SCHOLS NEWS St Scholastica’s College, 4 Avenue Rd, Glebe Point 2037 [email protected] College Phone: 9660 2622 Ranier Uniforms 9552 2870 To respond to an email re lateness or to advise absences—[email protected] TERM 4 ISSUE 3 14 NOVEMBER 2014 TERM DATES 2015 ARE ON OUR WEBSITE UNDER ‘CALENDAR’ CALENDAR TERM 4 Tuesday 18 November Speech Night, Sydney Town Hall, 7pm Friday 21 November P & F Christmas Drinks/Raffle Draw at Harold Park Hotel Monday 24 November Yr 10 Leadership Day Tuesday 25 November Yr 10 Swim Testing Wed.-Fri.26-28 Nov. Year 10 Camp 28-30 November Good Samaritan Weekend Sunday 30 November Christmas Soiree, 2pm, DT Monday 1 December Picnic Day Yrs 7,8,9,11 Mon.-Tues. 1-2 Dec. Yr 10 Transition to Yr 11 Wednesday 3 Dec. Yr 10 Reflection Day Yr 9 Music Soiree, 6.15pm TFC Thursday 4 December Yr 10 Mass & Lunch; Social Night Friday 5 December Advent Liturgy; final day students Monday 8 December Staff Day Tuesday 9 December Staff Day Thursday 29 January Classes commence for 2015 all years See Calendar for term dates for 2015 PARENTS & FRIENDS NEWS—PLEASE GO TO LAST PAGE CHRISTMAS RAFFLE DRAWN 21 NOVEMBER PLEASE RETURN RAFFLE TICKETS THIS MONDAY AS THE END OF YEAR APPROACHES PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE STILL NEED SECOND HAND UNIFORMS. St Scholastica's College was represented at the Installation of Anthony Fisher as the Ninth Archbishop of Sydney, at a packed St Mary's Cathedral, by Year 12 students Louise Buckley and Bridget Dunoon, and Ms Alice Priest, Chaplain. The ceremony, in several parts, was a ritual rich and resplendent in tradition whilst reflective of a number of more contemporary sensitivities, and forward looking in spirit. Aboriginal elders, many Christian leaders, leaders of Orthodox, Jewish and Muslim faiths, as well as many political and civil leaders were warmly welcomed and welcoming of Archbishop Fisher's appointment. Taking the motto of "Speaking the Truth in Love" and committing himself to, like Jesus, "serve and not to be served", the new Archbishop humbly embraced his new role in the Church and the challenges he faces in improving many aspects of its present profile in the wider community. Ms Alice Priest, Chaplain [email protected] Gulls revelling at the recent opening of the Glebe Foreshore Extension! Don’t miss the fun at the famous Glebe Street Fair on Sunday 16 November 10am-5pm Fabulous food, stalls, kids' rides, entertainment and much, much more! YEAR 7 PARENTS PLEASE NOTE Our annual Speech Night and Awards Presentation will be held on Tuesday 18th November at the Sydney Town Hall. Year 7 are expected to be at the Town Hall at 6.30pm. A note with all the details has been sent home. Please check that your daughter has given you this. Please note that School will commence at a later time on Wednesday 19th November. The girls are expected to be at school by 11.25am ready for homeroom. There will be minimal supervision prior to this time. Run by the Glebe Chamber of Commerce. Marcia da Costa, Year 7 Guidance Co-ordinator [email protected] FROM THE PRINCIPAL A special thank you to those parents who joined us on Thursday 30 October to meet our new Principal, Mrs Kate Rayment. It was a good opportunity for Kate to spend a little time with the parents before the hectic start of 2015. I know that our P&F will continue the tradition of working with the College to put in place ways that each family can have the opportunity to be a part of such a rich and vibrant community. On Friday 7 November I had the strange sensation of welcoming our new Year 7’s for 2015, knowing for the first time that I would not see these little girls grow and mature into the graduation class of 2020. However we were able to have a Skype connection with Mrs Rayment (at her school in Tamworth) who welcomed the new parents to the College knowing that she will be there for the journey of these new students. This opens a new and exciting phase in the history of the College. On Saturday we had our final boarding family mass and dinner for the year. There was an impressive attendance with existing and new parents and a number of the sisters joining us for the mass. The staff and families honoured me with a special blessing to carry me forward into the next chapter of my life. We gathered afterward on the artificial grass where we enjoyed a delicious BBQ prepared by the dads, accompanied by a selection of salads from the kitchen. My thanks to each and every student and parent for this last but very special liturgy and meal and to Ms Priest and Ms Barnett for organising the event. Last week the prestigious Sydney Peace Prize was presented to Julian Burnside “for his brave and principled advocacy for human rights and for those wronged