu and Sarah Tendler In honor of Rabbi Tendler's aliyah Lev and Helaine Nelik In honor of Lev's aliyah and in gratitude to Hashem Dennis and Marsha Yaschik In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Louis Taratoot Dennis and Marsha Yaschik In honor of the marriage of Ellen Cohen and Josh Rothburd Joshua Brenner In honor of his aliyah Mitch and Linda Adler In honor of Mitch's aliyah Dr. Mikulas Fabry In honor of his aliyot Adrienne Litt Bishko In memory of Jonathan Kamran z"l, son of Hilda and Hamid Kamran Edward and Anita Nemeth In honor of Malkie Horovitz Elliott and Charlotte Rich In memory of Jonathan Kamran z"l, son of Hilda and Hamid Kamran Elliott and Charlotte Rich In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Louis Taratoot Harold and Lora Schroeder In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Louis Taratoot Harold and Lora Schroeder In memory of Jonathan Kamran z"l, son of Hilda and Hamid Kamran Harold and Lora Schroeder In memory of Lora's father Manfred Eichholz z"l on his yahrzeit Mitch and Linda Adler In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Louis Taratoot Michael and Julie Rice In memory of Robyn Regenbaum's father Ed Crook z"l on his yahrzeit Michael and Julie Rice In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Louis Taratoot Steven and Renee Haas In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Louis Taratoot RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND David and Miriam Karsh In honor of David's aliyah Randy and Cory Shaw In memory of Jonathan Kamran z"l, son of Hilda and Hamid Kamran Terry and Jan Tenenbaum In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Louis Taratoot Terry and Jan Tenenbaum In honor of Marc Komisarow's special birthday Ephraim and Asya Kerzhner In honor of Congregation Ariel Sam and Stephanie Heinselman In honor of Rabbi Binyomin Friedman ARIEL YOUTH FUND Allan and Robyn Regenbaum In memory of Robyn's father Idel ben Reuven z"l on his yarhzeit Allan and Robyn Regenbaum In memory of Robyn's grandfather Reuben ben Meir z"l on his yahrzeit Allan and Robyn Regenbaum In memory of Robyn's great grandfather Avraham Frydmanz"l on his yahrzeit ARIEL L’CHAIM FUND Congregation Ariel thanks Jeff Rosengarten and Ali’s Cookies for their sponsorship of our weekly kiddush. Please support Ali’s Cookies for delicious baked goods, year round and for special occasions. Jonathan and Ilene Miller In honor of Congregation Ariel HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Caroline Cranman, Yehuda Schulgasser, Hallie Alpern, Jonny Bolnick, Mark Felgin, Malkie Horovitz, Elchanan Bendicoff, Rachel Urbach, Beth Valenta, Marcia Katz, Rina Sobel HAPPY ANIVERSARY! Leonard and Marcia Katz Gary and Renee Lips Mitch and Linda Adler Artur and Raisa Pinkhasov OUR SHABBOS GREETERS Michael Gutman and Joni Pelta This week’s Torah portion discusses the mitzva of inheritance (see (Bamidbar 27:8) Two sofrim drove together to return repaired Torah scrolls to the shul. One of them needed to use the restroom. There was no restroom immediately available so they decided to pull into the first building available, which happened to be a non-Jewish funeral home. As they walked into the funeral home they saw that there was a funeral in session. The two men decided to join the small group escorting the dead in order to be respectful. One of the ushers gave them a guest book to sign and they signed their names and addresses. Shortly afterwards both of the sofrim received a letter from the lawyer of the deceased describing that the deceased's last name was Goldstein. Mr. Goldstein left a will that stipulated that he wanted his entire estate to be divided between those who came to his funeral. Each of the men would receive a check of $100,000. The sofrim wondered if they could keep the money. First of all, the deceased was a Jewish man and he must have some living relatives. According to the Torah laws of inheritance the estate should be diverted to the closest living relatives. Secondly, was it honest to keep the money? They never really planned to go to the funeral. They only went there to use the restroom, but ended up staying out of respect. What do you think? Answer to last week’s moral dilemma Many are of the opinion that the prohibition of sharing private information is only when it causes the owner harm. In this case, however, he will give Dr. Berman a benefit of earning more money. Other opinions say that this would not be permitted because one cannot share private information even if it will not cause any harm. LAST CALL FOR YAHRZEIT PLAQUES Contact the office by Monday if you’d like to order plaques in time for the High Holidays. [email protected] LADIES “BURST OF INSPIRATION” CLASS SPONSOR Thank you to Randy and Cory Shaw for sponsoring this week’s class in honor of their son Josh’s 21st birthday THANK YOU FROM CAMP SHAMAYIM! Camp Shamayim thanks the Ariel community for opening their hearts and homes to the counselors during this year’s camp. Camp Shamayim loves Congregation Areil! MORE THANK YOU’S To Sandee Glassman for helping with kiddush preparation last week with some of our “regulars” out of town. To Sharon Fleitman, Allison Thomas and Amanda Bunder for their ongoing efforts at shopping for and preparing our kiddushes every week. Your hard work is really appreciated! AND... SPEAKING OF KIDDUSHES We very much need to expand our Shabbos Kiddush Crew. We encourage everyone at all “ages and stages” to just pick one slot every three months,; this would greatly lighten the load on those who step forward week after week to set up our kiddushes. Husbands! Offer to watch the kids for a while or take them to groups so your wife can help out – you’ll be doing your part too! Newcomers! Setting up kiddush is a fun and social way to give back to the shul and get to know the community. Long-timers! Come forward and join us – you’ll never feel more appreciated! Bonus! To avoid the hassle of signing up through the kiddush website, just email the office and let us know when you’re available - we’ll do the sign up for you. [email protected] SEED PROGRAM STARTS IN A WEEK! Next week we will welcome this year’s SEED program to the Ariel community. We will introduce you to the participants in next week’s bulletin. We look forward to two weeks of Torah learning and ruach with the always-amazing SEED guys. CALLING ALL THOSE WITH “GREEN THUMBS”! We know there are some great gardens in the Ariel community. If any of our gardeners find themselves with extra produce that they can’t use, keep the shul in mind – we are happy to incorporate some of your bounty, especially salad items, into our kiddush menus. OUR SECOND YOUTH CHALLAH BAKE AND SHABBOS SING-A-LONG WAS SO MUCH FUN! Boys SAP this Shabbos 6:30PM at the shul TISHA B’AV Tisha B’Av will be observed this year on th Sunday, August 14 . Video presentations will begin at 5:30 PM Sunday afternoon and will include an inspirational documentary featuring witnesses and memories of the last survivors of the Holocaust, as well as speakers: HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rabbi Yizchok Dovid Grossman, Rabbi Yissocher Frand and Rabbi Paysach Krohn. $10 suggested donation
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