St. Michael’s Catholic Church Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014


St. Michael’s Catholic Church Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014
St. Michael’s Catholic Church
801 Butler Avenue – Tybee Island, GA 31328
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014
Rev. Thomas J. Peyton – Pastor
[email protected]
Sr. Barbara Shimkus, RSM – Pastoral Assistant
Ms. Mary Chapin – Office Manager
Mrs. Susan Weber – PREP/Youth Coordinator
Mrs. Ginny Murphy – Youth Coordinator
Mrs. Helen Stevenson – Organist
Parish Office – (912) 786-4505 Phone
786-4166 Fax
Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.
(Closed noon until 1 p.m.)
[email protected]
Mailing Address: 802 Lovell Avenue
Parish Religious Formation Program
Susan Weber – PREP Program
Fr. Tom Peyton – RCIA
Sr. Barbara Shimkus, RSM – Adult Formation
Susan Weber/Ginny Murphy – Youth
Baptism Preparation: Call office for
information – (912) 786-4505
Parish Council Co-Presidents – Frank
Kelly/Anne Blanco
Parish Finance Mgr. – Mark Schroder
Women’s Club President – Theresa Maene
Men’s Group – Dave Weber
Administration/Buildings and Grounds – Mike
Evangelization – Sr. Barbara, Shimkus, RSM
Vigil: 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 and 11:00 a.m.
Weekday Mass Schedule:
Monday - 8:00 a.m. - Communion Service
Tuesday through Friday – 8:00 a.m.
CONFESSIONS: 5:00-5:45 p.m. on
Saturday OR by appointment
St. Michael Thrift Store Hours
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 10 – 12 noon
Corner of 8th Street and Butler Avenue
Notes from the Pastor – November 16, 2014
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
I appreciate all your affirmative comments about last
Sunday’s presentation of the “State of the Parish”. It
was actually a joy to share with you as parishioners all
that you have accomplished by your “Sacrificial
Do you recognize any of these NAMES?
These are some of the names of families who are part of the 125 year LEGACY of St. Michael’s
Parish. Their names can be found on the stained glass windows, pews, altar, crucifix, and other
sacred objects in our Church.
- In 1935 Walter was baptized in St. Michael’s Catholic Church
- In 1944-1953 Walter was an altar boy at St. Michael’s Church
- In 1957 Walter was married at St. Michael’s Church
- In 1960-1982 Walter brought his children to St. Michael’s Church
- Walter gave faithfully every week to the Offertory Collection
- In 2013 Walter left $2.6M in his will to his university (Notre Dame)
- WHY? Because his pastor NEVER asked!
We are quickly approaching Thanksgiving Day – be a grateful steward and give back to the Lord a
gift. Write your check to:
Attention: St. Michael’s Church Legacy 250 Endowment Fund
- Fr. Tom
SERVERS FOR MINISTRIES FOR November 22 and 23, 2014
6:00 PM
Jane Bock/Pat Cook
Altar Servers:
Christy Cook/Bailey Smith
Eucharistic Ministers:
Ginny/Lou Cook
Jane Harte-Sipple
Sara Bart/Dave Ason
Patty Adamcak
8:00 AM
Mary Ellen/Tom Beytagh
Mike Beytagh
Butch/Patricia Lowenthal
Jim Monaghan
Lou Arcangeli/Arnie Seyden
Joe Pasquale
Ginny Murphy/Tom Butler
Mac/Charlie Williams
Maryellen Brennan/Carolyn Williams
Laura O’Hayer
Carl Looper/Larry O’Hayer
Billy Manucy
CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: This collection was founded to end the cycle of
poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help people help themselves. The CCHD continues to
make a positive impact on communities nationwide. Please be generous in this second collection NEXT
WEEKEND, Sun., Nov. 23.
Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Confirmation: 12 sessions; starting first week of Dec. for 2 weeks
and resuming in Jan.-mid-March; curriculum – Decision Point: Confirmation Experience and Loyola Press’
Confirmed in the Spirit. Contact Susan Weber for more information, 912-786-0642 or [email protected].
ANNUAL TYBEE THANKSGIVING SERVICE: Hosted by St. Michael’s, NEXT SUN., Nov. 23 at 6 PM.
OFFERING for Rising Tyde Food Pantry. Reception in the parish center gym. All parishioners are invited. Please
RSVP on the sheets at the entrances of the church. Heavy hors d’oeuvres, desserts, and similar items are needed. Please
note what you can bring for our guests. The Parish is providing the drinks.
ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS: Fall membership drive. The AOH supports the local community by contributing
to local charities. Contact George Beckett for more information, [email protected].