by government, for insisting that we respect our international legal obligations toward those seeking asylum, and for his unflinching defence of the rule of law as a means to achieve a more peaceful just society”. Julian gave a powerful and compelling address to the gathered assembly at the Town Hall which included Dame Marie Bashir, Belinda Hutchinson (Chancellor of Sydney University), David Hirsch and Jane Singleton who are members of the Advisory Committee. Julian talked with passion and conviction on the plight of refugees in Australia. Much of his recent work has been pro bono advocacy for refugees. He has set up an organisation, “Spare rooms and spare lawyers for refugees”. Above all he talked about how peace cannot be had without justice and this means that all who come to Australia regardless of class, creed, colour, or circumstance deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and equity. Boat people have been demonised by the media and the government. The infamous Tampa incident, which coincidentally occurred around the time of 9/11, fuelled the fires of demonization of Muslims and “Boat People”. TERM 4 ISSUE 3 15 NOVEMBER 2014 The two disasters encouraged a fear campaign against Muslims and those who come across the seas escaping persecution and even death. This campaign has continued until today. Thus refugees are transported to offshore facilities where they exist in appalling conditions. Refugees also have human rights and we are the only developed country in the world not to have a Bill of Rights. The treatment of refugees in general is both inhumane and unjust and Julian pleaded with his audience not to collaborate with those who inflict such dreadful torture and harm on those who come seeking asylum. Knowing as he does many of the refugees personally, the telling of individual stories was powerful : all medications and medical necessities like glasses are confiscated when the people arrive at the camp which creates problems in itself. We heard the story of the Iranian woman who was denied incontinence pads because the camps don’t have a supply of them! She refused to leave her cell because she was incontinent and it took several months plus the pleading of a female doctor to have these provided. Hussein is an Iraqi who had been kept in solitary confinement in prison in Iraq and suffered water electrocution. On arrival at the camp his mental state was such that he was self harming and instead of giving him support he was put in solitary confinement where his disintegration was complete. By the time Mr Burnside saw him he had 10 metres of scarring on his body. The irony of all this is that the refugees are in fact fleeing the same extremists that we are fighting in the Middle East and Syria. It is worth remembering that the first and most numerous influx of refugees took place in 1788 with the first fleet. The way we treat refugees today shows the character of the country and unfortunately we are perceived as being cruel and selfish by many other nations. So like Julian Burnside and in the words of Saint Benedict, “Let a just and equitable Peace be our quest and aim,” here at the College and in Australian society. Details of the Peace Prize can be found on: Continued over page Continued from previous page Congratulations to Mr Matt Esterman who last week was presented with the Dr Alan Laughlin Award by the Australian College of Educators for his outstanding contribution to improving the quality of teaching through his own subject History and his development of eLearning. In addition he was further recognised for his leadership and expertise in founding the TeachMeet concept in Australia. I know that students, staff and parents will join with me in congratulating Matt on his fine work. He has been a great innovator and leader here at Schols in developing the use of ICT in the classroom ensuring that both staff and students are able to use and access learning for the 21st century. PARENTS/CARERS OF CURRENT YEAR 8 & 9 STUDENTS St Scholastica’s College will be opening up the BYOD (Bring your own device) program to your daughters in 2015. This means that all students in Years 9 -12 next year will be allowed to bring an alternate device that meets the College Device Recommendations which can be found on our website on the Campus Facilities \ Information Technology page. Please read the “BYOD Information” document carefully to make sure that the Device Technical requirements are met, as the College wireless network will be going through some changes for 2016 that will cause devices not meeting these recommendations to stop working. The document also provides information about software provided by the College and software which is required