9/29/12 - Congregation Ohr HaTorah
9/29/12 - Congregation Ohr HaTorah
Go To: www.ohrhatorahdallas.org for all this information (and more!) Contact the Editor at: [email protected] Newsletter Archive Parshas Hazinu 13 Tishrei 5773 Saturday, September 29, 2012 Friday, September 28, 2012 Mincha/Kabbalas Shabbos 6:57 pm Saturday, September 29, 2012 Havdalah: 7:58 pm • Next Week Friday, October 5, 2012 Mincha/Kabbalas Shabbos 6:50 pm ⌚ I t ’s A b o u t T i m e SHABBOS • Shacharis WEEKDAYS • Shacharis • Hashkama 7:30 am • Main 8:45 am • Alternative Services • Learners 10:00 am • Jr. Congregation – 9:45 am • Boys Mitzvah Class with Mr. Ashley 9:30 am • Youth Group – 10:30 am • Shiurim • Daf Yomi in English 7:45 am • R. Feigenbaum - (Mesechta Shabbot) resumes next week, maybe • R. Methal - (Chumash w/ Rashi) resumes next week, maybe • Mincha 5:30 PM pm, 6:45 pm • Maariv/Shabbos Ends 7:58 pm • See Holiday Schedule • Wed - Fri 6:20/8:00 am • Earliest time for Tallis & Tefillin 6:19 am • Latest time for Shema 10:11 am • Latest Shacharis 11:18 am • Mincha/Maariv 7:00 pm • Nightfall 8:03 pm (Say the three paragraphs of the Shema) • Late Maariv 10:00 pm • Kuzari class by R. Feigenbaum, Sundays 7:30 pm on break for summer Kiddush & Sh Shabbos Hospitality Friday Night September 28- TBA Shabbos Lunch September 29- Esti Abrams Friday Night October 5- TBA Shabbos Lunch October 6- TBA 25) or Seudos ($1 t. Call sh lo a h S ), ($250 ay nigh a Kiddush e by Tuesd To sponsor n ($75), call the offic a Early Miny 0 for more info. 8 9 -8 972-404 alosh Seudos Early Minya n Kiddush is sponsored by S Moshe Degan arah & i in memory of M bat Itzhak and oshe’s mother, Roza in memory of S arah’s brother Chaim ben Isa , Tzvi ac Yosef Hale vi Kiddush is sp onsored by C hana Ruder m Richard Ruder an and man and child ren in honor o and Yonah Ro f Avigail th, o Rivka Shira. “M n the birth of their daughte r uch continued hatzlocha and the beautiful yo joy to ung family!" A lso sponsored Sarah and Mo by she Degani in honor of Mosh Birthday –“may e’s 68th he live till 120 w it h g o od health!” Shalosh Seu dos is spon sored by the S hul Life Events & Salutations Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Nechama Katz on the Bris of their baby boy. Mazel Tov to new grandparents, Richard and Shelley Glazer. Mazel Tov to Carolena and Jeremy Scharf on the birth of a baby boy. Shalom Zachor will be held at their home, 6545 Lafayette Way. The Bris will,G-d Willing, be Monday, October 1st after davening, followed by Kiddush in the Ohr HaTorah Sukkah sponsored by the Scharfs in honor of their new baby. Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yoni and Tova Sonnenblick on the birth of a baby boy. Shalom Zachor will be held at the Epstein’s, 6107 Preston Crest Lane. CHILDCARE is available at 10:00 am every Shabbos Morning. Yom Tov Flowers: The next two important dates for flowers sale are: Sunday, September 30th and Sunday, October 7th. Please order in advance to insure we have sufficient bouquets available. A beautiful bouquet of Roses is only $12. All proceeds go to Ohr HaTorah Sisterhood to help out with various Shul needs. Please email Heidy Cheirif as soon as possible with your orders: [email protected]. Upcoming Events ~ Save these dates! Yom Tov Hospitality If anyone has room for guests who don’t have a Sukkah—please call or email Rabbi Methal at [email protected]. Learners Service: There will be a Learners Service with Rabbi Epstein for Yom Tov on October 1st , October 2nd and October 8th—beginning at 10:15 am. Looking for Volunteers! Simchas Torah dinner volunteers are needed-- please contact Rabbi Methal at [email protected] if you can help. Over the High Holidays, many people have moved numerous belongings in to the shul… Kittels, kittel belts, strollers, Machsorim/ Sefarim, lunch bags-- PLEASE