PRAYER ANGELS - The following
families will be remembered in prayer
the week of November 16th:
-Marie and Don McLendon
-Annie Morais
- Peggy and Walter Muller
PRAYER LIST: Nancy Anderson, William
Bramble, Lynn Lynch, Albert Marcantonio,
Annie Morais, Tiffany Riordan, and Bob Wheat.
ALTAR FLOWERS: The altar flowers this
weekend are in memory of Peter Abruzzio,
from his family.
If you would like to donate flowers for an anniversary,
birthday, or memorial, call the Parish Office. Cost: $75.
have these skills and would like to
give the Buildings and Grounds
Committee some valued
assistance, please contact Mike
Beytagh at [email protected].
PARISH NATIVITY PLAY: Saint Michael's parish nativity play will be held on Christmas Eve, 2 PM, in the church. We'd love for your children and grandchildren to be involved. Also, we need a youthful and mature choir of “heavenly hosts”. Please call if you or anyone you know is interested. Practices TBA based on the schedule and needs of the cast. Sue Weber, 786‐0642 or [email protected]. THANKSGIVING ASSISTANCE: If you know of a parish
family that needs a GIFT CARD for assistance with their
meal this holiday season, please contact Sr. Barbara in the
parish office NOW.
WHAT: Discernment
Retreat for Young Men
It takes good information,
prayer, and guidance to
discover your true vocation. Our annual discernment retreat is
designed to help you better understand all vocations and give
you the tools you need to listen to God’s call. Inspiring talks
by priests and seminarians; Mass and Eucharistic Adoration;
one-on-one spiritual direction; time for personal prayer;
discussion with other men who are discerning their vocations
SPEAKER: Fr. Pablo Migone, Diocese of Savannah Vocation
WHERE: Little Ocmulgee State Park & Lodge, 80 Live Oak
Trail, Helena, GA 31037 (south of Dublin, Georgia near
WHEN: Arrive Sat., Dec. 27 between 11:00 AM-Noon; depart
Sun., Dec. 28 at 2:00 PM
REGISTER: or call 912-201-4113
STEWARDSHIP CORNER: Good stewards are like
the industrious and reliable servants in today’s Gospel,
prudently using and multiplying the gifts entrusted to
them by God.
Sacrificial Giving November 9, 2014 Yearly Offertory Budget
Weekly Average Needed
$ 6,126.01
Collected Offertory
Same Time Last Year
$ 5,831.00
$ 5,363.00
Budgeted YTD
Collected YTD
$ 104,142.08
$ 85.368.00
6:00 PM † All Souls
8:00 AM The Parish
11:00 AM † Katchie Groves
Mon. Nov 17 8:00 AM Communion Service
Tues. Nov 18 8:00 AM † Jack Hogan (A)
Weds. Nov 19 8:00 AM † Michael Kitchens (A)
Thurs. Nov 20 8:00 AM † All Souls
Fri. Nov 21
8:00 AM † Dorothy Hosti
Sat. Nov 22
6:00 PM The Parish
Sat. Nov 15
Sun. Nov 16
Sun., Nov. 16 Confirmation Meeting with Pastor 4:30 PM
Church meeting room
Wed., Nov. 19 Music Practice 5:45 PM Church
Thurs., Nov. 20 Parish Council 7 PM Church meeting room
Sun., Nov. 23 Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service 6 PM
Thurs., Nov. 27 Thanksgiving Day Mass 9:00 AM
DEANERY YOUTH: Our next High School Youth
Event is Sun., Nov. 23 from 5-7 PM at
Villa Marie. It is a social event only.
We will have an Oyster Roast with
Hot Dogs and Chili. We've also got a
great new game to play called 9 square. So very fun!
Contact Ginny Murphy at [email protected].
Golden and Silver Wedding Anniversary Mass: The
Diocese will celebrate World Marriage Day
on Feb. 8, 2015 with the Anniversary Mass at
11:30 AM at the Cathedral of St. John the
Baptist. Please notify the parish office if you
are celebrating your 50th or 25th wedding
anniversaries in 2015, and indicate if you were married in
1965 or 1990. Deadline of December 22, 2014.
PARISH OFFICE CLOSED: The office will be
closed Wed. – Fri., Nov. 19-21, next week.
Please note!
Bailey Smith is collecting old cellphones, iPads, iPods,
working or not to raise funds for her
trip as a People to People Ambassador.
The phones will be refurbished if
possible, or will be disposed of using the
appropriate EPA standards so that the
metals and chemicals the phones contain
will not leach into our ground water in the landfills.
Her collection box is at the side church entrance.