to be installed by the Student before using it at the College. Devices must have an appropriate Antivirus application installed before it will be allowed to access the College network, this is to protect their computer, college systems and all other students from possible infections. As your daughter chooses elective courses and cocurricular activities, she will need to make choices about the appropriate device she intends to use to best approach her learning. Matt with his mother, sister and wife with the Alan Laughlin Award. Congratulations also to Ms Lara Tulevski who will be taking the role of Head of the TAS Department in 2015 due to Mrs Jenny Malouf’s impending retirement after 18 years of service at the College. We acknowledge with gratitude Mrs Malouf’s commitment to her students and colleagues and her contribution to the Department and to the College generally over that period of service. Congratulations also to Mr Keith Smith who will be taking the role of Head of HSIE (History) due to Ms Jen Petschler’s appointment to the role of Assistant Principal – Pastoral Care in the new year. I look forward to catching up with you all at Speech Night for the last time as a school community. It is always a wonderful night of celebration. Sister Clare Condon, Superior of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, will be the guest speaker on the evening and like all of you I look forward to her address. Last and certainly not least, warm congratulations to Ms Lauren McFadden, our Aboriginal Support Tutor who graduated recently with her teaching degree from Sydney University. Lauren does very important work at the College and we are delighted to have her as part of our learning community. When joining the BYOD program students will need to first fill out the “Device registration” form under the Campus Facilities \ Information Technology page so the process to on-board their device can begin and access the school wireless network. Students can continue to use their current Toshiba notebook if in working condition up until the end of 2015, these devices will not function on the College network in 2016. All Toshiba notebooks at this stage will be out of warranty and support by Toshiba. If you wish to know more or seek further answers regarding either Technical or Learning Environment, please email us a DLE @ Kind Regards Digital Learning Environment Team St Scholastica’s College Glebe Congratulations to Year 12 2014 student Isabella Brown who has been shortlisted for the Lionel Bowen Young Writers’ Award 2014 in the Yr 10—12 Prose section. The ceremony will be held at UNSW on 26 November and the competition is sponsored by UNSW, Randwick City Library and Juvenilia Press. Interested in reading The Good Oil, the free, monthly e-magazine of the Good Samaritan Sisters? The Good Oil aims to nourish the spirit, stimulate thinking and encourage reflection and dialogue about issues of the day from a Christian, Catholic, Good Samaritan perspective. Visit to read it online or to subscribe. ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL—PASTORAL CARE Notifications for Speech Night and Picnic Day Assembly Awards Please read the two links to our website (News & Events— Current News—Skoolbag—News) regarding Speech Night on 18th November and Picnic Day on 1st December as it is important that the girls attend both events. We highlight to you the change of day for Picnic Day from Friday 28 th November to Monday 1st December. Speech Night will be both a celebration of the girls’ achievements and also a farewell to Ms Richardson, with Sr. Clare Condon sgs speaking to us of the contribution Loretto has made to St Scholastica’s over the past 25 years. Picnic Day has been changed to Monday 1 st December to allow the opportunity for a Christmas concert by Christine Anu. The girls will spend the morning in house and year activities, celebrate lunch with their friends and attend the concert in the afternoon. A bumper list of students were given Principal Awards this week at assembly: Talking about Substance Abuse A recent Generation Next Newsletter explored the difficult conversations we need to have as parents with our children about drug use. This has certainly been highlighted recently with the death of a Sydney teenager at a concert on the weekend from recreational drug use. ‘Around the time they enter high school your children will be going through lots of changes and this is a time when many are tempted to try drugs for the first time. Your support has never been more important than now and discussions you have now about substance abuse should concentrate on the immediate impact drug taking can have on factors such as their appearance, emotions, school work and social life, as this keeps it highly relevant to them. By Year 10 a teen may have turned down drugs plenty of times already, but it doesn’t hurt to keep on talking to your kids about their dangers. Again, keeping the conversation pertinent to their life is essential, so you may want to focus on how substance misuse could impact on their further studies or future career. It is also useful to remember that praising achievements and healthy choices when at high school can help teens to make positive choices and stay clean from drugs (Generation Next Newsletter).’ I would encourage parents to discuss the dangers of recreational drug use and the impact drugs might have on their health and future. Discussing strategies about how to deal with an incident involving their friends’ possible misuse of drugs and what appropriate response they could make to keep them safe is an important discussion to have. Big Sister Program ‘I just wanted to let you know it would be awesome if I could be involved with the big sister program. I'm pretty sure I didn't write my name on the list but that's because I was helping a friend who felt unwell, get to the office. I would love to be a big sister because not only do I want to help these girls but I want to make some new friends myself and I want to be able to get a new perspective that I think being a big sister can give me.’ This response was one of several positive reflections on the Big Sister training that many Year 10s underwent this week. The girls were given some peer support training and an opportunity to plan an activity group they would like to be part of in 2015. These activity groups are one way in which we can engage students in Year 7 and 8 in positive interactions with their peers led by the older students. Year 7 Jada Abboud, Emily Andersen, Charlotte Crouch, Keely Doherty, Tollie Donnelly-Cook, Holly Gatt, Sabine Hattersley, Marlie Howley, Stephanie Kapsimalis, Natasha Kbilkam, Maddie Kemp, Juliette Kirk, Dylan-Rose Martinez, Olivia Moreira, Harriet Pidcock, Isobel Richardson, Joy Van Der Meer Year 8 Feja Ahmed, Sophie Allum, Ashleigh Antoun, Tess Armstrong, Tess Atutahi, Allirah Bell, Arisa Brassil, Naasha Bray, Sahej Chaudhary, Raphaella Coinoglou-Smith, Jett Eckford, Lucia Fardell-Meijer, Kara Farnham, Ella FitzpatrickBarr, Lucinda Fowler, Tasmin Fowler, Tasmin Goldsmith, Mia Hayward, Bessy He, Grace Heesh, Elaine Huang, Finola Kelly, Anna Kerrigan, Prisci Kyei, Ruby Langsworth, Sylvia Li, Tia Ngo Nguyen, Vanessa Nguyen, Maddy Nicholls, Francesca O’Grady, Caitlin O’Keeffe-White, Bella Porter, Natalia Rojas, Isabella Sousa, Izzy Shannon, Lily Sherringham, Alexandra Viegas, Freja Warner Van Dijk, Molly Weston Year 9 Ralea Anagnostopoulos x 2, Bella Astley x 3, Avery Taylor x 3, Jessica Bacolod x 4, Luca Bedding x 3, Gemma Bolton x 3, Polina Bonch-Osmolovskaya x 2, Harriet Campbell, Meg Cooke, Paris Davies x 3, Chiara Eussen x 2, Francesca Fabbro x 2, Maddie Farquhar x 2, Kirsten Faulkner, Anureen Fernandez x 4, Gabby Geronimo x 3, Grace Gibbs x 2, India Hennah-Wood x 3, Dawn Hernandez x 2, Amy Hobbs x 5, Annika Karskens x 2, Petrice Katehos x 2, Clare Kirton x 3, Nicola Kyriakoulis, Miranda Laws, Manon Lee, Janelle Leong x 2, Leona Liui x 2, Erin Machin-Hunt, Sinead Maloney x 3, Nicela Martincic x 3, Morgan McCormack, Clare Morris x 2, Zoe Murrell x 3, Sarina Nadile x 2, Natalia Ng x 2, Tiffany Ng, Aoife Nugent x 3, Claire O’Mahony, Alethea O’Neill x 4, Ciara O’Neill, Ruby Pedder x 3, Charlotte Platts, Bonnie Potra x 4, Georgina Rose x 2, Eliza Rubin, Aloysia Serrao x 2, Christine Shon x 2, Tahlia Smare, Emma Smith x 4, Madelyn Smith x 4, Emily Snare, Angela Tong, Paris Trapalis x 2, Juno Tsalis, Lily Van Den Heever x 2, Victoria Willows x 4 Year 10 Francesca Atkins-Go, Angie Barr, Lingai Cai, Victoria Chronarakis, Amy Cronin x 2, Eliza Deitch, Lauren Dreis, Laura Hart x 2, Eri Karamanos, Morag Kelly, Amanda Kyei, Connie Ladas, Sarah Mayer, Sheleeka McKenzie, Martina Nicolaou, Maddie Searle x 3, Poppy Southern, Allegra Styles x 2, Margaret Szakall, Isabella Tang, Natasha Tran x 3, Elizabeth Uyeda, Clare Whelan, Niamh Wright x 2, Jaz Yap, Rebekah Zaloumes Year 11 Chloe Amaro, Maddison Pollard x 2 Silver Doves were awarded to: Grace Heesh, Year 8 Grace Gibbs, Year 9 Amy Hobbs, Year 9 Georgia Lundie, Year 10 Congratulations to the many award winners. Elizabeth Carnegie Assistant Principal – Pastoral Care [email protected] ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL—TEACHING AND LEARNING HSC RESULTS At the printing of this newsletter year 12 have finished their last HSC exam and are planning the next phase of their life. We had approximately 130 students sit exams in 33 different subjects. These