Showhunter Waitemata Sunday 7 December 2014
Showhunter Waitemata Sunday 7 December 2014
Showhunter Waitemata Sunday 7 December 2014 (RUN IN CONJUNCTION WITH WAITEMATA SHOW JUMPING MINI CIRCUIT) WOODHILL SANDS, 2 JAMES MACKIE PLACE, WOODHILL, AUCKLAND Programme 7 December 2014 1. RING 2: PONY RING RING 1: HORSE RING & LOW HUNTER Low Hunter – Fence range 70 cm – 90 cm maximum Open to all horses regardless of previous experience. Combinations entering in the Low Hunter classes may only compete in Low Hunter and Introductory classes at that show. A rider or horse may compete in other classes/divisions at the show, however, not as a combination. Start: 8. 30 am - Warm ups $2.00 from 7.30 am - 8.15 am) Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Class Name Height EF $s Gyro Plastics Low Hunter Gyro Plastics Low Hunter Gyro Plastics Low Hunter Open Restricted to those with 30 points or less on their current sticker Open 90cm restricted to those not jumping over 1 m Open 1 m Junior Gyro Plastics Junior High Points Series Amateur Amateur High Points ESNZ SH Series Junior Equitation ESNZ SH Series Adult Equitation ESNZ SH Series Burmester Realty Open Burger King Open 1.10 m Open High Points ESNZ SH Series 70 cm 80 cm 90 cm EF $8 EF $8 EF $8 90 cm EF$10 90 cm EF$10 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1.05 m 1.10 m 1.10 m EF$10 EF$10 EF$12 EF$10 EF$12 EF$12 EF$12 EF$10 EF$10 EF$12 Start: 8. 30 am - Warm ups $2.00 from 7.30 am - 8.15 am) Class Class Name Height EF $s CATEGORY A 16 17 CAT A Welcome Pony Hunter CAT A Open Restricted to those with 30 points or less on their current sticker 60 cm EF $8 60 cm EF $8 18 19 20 CAT A Open CAT A Open CAT A Open High Points ESNZ SH Series 60 cm 70 cm 70 cm EF $8 EF $8 EF$12 CATEGORY B 21 22 CAT B Welcome Pony Hunter CAT B Open Restricted to those with 30 points or less on their current sticker 23 CAT B Open 24 Equitation 12 Years & Under 25 CAT B Open 26 Burger King CAT B High Points Series CATEGORY C 27 CAT C Welcome Pony Hunter 28 CAT C Open Restricted to those with 30 points or less on their current sticker 29 30 31 32 CAT C Open NRM Pony Equitation Series CAT C Open Aniwell CAT C High Points Series TO BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH CONDITIONS OF ENTRY – SUNDAY 7 DECEMBER 2014 & FEE SCHEDULE & PAYMENT DETAILS 70 cm EF $8 70 cm EF $8 70 cm 70 cm 80 cm 80 cm EF $8 EF $8 EF $8 EF$12 80 cm EF $8 80 cm EF $8 80 cm 80 cm 90 cm 90 cm EF $8 EF$12 EF $8 EF$12 Showhunter Waitemata Sunday 7 December 2014 RUN IN CONJUNCTION WITH WAITEMATA SHOW JUMPING MINI CIRCUIT) WOODHILL SANDS, 2 JAMES MACKIE PLACE, WOODHILL, AUCKLAND Conditions of Entry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 All classes are run under ESNZ rules Online entries are encouraged with later closing date of Wednesday 3 December 2014 through see Fees Schedule below for payment details. Late entries for all classes will incur a 25% penalty and changes $2.00 Emailed or postal entries on official entry form close on Monday 1 December 2014. Email entries [email protected] or postal entries should be sent to Louise Blair, 249 Foster Road, RD1, Kumeu. Cheques are payable to: Show Hunter Waitemata Yards/Camping available. Yards $25 per horse/pony (Bedding Provided), Covered Yards $45 per horse/pony (Bedding Provided), Camping $20 per truck. Earliest arrival time is 12 noon the day before unless by prior arrangements with Woodhill Sands Ground Fee and Administration Fee $25 per horse and must be included with entry (Woodhill Sands Ground & Admin Fee $20, SH Waitemata Admin Fee $5 including First Aid) Warm-ups – name must be on whiteboard half an hour prior to the starting time. Pay at the gate. Restricted classes – open to those horses/ponies with 30 points or less on their ESNZ sticker LOW HUNTER –A recognised (registered division) – Fence Range 70 cm – 90 cm maximum. Open to all horses regardless of previous experience. Combinations entering in the Low Hunter classes may only