come and pick them up before Shabbos. Lost and Found: Some jackets may have been switched during Yom Kippur, please check your kittel and jacket to make sure they are yours. Also, please see if you found a black Joseph A. Banks 42R suit jacket. To sponsor a Kiddush or Shalosh Seudas – please contact the office by TUESDAY to insure that the information is included in the weekly update. Thank you! Thanks to ~ All those who made Yom Kippur so meaningful. See attached list… Bulletin designed,updated, and published by Dru Richman Thank You To All Those Who Made Yom Kippur Extra Meaningful Chazonim Rabbi Klein Rabbi Herskovits Rabbi Burr Rabbi Stolov All the Gabbaim Chaim Goldfeder Shmulie Herskovits David Geldman Salomon Banarer Rickey Cohen Bal Koria and the man behind the scenes Rabbi Abrams The childcare volunteers; everyone is able to daven because of you! Mrs. Barak Mrs. Skaist Mrs. Hurwitz Mrs. Klein Mrs. Solomon Mrs. Quinn Mrs. Wahrsager Mrs. Schick Mrs. Goldstein Mrs. M Banarer Mrs. Schecter Mrs. Lender Mrs. Zaghi Mrs. Broderick Mrs. Altman Mrs. A Rosenberg Mrs. T Banarer Mrs. Udman Mrs. Geldman Mrs. Frohlich Mrs. Ozeri Mrs. Honigsfeld Mrs. Schramm Mrs. B Epstein Mrs. Methal Rebbetzin Feigenbaum Thank You To All Those Who Made Yom Kippur Extra Meaningful Special Boys Programming Mr. Ashley Rabbi Stolov Breakfast Set up Fran Sharpe Parker Sharpe Publicity Dru Richman Susan Press Bal Tokea Rabbi Fried And all the speakers who spoke in the Learners Service Rabbi Schick Rabbi Lashak Rabbi Fried Rabbi Skaist Rabbi Honigsfeld And, of course, Rabbi Epstein And all those who pledged your time, learning and dollars Succah Hop Oct 1st 4:00pm Lazewnik -Preston Crest Fried - Linden Yavner - Linden Scavenger hunt Hot Simchas Torah Dinner registration form Cost: kids $4 until age 10 $6 per person 10 and up Pre paid reservation only Deadline Wednesday, October 3rd 2012 Family cap at $50 Click Here To Make Your Reservation miamiboyschoir.com To see Miami video clips go to Sponsor your local event as a z’chus for a yahrtzeit or Shirainu supporter for $180. Call 917-200-2994 www.Shirainu.org Bring This Amazing & Exciting family event To Your Community [email protected] or call 917-200-2994 ADMISSION: $10 FAMILY CAP: $60 Time: 6:30pm Location: Special Guest Stars With Inspirational And Uplifting Messages For Today’s Times in Concert THE MIAMI BOYS CHOIR YERACHMIEL BEGUN & VIA SATELLITE! Live From New York SHIRAINU’S WORLDWIDE SUCCOS EVENT! Join Over 100 Cities Participating In A WALK TO RAISE AWARENESS ABOUT BREAST CANCER Benefitting Breast Cancer Support Services at Jewish Family Service Sunday, November 11 Registration: 10 a.m.; 1-mile Walk: 10:30 a.m.; Speakers: 11 a.m. Hosted by Congregation Ohr HaTorah Location: 6324 Churchill Way Dallas, TX 75230 Let's put one foot in front of the other for the breast cancer survivors in our community Click Here to Register Register Here: http://www.ohrhatorahdallas.org/Cancer_Walk-a-Thon.html Registration Fee: $5 per person In addition to the walk, there are many ways to participate at the event: Feed the hungry: Bring canned or boxed goods for the JFS Food Pantry Relax with a five-minute chair massage (ladies only) Enjoy the children's activities and community vendors Join the pink helium balloon ceremony Take your chances in the free raffle Join us at the conclusion of the walk for inspirational words from survivors: o Beth Broodo, MS, LPC, director of breast cancer support services at JFS o “Choosing Peace Within the Chaos of Cancer" by Michéle Wahlder, MS, LPC, life coach, author, speaker For more information, contact: Ms. Broodo at 972.437.9950 or [email protected] [email protected]
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HaShem for bringing us to this time of year!
Bulletin designed,updated, and published by Dru Richman