students will be eagerly awaiting their results which will be available from 6.00am online through students online or by sms on December 17. If any student has any questions regarding their results please check the Board of studies website at http:// or contact the College. BALMAIN UNDER THE MICROSCOPE HOMEWORK CLUB Please note as the year winds down the Homework club has now closed for 2014. It will restart early in term 1 2015 and notifications will be sent out to all students. Many thanks to the Tutors who have worked tirelessly with your daughters and also to your daughters for the mature way they have engaged with the club. The College is happy to support the education of the girls by once again providing Homework club in 2015. HOW CAN I SUPPORT MY DAUGHTER’S LEARNING? Increasingly in today’s society students face many challenges to achieve their best at times and there are many reasons why students do not meet their goals. The role of educating students is a two way process between the parents and the school with the parents’ role as the prime educator. In order to maximise the opportunity for your daughter to achieve her best, if you have any information the College needs which may help your daughter in achieving her goals and overcome challenges please forward this to Ms Bradd , Mr Eussen or the Guidance Coordinator. This might be in the form of medical testing which includes recommendations for overcoming challenges and allows the College to organise special provisions for your daughter. TECHNOLOGY IN 2015: BYOD PROGRAM ETC. The College’s expectations for Years 7—12 for the Digital Learning Environment in 2015 are detailed on our Information Technology Page on the College website and were included also in the last newsletter. If after reading this information you have further questions, please contact [email protected] SCHOLSFEST The second annual ScholsFest film festival was recently held at the College. Wow - what a result - where those who attended the outdoor cinema saw fantastic filmmaking from our own students on display. The finalists included Pippa Casey with a beautiful landscape driven film called The Beach, Ella Coinoglou-Smith and Claire O’Mahony’s “St Scholastica’s Day”, Claudia Carroll, Victoria Baraliakos, Amy Nelson, Lily Rodgers and Charlotte Mason’s "We are One" - a poignant movie on inclusiveness and homophobia, India Lily Seeger and her value driven "Day in the life of a Schols girl", Ellie Kettels and Maddie Clark looking at stewardship in "Excape" and Susie Dodds’ "Animated Schols Girl", a humorous look at how to get into St Scholastica’s College. Overall the standard was extremely high and as such the judges had a difficult time choosing. The People’s Choice award was awarded to Pippa Casey and the overall Winners were Ella Coinoglou-Smith and Claire O’Mahony with “St Scholastica’s Day”. Many thanks to the P&F for donating prizes and trophies for the winners and we look forward to the 2015 ScholsFest, so start pondering your entries now. CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION ABOUT SPEECH NIGHT Adrian Eussen Assistant Principal – Teaching and Learning [email protected] On the morning of the 21st of October 2014, three geography classes embarked on an enriching and educational journey to Balmain. The day consisted of researching, taking photos and sketching, walking, eating great food and surveying the friendly citizens of Balmain. Many of the people surveyed contributed to our understanding of the life, community and changes that have made Balmain what it is today. We completed work booklets about the gentrification process that took place in Balmain, this work broadened our knowledge of Australian Geography that relates to us and our surroundings. The field work we conducted will help us complete a portfolio about Balmain and the developments that have taken place to shape Balmain in 2014. As one of the citizens that we surveyed so wisely put it, “Balmain is the insular on the peninsula with a deep heart and soul”. Clare Morris and Nicela Martincic (9.1) TEACHING AND LEARNING—VISUAL ARTS NEWS At this week’s assembly I had the pleasure of presenting several awards to students who have been recognised for their artmaking talents in a number of visual arts competitions. The creativity and skills of our students and their willingness to be involved in artmaking projects both at school and in the wider community are very impressive and I congratulate all the girls who have involved themselves in these extracurricular activities. Juno Tsalis and Jodie Sim received their certificates for their winning artworks in the Inspire Competition run by the Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick and Laine