compete in Low Hunter and Introductory classes at that show. A rider or horse may compete in other classes/divisions at the show, however, not as a combination. Riders require Full Annual Membership $60.00 (free first year membership for any new full members), ESNZ Equine Casual Registration $5.00 per show or ESNZ Equine Annual Registration $65; plus Jumping/Show Hunter Discipline Flexi-Start $10.00 per day or Jumping/Show Hunter Discipline Annual Start (horse $85/pony $55); plus Jumping/Show Hunter Discipline Levy $5.00 per horse/pony per show 8 Scratchings received up until day prior to show will be refunded less 25%. Scratchings during show should be accompanied by a medical or veterinary certificate for refund. Ground/Administration and Yard Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Phone: 09 412 8645 or email: [email protected] . 9 Junior, Amateur, Adult classes – For complete age and eligibility definition see SH rules on ESNZ website. 10 Ponies – may only enter one category (except Equitation). Pony High Points – ponies may only enter the correct height related category. Cat A 133 cm & under, Cat B over 133 cm & up to 143 cm, Cat C over 143 and up to & including 148cm. 11 One mount only in Equitation classes. NRM Pony Equitation class open to any aged pony rider, however riders may not enter Class ‘Equitation 12yrs and under’. Showhunter Waitemata Sunday 7 December 2014 12 All registered classes will receive prize money/product/vouchers at the following ratio: 1 st: 3 entries, 2nd 4-7, 3rd 8-10, 4th 10-12 entries, thereafter 1:7 entries. Prize Money/Product/Vouchers for classes based on Entry Fee Entry 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Fee Place Place Place Place 13 14 15 16 17 18 EF$8 $20 $16 $12 $8 EF$10 $30 $20 $15 $10 EF$12 $40 $30 $20 $15 st SUMMER SERIES: Series Prize 1 Place will be awarded a rug for the most points accumulated for horses and ponies competing in recognized classes – not including equitation classes. Sashes will be awarded to 2nd – 4th pace. The series show dates are 7 December 2014, 10 & 11 January 2015, 31 January & 1 February 2015. LOW HUNTER SERIES: Sashes will be awarded for the most points accumulated in Low Hunter horse classes. Series dates as above. Tara Groenstein Memorial Trophy awarded for Amateurs from points gained from specific classes held Auckland November show and Waikato February Show. The organising committee reserves the right to alter or cancel classes as they see fit and to limit classes if necessary ESNZ Membership & Levy Structure for Jumping & Showhunter – The easy to follow flowchart of the Membership & Levy Structure is displayed on the last page. Sorry – no dogs by order of Woodhill Sands FEES SCHEDULE & PAYMENT DETAILS Ground & Administration Fee Woodhill Sands (Compulsory) $20.00 per Horse/Pony Administration Fee including First Aid SH Waitemata (Compulsory) $5.00 per Horse/Pony Discipline SJ/SH Levy (Compulsory) $5.00 per show, Per Horse/Pony Class Entry Fees (Compulsory) as per 7 December Schedule Warmup Fee $2.00 per Horse/Pony ESNZ Casual Registration (if Horse/Pony does not have Annual Registration) $5.00 per Show, per Horse/Pony Flexi-Start Fee – Discipline Fee for Horses & Ponies not registered for SJ/SH (Important Note: You cannot compete in Series Classes or gain HOY Qualifying points using a Flexi-Start Fee) $10.00 (Flexi Start) Per Day, per Horse/Pony Riders – All riders must be Full Annual Members (first year membership free) There are no Introductory Classes at this show Entry Fees for Classes As advertised on Programme 7 December 2014 Yard Cost $25.00 Per Horse/Pony (Bedding Provided) Covered Yard $45.00 Per Horse/Pony (Bedding Provided) Camping $20.00 per Truck Payments can be made electronically or by cheque Payments must be received by the Online closing date If you need help with this contact Louise 021 722 448 AC Number 01-0141-0004523-01 (Show Hunter Waitemata) Showhunter Waitemata Sunday 7 December 2014