Thebridge collected her certificate for being selected as a finalist in the Silk Cut Award competition. Bianca Jurukovski, Legacy And, we’ve just had our 2014 Scholarchie Prize competition. Ms Richardson was the sitter for our first Scholarchie Prize in 2002. As this year is Ms Richardson’s last year as principal of St Scholastica’s College, it seemed only right that she should be our sitter again. We had a range of entries from students in years 7 to 12. There were drawings, a linocut, an embroidery, a collage and several paintings and the works ranged from the witty and whimsical to the profound and symbolic. All the works were produced with sincerity and love as evidenced in some of the artist statements: Freya Mulhall said My work shows how Ms Richardson cares and looks over all of us at St Scholastica’s. Michelle Dang, Twenty-Five Hayley Cumming chose to do an embroidery because ... Embroidery is a labour of love, a detailed, lengthy, loving process representative of Ms Richardson’s approach to leading the school. Isabella Irwin Bacon wanted to capture Ms Richardson as a compassionate leader and champion of social justice. Razelle Zabala Ms Richardson inspires me in many ways with her delightful smile and humility. For this reason I decided to enter this competition. I don’t expect to win but I feel grateful and honoured to have entered and only hope that this will please Ms Richardson. St Lingnai Cai, Spirit of Scholastica’s Each work was very special and meaningful so choosing winners was very difficult and all the entrants are to be commended for their efforts. Well done to the following girls: Manon Lee & Lingnai Cai’s works were Highly Commended. The runner up for this year’s competition for her lovely work ‘Richardson’s Field’ is Marley Sheridan. The People’s Choice award went to Bianca Jurukovski for her hand decorated linocut ‘Legacy’. The Winner of this year’s Scholarchie prize, very fittingly painted by a 2014 year 12 student who, like Ms Richardson, is finishing her time at St Scholastica’s this year and who titled her work simply ‘Twenty Five’ is Michelle Dang. Congratulations to all our wonderful artists! Manon Lee, Looking forward Ms Vicki Armstrong Visual Arts Coordinator [email protected] Marley Sheridan, Richardson’s Field Term 4 has been an exciting and productive time for the Environment Council. With the key focus for the term being recycling, the Environment Council leader Phoebe Bognar, together with her dedicated and passionate team have managed to : Establish a major education program across the school to improve the quantity and quality of material being recycled Worked with City of Sydney Council to provide four new bins for recycling other than paper, e.g. plastics 1-6, aluminium cans, steel tins, glass. Be one of ten schools across the state to be offered the opportunity by BINGO Waste Services to receive a skip and have a waste audit completed on the skip contents. The waste will then be analysed to determine how much of each component could be recycled. The aim is to educate us all about our waste, to reduce landfill for the future. Coordinate a whole school waste audit for the future. With 54% of all waste in NSW being recycled at present, we still have a fair way to go to achieve a zero waste free future. With current developments in science, it is not an impossible task to achieve. Ms Robyn Julian Assistant Science Coordinator [email protected] Seems Like Only Yesterday… Do you know someone who left Schols 10 years ago? Class members & teachers are invited to celebrate the 10 Year Reunion of the St. Scholastica’s College Class of 2004 Saturday, 22 November 2014 Marble Bar Level B1 Hilton Sydney Hotel 488 George Street, Sydney From 6:30pm till late Entry is free RSVP: Friday, 14 November 2014 Contact: Katrina Fuller P: 0448 317 857 or E: [email protected] Note: Please inform any other classmates or teachers of our reunion. However, RSVPs are essential. Please make your way to the private section of the venue which has been set aside for our reunion. Food ($9 - $24) and drinks ($6.50+) will be available for your purchase at the bar. YEAR 10 END OF YEAR EVENTS The coming weeks for Year 10 are filled with many interesting and varied activities for the girls. All activities are COMPULSORY. A detailed calendar of events has been sent home, however, I have included a summary for your reference below: Thursday 20th Nov ½ cohort will participate in the Big Sister program & Sydney University visit ½ cohort will visit Nan Tien Temple Wollongong CGSSSA WATER POLO TEAMS Junior Water Polo team above and Senior team at right. Friday 21st Nov Luna Park Science excursion Monday 24th Nov YLEAD leadership program–all day TFC Tuesday 25th Nov Swim Testing – Drummoyne Pool Wed 26th Nov - Fri 28th Nov CAMP Mon 1st Dec Year 11 Transition Program AM / Concert PM nd Tues 2 Dec Year 11 Transition Program SPORTS NEWS Congratulations to Ms Sharrock and to both the Senior and Junior CGSSSA Water Polo teams who competed recently at Homebush. Both teams had a tough draw but it was nice to see a couple of wins. Both teams demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship throughout the tournament, well done! Jodie Osborne Sports Co-ordinator [email protected] Wed 3rd Dec REFLECTION DAY Thurs 4th Dec End of Year MASS and Luncheon (last day for year 10) Year 10 SOCIAL 6.30pm – 10.30pm Notes have been sent home outlining the details for each event. Permission slips/medical information for camp is due back on Friday 14th November to Homeroom teachers. Year 10 parents/guardians are invited to attend the End of Year Mass, we ask that you return the slip to indicate how many family members will be attending by this Friday as well. If you have any questions relating to the above schedule, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College. Vicki Spaulding Yr 10 Guidance Coordinator [email protected] Learning an instrument or joining a Music Ensemble in 2015 ? 2015 enrolment is now open! You can get information and register on line for tuition and ensemble— just go to the music page. Limited instrumental tuition scholarships will be offered to students in current Year 7 who wish to pick up one of the following instruments from next year: violin, viola, trumpet & French horn. Please contact Ms Miao via [email protected] for an application form. Ms Cindy Miao Music Coordinator [email protected] WOMEN’S COURSE Refresh your skills and build the confidence to apply for the job you pursue further make a change! Certificate II Skills for Work & Training for Women includes a Work Experience Program, Computing, Communication, Workplace Writing, Interview Skills and more. Classes are within school hours for 14 weeks in a friendly, supportive environment. Childcare may be available on campus. Close to Central train station. Student discounted parking nearby. Course commences: 16 th February 2015 Information session: Wednesday 26th November 2014 at 10:00am Ultimo TAFE, Room D6.26, Building D, Level 6, Harris Street Enquiries: Anna Petrou OR Sylvia Nichols Phone: 9217 3724 OR 9217 3718 Email: [email protected] OR [email protected] CAREERS NEWS UNIVERSITIES PRIVATE COLLEGES UNSW: Scientia Challenge Years 7 – 10 Applications close Sun 30th November Tue 20th January – Thu 22nd January, UNSW Kensington The Scientia Challenge Program is designed for gifted and talented high school students in Years 7-10. The program features a range of workshops taught over three days. The courses are developed and presented by academics at the University of New South Wales. Sydney Dance Holiday Workshops Each school holidays, classes are offered in a variety of dance styles to students aged from 8 – 18 years, taught by leading industry professionals. Bookings are now open for workshops during the summer school holidays. Sydney Institute of Business and Technology Sydney Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT) is a direct pathway to a Macquarie University degree. SIBT is part of the global Navitas Group, an internationally recognised education provider. As a tertiary college working in collaboration with Macquarie University, SIBT eases the transition from high school to university level studies, offering a variety of foundation and undergraduate courses. Australian Catholic University: 2014 Year 10 and 11 Course Guide This course guide provides information that can help Year 10 and 11 students when they’re choosing their final subjects in high school. pdf_file/0010/566371/ FINAL_STR1559_Year_10_and_11_Guide.pdf Coco Republic Design School: 2015 On-Campus Courses Coco Republic Design School has a number interior design courses available in 2015. College of Event Management Information Session Fri 28th November, 6.30pm, Level 9, 28 Foveaux Street Surry Hills Speak to lecturers and staff to learn about the course and exciting career opportunities available after graduation. Contact: 1300 725 846 or mailto:[email protected] information-sessions Australian Institute of Music: High School Information Evening Tue 18th November, 6.30pm – 8.30pm, 1-55 Foveaux St, Surry Hills Find out all there is to know about studying Year 11 and/ or Year 12 at the Australian Institute of Music. OTHER NEWS The University of Notre Dame Course Information Days Sydney: Tue 6th January 2014, 9.00am – 3.00pm, 104 Broadway, Broadway Students who are still unsure about university study in 2015 may attend a Course Information Day and have all their questions answered by academic staff. Contact: 02 8204 4404 or [email protected] The University of Notre Dame Twilight Tours and Information Evening Tue 18th – Thu 20th November, 5.00pm – 7.00pm, Admissions and Prospective Students Office, Broadway The Prospective Students Office will be open and available to help prospective students with any questions they may have regarding tertiary study options, admissions information and campus tours. ACU Change of Preference Information Sessions: Strathfield and North Sydney An opportunity for students to enquire about their study options after receiving their ATAR. important_dates Australian Defence Force Information Sessions Parramatta Women in Defence: Wed 3rd December, 6.00pm, 9 George Street events Board of Studies: Enhancements to 2014 HSC Credentials Students eligible for the HSC will receive their 2014 HSC credentials as PDFs to assist them to provide employers and further education institutions with their results. PDFs can be downloaded from Students Online on Wed 7th January 2015. index.cfm/2014/10/31/Enhancements-to-2014-HSCcredentials Board of Studies: Schools Online Open for 2015 HSC Student Entries As part of the entry process, students must read and sign a hard copy of their Confirmation of Entry by Friday 13th of March 2015. index.cfm/2014/10/31/Schools-Online-open-for-2015HSC-student-entries Continued over page Cont. from previous page Camp Counsellors USA 2015: Application Launch and Information Sessions Sydney: Wed 19th November, 6.30pm – 7.30pm, CCUSA Head Office, Level 8, Suite 811, 301 George St 2015 CCUSA Camp Counselors USA applications are now open. Those interested are invited to attend an information session where details about the program will be revealed. Any questions call 1300 859 040 or email [email protected] Antipodeans Abroad Information Session GapBreak Information Night: Wed 26th November, 6.30pm – 7.30pm, SYDNEY: 303a / 282 Victoria Ave Chatswood Get specific information and learn about projects that you may be interested in. AFS Intercultural Programs: Online Information Sessions Sydney: Tue 11th November, 6.00pm Sydney: Tue 17th February, 6.00pm AFS is a global volunteer organisation that arranges student exchanges to another country. app_416040218433879?ref=page_internal Joanne Cousins Careers Counsellor/VET Coordinator [email protected] PARENTS & FRIENDS NEWS Christmas Raffle Please return tickets with your money in an envelope to the P & F mailbox at the Front Office. To be drawn on Friday 21 November at the Harold Park Hotel. All funds raised to support the Drama Department. Keep the date free P&F End of Year/Christmas Drinks Friday 21 November at the Harold Park Hotel See below left for details. Teachers’ Thank You Morning Tea Monday 24 November 11am, Teachers’ Lunch Room Each November it is the pleasure of the P and F to organise a “thank you” morning tea for the teachers and College staff who together provide such a wonderful school experience for our daughters. Janelle Buckley is coordinating the event but any assistance you could offer on this occasion would be most welcome. You can reply to the P&F mailbox—[email protected] If you are able to offer either food or to help with serving. Estee Lauder Corporate Store Christmas Shopping Event Just click on the link above to find out how to book! Thursday 27th November 2014 and Tuesday 2nd December 2014 Estee Lauder is very kindly opening their corporate store to us for a special Christmas shopping event. Our Mother’s Day event was so popular we are holding the Christmas events over two nights. For these nights only, ticket holders will have the opportunity to purchase at staff prices 60% off retail. Brands include Estee Lauder, Clinique, Bobbi Brown, DKNY, Aveda and of course MAC just to name a few. Bring your friends and family. Stock up for Christmas. Tickets will be $10 per adult and $5 for girls aged 13-18. 100% of the sale of all tickets will be donated to the school. In addition, for every transaction over $200 Estee Lauder will give a gift to the school. Doors open at 4.30pm & close at 8.00pm sharp Offsite Parking only before 5.30pm On-site parking in spaces available from 5.30pm to 8pm Tickets are limited for each night so be quick to book your tickets for your chosen night online by logging on to http:// Looking forward to seeing you at the Sydney Town Hall next Tuesday and then either at the Harold Park Hotel next Friday evening (see left), or the special morning tea for teachers on Monday 24 February. Not to mention the Estee Lauder Shopping gigs on 27 November or 2nd December! Charles Bailey, P & F President [email protected] [email protected]
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